Sometimes, Opposites Attract...

By hello_kittykuromi

532 8 14

You're a hero, Dabi's a villain. Nothing's stayed the same since the both of you first laid eyes on each othe... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You guessed it, it's time for imagines besties :P
Substituting Class 1A/Sorta Spa Day
Practice For Protection
Another Interruption

Cat Boy

22 0 0
By hello_kittykuromi

L.O.V.'s Hideout

Dabi gets up to go on another "walk."

"Going off to see your girlfriend again huh?" Shigaraki teases, and the others laugh.

"Ha-ha very funny, that joke's getting old idiots."

Ever since Dabi first told the other villains he was taking walks, they never really believed him but they didn't care enough to stop or question him.

However, once he started leaving more and more, they'd start joking that he's going off to go see a girl or something.

And though it really got on his nerves, a lot actually, he was glad that they at least didn't know he really was...

After making fun of him a bit longer, the villains finally let him walk off to see you.

A Few Days Later

Dabi Pov

I'm getting really sick of these villains having something dumb to say every time I leave to see her...

But, they're finally all distracted by something else right now, so it seems like a pretty good time to escape.


He starts heading in the direction to walk out when suddenly Toga appears in front of him.

"What's she like...?"

This villain though,

was dead serious this time.

He couldn't believe the question she'd just asked him, he truly didn't know what to say. But he couldn't let her see his panic, so he tried to think fast.

"Can't take a joke huh? You really think i have an interest in a relationship right now...?"

"Then can you tell me this?

What specifically happened on your walk when you came back with blood all over your face from crying one day...

When we joked about you getting into a fight with your girl,

you never denied it.

You kinda just said you had a rough day or something.

...wanna open up about it?"

He didn't respond, and just looked at her as the expression on his face shifted to anger.

"And what about all those times I see you staring in space?

You always look like you're thinking about someone..."

"Listen, you're really weird. The villains mess around a few times and suddenly you look deep into what they're saying. I know it's difficult for you, but how about you use that small brain of yours and think about how me having a girlfriend wouldn't make any sense."

"I know! You see, at first I thought the same thing!! I mean, who would like you?? You're annoying, you're ugly, you're mean, you're emo...!"

"Alright, alright sheesh Blondie, I never said insult me..."

"I mean my point is, you're definitely not my type, especially not like... IZUKU!! I MEAN, HE'S BEAUTIFUL...but've still shown me too much evidence to not think you have anything OTHER than a girlfriend."

"Whatever. Think what you wanna think, just let me leave and finally have some time to myself alright?"

He walks around her to start leaving but she starts walking beside him.

"C'mon Dabiiiii i'm so curioussss just tell me what she's like instead so then I don't have to come with you to meet her!!"

Then all of a sudden he got a little idea...

He knew she was probably going to follow him tomorrow just without telling him so decided he was going to have to come up with a plan.

*Fake smiles* "Y'know what fine, since you won't get off my back, ill tell you."

She was shocked that he actually gave in, and happily began to jump up and down as she clapped her hands.

"She's beautiful, so beautiful I often wonder how I ever got someone like her. She's always someone to sass me whenever she gets the chance. We both tease each other the most though."

Now i've got to lie to throw her off. She's seen y/n too many times whenever we fight the heroes and I don't wanna tell too much truth, giving too much away, he thinks to himself.

"And of course, she's evil. She's horrible, but i love it. I've never seen a more attractive villainous smirk from any woman in my life. She always has one across her face...

*Sigh* Now, does that sound good enough to you?"

"...WOW!! I KNEW IT DABI!! AH, I BET HER BLOOD'S GREAT!! But, I kinda wanna meet her even more..."

"DON'T. JUST LET US HAVE A PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP...that's all we want. *Smirks* Heheh, if you still wanna believe that there even is a "we" in the first place..."

He gives up in leaving to see you for the day, and just walks in the other direction away from Toga.

She doesn't follow him anymore and looks at him as he walks off.

He's so confusing...

I need to see this girl for myself, She thinks.

The Next Day

New day, new Dabi.


Today was just another day he was going to see you again.

Or so Toga thought...

Today was actually the day of Dabi's plan.

A while after Dabi leaves the hideout, he walks through one of the alleyways he takes to get to your apartment. But suddenly, he senses someone following behind him...


Dabi Pov

That sneaky little...

I knew she'd follow me.

Well, *sigh* at least I didn't think of this plan for nothing.


On a part of another alleyway he takes where there are usually a lot of cats that love him there, he stops and turns around to make Toga hide. She quickly hides behind a trash can with her back facing him, so she can't see him anymore.

But she can hear...

"Heyyy babe", he says.

*Gasp* His girlfriend... she thinks to herself.

She was going to turn around to look at her but she was too scared to make a sound if she did.

"Keep quiet alright? Wouldn't want anyone to know we're here..." she hears him say. She wanted to turn around so bad, and she couldn't hear her voice since he asked this "girlfriend" of his to keep quiet.

His plan was all coming together...

"You're just a cutie aren't you..."

Toga Pov

CUTIE?? I can't see Dabi ever calling ANYONE that name except his girlfriend. Y'know what? I don't care anymore. So what if I make a noise? I need to see this girl because what person could possibly fall for this guy?


She turns around and sees Dabi sitting on the floor with a bunch of cats around him, and the black one looking just like him (that he also brought to your apartment one time) in his arms.

Toga Pov


So you're telling me...

this "girlfriend" that he's been leaving the hideout to see all the time,

Is really just a bunch of cats?!

Then why did he come back really upset that one day??

*Gasp* Maybe one of the cats died...

But still.

Why would he hide this from everyone?

Well let me think about this. Knowing Dabi, he probably wouldn't want his weird cat obsession to ruin his "emo image" I guess.

Awww, but this is boring!! It really seemed like he had a really cool girlfriend.



After she got bored of watching him play with the cats Dabi notices her sneak back to the hideout and laughs to himself.

"Got her guys, she doesn't have a clue about y/n." He pet's the cat in his arms one last time before he walks down the rest of the alleyways to see you,

and for real this time...

Meanwhile, Y/n's Apartment

"So... I know you have a private relationship right now and don't really want anyone to know about it.

But right now it's still just so strange to me that you have a completely other life that I don't know about y'know? I mean, you even told me about something as personal as Mako.

Can I... at least know what his personality's like? I'm sorry if your not comfortable with that..."

You sweatdropped. You were sitting down, drinking some tea with Shoto again in your kitchen.

Time to make something up...

"Well, he's really sweet. He's always going out of his way to do something kind for others, and has this adorable little happy giggle he does whenever he gets excited about something.

You almost laughed at your blatant lies.

But hey, why not put a little truth in there...

He also LOVES sushi, it's really cute. OO! And another thing, he's a big teaser. He teases me about everything, but it's ok hahah cuz I tease him back. He's a bit of a sassy guy, but I love it a lot.

You both laugh.

Kinda funny how I'm describing his own brother to him... you think to yourself. You tried your best to hide the sad expression on your face at the thought.

"Would it be ok to ask what he looks like? I don't think I know him anyway..."

Absolutely not, you think.

"He has long black hair that goes down to his shoulders, with emerald green eyes. He also has the cutest smile that's always spread across his face."

You were starting to feel a little bad for lying to him like that, but you didn't have a choice.

You had to put your relationship first...

"Wow y/n. He seems pretty cool, I wish I could meet him. Do you know if I can at least meet Mako though at some point? I'd really like to meet him and you said he's my age right? You've met people like my father before, but i've never met any of your family."

You never thought about that.

"Y'know what Shoto? You're right. I'd actually really like for you to meet him. I'll have to bring him over the next time you visit", you smile and say.

Now that one, was the truth.

You were excited to see how they'd get along one day...


About 10 minutes after Shoto left to go back home, Dabi came walking in.

"You'll never guess what I had to do today..." You both said at the same time.

"You go first", you say.

"Alright, someone back at the hideout almost found out about our relationship."

"WHAT?! H-HOW?? WHO??"

"Heheh, it was Toga. *Snicker* I'm sure she thinks i'm some kind of huge cat boy now.

She tried to spy on me when I was on my way to your house, so I just stopped and played with some cats that always follow me there for like a good 40 minutes until she left."

That made a certain question pop into your mind...

"Now I know the cats follow you around a lot...

But do you ever wonder why?" You ask him.

"Well... not really. But I guess that's cause i've never really found the answer."

"Well, I was kind of thinking, and, y'know how you kind of radiate heat wherever you go because of your fire quirk? Well maybe it's because the warmth of your quirk is welcoming to them."

His face looked at you deep in thought now, really thinking into what you were saying. "You might actually be onto something Pausie...", A while ago he made up that nickname for you after your quirk.

"But anyway, since you let me go first I think it's your turn. What happened with you today?"

"I was gonna tell you how a similar thing happened today with me too. A few minutes before you showed up, your brother came over to see me."

First you saw his face fall,

then his body noticeably stiffen at your words.


Your "son", right?"

"Hey, relax, don't get mad at me alright? I know your relationship with him is completely different from mine.

But this brother of yours, had a few questions for me today..."

He looks at you with a hint of curiosity.

What could he have asked you...?

"To start off though, in order to tell you this I guess I kinda have to let you know this first... when we got into that huge fight we had one time, I may have accidentally cried to him and told him i'm in a relationship."

At first when he heard this news, he looked really mad at you.

"If i'm gonna be honest y/n,

you're a complete idiot for doing something like that."

But before he got too upset though and lost it on you, he took a deep breath and kept his composure.

*Sigh* "But it looks like we're both's still my fault that I got you upset enough to do that in the first place."

"It wasn't like I didn't hurt you though. During that fight we had, we both hurt each other. It was in the past, alright? We don't have to worry about it anymore."

Are heroes really that forgiving..? He asked himself.

You look over at Dabi trying hide his blushing face while he asks you "So-what did my brother say to you...?"

"Well, now that he knows I have a boyfriend, he wanted to know a bit about you."

"Ah, so Icy-Hot can't mind his own business, huh?"

*Snickers* "ANYWAY, he asked me what your personality and appearances are like."

"UH- THAT'S A LOT OF DETAIL HE'S ASKING FOR...what'd ya tell him?"

"Some partial truths...

and lies...big ones, actually."

He looked relieved to know that you didn't say any dangerous info about him.

"So firstly, I thought i'd tell him how sweet you are, always going out of your way to help everyone and stuff. And we both know that happy giggle you have all the time whenever you get excited about something!" You taunt and poke him a little.


"~But I did...~"


"Well I hope it makes you feel better to know I told him about your long black hair down to your shoulders, emerald green eyes, and the cutest smile that you always have <3"

"You've gotta be kidding me. So you're telling me that you want me to be a soft boy. "Awh I happy giggle awh i'm just so smiley"- i'm starting to think you hate me. You're just dating me because you needed someone else to bully like this. No, i don't want him to know that your boyfriend's a villian, BUT Y/N. COME ON.

Y'know what while your at it, next time you see him tell him my name's dandelion and loves skipping in flower fields wearing a little skirt."

"Weeeellll you would look good in a skirt-"



"But to be honest babe, i'm only saying that cause I think you'd look good in anything."

"D-don't try to flatter me now... it's clear how much you love seeing me suffer, telling Katy Perry lies like that." He put his hand on his face, he didn't want you to see how flushed he was again.


You try to hold back your laughter. "So chill, i have no interest in you becoming a soft boy or anything.

But also, Katy Perry...?"

"Get it? Cause he's hot and he's cold?? Did you not have a Katy Perry phase?-Aaaaand I shouldn't have told you that..."

"Wait. So you're telling me. The emo- overcooked villain-mostly wear black-don't talk to me or i'll burn you to a crisp guy used to have a KATY PERRY PHASE??"

"HEY. I WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON THEN. Bring that up again and you'll regret it...besides, now i usually just blast heavy metal to drown out life's disappointments."

"So Mr.Hot Topic here was a KatyCat..."

"WOULD YOU STOP. Sheesh, i see heroes never drop things do they?"

You flick him in the head. "Say one more hero comment and i'm literally forcing myself to arrest you."


Back at the Hideout

Toga walks over to Dabi as soon as she sees him walk in, a look of disappointment written all over her face.


"Shouldn't you greet your elders with more respect? No hi or hello? I don't remember always having this much to say as a teenager."

"Don't lie Dabi. Knowing you, you probably had even more", Spinner teased, the villains laughing with him.

Except for Toga this time.

She stood in front of him, still trying to come to terms with the fact that maybe he wasn't in the relationship she'd hoped for him to be.

"Yeah yeah, WHO CARES ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW. What really matters is the fact that Dabi doesn't have the COOL GIRLFRIEND I WAS ACTUALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING. He's just a weird cat lover... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DISAPPOINT ME BARBECUEEEE"

He looked at her trying to hold back a bit of his shock.

Wow, plan worked better than I expected...

But anyway, I gotta make sure I play dumb though. The last thing I want is to reveal I knew I was being followed.

"So that means you were following me..."

*Sweatdrops* "Uh...well that's not really important right now..."

Toga then looked around to make sure no one was listening to them anymore. But thankfully, the villains stopped listening a while ago. They're apparently pretty used to Toga's whining from time to time.

Her expression quickly turns to sudden seriousness, and she looks him closely in the face.

"If you really do have a girlfriend, you did a great job at hiding it. I still have some hope that you aren't the cat obsessed dude i saw today, but if you really are sneaking out to see a girl...

Then I give up.

Its clear you guys are doing everything you can to keep your relationship behind closed doors.

Besides, I've realized that actually seeing you guys in your relationship is too much worrrrrrk...I don't care THAT much about your life, so i'm not putting any more effort into this."

Dabi Pov

As she walks away while no ones looking, i realized i had a little smirk on my face.


My plan may or may not have changed my label to some kinda cat crazy dude among a lot of these idiots, but if I'm gonna be honest,

it pretty was worth it.

I've learned to prioritize the safety of our relationship first.

At least mostly, the situation with my dad is a different thing,

i mean just because i'm in love with a hero doesn't mean i've become one...

But anyway, i've felt too much for y/n to simply just let a little weirdo like Toga get in the way. I'm still pretty relieved though to know how well it worked out.

Looks like we did it y/n...

Author's Note:

I could NOT think of a better title for this story no matter how hard I tried for some reason so the title makes the story seem so much worse than it really is lollol 

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