Stuck In Paradise

By AnushkaPlayz

75.9K 2.7K 1.9K

Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil know that the dream world they are in is not their own. Who is Omori? Why does h... More

main story
Beginning of the dreams
We need to find Basil!
Otherworld Pt1
Otherworld Pt2
Otherworld Pt3
Snap back to Reality
Fights with the Hooligans.
Bathroom break
Pyrefly Forest Pt1
Pyrefly Forest Pt2 Lost Forest
Pyrefly Forest Pt3
Sprout Mole Village
Sprout Mole Village pt 2
The dungeon
The dungeon pt2
Sweetheart's Castle pt1
Sweetheart's Castle pt2
Sweetheart's Castle pt3
Sweetheart's Castle pt4
Sweetheart's Castle pt5
Sweetheart's Castle pt6
Sweetheart's Castle pt7
Sweetheart's Castle pt8
Sweetheart's Castle pt9
Sweetheart's Castle pt10
Lost Library
Visit and Call
Let's head to the lake.
Can't breathe
Trying and failing to interrogate a depressed teenager.
Still trying to question a depressed teen. Still failing.
everyone realizes they're a depressed teen.
Vast Forest and Pinwheel Forest
On our way to the deep
A mini rest
Last Resort pt1
Last Resort pt2
Last Resort pt3
Last Resort pt4
Last Resort pt5
Exiting the Last Resort. Going to the highway.
Underwater Highway
We are almost there.
Coral Branch
Beginning of Humphrey!
Humphrey pt1
Humphrey pt2
Humphrey pt3
Humphrey pt4
Humphrey pt5
Humphrey pt6
Humphrey pt7
Humphrey pt8
Humphrey pt9
Humphrey pt10
Humphrey pt11
Humphrey pt12
Let's go save Basil.
The beginning of Black Space
The tides are getting rough
The tides are getting worse. I don't know how long the boat will last.
The boat is being destoryed.
The boat is filled with water
We've sunk. I couldn't save you. I'm best friend.
Bad and good things happen at midnight.
A mini talk and check up
A prevention
Aubrey's thoughts
A mini break
A slight breeze causes a leaf to fall from a tree
A bad idea is born
Do you think this is the right choice?
Vs Something
Beginning of the truth.
Finding lost memories but at what cost?
A Hero's Perspective
Now we know
Lost and Found
Party at the Hideout!
Face Yourself
Vs Masked Hero and other shit
Vs Masked Basil and some other shit
Vs Masked Aubrey and Kel featuring Memory Lane
Ridding of the Masks as a melody plays.
Vs Omori
The final duet and their moments after
Missing Oasis
Train ride
Train Fright
Food Pyramid pt1
Funny Hero Flashback
alternate endings
A Bad End pt1
A Bad End pt 2
What if Basil went through with it?
side storys
Didn't expect to see you here
Kel and Aubrey chat
"Who the hell does gardening work at two in the morning?"
a random story from a separate universe
It is sunny out but still raining. Maybe a rainbow will appear?

VS Space Ex-Boyfriend

1.2K 42 57
By AnushkaPlayz

At Space Boyfriend’s bed, everyone stood around it before a space pirate walked up from behind.

“Well, did’ja bring the tape?” The pirate asked the group.

Omori pulled out and held the tape in the air for the pirate to see. The pirate seemed to be stunned before giving out a grin, “Well ya really did it! A bit dirty but that is the tape!”

“Actually about this whole Space Boyfriend situation,” Hero began, not noticing Kel taking the mixtape from Omori, “We were told a rumor that Space Boyfriend and Sweetheart broke up…”

“WAIT, REALLY? DO YOU KNOW IF IT IS TRUE??” The pirate yelled in shock, not noticing that Kel and Omori moved towards Space Boyfriend.

“No, but if it is I don’t think this mixtape would work on him…” Hero muttered.

“Hey Space Boyfriend, we got your mixtape back,” Kel told the resting pirate.

Space Boyfriend didn’t move at all prompting Kel to frown a bit, “Could say thanks, I worked hard for this.”

“Gee, it is just a breakup. Normal people go through that most of the time, he’ll get over it.” Aubrey groaned.

“Hey Omori, do ya think if I blast the mixtape it will get him up?” Kel asked. It felt weird to call Sunny by a different name but whatever floats his boat.

Omori looked between Kel and Space Boyfriend curiously before shrugging. He looked surprised to even be asked that question.

“Eh, it’s worth a shot.” Kel decided, moving to the boombox to enter the tape.

“In that case, it might be too emotional to play the mixtape for him. Omori, can you give me the tape?” Hero asked.

Kel was already inserting the tape and pressing play before anyone could stop him. A nice melody began to play, filling the air with a lighthearted toon.

“Kel you moron!” Aubrey yelled at the kid.

“What? Isn’t this what we came to do?” Kel asked.

“I suddenly have a bad feeling about this…” Hero groaned as he whipped out his Baking Pan, sensing the danger to come.

“What….is...that...INFERNAL...RACKET!?!?” Space Boyfriend shot up, throwing his blanket off his bed and into the starry background behind him.

“Damn it Kel! You messed up again!” Aubrey yelled as she took out her doll. Omori followed suit by taking his knife out.

“ bad…” Kel mumbled.


Everyone stood their ground firmly before Space Boyfriend looked around, “...hmph, one second.” He suddenly teleported from his area, startling Kel to take a few steps back.

Now that Kel thinks about it, he could swear he recognizes Space Boyfriend from somewhere but he can’t remember where.

Space Boyfriend appeared again next to the boombox and proceeded to take the mixtape out to replace it with a different one. Suddenly a more Sci-fi tune began to play as Space Boyfriend posed dramatically, “FWAHAHAHAHAHA! MUCH BETTER THEME, WOULDN’T YOU AGREE?”

Omori and Kel gave a thumbs up to it causing Hero and Aubrey to let out a sigh. “What? It slaps!” Kel stated, noticing their faces.

Space Boyfriend teleported back onto his bed and stood upon them proudly, “Foolish children! I must thank you for pulling me out of that pathetic state! I grew tired lying in bed, pretending to be sick. Like I always say, FEELINGS ARE FOR LOSERS!”

He dramatically closed his fist and looked at the floor, “That wench, Sweetheart...SHE IS GOING TO PAY FOR LEAVING ME!” He looked back to the four children.

“I did everything for her! I gave everything to her! EVERYTHING YA HEAR ME!?!” He yelled, “That little-! AUGHHHHH” He whipped out a laser gun and shot his own bed, leaving a burn mark on the mattress.

“Forget it! I will find Sweetheart, AND I WILL MAKE HER PAY!” He growled.

“Wow, toxic much?” Aubrey groaned, “If she doesn’t want to be with you that is it, end of the story.”

“Yeah Space Boyfriend- or would it be better to call ya, Space Ex-Boyfriend!” Kel attempted to roast him.

“Kel, do you like making our enemies mad or…?” Hero groaned as Ex-Boyfriend seemed to be even more pissed than before.


“Yes.” Kel shrugged, knowing there was going to be a battle anyway.

“KEL!” Everyone minus Omori shouted.

“So. Be. It.” Ex-Boyfriend pointed his gun at the group and fired, aiming straight at Kel. If it wasn’t for Omori being next to him and shoving him out of the way, Kel would have been hit hard.

“If you want to defy me, then perish earthly scum!” Ex-Boyfriend yelled as he began aggressively attacking the group.

Kel was still near Omori’s side as Ex-Boyfriend fired his gun at his opponents. Hero and Aubrey also were near each other, trying to protect the other from Ex-Boyfriend’s bullets.

The group only managed to get a few good hits, mainly from Kel and Omori who are closest to the space pirate.

“My rage cannot be contained, you can’t placate me!” Ex-Boyfriend yelled, proceeding to get angry.

Space Ex-Boyfriend can no longer become Happy or Sad!

Omori took out a poem and read it to himself while Kel made sure to get some hits on Ex-Boyfriend. Hero was healing Aubrey who was badly injured from one of the pirates' shots by handing her cookies, which they all still don’t know how that works.

Space Ex-Boyfriend wasn’t letting up, his attacks became more brutal over time as he got even more pissed off with the group, even letting out wails that injured their eardrums more than their bodies.

“Gah! How are you still moving!? I...I won’t let you defeat me!” Ex-Boyfriend became enraged at the fact the group was withstanding his attack.

“Guys! Remember that move we used on Pluto? We might have a chance if we use it on Space Ex-Boyfriend!” Hero shouted.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they powered up their attack. Kel threw his ball around Ex-Boyfriend before slam dunking it in his face. Aubrey went next, whacking him in the face aggressively, “THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SHOOTING ME!”

Hero ran forward and began beating Space Ex-Boyfriend in the face and slammed it into his stomach.

“OH, YOU LITTLE SH-” Ex-Boyfriend lashed out, knocking Hero backward. He pointed the gun at him and was about to fire when Omori ran up and slashed him from behind.


Space Ex-Boyfriend became furious as he turned around and kicked Omori in the gut.

“Hey! Back off!” Kel yelled as he threw his ball right into Ex-Boyfriend’s face, stunning the pirate.

Aubrey also attacked again, aiming for the pirate’s gun and knocking it out of his hands.

Hero aimed for the stomach and kicked it as hard as he could, “Doesn’t feel good, does it!”

Omori got up off the floor and watched how his friends attacked Space Ex-Boyfriend with the intent to avenge the injury Omori has gained. He ran forward next and slashed again at Ex-Boyfriend’s heart.

“” Space Ex-Boyfriend fell on the ground while everyone tried to catch their breaths.

“Kel, please stop doing things without us knowing…” Hero gasped out.

“Understood captain…” Kel groaned.

The eye patch on Space Ex-Boyfriend’s face fell off, allowing Omori to pick it up and stuff it in his pocket.

Omori learned Hack Away!

“...?” Space Ex-Boyfriend began looking around the room, almost like he didn’t know where he was, “H-huh? What happened? Where am I? Who are you?” he asked the group.

“Gee Aubrey! You whacked him so hard he has amnesia!” Kel laughed.

“Me? You're the one who threw a ball directly into his face!” Aubrey yelled back.

“Um- hey! How are you feeling?” Hero asked nervously.

“Oh, hello…I’m Capt. Spaceboy! A pleasure to meet you-” Spaceboy cut himself off as he grabbed his chest, “Oww, my chest!”

“Oh, are you okay? I mean, we did have to fight you to calm you down...” Hero asked, worried they might have taken it too far.

“Hero, he was slashed with a knife multiple times, whacked in the face with my doll, beaten with your spatula, and hit in the head with a hard ball. OF COURSE HE ISN’T OKAY!” Aubrey berated the older member.

“Ah, I see, my other half must have gotten the better of me. I must apologize, I bet your actions were well-justified.” Spaceboy felt sorry for his actions, “I hope I didn’t cause you trouble…”

“Ah, don’t worry about it!” Kel shrugged, he honestly felt like he knew the name Spaceboy but for some reason couldn’t put his finger on it.

“My emotions are becoming harder to control recently, I try to keep them at bay but they are becoming difficult to deal with…” Spaceboy sighed, his face becoming somber, “Sweetheart, she was the love of my life. It is almost impossible to imagine life without her, so I guess I am a bit lost…”

He took the Special Mixtape out of his pocket, “This Special Mixtape is full of mine and her favorite songs, I put so much effort and love into making this for her…thank you for returning it. It still has our memories after all.”

“Uh, no problem man! Well I mean it was a bit of a problem but-” Kel was cut off by Hero chopping him on the head.

“We are happy to have been able to help you. You deserve a rest.” Hero smiled.

“I am afraid no amount of rest can heal my heart, I must find another way over this slump…” Spaceboy trailed off.

Suddenly two space pirates walked up the stairs causing the group to move to the side, “Capt. Sp- I mean Space Boyfriend! I am so very sorry but I have very bad news! Your favorite planet Pluto escaped and we can’t find him anywhere!”

The duo got on their knees, “Please don’t be mad! We’re sorry!” “P-please be gentle…” both pirates braced for impact.

Spaceboy turned around and saw that what they said was true, Pluto wasn’t there anymore.

“Ah, I see. It’s okay you two. I am sure even planets get bored of turning slowly all day. Perhaps Pluto was never meant to be a planet.” Spaceboy sighed, a bit upset Pluto was gone.

“H-huh? Really??” The two pirates looked up at Spaceboy, “So you're not angry at us?”

“Do you really mean it, Capt- I mean Space Boyfriend?” The other pirate asked.

“I sure do. Gather the rest of the crew, we shall go to Frozen Lake and grab some sno-cones!” Spaceboy smiled at the pirates, “Resting may not help my heart but maybe some food with friends will!”

His face suddenly damped again, “Also please don’t call me Space Boyfriend anymore, that only brings painful memories. Call me Captain SpaceBoy!”

“W-wait does this mean?” The space pirate looked to his buddy, “WOOOO HOOOOO!”


The two space pirates grinned at each other as they ran down the stairs to grab the crew.

“I can’t thank you enough for what you have done! Who knows what could have happened to me and my crew if you didn’t help us.” Space Boyfriend gave a mini bow.

“Eh, it was nothin.” Kel smiled back.

“If you ever need anything from me and the Space Pirates, feel free to ask anytime.” Spaceboy grinned.

“Actually, speaking of that we could use your assistance.” Hero began, “We are looking for our friend Basil. He was wearing a flower crown and had a photo album with him when I last saw him. Have you seen him anywhere?”

“...No I am afraid I haven’t seen anyone like that. If I do see anything you all should be the first to know.” Spaceboy informed the group.

“Darn it...where could he have gone…” Aubrey muttered.

“I shall inform my crew about the situation so they could keep an eye out as well. If it makes you and your group feel better…” Spaceboy handed out a Sno-cone Ticket, “And if this will help you on your journey, you can have this…” He also took out a Train Pass.

“Oh wow! Thank you so much Spaceboy!” Hero smiled.

“Hey, captain! We’re all ready to go if you are!” A space pirate walked into the room, tapping his foot on the ground with excitement.

“Ah yes, don’t worry! I am coming!” Spaceboy turned to his teammate, “I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!” He waved goodbye to the rest of the group.

The gang all groaned to themselves, “Well, that was for nothing…” Kel muttered.

“I mean, at least they plan on helping.” Hero sighed.

Omori didn’t speak like usual but he did walk to a pillow that, now that Hero is closer to it, was glowing black underneath it.

“Uh, Omori, do you think it is a good idea to-” Hero didn’t finish as Omori moved the pillow and grabbed the dark blur under it. This time instead of being disappointed, his body posture changed to him standing straighter which Hero hoped is a good thing.

“You like random black fuzzy's on the ground, don’t ya.” Kel jokes.

Omori only shrugged in response.

“Alright, let’s get moving. Hopefully, we will find Basil somewhere else.” Aubrey began to run back outside of Spaceboy’s house. Though they did happen to notice that there was suddenly a red trail on the ground.

It looked like blood.

Kel felt a shiver climb up his spine as the others also seemed to notice the trail. They looked at each other and nodded, deciding to follow it to see where it leads.

While following the trail, they were going to run past Mari’s picnic before she spoke up, “Hey guys! How is the search going?” She asked.

“Sadly we have nothing…” Hero muttered in disappointment, “We ended up getting highly sidetracked…”

“I got a free Sno-cone ticket so that is a plus!” Aubrey bragged.

“Nice! Make sure to use it!” Mari smiled. Kel had to force himself to remember this was a dream.

“Hm, hey Omori! Did you get any leads?” Mari decided to ask the boy. Omori only shrugged in response.

“Well, I believe in you guys! I bet you will find him soon!” Mari cheered.

With newfound encouragement the gang marched on, still following what looked to be the trail of blood. They wondered if Mari could see it before brushing it off as the dream being weird.

Walking down more they made it back to where they arrived at Overworld, however from the corner of their eye they spotted him.

It had to be him, it looked too much like him!

“There you are, Basil!” Kel yelled as he and Omori took off in a sprint.

“Kel! Omori! Wait up!” Aubrey shouted after them as she and Hero ran forward as well.

The sky seemingly got darker as they continued following the trail. Omori suddenly stopped when he saw what looked like a shadowy version of Basil up ahead. The shadow noticed him and proceeded to walk away.

They tried to follow him but ended up in an area where cookies were seated on a plate with cards, books, and a toy bear surrounding it.

“Mari’s cookies...Mari cookies have much more love baked into them. I could eat them forever.” A voice spoke, distorted enough for the group not to know who was speaking. Everything faded away slowly, Mari’s cookies fading last.

Omori seemed to be a bit shaken by the voice but he turned around and walked the other way where the shadow figure went. The group took a moment but eventually caught up from behind.

They ran into another corner, a few more toys were scattered around like puzzle pieces and blocks.

“We’re still young...we should dream big, right?” The voice spoke again as the toys faded.

They were still bothered by the voice but the shadow figure watching them afar put them on edge. The group ran at it, trying to maybe catch up to it and ask it questions. Maybe to ask why it looks like Basil.

The tapping of their feet rang out the Basil shadow figure suddenly stopped, waiting for the group to catch their breath.

“B-Basil...what are-” Hero didn’t finish that sentence as the shadow figure walked inside the barn which began to glow a bright red light from inside.

The group cautiously made their way inside as the figure stood in front of a drawn photograph before they entered inside it.

“I have an awful feeling about this…” Aubrey muttered.

“Maybe we shouldn’t go in…” Kel agreed.

Omori on the other hand began to walk forward and stepped inside the photograph without warning.

“Omori!” Hero yelled, running after the boy.

Kel and Aubrey quickly began following from behind, leading the whole group to a black staircase, outlined only in white lines.

Omori quickly ran up the staircase, causing everyone else to try and keep up. The staircase was long and sturdy, it felt like it was never going to end.

Omori suddenly stopped as another black fuzz stood before them. He grabbed the fuzz and sighed, seemingly disappointed in it.

The group silently realized what they were looking at. A stand stood dead-center on the second to last stair as a photo of Mari and Sunny’s family hung behind it. A nose from the ceiling hung ominously above them as Hero felt his throat tighten.

Suddenly sheet music appeared on the stand and the group moved forward to take a look at it. All the notes on the page were aggressively scribbled out, almost as if someone was sabotaging it.

The photo in front of them suddenly changed to have everyone but Mari’s face scribbled out, leaving a shiver to crawl down their spines.

“Guys, I think we should leave.” Aubrey’s voice wavered.

“I agree…” Hero muttered, taking a few steps back.

Everyone turned around to walk back and made it a few steps before the hair on their necks suddenly stood up.

They turned back around and saw the same shadow figure from Basil’s house appeared yet again, its only eye filled with hate.


And they did. The group ran as fast as their legs could take them down the stairs, however, running on the stairs is never a good idea. Everyone realized this as they tripped and were immediately grabbed by the shadow.

Another image flashed in everyone's mind of Basil holding a photograph. Something, however, was right behind him.

Kel shot up out of his bed and fell on the floor, his heart was aggressively beating in his chest.

“What. The. Fuck.”

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