You'll Find a Way

By NeneJPhilly

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Selana "Lana" (Hernandez) Perez is still wracked with grief over her husband's passing. It seems that everywh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty - Epilogue

Chapter Nine

14 2 0
By NeneJPhilly

The party went well and Lana relaxed. She felt an easing now that Brad was back. She didn't ask him where he'd been and he didn't offer any answers but they had an amazing time talking.

When it was time to go, she bit the bullet and took Mini's advice. "Hey?"

"Yeah?" He put on his coat.

"I don't know if you're busy this Saturday but would you like to go to dinner?" She held her breath.

His brows climbed and his eyes widened. "Oh?"

She almost took it back but remembered she was Lana Hernandez. She was amazing. "Yeah."

He waited three seconds before nodding his head. "I'd love to."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah." He gave her a crooked smile. "I'll call you. I gotta go. Bye, Lana. Bye, guys!"

The party (what was left of it) waved. "Bye, Brad!"

He swept out and was gone.

Lana blinked, unsure of what just happened but she knew she was happy.

Her girls surrounded her. "How'd it go?!"

"He said yes."

Quelly Green and Ly began screaming.

The kids mimicked them.

"Joy..." Mini groused. "Now we have to calm them down."

Lana threw herself on her bestie. "Thank you so much! You were right!"

Mini patted her back. "Where ya goin?"

Lana's eyes grew.


Brad texted Lana three days later, asking if it was okay that he got her number from Mini.

She responded that it was fine.

That let him know she was by her phone so he called her. "Hey?"


"How's it going?"

"It's going."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm okay. I know you asked me out for Saturday but can I plan it?"

There was silence for a moment before. "Yes."

He knew he was throwing her for a loop. "Okay. I'll call you Friday with details. I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." She was barely able to eek out before he hung up.

He immediately called Mini. "I did it."

"How'd she sound?" Mini didn't bother with hellos either.


"Good. We're going to romance the shit out of her. She's going to want you to the exclusion of all reason."

He blushed. "I- I've never heard of that before."

"That's okay, Tobin. Just stick with me and you'll be married in no time." Mini hung up.

He blinked. Mini was a character. But was she right? Would he marry Lana? Did he want to marry Lana? His skin grew feverish as he thought about calling Lana his wife. Maybe Mini knew what she was talking about?


Lana flapped her hands awkwardly in the direction of her sweaty armpits. "He hasn't called yet!"

"You need to be worried about what he'll say when he does." Mini stated.

Lana groaned loudly. "I can't do this!"

"You used to love to date!" Ly mewled.

"I grew outta that!" Lana growled at the phone.

"Did you?" Mini quipped.

"Yes! I had to! Chris wouldn't let me date other guys! He was so upset every time I did!"

"You are thee dumbest person I've ever come across."

Coco cracked up, Quelly Green right behind her.

"Coco?!" Lana was hurt by her break in character.

"I'm sorry but it was the way she said it!" Coco had tears to her tone.

Lana dove onto her bed and picked up her phone. She stared at her friends over FaceTime. "You're not helping!"

"Helping what?!" Mini spat. "You're just waiting on a funky ass man to call you!"

That actually did help. "Yeah! Keep being Mini! Take all the romance out of it!"

Mini had a flat expression on her face. "I'm hanging up..."

Quelly Green screamed laughing.

"Mini, be nice." Ly smirked.

"You shut up. And you worry about the little baby that just crawled out of your snatch."

"She did not crawl!" Ly sounded and looked affronted.

"But did it hurt?"

Ly pouted. "So much."

"Alright then."

Quelly Green snickered. "Labor sucks."

"A line but we're not here about that. This chick is tripping because one dumbass man is taking his sweet time to use the phone. You are aware he has a job, right? It's Friday. He's probably still working."

Lana felt stupid. "It's noon. He's probably still working."

"Duh. Alright, I gotta go. Don't call me until you know what you're doing and where you're going."

"Why?" Ly piped up.

"So we can pick out her outfit and give her an escape route just in case he's a serial killer/rapist?" Mini frowned at her camera.

Ly gasped. "No!"

"Yes! How have you survived this long?!"

This time both Quelly Green and Coco screamed.

Lana's lips twitched. "Goodbye, guys."

"Bye!" The four hung up.

Lana hung up and threw her phone beside her. She shook her head with a smile, thinking about her friends as it rang. She picked it up, expecting one of them but it was Brad. She instantly freaked. It took two rings before she'd calmed herself. "Hello?"

"Hey? Lana? It's Brad."

"Yeah. I know. Caller ID."

"Right." There was a smile to his voice. "I just wanted to hear your voice."

Her jaw dropped. "You did?"

"Yeah. Your voice is beautiful."

She accidentally squealed. "Um..." She cleared her throat. "Thank you. I like your voice as well."

"How do you feel about music?"

"Music? I love music."

"How about we go to a concert tomorrow night?"

"Oh really?" Her brows lifted in shock. She loved concerts and hadn't been to one in years that didn't have animal costumes. "Who's playing?"


"Cher?!" Lana nearly screamed. She loved Cher.

"I take it that that's a good idea?"


"Okay. We can grab dinner after. I'll pick you up at six."

"Oh. Okay." She was still in a whirlwind about seeing her idol.

"See you tomorrow, Lana."

"See you tomorrow, Brad."


"Bye." She hung up and did scream.

Añgie ran in and jumped on the bed. She screamed, too.

Lana laughed and grabbed her to hug. "Mamí's going to see Cher!"

"Cher!" Añgie screamed, knowing that word.

"Yeah! I'll take so many pictures!"


Lana was so happy and knew; she was going to love Brad.


Lana was super excited for her date. Her girls came over the night before to help her prepare. She frowned as she ran her hands over her dress covered hips. Mini had seemed extra quiet. Lana wondered if the anniversary of her attack was weighing on her friend's mind.

The doorbell rang.

She looked towards her doorway and resolved to take Mini to brunch the next day and hurried to go downstairs.

The kids were down there talking Brad to death with the babysitter.

Lana smiled at them. They were so cute. "Hey."

Brad looked up, smile firmly in place until he caught sight of her. She looked stunning... "Hey!"

"Mamí, why can't me and CJ go?" Añgie scowled.

"You're too little." Lana pouted.

Añgie began crying.

CJ hugged his sister. "It okay, Añgie."

The adults melted as Añgie cuddled up to her big brother.

Lana hugged her children. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay, Mamí." CJ hugged and kissed his mother.

"Bye, Mamí." Añgie pouted as she did the same.

Brad waved as he grabbed a coat for Lana. "See you guys."

"Bye!" The kids waved before running off.

The sitter smiled. "Bye. Have a good time." She ran off to chase the kids down.

Lana slipped into the coat and let Brad usher her out and to his car. He opened the door for her and everything. She was highly impressed.

He got behind the wheel and started the car. Music began playing. Specific music.

She smiled widely. "Cher!"

"Yeah. I figured we were going to her concert. Might as well listen to her there and back."

Lana fell just a bit more.


Tonight was so amazing!

The concert was awesome and they'd had great seats. Now they were at a diner, eating food that was hearty. The conversation was easy and yet still deep. It was massively entertaining and endearing.

By the time they left, both knew this was going to be a good courtship.

Brad dropped Lana off at home and she relieved the sitter before going up to get ready for bed. She group chatted her girls as she got ready but the one she really wanted to talk to wouldn't respond.

So she called Coco. "Hey?"

"I'm so happy for you!" Coco gushed.

"Thanks, Coco!" Lana couldn't help smiling. "Where's Mini? Why isn't she responding?"

"I don't know. She's been acting weird for months."

"What?" That was the first Lana had noticed of it.

"Yeah. Since January. But the past few days have been worse. I don't know what's up with her."

Lana was stuck for a moment. "I wanted to invite her to brunch tomorrow but maybe we need to sit her down. It's almost April. That's way too long."

Coco made a sound. "Brunch is a good idea. She'll be in public and won't curse you out."

Lana sighed. "Shit. I hate this."

"Me too. But don't let it get you down. You had a great first date with Brad. We'll take care of Mini. Take tonight to be blissful."

"Love you, Coco." Lana grinned.

"Love you too Mrs. Tobin!" Coco hung up.

Lana laughed with a blush. She was getting Coco back for that! But she was going to take the woman's advice.


Lana knocked on the door then rang the doorbell. She waited but heard screaming.

She leaned towards the door to see if it was coming from inside the house. It was. She was shocked. Was something happening? "Mini?!" She pushed the doorbell again.

Crying sounded as the door opened. Mini was there with a scowl. It dropped when she saw who it was. "Lana?"

"Yeah!" Lana checked over the twin in Mini's arms. Glory was still upset but looked healthy. "What's wrong? Why is she fussy?"

Mini looked supremely uncomfortable. "Now's not a good time, Lan. Do you need something?"

"I wanted to go to brunch with you."

Mini's face reflected her stress. "I- I'd love to."

"Baby!" A hidden Gerald sounded hurt. "We need to talk about this!"

Mini set Glory on her feet and shoved her feet into boots.

"What's going on?" Lana worried.

Mini grabbed her coat and purse. "Nothing. Let's go."


"Let's go."

"Okay." Lana stepped outside slowly.

"Baby-" Gerald grabbed Mini's arm.

But Mini tore away from her husband. She slammed the door shut and followed Lana to her car.

Both got in and Lana began driving to a restaurant they loved. "So?"

"So what?" Mini had her eyes closed.

Lana's mouth worked. "Did you know that I had a great time with Brad last night?"

"That's good, Lana."

Lana was majorly worried.

They made it to the restaurant safely and went inside. They were shown to a table and sat down. Lana ordered juice but Mini ordered alcohol.

Lana couldn't believe it. Mini limited her alcoholic drink intake. What was going on?

The waitress returned with their drinks.

Mini smiled warmly at her. "Thank you, love."

The waitress blushed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "What would you like?"

Mini lifted a brow as she looked at the woman.

The woman's flush worsened.

Lana was appalled. Was Mini flirting with their waitress?!

"What do you recommend, dear?" Mini was asking.

"The omelettes are pretty good but the crêpes are the best thing on the menu." The waitress nodded.

"Then I'll have an omelette with a crêpe."

The waitress outlined the options for both and Mini chose.

"Can you make sure my glass never gets empty?"

The waitress nodded. "I can."

"You're so... amazing, love."

The waitress floated away... not taking Lana's order.

Lana stared at her best friend, who was drinking her "spicy juice" like it was water. "What's going on with you?"

"What's going on with you?" Mini was nearing the bottom of her glass.

"I think- I think something's going on at home." Lana knew how Mini was with personal issues so she was trying to avoid a landmine.

Mini shrugged.

The waitress returned with another drink and looked at Lana. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to ask what would you like."

Lana rattled off her order, wanting the waitress to go away but the woman was stuck, watching Mini optically flirt with her. "Thank you!"

The waitress jumped and scurried off.

"That was rude, mate." Mini knocked back the end of her first drink and began chugging her second.

"You don't get drunk in public." Lana stared. "If you keep it up, you will be."

Mini lifted a shoulder and continued chugging.

"Please talk to me." Lana begged. "I'm really worried about you."

"Don't be." Mini's lower lip wobbled and tears filled her eyes. "I can take care of myself."

Lana's heart hurt at knowing her friend was barely holding it together. "But you don't have to. You have us."

A tear crested Mini's full cheek.

Lana sidled her chair over to Mini's and held her. "It's okay. I'm here."

The waitress returned with another drink. "Is everything okay?"

Lana frowned.


The ladies met up at Lana's home as the kids played in the living room. Lana ushered them into the kitchen, where Mini was laying on the kitchen table, trying to stop crying.

Coco immediately ran to Mini. "What's going on?!"

Quelly Green and Ly were right behind her. "Who do we have to kill?!"

Ly nodded. "Are you alright?!"

"Guys!" Lana waved them away so Mini could breathe. "Don't mush her!"

"What's going on?" Coco didn't care about that.

"I don't know. She won't talk. She just cries."

"Mini, sweetie?" Ly brushed Mini's hair back from her wet face. "What's going on? Is it the kids? Is it Gerald?"

More tears poured down Mini's cheeks.

"Is it Gerald? Is he sick?"

Mini nodded.

"What?!" The friends freaked out.

"Is it cancer?" Quelly Green sat at the table with her.


They each took a breath. "What is it?"

"He's a damn dirty dog."

Ly and Coco gasped as Lana and Quelly Green shook their heads in disbelief. "No!"

"Yes!" Mini wiped her face.

Coco made strange moves as she tried to figure out what to say.

Ly cried along with Mini.

Quelly Green frowned. "We can hurt him!"

"Quelly Green!" Coco snapped. "Be serious!"

"I am! She was willing to kill him over a misunderstanding; she can kill him with proof!"

"Do you have proof?" Coco asked.

"I don't need proof!" Mini railed. "I've got my intuition!"

"Has he been acting different?"

Mini's eyes filled again. "He's starting to wash with my favorite body wash. He sings in the shower. He stays out late. I went through his phone."

Coco gulped. "What'd you find?"

"He has a new client. It's like they're married. He tells her jokes and she sends him sexy pictures."

"Oh Gerald..." Lana winced.

"I don't know what to do." Mini licked her lips slowly.

"Cut him!" Quelly Green snapped.

"I can't do this." Mini stood up, tears drenching her face. "I'm getting my kids and we're leaving."

"You can move in here." Lana offered.

"I'm not staying in this terrible state. I've always liked Montana. We can start over there."

"Mini, no!" Coco knew she was serious.

Ly burst into harder tears. "Don't leave us!"

"Wouldn't you rather be a widow than divorced?" Quelly Green was serious herself.

"I just wanna be alone." Mini moved from the room.

The four followed.

Mini put on her coat and grabbed her handbag to leave quietly.

"I'm killing him!" Ly shook a fist.

"Get in line!" Quelly Green paced.

Coco frowned. "Why didn't Danny tell me?! He tells me everything!"

"Unless they're all cheating?"

Lana could see this becoming a big thing then remembered her beau had already been guilty of cheating in the past.


Mark came home to his wife bawling her eyes out. "What's wrong, babe?"

"You're cheating on me and going to leave me with two kids and a dog!" She wailed.

"What?" It took him a while to say.

Ly glared at him. "Birds of a feather flock together!"

That doubly confused him. "Ly. Babe, just tell me what's going on."


Scott came in from the gym. "Please don't let this woman have cooked."

Quelly Green was in the kitchen alright but she was sitting at the table and the oven was cold.

He didn't like the way this looked. "What's up?"

"If you're cheating on me, you have one chance to end it or I'm going to end you and that bitch."

Scott looked around. Was she talking to him? She had to be. Not only was he the only other one in the room, she said cheating. "You think I'm cheating on you?"

"I don't need this. I've got a line of men who want to be with me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" His eyes grew. "What's going on?!"


Danny walked in (from the gym). He could feel the atmospheric difference. "Coco?! Are you here?"

Coco came into the room and crossed her arms. "We need to talk."

Danny feared that. "Shit. What's going on?"


Brad dialed Lana's number, hoping she picked up. Gerald didn't. Neither did Mini. His friends had had explosive talks with their women and he couldn't believe Gerald of all people was cheating but he couldn't deny Gerald was up to something. But he didn't want it to spill over onto him and Lana.

"Hello?" Lana answered coolly.

Shit! "Hey."

"Do you need something?"

"I will never cheat on you."


It was happening! "I swear. I'm faithful now. I know better now. Lana, I swear."

"Words are pretty."

"What do I have to do to prove to you that I will never hurt you?"

"I don't know. I don't know. All I know is my best friend is broken and your best friend did it."


Danny knocked on the door after ringing the doorbell.

Gerald opened it quickly. "Mini?!"

"No. Where is she?"

"I don't know!" Gerald was worried. "She won't answer her phone!"

"You're not cheating on Mini, are you?!" Scott got right to the meat of it.

"Scott?!" Mark wondered about him.

"Well! We're catching hell because you're sexting some whore!"

"What?!" Gerald's eyes widened. "Brenda's not a whore!"

Danny paced. "Fuck! You're really cheating?"


"Then who the fuck is Brenda?" Scott demanded.

"She's my client! I've been working on her renovations for two months!"

"Then why does Mini think you're cheating?" Mark crossed his arms.

"Come in." Gerald opened the door wider.

The men came in and disrobed slightly.

Gerald led them to the office and shut the door. "I'm not cheating. Brenda's a nice lady, who sends me memes and stuff."

"Is she married, too?" Mark asked.


"Oh my goodness." He facepalmed.

"Let's see her thread." Danny held out his hand.

"No! That's private!" Gerald recoiled.

"She's sending you private stuff?"

Gerald flushed.

Scott threw up his hands. "You are cheating!"

"I'm not!"

Brad shook his head. "It's a slippery slope, Gerald."

"Just because you deny it, doesn't mean you aren't cheating." Mark said wisely.

"I'm not! I haven't touched this woman once!" Gerald defended himself.

Danny sat in a chair, exhausted already. "G."

"It's not fair, Dan! I can't have outside friends?! She does!"

"Who?!" Scott legitimately wanted to know. "She's always here!"

"Always." Gerald scowled.

Mark's brows lifted. "Did you just say always like you wished she wasn't?"

Gerald looked miserable.

"What's going on in your marriage, G?" Danny asked tiredly.

Gerald's expression didn't change. "I gotta talk to her."


Mini walked into her house, still whipped up. She'd walked from Lana's house to her own. She ignored her phone, except to write heartbreak songs. The inspiration was definitely there.

Her friends and Gerald were there, waiting. "Mini!"

The men walked in from the kitchen and checking on the children. "Mini!"

Mini shut the door and took off her boots. She said nothing as she took off her coat and put her purse on the hook.

"Mini." Gerald went to her but she bypassed him without a look.

"Where are you going?" Lana asked fearfully.

"To check on my kids then upstairs to pack." Mini answered calmly.

Ly's blue eyes widened. "You were serious about Montana?!"

Coco cried. "No!"

"Montana?" Scott looked at his weeping wife.

Quelly Green nodded. "She said she was leaving all of us."

Gerald felt fear. "You're going to leave me?"

Mini ignored him and left.

Gerald's heart broke.

Danny saw how devastated his bud looked. "Everybody, sit!"

"Danny,-!" Coco tried.

"No! We're settling this once and for all!"

"Bossy..." Scott whispered.

"Sit." Danny narrowed his chocolate eyes.

Everyone but Gerald took a seat.

"I'll go get Mini." Danny left the room.


Danny found Mini in her closet, on the floor in the middle of packing but merely staring at the clothes. "Hey? Are you okay?"

She didn't react.

He came closer and touched her back.

She jumped and whirled around.

"Hey, it's okay. It's me." He frowned. "Are you okay?"

She forced her hair out of her face. "I'm fine."

"What were you doing?"

"Packing." She spat bitterly.

Whoa. "I mean while you were packing. You were just staring off into space."

She rubbed at her face roughly. "It doesn't matter."

"Mini, I know you're hurting but-"

"But what? Hear him out? Listen to more lies? I'm not crazy. I'm not staying here being the little housewife while he goes outside and has a full life with some bitch but I'm stuck at home, making it a home." Her nose burned as tears sprang back into her toffee eyes.

He looked at her in sympathy. "I swear I didn't know about this woman."

"I thought I was the one to make him tell jokes and be silly." A tear broke free.

"You are."

"I thought I was the one he sang for."

"You are."

"I thought I was the one who had his heart."

"You are."

"I'm not." She looked away. "I thought I was passed this. Being with someone who didn't want me. I thought if I was smart about it, I could find someone to love me for me, for all of me. Who'd stay. Who I could love back and be whole. But of course he doesn't. I'm me and he's him. I'm so messed up and he's perfect."

"Mini." He didn't like what she was saying. "You are more than enough."

"To drive a man away? I know. I did it a lot. Just thought things would be different. But they're not." She stood up with an armful of clothes.

He stood as well. "I'm going to kill him. I don't think he means to do this but we can beat him until he's faithful."

She sniffled noisily. "Thank you, Danny but it's time I accept facts. Maybe all this happened so I could have my beautiful babies? Maybe I was just meant to be a mother? Montana sounds like a nice place. I can be happy there."

He could tell she was saying goodbye and hated that. "Before you go, can he at least explain?"



"You're a good friend, Danny."

"You're a good woman, Mini."


Danny helped Mini down the stairs and led her to a chair. He helped her sit. "G, we agreed that you should explain. If you can't come correct, I'm going to help Mini finish packing."

Gerald's jaw dropped. "Dan,-!"

"No, G. You have to save your marriage. Not me."

Gerald wanted to throw a tantrum. He had a friend. How was he wrong?

Scott opened his mouth but Mark threw a balled up tissue at him and shook his head.

Gerald paced. "It's not fair!"

Danny could see this going badly but he let Gerald get it out.

"Brenda is just a friend! If that! She's my client! Why can't I have friends?!"

"I'm hurt." Scott muttered.

Quelly Green swatted him.

"Let me see your phone." Mini held out her hand.

Gerald blanched. "That's private!"

"Exactly. Can I go now, Danny?"

"That's not fair! You're going to leave me because I won't let you look at my phone?!"

Mini burst out in angry Mandarin.

Gerald was taken aback. She only spoke in Mandarin when she felt like killing something or in the mood and she definitely didn't seem in the mood right now. "Baby?"

Tears streamed down her face as she cursed.

The men all had wide eyes. They'd heard about her Chinese temper but had yet to see it.

Her friends looked at her in sympathy. They knew how affected she was.

Gerald went to his wife but she slapped him across the face. He was dead shocked. She'd never struck him before. He cradled his jaw. "Baby, I'm sorry. You can look through my phone."

Mini still cursed, mixing in English and Spanish. She pushed Gerald.

He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up a little but she still raged.

It took a while before she stopped screaming and simply cried.

The kids inched into the room, able to hear the yelling from the den.

Gerald felt terrible. If his friendship with this woman was causing his wife to be like this, maybe he should cut it off? "I'm sorry, baby. I won't be friends with Brenda."

Mini lifted her head and tried to glare at him through her tears.

"Isn't that what you want?" He was drowning.

Danny debated getting in it but didn't want them to explode. "I think it's more than that, G."

"What more can I do?!"

Mini's gaze sharpened. "Put me down." Her voice was scary quiet and clear.

Gerald watched her. "No." His tone was just as careful.

"Put me down."


"Put me down!"

He flinched but held strong. "I'm not letting you leave me!"

"Either you watch me walk out that door or you'll never wake up again."

He gulped. "I don't like those options."

"It's the only two you've got."

"That's not fair-"

"Not fair? You want to talk about not fair?!"


"Put me down."

"I'm not letting you walk away from me."

"You have no choice."

"Because of Brenda?!"

"Because of you!"

He gasped. "Because of me?"

"Don't nobody care about that bitch! You stepped out! Not her! I blame you!"

"I didn't step out! Shit! I've just been texting some other woman! It's not like I was fucking her!"

"You fucking idiot! Do you hear yourself?! If I was texting some other asshole, you'd have a heart-attack!"

"I never said you couldn't have men friends! You just don't want any! You'd rather stay up in this house all the time-"

Mini struggled against his arms. "I hate you!"

He wanted to shake her. "Stop telling me that!"

"Stop earning it!"

Gerald set her down and let her go.

Danny caught her before she could run upstairs. "Guys, you need to talk. Really talk. Not screaming at each other."

"Where the kids can't see you." Brad slyly pointed to the group of children silently crying.

Mini ripped away from Danny and went to pick up Ricky.

Gerald picked up Gin. "It's alright."

Gin sobbed on his shoulder. "Mommy say she hate you."

"No, she doesn't."

Mini glared at him.

"She doesn't. She loves Daddy."

Mini cuddled Gerry closer to her. "I think we need a trip. Want to go somewhere else?"

"With Daddy?" Mari pointed to her father.

"No, honey. Daddy needs to stay here with his girlfriend."

Glory's mouth rounded as Gerald's mouth fell open. "How could you tell her that?"

"You're right. Being a good father is different than being a bad husband. Daddy has things to do here. He can visit you-"

"What?!" Gerald was upset she was still trying to leave.

"Who wants to help me pack?" Mini ignored him. "It'll be an adventure. Like in your bedtime stories."

"Who's going to tell our stories?" Glory wanted to know.

"Mommy can do that."

"Really?" Gerry perked up. He loved his mother's voice.

Mini smiled. "Yeah. Come on. Let's go pack."

"Can I have my yellow dress?" Gin asked.

"We can pack whatever you want."

"Yay!" Gin kicked to be let down then ran upstairs.

Gerry, Glory and Mari ran after her, screaming.

"Wanna pack?" Mini bounced with Ricky.

The one year old drooled.

She kissed his chubby cheek. "Yeah, you do." She looked at her husband. "Thanks for trying, guys. I appreciate you." She went upstairs.

Gerald couldn't believe her.

"Wow." Scott said in the quiet. "I knew she was going to leave you but not because you were a whore."

Gerald didn't take that well...


Brad walked Lana and the kids to her car. "Are you okay?"

Lana looked up, eyes foggy. "Huh?"

"You. Are you okay? With everything that's happening?"

"No. My best friend's marriage may be over and she's trying to move to another state. I'm hurt."

"Yeah." He could kill Gerald but knew he couldn't cast stones.

She unlocked her car and let him help her put the kids in their car-seats. She shut the doors and breathed deeply. "I hate this."

"I thought if anyone was in love, it was those two."

She started crying.

He held her gently. "I don't know how but things are going to get better."

She stayed in his chest until she could compose herself. "Call me later."

He nodded. "Be safe."

She nodded back before getting in her car and driving away.

He stood there for a moment, thinking, before doing the same.

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Purple hyacinth ‼️THIS BOOK HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED‼️ - Sorrow, I'm sorry please forgive me - Jennie Watts - she was what people called perfect. Perf...
401K 19.2K 38
[Wattys 2023 Grand Prize Winner] After an eight-hour flight sitting next to her high school nemesis Jackson Carter, fashion designer and barista Isab...
554K 15.4K 52
˗ˏˋ꒰ ✨ ꒱ - ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ╰┈➤ ❝ [(n.) The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned full.] ❝If it were up to me, I'...