Reckless Abandon // Muke Sequ...

By suburbanmuke

50.9K 3.9K 1K

We left a scar, size extra large In which everything is so much more difficult and Luke realises life is pret... More

I Don't Care If You're Contgious
Collar Full
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Born to Die
Drop The Game
Still Into You
Stockholm Syndrome
Ghost on the Dance Floor
Leave Out All The Rest
The Birds pt1
Second Chances
Kissing in Cars
Jet Pack Blues
Can't Help Falling in Love
A few things
This is a thing


1.6K 129 26
By suburbanmuke

Try to say live, live and let live
But I'm no good, good at lip service
Except when they're yours, mi amor
I'm coming for you and I'm making war

Michael didn't wake up Luke before he left, giving Luke a blissful lie in, even if he felt a little bad for annoying Michael in whatever way. They really did need to move on from each other. Maybe sharing a tiny apartment wouldn't make that easy, but it was definitely for the best.

Luke still felt shitty about the situation though, because in all honesty, if he could, he would drop the date with Dan and go out with Michael properly and everything. But Michael was his best friend, and he didn't want either of them to hurt the other like last time. He wanted them to stay friends this time. He just didn't want to risk it.

So Luke forced himself to face the facts and go on this date, even if Michael might hate him for a bit, but at the end of the day Luke was sure it was the best thing to do. He hoped Michael would be able to realise that soon.

Today though, instead of sleeping all day as usual, Luke was shifting through the clothes in the closet, which Michael and Luke shared, which inevitably led them to wearing each other's clothes. But that wasn't weird, right? I mean, sharing is caring.

Luke noticed that it was fairly warm outside, the summer air on the way now that May had begun, and Luke couldn't wait to not be freezing all day everyday for a while, that sure would be nice.

Picking out an appropriate black shirt with some sort of writing printed onto it, as well as a clean pair of jeans, which admittedly were a little tight, Luke decided he was ready for when Dan would pick him up.

He wasn't sure what they'd be doing today, Dan hadn't disclosed that, but Luke was sure it couldn't be anything too boring, he seemed like a cool guy really and truly.

Luke received a text not much later, and he hurried over to the elevator, fixing his hair for what seemed like the hundredth time in the mirror that covered on wall of the elevator, deciding it was perfect, but then leaning forwards and changing it again.

Once the doors opened, he hopped out, hoping his hair was okay, and wandering over to Dan who was standing outside, trying to give off a chill vibe and not a 'I'm so nervous I need to give a good impression' one, which was what he was feeling on the inside.

Dan smiled as Luke approached, looking him over briefly, before looking back up at him. Luke towered above Dan, being that he was a giant and Dan was probably average height, but that made Luke feel a little more confident if anything.

"I was thinking we could chill at the park, I brought food," he said, walking side by side with Luke, and Luke nodded happily, the warm day perfect for going to the park and just hang out for a bit. Sounded nice.

"It's weird seeing you not in a work apron," Dan commented, once again looking over Luke, and Luke chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, it's weird not seeing you stressed out," Luke replied happily as Dan smiled softly, shaking his head slightly as if he was thinking about something else just then.

"I had a test the other day, pretty sure I aced it though," he said with pride, and Luke gleamed, knowing that it must be hard, university and everything about it, but Dan was happy with his course and working hard constantly. It was nice to see.

"Nice going, I feel like a proud father," Luke joked, and Dan turned to him, eyebrow raised.

"You have a daddy kink?" he asked in a hushed tone, and Luke's eyes widened, a blush creeping up his cheeks, and he shook his head violently.

"N-no, I was just joking," he choked out, and Dan nodding laughing along with Luke. Luke knew in the back of his mind that he should Dan about his sexuality, but part of him was holding him back. He didn't want Dan to think he was a freak or someone who needed help, because Luke was sure that was what the majority of people though, at least that's what Calum seemed to think. He'd wait until they got to know each other, so Dan knew he was a normal person, it was probably for the best, maybe.

And as Dan and Luke sat in the park, eating dumb food and talking about dumber things, Luke couldn't help but think back to that wintery day when him and Michael had ended up nearly in this exact spot, changing Luke's life for the most part, for the better.

It makes me really happy having three tiny plants that I bought yesterday on a shelf in my room it's unreasonable

I think I might sleep now idk l8r sk8rs

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