This Is Our Story

بواسطة -GucciGemini-

1.6K 107 41

BOOK 1 --------------------------------------------------------- "God what would I do without you guys." Sav... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
New Book

Chapter 13

22 2 0
بواسطة -GucciGemini-

We all good I got my McDonald's. We can now continue with all of this interesting drama. While I go enjoy my amazing, delicious, mother-watering food.

We finally got back to our dorm and walked in with Dylan following behind us. We saw how Savannah had already moved all her stuff out and we saw Isabelle in the corridor moving boxes before. So now the middle bed is empty.

"I wonder if Lynn actually ended up getting her McDonald's." Dylan said.

"I'll ask her on Monday I have double Art then." I replied sitting down on my bed.

"Please do I want to know I'm invested now." Dylan says walking over to the coffee machine in our room and turning it on. "You two want one while I'm over here."

"Yeah please." Me and Lily say at the same time just as she decides to flop onto my bed.

"You have your own bed you know." I said looking at her.

"Oh believe me I know but it's time to take a picture and make Dylan take it for us." Lily says pulling her phone out her back pocket.

"I better be getting credits for this." Dylan says as Lily gives him her phone and we get on the bed and start jumping while he takes the picture. "Here. I took a few."

With that Dylan goes back to the coffee machine and finishes making the three coffees then he walks back over to us just as Lily posts the picture.

"No problem Dildo Dylan." I said to him when I saw his comment.

"Oh ha ha very orginal Ettie." Dylan says back as I stick my tounge out at him.

"I can't be arsed to do anything." I complained after two minutes of doing nothing.

"How about we make a TikTok." Lily says excitingly.

"I mean sure but which one." I asked.

"Not sure I'll have a look." Lily replied starting to look through her liked sounds.

Lily eventually found a sound that sounds quite like the situation we are in right now. It's quite funny it goes...

'I do not have time for this. I do not have time for you.'

We made the TikTok and Lily posted it then she decided to connect her phone to the speakers and started playing one of her playlists. We just spent most of the time dancing and singing. Until we all got hungry and decided to make some food instead of ordering in which is an improvement for us I must say.

"What we making exactly." I asked Dylan who was behind the counter grabbing stuff.

"Not quite sure yet I'm just going with the flow." Dylan replies just as I hear my phone ding.

I go over to my phone and see its a message from Savannah.

"Unfucking believable." I said out loud.

"What, what happened." Dylan and Lily said at the same time.

"Savannah texted me asking me to go and join her and that group. Then she gave Gurdas my number because he apparently wants to apologise to me." I say just as my phone dings and I check it to see its a message from and unknown number.

I didn't even know I had started crying until Lily hugged me and Dylan took my phone out of my hand and started reading the messages.

"What the fuck is this dickhead going on about." Dylan says sounding pissed off.

"What's he said like?" Lily asked as Dylan gave her my phone. "Oh his Grandpa died and he's been telling everyone he's adopted."

"My parents are friends with his and they all look the exact same so I highly doubt he's adopted and for the Grandpa dying part my grandpa died a few years ago and even then I didn't blame it anyone." Dylan says taking my phone back and taking screenshot each of the messages then sending them to himself.

"I've blocked Gurdas for you I also deleted the screenshots of your phone as I know you need space on your phone and I've sent them to mine so there instantly saved to my phone." Dylan says putting my phone on charge and going back over to the kitchen area.

He reached into one of the few cabinets and grabbed a glass. He then put some orange juice in the glass the diluted it  and handed it to me.

"I know you don't like water so I hope you like Orange juice." Dylan said which I nodded at him in thanks not quite yet feeling like talking.

"You do know all this bullshit isn't your fault right it's theirs." Lily said to me as Dylan sat down on the spare bed.

"I'm being blamed for it though. So it's making me think about who else thinks that." I reply quietly but they both hear me clearly.

"I can tell you that if they do blame you there absolute idiots and if they try and do anything to you or Lily like Gurdas has threatened to I will lose my shit with the lot of them. And if it makes you feel better I'm going over to them at break on Monday and you do not have a choice because you can't stop me." Dylan says and he's not wrong I highly doubt we'll be able to stop him.

Imagine it two girls, one 5'4 and clumsy as fuck the other 5'0 who has absolutely no strength whatsoever trying to stop a guy who's around 5'9 and does sports as a hobby. Yeah it would be funny for some people to watch but it would not be for Gurdas who just so happens to be scared shitless of Dylan.

Just as I was about to say something I heard someone frantically knocking at the door. Dylan got up and went over to the door to open it to see Lynn stood there looking out of breath.

"I was in my dorm which I now sadly share with Isabelle and Savannah. And Gurdas left something on my bedside table. Me being the nosy person I am decided to take a look and read it. It turns out it's a love note written to you Lily." Lynn says rushed and then everything goes quiet.

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