romanogers one shots

By idkdnflol

24.6K 278 50

basically just a bunch of short stories with different examples of how the team found out about steve and nat... More

pool day
someone is going to die tonight
i thought you hated cuddles
type - steves pov
i really thought rogers would be the sappy one
crush - nats pov
its a spider bite
endgame closure
in case it wasnt obvious


1.2K 16 4
By idkdnflol

summary: nat and steve always train together but it's only when the avengers catch them that the team understands why

third person
nat and steve were always early risers. being the leaders of the group meant they were by far the most responsible - opting out of drinking at parties, not gossiping, work orientated etc. they always woke up first, at 4:30 on work days and 5 on the weekends. they both still trained on the weekends and woke up early so they could hang out without the team teasing them. you see, everyone and their mother shipped them (apart from the unearthly amount of characters whose mums have died lmao). even bruce, who was famously one of natasha's exes was deeply involved in this 'relationship'. nat and steve were fully aware of these rumours and assumptions but denied all allegations and attempts to get the two together. to everyone apart from the two of them. they were close friends.

isn't that what they all say?


nat and steve had been dating for about a week after one of the many set ups from the team to try and get them together they FINALLY confessed their love for one another but they both kind of knew that letting the team know would only give a bunch of immature and chaotic superheroes bigger egos and way too many bragging rights so they decided to keep it quiet.

their 'friendship' quirked a few eyebrows because of the constant flirting between the two, nat not being mean to steve (big shocker 😱😱) and the last one is the fact that they spend every single second of the day together. there are even rumours that the two sleep in the same bed sometimes but there is no solid evidence for that just yet.

like mentioned before, they spend all their time together so they were always training partners but since they always woke up so early, none of the team would ever be able to catch them doing anything out of the ordinary because... well they were asleep. the couple of course used this to their advantage and looked forward to training every morning to see their beloved and maybe sneak in a kiss or two... and maybe an occasional make our session but THAT WAS ONLY TWO TIMES OKAY?!?

they were working out and apparently to nat, steve looked unbelievably sexy when sweaty and out of breath. i don't see it but to each their own.

"wanna spar?" nat asked with a smirk.
"once you get rid of that look on your face it makes me nervous" steve chucked, he had right to be nervous.

(idk how to write fighting or training and stuff so just kind of blur your eyes a bit for this part)

they both stepped into the ring and took a pose. they had completely different fighting styles but seemed to understand each other beautifully. every kick nat did, steve dodged. every punch steve threw, nat caught. there were a few movements that caught their opponent off-guard but when you have been training with the same person everyday for the past 3 months you get the hang of how they work. (btw I have no clue where three months came from just roll with it pls.)

this meant that the two of them had to fight for at least 10 minutes before they start to get tired and get sloppier forms leading to one of them getting shoved into the ground, today it was steve.
he took a breath in as nat hovered over him breathing heavily. damn she looked hot rn. steve quickly shook the thoughts away as he did his signature move and flipped over. well at least he tried, turns out whilst he was stuck in his own brain she had straddled him and started checking her nails. his face went bright red.

"done daydreaming rogers?"
"I wasn't daydreaming"
"okay so tell me a less embarrassing reason to explain the fact that you have been staring at me for about a minute"
"okay find you've caught me" he said and put his hands up.

he then tried to stand up but she didn't move.
"eager for round two are we?" she said sarcastically
"you should be asking your past self from last night thst question sweetheart"

her jaw dropped and smiled slightly as she knew she was turning america's innocent golden boy into a dirty minded man. she got off him with her mouth now closed and not breaking eye contact (yk where she takes her feet off the dash in ws). i think he got lost in her eyes or something because he stayed on the floor hesitant to break eye contact when the two of them heard a cough causing them to look at the door. nat put out a hand to help her boyfriend up.

"why are you guys up so early?" she asked smiling
"no no no the real question is is that a genuine smile"
she rolled her eyes but unable to wipe the smile off. she was with steve - how could she.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY NAT" clint said dramatically.
"wow those acting classes have really payed off for you haven't they?"
"hold on I'm confused why is nat not allowed to smile?" steve asked back to his innocent self.
"we never said she wasn't allowed to smile. it's just normally a smirk not a real smile so I was shocked that's all. are you normally this happy when not around me little red?"
"tony answer my first question"
"I forgot or I just wasn't listening, what was the question again?"
"why are you all up so early?"
"oh well it's simple really, we wanted some captasha content"
"omg tony how many times do I have to say it's ROMANOGERS" clint says visibly frustrated.

i think that's a good enough ending in my opinion

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