All Too Well (Part 2)*

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Autumn leaves fell down like pieces into place, you still picture it after all these days. He always had a sweet disposition, and you are a wide-eyed gaze. The two of you sang in the car as you got lost upstate. The two of you arrived in the town, his sister lived in the little town. Andrew had looked over at you as he rolled down the road, a hand reaching out to touch your thigh. You slipped your hang within his. Andrew looked back over and slammed on the brakes as he almost ran the red. You walked through the door with Andrew, something about it felt like home somehow. His mom greeted the two of you with a big smile on her face and a hug. The four of you ate dinner together before his mom pulled you to the counter to show you the photo album. Andrew laughed awkwardly as his cheeks turned red as she flipped through the pages. He used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed, and his mother told stories about him on the tee-ball team. You watched her intently as she spoke, Andrew watched you with awe, he taught you about his past thinking his future was you.

Andrew didn't want to go back home. His sister and mom moved away from their dad when they got a divorce. His mom was raised in this town, and he affirmed that he felt like this place was more like home than the rich little town the two of you were from. He struggled on the way back. His father called him, you heard the two of them arguing to the point that he had to pull over on the side of the road. You followed him out, you were going to offer driving, but instead he threw the keys over your way, and they hit the ground with a jingle as he walked away. You stared at him before grabbing the keys and getting back in the car with a heavy heart. You hadn't met his father yet. You didn't think you would either, you've heard from many chattering ladies in your town that you did not belong in that family.

The two of you always skipped town when his father came back into it after a business trip. You thought it was your fault, of course. What if you labeled it love, too late til we were dead and gone and buried. You knew the night the two of you confessed was passionate because you did have love for each other. But now you come back and swear it's the same, what if it was too late? You wondered as you reached for him and all you felt was shame-it was your fault wasn't?

You knew love wasn't like the movies. They say you know when you know, but you didn't know. You were always reluctant with him. Call it anxiety, or call it a feeling. Sometimes you felt the fairy tale feeling, the two of you in the middle of the night. Dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. You laughed as you, he swooped you before pulling you up to his chest and moving side to side with you. Were you a stupid for even dreaming that you could have a happily ever after. It wasn't the movies, but that's how it should be. When he's the one you'd come undone and your world would stop spinning, it would be just the beginning. They say it's hard to meet your match. You thought you found your better half, the two of you seemed to make perfect shapes. But if stars don't align, if it doesn't stop time, if you can't see the sign. You wait for it. He'd be worth every one hundred percent that you waited. Worth every penny spent, he'll be the one that finishes your sentences. All of it was confusing in your head. You weren't even sure what to think.

Just like the movies, that's how it will be. Cinematic, dramatic with the perfect ending. What if this relationship ended with Andrew and you realized the love that you'd been looking for was the love you had. The doubts were circling in your head like a never ending beat. You loved Andrew, you were just insecure. The two of you continue to drift. It's like the more you tried to pull him close, the more he pushed you away. The thought rang in your head, it's your fault. It's your fault.

Andrew loved you. He loved you with every part of himself. His father was a vulture. He knew that you gave him all of your trust. You'd finally opened up to him. But there has been this look ever since the call from his dad on the way back home. There was a glaze in your eyes, you seemed far away. He didn't understand what was going on. He wanted to protect you from his father, not drive you away. There was a signal fading between the two of you, and he didn't know how to find it. Andrew sat across from you on the sofa. He couldn't stop thinking about something being wrong.

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