Andrew Garfield Imagines

By fandomxo00

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Andrew Garfield and Peter Parker imagines, angst smutt and fluff ahead More

Andrew Garfield
Wish You Were Sober
Begin Again*
Cruel Summer (Part 1)*

All Too Well (Part 2)*

472 3 0
By fandomxo00

Autumn leaves fell down like pieces into place, you still picture it after all these days. He always had a sweet disposition, and you are a wide-eyed gaze. The two of you sang in the car as you got lost upstate. The two of you arrived in the town, his sister lived in the little town. Andrew had looked over at you as he rolled down the road, a hand reaching out to touch your thigh. You slipped your hang within his. Andrew looked back over and slammed on the brakes as he almost ran the red. You walked through the door with Andrew, something about it felt like home somehow. His mom greeted the two of you with a big smile on her face and a hug. The four of you ate dinner together before his mom pulled you to the counter to show you the photo album. Andrew laughed awkwardly as his cheeks turned red as she flipped through the pages. He used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed, and his mother told stories about him on the tee-ball team. You watched her intently as she spoke, Andrew watched you with awe, he taught you about his past thinking his future was you.

Andrew didn't want to go back home. His sister and mom moved away from their dad when they got a divorce. His mom was raised in this town, and he affirmed that he felt like this place was more like home than the rich little town the two of you were from. He struggled on the way back. His father called him, you heard the two of them arguing to the point that he had to pull over on the side of the road. You followed him out, you were going to offer driving, but instead he threw the keys over your way, and they hit the ground with a jingle as he walked away. You stared at him before grabbing the keys and getting back in the car with a heavy heart. You hadn't met his father yet. You didn't think you would either, you've heard from many chattering ladies in your town that you did not belong in that family.

The two of you always skipped town when his father came back into it after a business trip. You thought it was your fault, of course. What if you labeled it love, too late til we were dead and gone and buried. You knew the night the two of you confessed was passionate because you did have love for each other. But now you come back and swear it's the same, what if it was too late? You wondered as you reached for him and all you felt was shame-it was your fault wasn't?

You knew love wasn't like the movies. They say you know when you know, but you didn't know. You were always reluctant with him. Call it anxiety, or call it a feeling. Sometimes you felt the fairy tale feeling, the two of you in the middle of the night. Dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. You laughed as you, he swooped you before pulling you up to his chest and moving side to side with you. Were you a stupid for even dreaming that you could have a happily ever after. It wasn't the movies, but that's how it should be. When he's the one you'd come undone and your world would stop spinning, it would be just the beginning. They say it's hard to meet your match. You thought you found your better half, the two of you seemed to make perfect shapes. But if stars don't align, if it doesn't stop time, if you can't see the sign. You wait for it. He'd be worth every one hundred percent that you waited. Worth every penny spent, he'll be the one that finishes your sentences. All of it was confusing in your head. You weren't even sure what to think.

Just like the movies, that's how it will be. Cinematic, dramatic with the perfect ending. What if this relationship ended with Andrew and you realized the love that you'd been looking for was the love you had. The doubts were circling in your head like a never ending beat. You loved Andrew, you were just insecure. The two of you continue to drift. It's like the more you tried to pull him close, the more he pushed you away. The thought rang in your head, it's your fault. It's your fault.

Andrew loved you. He loved you with every part of himself. His father was a vulture. He knew that you gave him all of your trust. You'd finally opened up to him. But there has been this look ever since the call from his dad on the way back home. There was a glaze in your eyes, you seemed far away. He didn't understand what was going on. He wanted to protect you from his father, not drive you away. There was a signal fading between the two of you, and he didn't know how to find it. Andrew sat across from you on the sofa. He couldn't stop thinking about something being wrong.

You looked up at him and set your book down. Andrew moved closer to you, his hands finding yours. He pulled them close to his chest before looking into his eyes. He found that look in your eye as you searched his eyes. "What's wrong?" He whispered, his hand came to your face. You took a deep breath, trying to avoid his doe eyes. But Andrew didn't stop looking at you, and you couldn't help but pull away from him.

"Are you hiding me from your dad?" You asked, standing up.

"What-no of course not." Andrew replied, following you as you began to pace.

"I fucked this up. I-I did." You said, as you ran your hands through your hair before tugging at the roots. "I just-I was too late."

"What-what are you evening talking about?" Andrew said, as you stopped and stared at him. You didn't know how to explain how you felt to him.

"It's too late." You replied.

"What is too late?" Andrew asked.

"Us." You whispered, you wouldn't make eye-contact.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Andrew questioned, his voice unsteady. "I mean-seriously Y/n? Come to your senses, this is your defenses walling up on you, it's not the way to go. You knew that-you let me in." he said, angrily, his voice raising.

"Everything's strange and you've changed. I don't know what to do to get through to you!" You snapped at him, and he stared back as tears of frustration welled up in your eyes.

"Are you insane? I'm me! Nothing has changed but you! Maybe I asked for too much, and now you're running scared. You are tearing everything up because-because you're scared." Andrew said, as you winced at his hurtful words.

"Fuck you." You snapped as he flinched.

"Don't talk to me like that." Andrew growled.

"I finally opened up. I would do anything for you. But you turned off the volume just when I've begun to sing." You said.

"I have no idea what you are even talking about." Andrew said, staring at you. The air around the two of you was filled with confusion and frustration. The two of you replaced care with illusion. You stared down at your feet.

"I should go home." You murmured and Andrew's head shot up as you moved away from him.

"This is your home." Andrew whispered back. You couldn't look at him as you felt a familiar crumpling in your chest as tears fell down your cheeks.

"We're just gonna keep fighting on something-we won't see eye to eye." You said.

"What's the matter with not seeing eye to eye? It doesn't mean I love you any less. We're not going to agree on everything but you can't run away. The fences that you're putting up are not real. Can't you recall how this began. It was just you and me." Andrew said, his voice was dosed in panic. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't lose you. You felt like you were shrinking into yourself. Andrew walked closer to you as you froze in your spot. You wouldn't move an inch as he cupped your cheeks and looked deep in his eyes. You let out a shaky sigh as you tried to listen to the words that were coming out of his mouth but it was like static. Before you knew, you'd been stepping away from him and leaving.

You left that night. You had no idea where you were going. But you found yourself at the steps of a hotel. It was like you were not in control of your body. You moved your hand up to your neck. You wanted to feel the scarf you had gotten from your mother. You realized it was not on your next. You flinched as you fell back on the bed before you woke up suddenly. The night before flashed in your mind and you felt a tightness in your throat. You gasped for air, you brought your trembling hand to your mouth. You sat up in anguish. It was gone. You threw away the magic and it might be okay one day but you were not fine at all. You felt like there was nothing else you could do. Andrew shouldn't have to do any more running after you. Maybe you'd forgotten about him long enough to get by. You felt like you couldn't breath as you sat up. Tears soon streamed down your face as sobbed reigned out of your mouth.

Time didn't seem to go by for you. It was like you were paralyzed in time. Andrew went on with his life. He went back to work but he couldn't explain the fleeting glances into space. He contemplated everything he did wrong. He didn't listen to you, he didn't tell you why you were going an hour out of town to see his mother rather than staying and meeting his father. He didn't know what he could say or do to get you back. It was like you were possessed by something else. He couldn't feel you anymore. They say all's well that ends well, but he was in a new hell every time you double-crossed his mind. The feeling of emptiness made him want to die.

You were like a crumpled up piece of paper lying in a motel room. The only time you moved was to go to the bathroom. You loved Andrew. But there was a block between you and who you wanted to be. You'd been like this before. You've been stuck in time because of your own emotional problems. You'd love to be the careful girl that you've been the last couple of months but you were trying to find your true self. After plaid shirt days and nights when he'd make you his own.

The everlasting image of you laying across from him in bed. Your hearts on your sleeves. The way you looked at him on those nights reminded him of pure innocence. His sister brought back the scarf she'd forgotten over at her place. He couldn't give it back-he couldn't even think that you left back. He didn't have it in him to mail it back. Andrew wanted you to come back to him. He wouldn't get rid of your scarf or change your pillow case because it smelled like you. You couldn't get rid of any of it. He went out with his friend's one night trying to forget you. But he wouldn't. He was just very very drunk.

It was maybe 1am before he got in and 3am when the thought of you wouldn't leave his mind even over the burnt pasta he was tempted to make for the last two hours. He paced across the floor as he continued to try and work off the alcohol instead of sleeping. It didn't help that he kept drinking either. Then you called him, you had done this a couple times but immensely hung up for him to call you back. It was your way of checking up on him. You were hoping he'd miss the call that your lapse in judgment would fade away.. All this time you didn't know he was breaking down.

"Y/n." Andrew breathed out as he fell to the wall, sliding down with tears staining his cheeks. "I miss you. I miss everything about you." You didn't say anything he groaned. "You call me again and just to break me like a promise. I don't know what to believe anymore, they are wrong. I can't just move on. Why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away? I just want you back. I'm so sorry for anything I did wrong. You-you are just some phase I'm in."

"Please stop." You whispered, your voice came out begging. You were currently laying on the bathroom floor. You had just taken a shower and became overheated so now you were cooling off on the floor.

"I'm falling to pieces without you. Everyone thinks I'm fine but I'm forcing my smiles and never mind. You're gone and it's hard to breathe. I pull at every thread trying to solve the puzzle in my head. Trying to figure out what I did. If I said the wrong thing. If I did the wrong thing. I don't care-I just wanna fix this." Andrew begged you on the other side of the phone. You couldn't hold back the sob that ran from your throat.

"I'm not-I'm not good at this. I'm not good enough for you." You cried out, your voice was shaking as you spoke. Andrew hadn't become sober as quick as he did when hearing the sound of you falling apart. You had lost the one real thing you'd ever known. You remembered it, everything you've lost, all too well.

"Where are you?" Andrew asked. You continued to cry on the other side of the line. Andrew went to his text messages and pulled up your location. "Stay on the line, beautiful." The sun rises against the as he ran out to his car and started to drive to you. "I want you to know something-I'll never go away. You're the one I want to wake up to. No more overthinking. I love you. If you don't believe that. I just need you to believe one thing, I won't go away. Not again." he said, as he drove down the road. You hung up on the other end and he sighed before continuing to focus on the road.

Andrew realized a few things while driving down the road. It hadn't been that he didn't want to lose you. He's known since that cruel summer when he almost did. He realized that-no it wasn't his complete fault. But that you had some problems he had been aware of. You'd never had a secure relationship in your life. The relationship you had with your family could slip into unknown territory at any moment. You'd never dated with the intent of love before him-you never wanted to get hurt by them so you never took the risk in losing someone like that because you knew if you lost someone you loved again. You wouldn't make it. You thought that when he was protecting you, that he was tired of you? Pushing you away? He wasn't sure. But instead of trying to protect you, he was trying to let you go. Andrew loves you. He loves despite the pain you've caused. He should've known he shouldn't have ever let you leave. Especially which state you did leave.

Andrew wished he could go back in time, take him back to when the two of you were fighting. Maybe if he had just hugged you. He should've screamed until you heard him out. Lay everything on the line for you. His mind was made up-he didn't care if you thought what the two of you had would never last. He can't let go of you. He pulled up to the dinchy motel you'd been staying at the past couple weeks. As he walked to the door he saw multiple tickets on the door-she'd been here for so long he realized. Three weeks worth of payment. Was this your room?

Andrew decided to call you once again. You always had your ringer on-maybe he'd hear it. The familiar tone of Landslide by Stevie Nicks starts playing from the other side of the door. Then his phone beeped a couple times as you hung up on the other side of the door. "It's me." he knocked rather loudly. "This is not goodbye, Y/n. Please."

You stared at the door for the longest time. He hadn't moved. Waiting for you. You got up to your feet using the last ounce of courage you had. You unlocked the door before opening it to stare at him. You didn't think he'd show on your doorstep, soaking wet covered in snow. But here he was. Running again.

"This isn't right." You said, staring at him with love in your eyes. You couldn't help it. You missed him like you've never missed another human being.

"I know where I fucked up." Andrew said.

"You didn't-I don't deserve you." You murmured, looking down at your feet.

"You don't get to make that decision for me." He replied, his eyes glossy as he stared at you.

"I wish I hadn't been so cruel. I-I wanted to let all my defense down." You flinched at your words before continuing.

"Stop running from me." Andrew begged, his voice cracking.

"Stop coming after me. Don't you think there might be a reason why I run?" You asked, raising your voice.

"I know there is a reason why you run. I won't let you run away again. I won't go away. I've always known that-your life isn't easy. All those things running through that head of yours. But you've got to let go. That's the only way you can move on with life. Fuck those people who left you, baby. Fuck those people that hurt you, they don't deserve your the pain that power that they still have over you. You deserve to be happy." Andrew chanted.

"How can you love someone who does this to you?" You whispered.

"Because I love you. I love everything about you-even the things I hate. I love your smile, the crinkles by your eyes you get when you laugh. I love your kindness and your heart. You have such a big heart. My sister and mom love you to death. The only reason why I didn't let you meet my dad is because he is not good for you. He is one of the worst human-beings I've ever met. He cheated on my mom after he found money-he didn't want a divorce he wanted her to keep quiet and 'good'. He has always treated humans like objects. I knew you wanted to meet my family-but you can't meet him."

The realization settled over you. You moved forward to him, looking at him as hurt and pain gathered over your heart for other reasons. He had been in so much pain before too. He watched his mother go through so much-he had been through so much too. You wrapped your arms around him. He let out a long breath as he held you close to him. Tears running down his face as some ran down yours.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm so stupid-I didn't know." You said, as you moved back to look at him. Andrew shook his head while looking into your eyes.

"I should've told you." he replied.

"I should've listened." You said. "I'm done running-from the one that I want so badly. Take me back?" You whispered. Andrew nodded quickly before holding you close. "I-I don't know if I'll ever stop breaking down, but is there a way to make it up somehow?" Your hands ran down his arms as he stared at you.

"My love is conditional, alright? No making it up to me." Andrew said. "Just be with me."

"You wanna make this really romantic?" You whispered as Andrew couldn't help but laugh. He pulled you out into the snow, pulling you close to him. You hugged him and watched the first fall of snow that year covering this city in barren cold, it glistened as it fell. You moved back and cupped his cheeks before leaning up to kiss him. Kiss him like it was the first time. Your lips slodded with his as he pulled you impossibly closer.

Andrew laughed against your lips at the cheesiness of this moment. You giggled before looking up into his eyes. You remembered that night all too well. You remembered the pain you'd felt for three weeks straight. You remember the motel bill. You remembered the very first night the two of you met. It was at the tennis court at the beginning of the summer just a couple months ago...

You giggled as you sipped your wine, you were standing with a few friends as you continued to get drunk. You've noticed him, the cute guy with a buzz cut, sunglasses and a cool demeanor about him. You'd met him earlier and had an instant connection with him. But now you were gathered with your friends, making fun of the way he spoke. You thought he should take it as a compliment, he should think it was a consequence of his magnetic field being a little too strong. You knew you shouldn't be feeling this way about a stranger. You had a 'boyfriend' he's older than you, he's in the club doing I don't know what. But this cute guy here, he was so cool, it made you hate him so much. He had a name..what was his name?

You watched as he held the whiskey on ice while he stood against the sunset and vines on the fences. He'd ruined my life by not being mine, you thought. He is so gorgeous. You couldn't say anything to his face cause well look at his face. You were furious for a stranger making you feel this way. You never felt this way, not even with your boyfriend.

After the tennis matches, some rich kids went to the pool house to party as the adults went into the big fancy house to drink and talk politics. You stood around and spoke to everyone here but him. The boy..Andrew made his way over to you-well, not to you, to the bar you were standing by. The room darkened around you as his hand slightly touched yours. You could've sworn you felt electricity. If he had a girlfriend, you'd be jealous of her. But if he was single, wasn't it honestly worse? He was so gorgeous it actually hurts. You thought in your head before cracking a smile to yourself. Andrew looked over at you, he didn't have his sunglasses anymore, but instead he had gorgeous doe brown eyes that looked back into yours as he smiled at you. You thought you might sink and drown and die in this exact moment.

"Hey." Andrew said, he had a grin that made your knees melt. A light scruff on his jaw. The way he looked at you-it was like your breath had been taken away from you.

"Um hi." You replied, awkwardly turning towards the bar. What could you say?

"You're-Y/n Y/L/N. You own the tennis court." Andrew said, as your cheeks became rosey-just by talking to the poor guy. He had no idea.

"My parents do, yes." You replied, nodding.

"I like your dress." He murmured, smiling at you.

"I like yours too-I mean." You laughed awkwardly as he smiled.

"Do you wanna get out of here? I'm tired of all the stuck-up rich kids." Andrew said as you giggled before replying.

"Aren't we just stuck-up rich kids too?" You asked, as he waved that off.

"We're different. We're socially aware of our standing and decide not to be completely terrible human-beings. The rest of them, though-are absolutely awful." Andrew said, as you smiled widely at his words. He made you so happy that it turns back to sad, there's nothing you hated more than what you couldn't have. You were so mad-he was so fucking-gorgeous.

"Yeah okay." You nodded. "Beware I'm tipsy."

"I won't let anything happen to you, Ms. Y/n." Andrew replied, as he led you out the back.

"Have you ever been to the tennis court while it was dark out?" You asked.

"No, I didn't think there would be a need to go to the tennis court while it was dark." Andrew replied.

"That's not the point. It's the atmosphere. It's always so-emotionally tense and just boring. But when you go there after hours-it's like you see it for what it is. Just a tennis court." You said, as Andrew watched, you spoke as you got closer to the tennis court.

"Are we allowed to do this?" Andrew asked as you snuck in through the garden entrance

"I dunno, but I own it, don't I?" You questioned as you entered, closing the door and locking it. You lead him to a tennis court and start moving around in a circle. He watched before taking your hands and spinning you. You giggled as you fell into his arms. This is how it all started. It had been so different, his buzz cut and your hair bleached. Even in your worst times, he could see the best in you. All the rebounds and earthquakes. Even in your worst lies, he saw the truth in you.

Now you were at one of those stupid parties. You were in the corner again with a dress that he loved in a crowded room. Really only the two of you knew, it was like a little secret. They had no idea about the two of you. At first, you didn't like it, but now it was like a game. You didn't know how you didn't look like him. You felt an indentation in the shape of him, his mark on you like a golden tattoo. All the silence, patience, pining and anticipation. You couldn't wait to get home, so he could take off this dress. You noticed his longing stare. The way his eyes went from your chest, down to your curves. A hungry look in his eyes until he met your face. Then the look softened, you saw the love he had for you. Your hands were shaking from holding back. You wanted to go over and wrap your hands around him.

Then he made his way over to you. "Y/n." he said, and everything around you just stopped. He said the two of you could pretend to be friends here. You didn't want to be his friend. You only bought this dress, so he could pull it off of you. "You look-." he whispered into your ear, making you flush. You accidentally brought your lip between your teeth. You knew the look he was giving you, your thighs clenched. This feeling was inescapable, you weren't even going to try and deny it.

You gave him that longing look before your hand reached over to his arm, moving up a little. Your touch is gentle as you look into his eyes. Your heart is pumping in his chest. You leaned into his ear before whispering. "Meet me upstairs in the guest bathroom, knock once." before walking away. He watched your every step.

If the two of you got burned, at least you'd been electrified. You walked up the stairs, and sipped on your wine as you opened the door to the guest bathroom and locked the door. Leaned against the bathtub and giggled when spilling the wine. Moments later, there was a knock at the door. You walked over, unlocked the door and opened it. You set your wine glass down as he moved forward to cup your cheeks before kissing your face. From your jawline to your lips. Everyone thought they knew you, but they didn't.

You backed up into the bathtub once again as your lips moved with his. Your hands working on his suit, throwing back his jacket and pulling him closer by the lapels of his suit. "I'm not having sex with you in this bathroom." He murmured against your lips as you giggled before kissing him again.

"Why not?" You asked, unbuckling his pants before moving the hand down to massage his bulge. He moaned into your mouth as he kissed you again. You went inside his briefs before pulling him out and tugging on him. "I want you right here. Let you call me anything you like." You whispered.

"I'd like to just call you mine." Andrew replied.

"I am yours." You murmured against his lips as you felt him hardened in your hand. You kept stroking him as his lips made out with yours. His hands went down to your thighs and slipped your hand away. You grabbed on to his waist as you pulled you up on to the bathtub, and his hand went to your hips.

"You aren't wearing any panties." Andrew groaned. You giggled before moving your hips closer to him. His hand went down to your core, he rubbed the flat of his hand against you. You moaned as he felt your wetness drip onto his hand. "So fucking naughty." he whispered.

"Please." You whimpered as he picked you up and sat you on the counter.

"The bathtub was a little awkward." He mumbled into your lips before kissing you again. You smiled against his lips, and he pulled his pants down and rubbed his cock in his hand before opening your thighs up for him. He rutted against you before grabbing himself and sliding into you. You moaned out, and his hand flew to your mouth while the other stayed on your hip. He bit his lip as he looked at you, his eyes dilated as he stared at your face and felt your tightness around his aching cock. He lets you adjust before thrusting back and forward. You gripped on to him, your eyes closing shut as he started fucking you. Your wetness coated him, and looked down to see it every time he pulled out of you to go back in.

"Yes Andrew." You moaned. His lips kept finding yours and melting with them as he moved. You moved your hips with his and couldn't help the whimpers and moans that would fall out. The two of you had sweat gathering on you. He moved quickly against you, trying to get you to your climax. One of your hands came down to your clit, and you rubbed in tight circles. He grunted as his head fell back as you clamped down on him.

After the both of you fell apart. You decided you would leave. You knew that Andrew had some business to take care of you. But you'd wait at home for him to arrive. You cleaned yourself up and went to bed. You laid in bed with Andrew's favorite lingerie set. You smiled to yourself as you grabbed a book from your bedside table and started to read. Andrew rolled in around ten, closing the door and undoing his tie. He smiled at you as he stumbled in.

"Hi beautiful." Andrew said, his words slurred. You got up and grabbed onto his hands, trying to steady him. No sex tonight, you thought. Andrew grabbed on to your ass and picked you up, hugging your chest before falling to the bed with you. You laughed and petted his hair. "I love you." he whispered. You cupped his cheek and softly kissed his nose.

"I love you too." You replied. "But let's go get you a bath, you smell like whiskey-and in the morning-."

"But I want you." Andrew said, sitting back and rubbing your knees.

"I want you sober." You said, as he pouted at you. You smiled at him and grabbed on to his chin and softly kissed his lips. Then you grabbed on to his hands and led the tall man into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. You bent over and started the bath and he watched you and readjusted his crotch. "Strip baby."

"Only if you do." Andrew grinned at you as he stumbled against the counter. You gave him a look before plugging the tub and making your way over to him.

"You know you won't last baby." You whispered as you came over to him and started undoing his shirt.

"But I wanna feel you." Andrew said. "Make love to you." he whispered.

"You will, my love." You replied, smiling at him and moving his hair back. His hair had grown out and he hadn't re bleach it. Now it was a soft brown color that you loved running your hands through. You pulled off his shirt and he watched you. Then you undid his belt, feeling his hardness through his slacks. You pulled them down along with his briefs. He managed to take off his socks before you lead him into the bathtub. He sat down and hummed at the warm water.

"You take such good care of me." Andrew slurred.

"Did you drive home?" You asked, a look in your eye and he shook his head.

"Took a cab." He replied, you nodded.

"You take good care of me." You said to him as you grabbed a loofa and put some soap on it before running it down his back. He leaned forward and turned off the faucet. You continued to rub the loofa against his skin before grabbing a cup and rinsing his hair. He smiled like a fool as you washed him up. The deal between the two of you, is that you take care of each other no matter what. You're there for each other and don't run away. He did this for you when you were drunk and you did it for me. You both had consent as well. If one of us was unbarely horny while drunk-we took care of each other but never sex. He leaned back in the tub as you washed him and ran the loofa over his cock. His cock twitched underneath the loofa and you smiled. His eyes opened and he stared at you.

"Please baby." Andrew begged as he stared at you. You bit your lip and smiled as you ran the flat of your hand against his cock. You giggled as you took his hard cock in your hand. You moved your hand up and down his shaft. He made the tiniest whimper as his head fell back. "Y/n." He panted as you continued to move your hand against him.

"Do you like that baby?" You asked, moving your hand quicker and tighter against him. Andrew moaned louder before you leaned down to take his cock in your mouth. You continued to move your hand against him and sucked on his head. You hummed at the salty taste of him and used your other hand that wasn't stroking him to cup his balls in your hand. You massaged them and he made a sound that made you start clenching. His hand came to your hair as it started going into the water and held it for you. You moaned around him and made your hand go to his stomach as you moved your head down further on him. You felt his balls and stomach clench and unclench before feeling him come into your mouth. You hummed as you felt the come on your tongue before swallowing. You moved back and grabbed the loofa to clean him up. He was leaning against the bathtub and you stood up and grabbed a towel.

Andrew sat up looking at you before unplugging the drain. Before you put the towel on his head to dry his hair. He stood up gripping the bathtub. You dried him off before helping out of the tub and brushing his teeth. Then heading to bed with him. You helped get clothes on before he gripped your hips and looked into your eyes. "I love you." Andrew said again. You smiled down at him and cupped his cheeks. You leaned down and kissed his nose softly before kissing his lips tenderly.

"I love you handsome." You replied, before getting on the bed and opening your arms for him. Andrew crawled over to you and cuddled into your chest. You wrapped your arms around him pulling him close before drifting off to sleep.

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