Stuck In Paradise

By AnushkaPlayz

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Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil know that the dream world they are in is not their own. Who is Omori? Why does h... More

main story
Beginning of the dreams
We need to find Basil!
Otherworld Pt1
Otherworld Pt3
VS Space Ex-Boyfriend
Snap back to Reality
Fights with the Hooligans.
Bathroom break
Pyrefly Forest Pt1
Pyrefly Forest Pt2 Lost Forest
Pyrefly Forest Pt3
Sprout Mole Village
Sprout Mole Village pt 2
The dungeon
The dungeon pt2
Sweetheart's Castle pt1
Sweetheart's Castle pt2
Sweetheart's Castle pt3
Sweetheart's Castle pt4
Sweetheart's Castle pt5
Sweetheart's Castle pt6
Sweetheart's Castle pt7
Sweetheart's Castle pt8
Sweetheart's Castle pt9
Sweetheart's Castle pt10
Lost Library
Visit and Call
Let's head to the lake.
Can't breathe
Trying and failing to interrogate a depressed teenager.
Still trying to question a depressed teen. Still failing.
everyone realizes they're a depressed teen.
Vast Forest and Pinwheel Forest
On our way to the deep
A mini rest
Last Resort pt1
Last Resort pt2
Last Resort pt3
Last Resort pt4
Last Resort pt5
Exiting the Last Resort. Going to the highway.
Underwater Highway
We are almost there.
Coral Branch
Beginning of Humphrey!
Humphrey pt1
Humphrey pt2
Humphrey pt3
Humphrey pt4
Humphrey pt5
Humphrey pt6
Humphrey pt7
Humphrey pt8
Humphrey pt9
Humphrey pt10
Humphrey pt11
Humphrey pt12
Let's go save Basil.
The beginning of Black Space
The tides are getting rough
The tides are getting worse. I don't know how long the boat will last.
The boat is being destoryed.
The boat is filled with water
We've sunk. I couldn't save you. I'm best friend.
Bad and good things happen at midnight.
A mini talk and check up
A prevention
Aubrey's thoughts
A mini break
A slight breeze causes a leaf to fall from a tree
A bad idea is born
Do you think this is the right choice?
Vs Something
Beginning of the truth.
Finding lost memories but at what cost?
A Hero's Perspective
Now we know
Lost and Found
Party at the Hideout!
Face Yourself
Vs Masked Hero and other shit
Vs Masked Basil and some other shit
Vs Masked Aubrey and Kel featuring Memory Lane
Ridding of the Masks as a melody plays.
Vs Omori
The final duet and their moments after
Missing Oasis
Train ride
Train Fright
Food Pyramid pt1
Funny Hero Flashback
alternate endings
A Bad End pt1
A Bad End pt 2
What if Basil went through with it?
side storys
Didn't expect to see you here
Kel and Aubrey chat
"Who the hell does gardening work at two in the morning?"
a random story from a separate universe
It is sunny out but still raining. Maybe a rainbow will appear?

Otherworld Pt2

1.4K 59 37
By AnushkaPlayz

Omori walked in first, leading the group to a long bridge with a door at the end. Omori walked ahead and ran into two space pirates who seemed troubled.

“We’ve really done it now dude. I hope the captain won’t be too mad when we tell him his favorite planet is missing…” The first one began, “You know how he gets when he is mad.”

“Buddy, you’re not supposed to call him captain anymore! You have to call him Space Boyfriend, remember?” The second one corrected him.

“Oh yeah, that’s right…” The first one trailed off.

“Urg...ARRGGGGGGGGG! You know dude? Sometimes I wonder if we are even space pirates anymore! Ever since Sweetheart came along we haven’t done anything cool! We should quit and get real jobs...” The second one snapped.

“Dude! Don’t talk nonsense! What is life for us if not the space pirate life? Captain will come back to his senses someday and we’ll fly again! We just gotta believe in him!” The first one comforted the other.

The second one sighed, “Thanks man. You’re always there for me when I need you.”

The space pirates walked away and left through the door on the other side.

“...That was something…” Hero trailed off.

“Best not to question it…” Aubrey sighed.

The group continued forward and exited through the door, making their way to the Junkyard.

The junkyard was smelly and messy. Aubrey groaned at the thought of walking through all of the trash. The others however didn’t seem as bothered while they continued walking.

Kel however couldn’t help but laugh and point at a worm peeking out of a magical floating hole, “H-hey guys look, it-it’s a pff wormhole heheh.”

“...I hate this place. I hate it so much.” Aubrey muttered to herself as Hero laughed. Omori didn’t seem to have any reaction to it.

On the other side of the room was a man with the longest mustache that the group has ever seen wearing a top hat. “My good men! I am looking for some art! Fear not, for I will know when I find it!” the man turned away from them and began rummaging through trash.

“Uh, good luck buddy…” Kel sighed.

The group moved upwards to the front door of the junkyard. Omori took out the key and placed it in the keyhole in the door. The door lowered into the ground, allowing our group to proceed. Walking forward broken cars were lying about along with traffic cones. The group made their way through, grabbing some more items that were weirdly stuffed in Watermelons.

Kel noticed an open area with trash and out of curiosity began digging through it.

“Dude, really.” Aubrey deadpanned.

“Ain’t we looking for something?” Kel asked.

“We are looking for a special mixtape…” Hero reminded Kel.

“Oh yeah, duh.” Kel continued searching only running into cans.

“...” After a while of digging Kel got up and sighed, “Nothing in here.”

“Congratulations you have wasted our time.” Aubrey faked clapping.

“Aw shut up!” Kel groaned.

The gang proceeded ahead, climbing up ladders and grabbing any piece of random trash that might be useful. Floating mixtapes in the air began to attack the group, along with a floating boombox that seemed to be on fire.

Eventually, the group came upon a giant block of junk in their path.

“Damn, looks like this way is a bust.” Kel groaned.

“You might even call it a roadblock...get it?” Hero jokes.

“AYE!” Kel high fived him.

“I hate both of you with every inch of my body.” Aubrey put her hands on her face.

“That isn’t a lot of inches to me.” Hero continued.


Hero and Kel laughed and Omori seemed to stare with interest.

Aubrey, in a fit of rage, ran forward and smashed the junk block into pieces. Kel and Hero stared in silence as Omori just rolled his eyes and continued.

“...” Aubrey also continued forward in silence.

Hero and Kel followed after snapping out of their shock.

There were more blocks in the way and Aubrey destroyed all of them. Some more enemies like the boombox and mixtapes appeared along with a dial-up computer. “Gee no wonder why this is a junkyard. It is filled with old tech.” Kel groaned.

Further ahead was another locked door with two conveyor belts on the side. A bot with the conveyor belt controller sat to the left of them.

“Hey, Mr.Conveyor-bot! Switch those conveyor belts to go the other way already!” Kel ordered.

“Bzzt, hmph. Rude person. Dislike.” The bot beeped.

“Gee Kel, good job at being rude.” Aubrey groaned.

“Alright guys, this looks like a job for me!” Hero spoke up before clearing his voice, “Greetings, Mr. Conveyor-bot, Me and my friends require your help in changing the direction of your conveyors. Will you help us?”

If robots could blush this one would be as red as a tomato. “Bzzt! Ah! Nice person! I and friends shall help!”

The conveyor switched directions and allowed the group to proceed. They decided to hop onto the short one first, allowing them to go to the other side and explore. While walking they noticed a certain container began aggressively shaking.

“I...don’t like that…” Kel muttered.

Before anyone could walk away the container broke open to reveal what best could be described as a Kool-aid man ripoff.

“Hey, kids! I am the Life Jam guy!” It spoke with a happy tone, “I sell a wonderful product called LIFE JAM! IT REALLY WORKS!” He laughed.

“Would you like a free sample?” Life Jam guy asked.

“Uh...sure?” Kel accepted.

He wished he didn’t.

Life Jam guy knocked out everyone except Omori. Kel felt his body morph into...bread? No, wait, it smells more like toast. WHY WAS HE TOAST???

“Use Life Jam on your party members!” Life Jam guy spoke, though it sounded far away to Kel.

He heard footsteps run over as...WAS SOMEONE SPREADING JAM ON HIM?

Kel immediately morphed back and began shaking toast crumbs off him. Omori on the other hand proceeded to spread jam on everyone else, breaking them out of their toast forms.

“Kel, do me a favor and never take offers from strangers ever again.” Aubrey gave him a glare that could have killed him.

“No problem. I don’t think I ever regretted a decision this badly in my life.” He agreed.

“I hoped you enjoyed your free samples!” Life Jam guy grinned, “I know you enjoyed it!”


“...Would you feel better if I healed you?” Life Jam guy offered.

Before anyone could protest Omori gave a thumbs up. Life Guy waved his hands and the next thing everyone knew, they were healed.

“There! All better! Now would you like to buy some life jam? It will cost you 250 clams!” Life Jam guy beamed.

Omori took out some clams and handed it to the Life Jam guy.


The group sighed and continued their journey. Eventually, they found another key and headed back, going through the locked door and walking inside a container. Inside was a ladder that led them on top of the containers, allowing them to gain a view from above.

Some more fights with some angry mixtapes and dial-up computers the group made their way through and went on the ground again. This time however Mari was there with a picnic set up just for them.

“Hey everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying yourselves! I cleared out the junk here and found this perfectly good roasted chicken here!” Mari pointed to the delicious smelling chicken on a perfectly clean plate.

Honestly, Kel isn’t used to seeing her in his dream still. Maybe it is the universe’s way of making him happy? Her smile makes him feel better about himself, as long as the dream doesn’t get dark again he doesn’t mind.

“See, Omori? Cleaning has its benefits!” Mari smiled warmly, “Gotta set an example to my sometimes-messy little brother!” Mari didn’t have a brother named Omori. She had a brother named…wait a second.

Kel, Hero, and Aubrey at the same time realized who Omori was meant to represent. He was meant to represent Sunny! Mari’s little brother!

Kel felt like an idiot, how was he so blind to that! It was clear the others felt the same way he did as their faces flashed with recognition.

Why was Sunny the only one going by a different name though? Everyone else had their names the same as their real-life counterparts. This must be the weirdest dream he ever had.

The gang got up and began to move ahead. Hero, Kel, and Aubrey were in too much shock to make banter. They were going to continue in silence until a car battery fell in front of them.

It sent out a zap sending the group backward and away from continuing. “Ow! What the-! What gives!?” Kel yelled.

He took a good look at the enemy in front of them and noticed a button on its head. He turned around and noticed a platform that would be perfect for throwing on as well.

“Hey! There is a weak point on its head! Give me a moment, I gotta plan!” Kel ran to the platform and climbed up, ready his ball, and then fired straight for the forehead.

Omori and the others jumped back as the battery made a slight explosion.



“Please stop fighting…” Hero sighed, a headache growing in his head. He doesn’t even know how he is getting a headache in his dream.

The group moved forward once again, walking on more containers and splitting open watermelons. Eventually, after Omori broke down some more construction cones he pointed to a block of junk in the way.

“Ah, you want me to break it? Alright.” Aubrey swung her doll and smashed the trash in half. It revealed a weird black fuzz in the sky.

“What is…?” Hero whispered as Omori walked forward and grabbed it. His body language dampened all of a sudden and Omori simply walked away as if he grabbed nothing.

Maybe this was another thing Kel shouldn’t question.

They traveled some more and found a ladder that led to what looked to be a beautiful view. A couch was on top and looked surprisingly in tip-top shape. It also had a billboard on it.

“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? There is great food but no atmosphere.” The sign read.


“HAHA!” Kel and Hero laughed at it but Omori and Aubrey shared the same dead expression.

After listening to Kel and Hero’s laughter, Omori decided to sit on the couch. Everyone proceeded to join him as all this fighting was wearing them out. The stars shined brightly and the moon was huge. While sitting Omori seemed to relax and even leaned onto Kel’s leg.

“The moon looks awesome from here! God this place is amazing!” Kel grinned.

“Honestly if it wasn’t for the junk everywhere I would agree with you.” Aubrey sighed.

“Eh, you're just a party pooper.” Kel stuck out his tongue.

“Please shut up,” Aubrey said in a weirdly polite tone, which honestly was very scary.

After their rest, they decided to continue. Fighting some other enemies they made it to a giant block of cheese in the middle of their way.

“Quick question, why?” Aubrey asked no one.

“Try beating it up!” Kel suggested.

Aubrey whacked it with her doll a few times but quickly realized that there was no way she was breaking this thing.

“This has to be stale…” Aubrey muttered.

“Why don’t we just…” Hero walked forward and grabbed the top of the cheese. Using his body strength he pulled himself upwards and on top of the cheese.

“You see, Hero, we could but-” Aubrey motioned to how short they are.

“Here!” Hero reached down and grabbed each of their hands, pulling them upwards one at a time.

“Nice thinking bro!” Kel cheered.

“Thanks, Kel!” Hero smiled.

“Alright yeah, that was smart, good going.” Aubrey sighed.

Another mole like the one they faced near Basil’s house stood nearby, staring at them, “Huh, weird people…” The mole walked away.

The group didn’t know why, but they felt like that mole was going to be important.

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