Don't do that little one

By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

41.7K 1K 413

Louis is the triplets adopted Omega brother. Louis goes to live with them when Anne sadly passes away. They w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14

Part 13

1.6K 39 14
By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

2 days later,

Louis' POV:

Concert day today. I cannot express how excited I am for this. It's not until nine so we'll be spending the day walking around the city. After breakfast, me and Marcel left the apartment to go and get myself a new pair of shoes. We took a cab into the city and then walked to the store. It took a while for me to choose the right shoes. There were so many and I loved it. In the end, I went for black ones with a bit of red on them, the stripes were white. After that, we wandered around and then got lunch at a restaurant before heading to MSG. Marcel decided it would be funny to spill tomato sauce down my shirt so he had to buy me a new one from target on the way to the arena.

I made a new friend while standing in the line. Her name's Alice and she lives here in New york. She said her parents didn't know that she was there. Apparently, her family doesn't have much money and she'd been saving for years so when she had enough to buy the tickets she didn't tell her parents in case they took the money. Kinda smart if I tell you. I obviously didn't tell Marcel 'cause you know, he's a goodie two shoes. Anyways, the concert was amazing. The best thing that's happened to me in a while. We're heading back to the apartment now. It's late and I'm tired.  So I will be going to bed as soon as we get back.

Next day,

I woke up at around eleven still buzzing from last night and skipped my way to the kitchen humming 'snap out of it' quietly.

"Hey, Louis.' A voice behind me said. I jumped and almost dropped the glass I had got for water.

"Hi, Des." I smiled.

"How was the concert?" He asked.

"It was great. You should've been there. Marcel was being boring cause he doesn't like Arctic Monkeys. At one point the person next to me asked if he had fallen asleep, and he had. It was very funny. I made a friend, her name's Alice. She's so nice. She bought me a pretzel. Marcel ate most of it though. Greedy guy. They sound amazing live. So much better than videos and cds. Alex was singing his heart out and playing his guitar amazingly and- oh my. This is the longest I've ever spoken to you. It's weird." I said.

"I think it's nice. Go on keep talking." Des replied.

"I don't really feel like talking anymore." I turned around and filled the glass with water.

"Okay. That's fine." Des started to walk out of the kitchen.

"You're not gonna yell at me or anything?" I asked.

"No. You take your time. Have a nice flight home and I'll see you the next time you come to New York." He said and turned away.

"Flight home? What?" Marcel then came barging through the door.

"The plane leaves in seven hours Louis. How come I don't see your bag by the door ready to go? We'll miss our flight if you don't get a move on." He took my arm and pulled me over to my room.

Once we got in there, Marcel took my suitcase from under the bed and opened the wardrobe. He started packing everything I had with me. He's a bit crazy when it comes to leaving on time. There was no point in just standing around and watching, so with a sigh I helped him pack.

We were done about an hour later. That's when Marcel decided it was time to leave. Still very early in my opinion. They advise getting to the airport two hours before your flight. I mean sure, it is a forty minute drive, but that still gives us five hours. I hate waiting around in airports, it's so boring. I decided to just stall. On purpose.

I told Marcel that I had to pee, but after I pee'd I took a shower, a long shower. When I got out Marcel was looking a bit pissed, but hey, at least I don't have to sit around for ages.


Taking a shower didn't do anything, there's a storm in England so our flight's been delayed for at least two hours. We got given meal vouchers. We're not going to use them though, because we're not hungry.

The two hour wait ended up just being an hour so we got on the plane a lot sooner than expected. The flight was the same as usual. Not that interesting. My stupid ears kept popping as well. Marcel suggested I hold my nose and try to blow out of it to get them to pop but that just resulted in a nosebleed.

Anyway, I was so excited to get through customs and baggage claim cause Harry and Edward are picking us up! I haven't seen them in ages. Marcel told me to calm down multiple times as I was jumping up and down a bunch. As soon as we walked out, I spotted Edward and Harry. I practically threw my luggage at Marcel and ran into their arms. It was so comfortable. Like a big teddy bear was hugging me. One of the two picked me up.

"You smell nice." I complimented both.

"Why thank you." They replied. 

"Can we go home now?" I asked.

"Yeah sure."

We walked to the car and once in, drove home. This drive was a comfortable silence. So that's good.


We're home now. Sitting in the living room. The triplets are just staring at me. I can tell they want to say something. It's a bit irritating. They want to say something but instead are just staring at me. Or in Harry's case, staring at the floor.

After a couple more minutes of silence, I got up and began to walk away. I was halfway to the stairs when Harry spoke.

"Louis wait. We need to speak to you. It's about the mate thing. I know you and Marcel have spoken about it, but me, you and Edward haven't. Now that we know about this we don't expect you to change." He said.

"How's that?" I asked.

"Well, for example, we don't expect you to make us breakfast every day or clean the house or give us a kiss before we go to work. None of that. We want you to stay the same, amazing Louis that you are. The three of us will also not force you to do anything. We'll give you time to adjust and get used to this. After a bit, we might put some new rules in place. But nothing massive. Just small increments at a time. Does that sound good? Harry explained.

"Yeah, yes. It does yes. Thank you." And with that, I dragged my suitcase up the stairs, probably leaving some marks on the wall, and plonked it in my room. That'll sit there for about a month now.

"He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds." - Lana Del Rey

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