We Are Broken Wolfs

By 2BlueButterfly2

176 63 10

I have written this story on a norther account, but I was logged out and now I am writing it here so DO NOT R... More

Authers Note
I thought it would last longer PT 1
It's all my fault
The truth hurts
Am I dreaming?
The welcome back for good
The night after
The so called 'mistake'
I think it's the end
Oh no
Getting ready for a fight
If only we were distend to be
The ups and downs of happiness
The after shock
What really happened
The aftermath
It's for the best
Just another broken wolve
Time for you to forget me
Not again
How can I live with myself now?
I can't stay here
We can only break so much Pt.1
Before we can't be put together Pt. 2
I will wait until she comes back
Happiness last but so long

I thought it would last longer Pt.2

10 2 2
By 2BlueButterfly2

Scarletts P.O.V

"Yes! I can see if I can come." Yes, I just need a distraction. As I say that I pulled in his driveway. I just love my loud car because once Josh got out of the car because I didn't hear what he said, and I was kind of glad.

I didn't go home right away. I told my parents that I was going for a run, they just said 'Ok honey don't stay out too long.' I asked them if I could go to Josh's party and they just said, 'Not for more than four hours.'  That was the end of that talk.

When I was done with my ten-minute run, I went home to change into something that was not what I already wore. So, this time I wore black ripped jeans and a loose white t-shirt that went a little past my hip bone. I got out some plain gold earrings and brushed my teeth and out the door in my car to Josh's' house.

Josh's P.O.V

I took a shower after Scarlett dropped me off and ten minutes after my shower my parents just said bye and be home about one in the afternoon the next day. I just said OK. After fifteen minutes after they left people started to pour in and then I saw my beautiful girlfriend. She ran up to me, hugged me and smiled up at me.

"You look good in that skintight dress." I said with a seductive smile.

"I can show you what you're missing." She said with a grin

"Not until I tell Scar you know that, Draya." I said with disappointment, lacing my voice.

"I will get us some drinks." and she left but was back within seconds she was back with really strong-smelling drinks.

"Thank you." I said chugging it.

"I'll get you more." She came back with two more and I happily took them with a smile on my face and chugging them both. After that I was buzzed. So much that I started making out with Draya in front of the whole school. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I just simply took it off my shoulder and let it drop to the side of whoever thought that they were ok to disrupt me kissing my beautiful girlfriend. That's when I felt my shirt in someone's fist and then felt someone drag me of the couch that I don't really remember getting on and then landing on the ground with a thud. Everyone was looking at me. Thats when I saw my less beautiful another girlfriend that has good but bad stile.

"HEY. What is wrong with you? What is your problem?"



"Good I never loved you anyway I was waiting for someone better anyway you dick.'' She said with a strong tone like I didn't even hurt her, but I can tell that I did hurt a little. But she hurt me more and that was not going to work for me so with me being buzzed and just being straight up stupid sometimes I threw a punch with her back turned to me. Right before I could hit the back of her head she dodged and grabbed my wrist keened my side and before I could go for another punch, I saw her fist at my face and then....Nothing.

~Authers Note~

Sad chapter next.

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