Danganronpa Despair| Danganro...

By TheExaltOne

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After so long, you realize you're now trapped within a school... on an island? It appears you are stuck on a... More

Prologue- A School of Wonder
Chapter 1| Melody of Love| Daily Life
Chapter 1| Melody of Love| Deadly Life
Trial| Melody of Love
Chapter 2| Brisk of Life| Deadly Life
Trial| Brisk of Life
Chapter 3| The Lunar Stars| Daily Life
Chapter 3| The Lunar Stars| Deadly Life
Trial| The Lunar Stars
Chapter 4| Eclipse of Tides| Daily Life
Chapter 4| Eclipse of Tides| Deadly Life
Trial| Eclipse of Tides
Chapter 5| One With a Shining Star
Chapter 5| One With A Shining Star| Deadly Life
Trial| One With a Shining Star
Chapter 6| Despair Lands and Hope Ruins| Deadly Life
Trial| Despair Lands and Hope Ruins
Epilogue- The Day Before The Future

Chapter 2| Brisk of Life| Daily Life

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By TheExaltOne

I woke up suddenly, what time was it?... 1:00 am huh? Yesterday was rough... losing Kirby and Magolor... why?...

Hajime: Should I be up? I should not be up... but I feel so... hopeless? What is this feeling?

I feel homesick, I suddenly felt just... sick. But I collapsed onto my bed, suddenly I heard this... soft melody playing.

Hajime: Huh? A... music box?

It was playing this soothing melody, I heard it before, Moonstruck Blossom. What a nice... melody. I miss them... I decided to listen to it until it finished. I had this melody with me when I need it, I feel grateful. I soon felt sleepy... slowly sleeping as the music played... what a nice feeling...


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

Hajime: Why... am I so tired? Never mind, I better head to the dining hall. I'm sure I'll be fine.

I walked my way to the dining hall and I saw Chiaki and Chrom waiting there.

Chiaki: Morning Hajime, how are you feeling?

Hajime: ...

Chrom: I'm more worried about your mental health, you look worse than ever. Chiaki, forget about the food, is... Is Hajime okay?

Hajime: I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'll be better soon, trust me.

Chiaki: Did you get sleep? It looks like you didn't.

Hajime: I did but... I woke up and fell back asleep.

Chrom: Then go back to bed, you don't look very well rested.

Hajime: No, I'm fine...

Childe: Hey all!

Sonic: Hajime?

Hajime: Huh?

Agent 4: Are you okay?

Hajime: Yeah, why?

Chiaki: Like we have been saying, you look tired.

I stared at everyone, they were staring at me. Do... Do I look that bad? Come to think of it, I didn't pay attention to my looks this morning...

Link: You should get rest, you look all punched up.

Hajime: Um, who's going to cook?

Byleth: I will, I need to try to do something, I haven't helped much.

Hajime: Um... okay then.

Chiaki: Get some good rest okay? I don't want you up until you're fully awake.

That was harsh but I guess she's right. I went back to my room waving goodbye to everyone.

When it became 1 pm. That's when I woke up again. I tried to meet with the other team members. When I tried to, I realized that the second island was open. That's right, we were going to stay there until 2 weeks or the next death. That's... nice to know. I walked across the bridge, from there I spotted a bunch of things. A library, bakery, drugstore, Music Venue, and a hospital. This reminded me a lot about the island... I first went to the bakery and from there... I saw...

Chiaki: Watch your step!

Chrom: I'm terrible at this! Why did you invite me?!

Azura: This is pretty fun!

Zhongli: We're all trying something new! Enjoy yourself Chrom!


Hajime: What did I miss?

Chrom: Afternoon Hajime, ignore the mess we are creating.

Chiaki: We're baking! When the new island opened up we walked here first!

Hajime: Oh cool! What are you all baking?

Chiaki: Cupcakes!

Chrom: I'm attempting to bake something! Hah! You don't see that often!

Zhongli: You really don't.

Hajime: Sounds like fun!

Azura: More importantly how do you feel Hajime?

Hajime: I feel a lot more awake and better, thank you for the suggestion Chiaki.

Chiaki: Heh, my pleasure!

Chrom: Well enjoy going around the island!

Hajime: I will!

I started wandering towards the library, from there I saw Byleth and Dimitri going through the books.

Byleth: Hey Hajime!

Dimitri: Feelin' better?

Hajime: A lot better!

Byleth: That's nice to hear! We're exploring the new island's library, this place is huge!

Hajime: Wow! It really is!

Dimitri: We found all types of books, drama, fantasy...

Suddenly my eyes came across something in Dimitri's hand.

Hajime: Uh... why are you reading a documentary about killers?

Dimitri: Erm... I was interested.

Byleth: You were interested?

Hajime: ...

Hajime: Sounds... off.

Dimitri: I swear it doesn't mean anything bad! I promise!

Hajime: If you say so.

Byleth: Well, we're both interested in that type of thing so it's normal.

Hajime: NORMAL?!

Byleth: Mhm.

I waved goodbye at Dimitri and Byleth being startled and confused and ran to the drugstore, it's like a typical one.

Hajime: Interesting drug stuff. You don't see that every day.

Childe: You really don't!

Hajime: AH SHIT! JESUS! Don't sneak up on me again!

Childe: Sorry to scare ya! I was just making sure you're awake.

Even if I wasn't awake I would've reacted the same way, you bastard!

Childe: You okay?

Hajime: AM I OKAY!?!

Childe: Jeez! I said I was sorry!

Hajime: It's... It's fine. Don't do it again.

Childe: I'll try not to!

Childe: This island is pretty cool, I've seen people in every spot.

Hajime: Nice to know, that's cool.

I couldn't really react anymore after what Childe did to me... that imbecile...

Childe: Have you visited the other areas yet?

Hajime: Not at the moment, I'm still trying to get to know every place.

Childe: Cool! I'll see you around them! I'm gonna get some sweets over at the bakery!

Hajime: Okay...

I couldn't really stay focused during that time so I decided to go ahead and head over towards the Music Venue.

Hajime: Hm, so this is the music venue.

Zhongli: Indeed it is, seems like we can play our instruments.

I decided to search around the room, it had a bar and a stage. But I noticed the instruments, there was instruments for our entire team!

Even... Kirby's instrument.

Zhongli: You've noticed the instruments too huh?

Hajime: Y-Yeah,

Zhongli: It's going to be tough to let go of that small little puffball... such a shame

Hajime: Like it already wasn't hard enough...

Zhongli: D-Did... did I weigh you down?

Hajime: No, no, it's okay really.

Zhongli: If you say so...

I couldn't help but wonder what was the real purpose? What was I even... witnessing?

Hajime: Wait... what is hiding behind his instrument?

Zhongli: Something is hiding there?

I decided to take a look at it... it appeared to be...

Hajime: P-Photos of us?!

Zhongli: Wait huh? Let me get a look at that.

Hajime: But it appears it's just not us... in fact everyone that's in this game. But it doesn't make sense, why do we recognize each other but not the others?

Zhongli: It doesn't make sense either...

Hajime: Should I take it with me for now?

Zhongli: I think it's for the best for both of us.

Hajime: Okay, if you say so...

Zhongli: I have a feeling this will be important in the future.

Hajime: You think?

Zhongli: Indeed, not now but later on.

Hajime: Okay... I'll hold onto it.

Zhongli: Very well then.

I put the photos in my pocket and waved goodbye to Zhongli. The new information we just found... what could that mean for all of us? That we can escape all alive? Could that mean Kirby and Magolor are still alive out there?! I have to keep believing! I need faith!

But soon I reached my final destination, the hospital...

Agent 4: Hey there Hajime! How are you doing?

Hajime: I'm doing well now thankfully.

Agent 4: I've noticed that a lot of people have come to visit the hospital in the past 5 minutes, I wonder why...

Hajime: Do you know where they walked into?

Agent 4: That's on you to decide, but I did hear that they walked upstairs...

Hajime: Huh, okay...

I wonder what was causing everyone to go upstairs, I decided to go after and found...


Dimitri: I'm not hiding anything!

Mario: Are you... sure?

Dimitri: Positive!

Link: You guys, you're driving it too far out.

Chiaki: But... something has been off-putting lately.

Hajime: What's going on?

Byleth: They're all assuming Dimitri for something he didn't even do!

Azura: What do you mean for something he didn't do?

Dimitri: He's being honest.

Childe: LIES!

Zhongli: I just arrived here, what's even going on?

Hajime: Everyone stop talking! I want to figure out what the problem is!

Eliwood: There's a lot of suspicion on Dimitri that he is a murderer.

Dimitri: I AM NOT!!

Hajime: Hold on, a murderer?

Eliwood: Indeed, it's quite strange in fact, none of it makes sense.

Dimitri: Where did you get these ideas even from? Why is everyone accusing me?!

Childe: With these case files

Byleth: WHA-WHA-WHAT?!

Hajime: C-Case files?!

Childe: I was walking out of the drugstore to find some case files on the ground, turns out you were the one who was holding them.

Dimitri: What?

Childe: I looked through them and found some murders that were recorded under your name...

Dimitri: W-What?!

Chrom: I apologize, case files under his name?

Childe: Indeed... needless to say I did lie about my ultimate talent.

Hajime: LIE?!

Childe: Of course I did, why would I dare to tell anyone my real talent? I'm the Ultimate Trickster...

Hajime: Y-You... I understand fully why you would go out of your way to deceive us.

Childe: But I told a talent I did sorta have, however, Dimitri here has to say his real talent.

Dimitri: W-Why me!?

Childe: Considering you don't "know" what your ultimate talent is... I'm safe to assure you, you should tell it now...

Dimitri: ...

Byleth: Come on everyone! He obviously doesn't know his tal-

Music Cuts off

Dimitri: No.

Byleth: Huh?

Dimitri: I think I should tell what my talent is.

Byleth: ...

Dimitri: I am Dimitri Alexandre Blayddid, I am... the Ultimate Lion Murderer.



Link: That got even worse that you now title yourself THAT!

Dimitri: Does it really matter now? You guys already figured it out with the case files, don't know why you're reacting like this.

Chiaki: I agree with him, it's completely strange.

Right before the rest of us got a chance to even say something...

Announcement from Monokuma: Ahem, it is now 10 pm and nighttime has officially started! Soon the doors to the Island and School's dining hall will be LOCKED! Well then, sweet dream everyone! Don't let someone kill you... By the way! Friendly reminder that you have to live in your island rooms for now! Puhuhuhu, good night!

Zhongli: Well that situation was unfolded in the most... unusual way.

Hajime: You think?

Dimitri: Regardless of what happened, I thought it was natural to hide my identity, that is if you understand it.

Chiaki: I think it's reasonable, you are a nice guy right now, so I think it's understandable why you act that way.

Dimitri: Someone I can respect for once.

Chrom: Guys shut up. We have to head to our rooms now. I don't want to hear a fuss about anything for the next morning, you understand?

Byleth: Erm, right...

We all walked to our island rooms and it didn't look much different. The rooms were the same as they were on the is- wait... reused rooms?

But it doesn't make sense, why would Monokuma reuse the rooms when I was in the island killing game? It doesn't even make sense, if anything, these rooms should've been at least altered, that buzzed me the most about this situation so far. Doesn't seem like there's anything new though...

Hajime: This place is unbelievably weird, I don't understand what is the reason behind it.

I shouldn't put too much thought into it, so I gently put my head on the pillow and tried my best to sleep through it, it was... hard. But eventually. I soon felt my eyes daze off.

Monokuma: Never thought to see the light of day again. But just imagine a world outside the one you have. Would you be different? How different, well for me, I would be the same! I never change because, well, that's just me! I like to be myself and I don't want to imagine a different version of myself. But I bet he's just as cuddly and friendly as I am! Totally! We would be both soft and cuddly friends together, the joyous event!


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

Today was going to be a day like any other, yesterday was intense but today was going to be a better day! No matter what happens! So I decided to head my way to the hotel dining hall. Oddly enough we slept outside in cottages, just like before... regardless, I made it and saw several people waiting there.

Link: It's nice to see you here Hajime, I'm usually one that comes in later but today I felt like coming in earlier.

Childe: Uh-huh, sure, you totally felt like coming in earlier.

Link: Please, shut up.

Hajime: Guys, enough arguing, we don't need to do this now, we're trying to get ready.

Chrom: It's a good morning today, anything exciting for today?

Hajime: Just more arguing.

Chrom: Aw, why didn't you let it continue? I would love to see some tension between people.

Childe: Oh hell yeah, I wanna see tension too!

Hajime: ENOUGH!

Zhongli: What's going on?

Chrom: Nothing exciting, come take a seat as we wait for Byleth to prepare food for us.

Byleth: Sorry I'm late! I tried to wake up sooner but I couldn't feel my body moving!

Chrom: Forget it, go make us food.

Hajime: Aren't you being harsh?

Chrom: If I'm not harsh how is he going to make us the food?

Zhongli: You don't always have to be that way Chrom, you're just letting your emotions get to you.



Chiaki: What's going on? All I hear is shouting and arguing.

Hajime: We can't seem to have a peaceful morning today...

Link: I don't even know who decided it was a good idea to wake up and choose violence.

Childe: I DID!

Chrom: SO DID I!

Mario: Guys?

Byleth: Food's ready!

Hajime: THANK YOU! Everyone, let's start eating!

More and more people came in and started eating. It had calmed down but I could tell Chrom was trying to create some fights with people. No idea why he would decide to do a thing like that but... we went along with it.

Soon after I finished Breakfast I headed back to my room.

Hajime: Hm, I have some time... what should I do?


Without wasting much time I dashed to the 2nd island to go ahead and meet up with Zhongli. Who appeared to be in the music venue again.

Zhongli: Ah Hajime, what a great time to see you!

Hajime: Heh, you too!

Zhongli: Say, do you want to practice using our instruments?

Hajime: Heck yeah why not?

Together as I played the flute and Zhongli played the bass we had a blast since well... none of our instruments went well with each other. So I found that rather enjoyable.

Looks like I and him got a little closer today

Hajime: Whoo! That did help pass the time!

Zhongli: I agree, though I find it strange.

Hajime: Find strange?

Zhongli: If you understand clearly, there's been something strange going on between everyone. I mean yesterday Dimitri admitted he was a serial killer and Childe admitted he faked his talent. Why would they do such a thing like this?

Hajime: My best bet is to say because we don't know them well.

Zhongli: That may be the case but even then, it makes not much sense.

Hajime: Well what do you think?

Zhongli: I think it may be because of our... situation.

Zhongli: Think about it, after Kirby and Magolor died, it's quite possible that they decided to reveal the truth to us now. Since we had no plans of destroying the game itself... we were stuck here. Kirby had planned his death.

Hajime: Wait stop, planned his dead? Destroy the game?

Zhongli: Destroying the game was never one of the ideas we had when we were trying to figure out how to get rid of the death timer. So because of that, Kirby might've planned his death.

Hajime: WHAT?!

Zhongli: Magolor's letter had him threatening someone that he was going to kill them but instead he did the unwise choice of telling Kirby. Who killed him instead, which means there was a possibility Kirby planned his death.

Remember what he told us when he died?

Kirby: I'm sorry it had to end this way, I wish I wasn't so stupid and took the perk. I wish I wasn't like this. I want to apologize to Magolor... I don't know what got into me. I... I'm sorry.

Zhongli: He seemed to plan on keeping the game going, think about it. He "doesn't" know what got into him, when he clearly does. It's unbelievable how easy some of you can fall for his lies.

Hajime: Y-You mean... he planned to keep the game GOING?!

Zhongli: Precisely.

Hajime: I-I... I can't believe I ever trusted him!

Zhongli: Neither can I, that's why we need to be careful.

Hajime: Right...

We waved goodbye but Zhongli's words about the entire situation we're in puzzled me, does he know something about this game that I don't know? Is he someone that tells the story of the game in little bits? It's... bizarre. But because of that event, I couldn't help but feel ill. So I decided to sleep through

Announcement from Monokuma: Ahem, it is now 10 pm and nighttime has officially started! Soon the doors to the Island and School's dining hall will be LOCKED! Well then, sweet dream everyone! Don't let someone kill you... By the way! Friendly reminder that you have to live in your island rooms for now! Puhuhuhu, good night!

Hajime: I really did fall asleep for a long time didn't I?

I looked around my room, it was quiet, of course, now it was nighttime. There wasn't much for me to do since Monokuma would yell at me for being out of my room. Which is wild but anyways. All I need to do now is close my eyes.

I did that and found myself falling asleep quicker. Sleeping through more and more... eventually, I found myself asleep,

Monokuma: Like any other day I always think to myself. Why is life hard? That's the question we all ask ourselves do we not? We all go through different lives because we're weird that way! Whoever created our world doesn't want us to be the same because that'll just be boring as hell! Those are the words of wisdom from Monokuma! Please pay 2k dollars on your way out!


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

Hajime: Ah, it's morning again. I really didn't believe I would go ahead and sleep for a full 16 hours. That's the longest I've slept for. Weird...

I started to walk my way to the dining hall, today was going to be any other day. Another boring day for now. I continued to walk down to the hotel dining room, but what I saw... was the most unexpected.

Hajime: Where... is everyone?

Zhongli: Huh? I'm right here?


Zhongli: Come to think it, there's usually someone here at the cafe before you and I come, everyone has suddenly disappeared?

Hajime: Exactly! I don't get it either!

Zhongli: Perhaps...

Before Zhongli could say anything I... got the second weirdest thing to happen today.


Hajime: Are you high?

Zhongli: He most certainly not.


Hajime: WAKE UP!

I proceed to get up to him and started to slap him. He didn't seem to wake up. Instead, that insanity continued on.

Byleth: ...

Hajime: BYLETH!?

Byleth: H-Huh?.. Did I... scare you?

Hajime: Why are you stuttering?

Byleth: ...

Byleth: GAH!! FORGIVE ME!!!

Hajime: Wh-What?!

Zhongli: Something abnormal is happening, this is not normal for Chrom and Byleth to act this way.

Link: I heard a shout, what's going on?!

Zhongli: Chrom and byleth are acting insane.

Link: Who?


Link: E-Eh!? Who are you?

I was left speechless, Chrom was insane, Byleth was begging for forgiveness/screwing up a lot and, Link... was now forgetting everyone. What was going on!? What-

Chiaki: Is everyone alright?

Zhongli: Are you affected?

Chiaki: Affected with what?

Monokuma: The new motive of course!

Hajime: The... what?

Monokuma: Let's see now do you, Hajime and Chiaki, remember the... despair disease?

Th-The despair disease?! He's not... talking about the disease that affected Akane, Nagito, Ibuki, and Mikan!? No... this can't... be a replica of this event! There's no way!

Monokuma: Based on your reactions you guys do!

Hajime: ... why would you do something like this?

Monokuma: I dunno, the idea of the despair disease originally was pretty crappy so I wanted to spice some things up!

Chiaki: If this is the case, what are the effects Chrom, Byleth, and Link have?

Monokuma: Well for Chrom, he has a literal despair disease. He is filled deeply with a lot of despair which makes his the meaning of despair. Hence why he is reacting so weirdly!

Byleth has the forgiveness disease, he is always asking for forgiveness for the smallest of things. No matter even if it's not his fault!

Finally, for Link, he was the forgetting disease, this version of the despair disease tells Link to forget a lot of things! Which explains why he didn't recall you, or anyone else!

Is that everything you need to know?

Chiaki: I think it works just fine, thanks for all the input.

Hajime: I... I can't believe this.

Monokuma: Well then! I'll be off! Good luck finding a cure!

Hajime: If anything, the cure is with Monokuma. Since if I remember correctly Monokuma was the reason why Akane and Nagito were all cured. While Mikan was left the way she was.

Chiaki: Right, so what should we do?

Zhongli: Nurse them in the hospital?

Hajime: I guess that's the only option but who's going to help?

Sonic: I heard someone needed help?

Hajime: Oh yes! I need help, please! I'm trying to nurse Chrom, Byleth, and Link back the health. I need help when we're at the hospital!

Sonic: Alright I'll help! One question, why do we need to nurse Chrom, Byleth, and Link back to health?

Chiaki: It's a long... situation.

Mario: Is something up?

Hajime: Oh Mario! Great timing! I need help nursing Chrom, Byleth, and Link back to health!

Mario: Ooh okay! I'll do anything to nurse them back to health!

Hajime: Thank you both! Zhongli, do you care to assist?

Zhongli: I would but I have one problem, I'm gonna try to figure out the cure.

Hajime: Ah, that's understandable. I hope you can work on the cure!

Zhongli: Yeah, I hope so too. I want to see if I could make a cure without searching around to see if Monokuma has it.

Hajime: Yeah, that sounds like a good call...

Chiaki: In the meantime, you guys should get to the hospital.

Hajime: Ah right.

I, Sonic, and Mario headed out dragging behind us, Chrom, Byleth, and Link. We have no real idea of how this disease is spread but we will find a way to cure our friends as quickly as possible. These were our friends that were in danger!

Hajime: Okay everyone, let's get them into the rooms!

Sonic: Does it matter what rooms?

Hajime: It doesn't matter, as long as they're distant from one another!

One by one, we got everyone in different rooms, Chrom was in room 1, Byleth was in room 2, and finally, Link was in room 3. Right now is a disaster, we are continuously struggling on what to do.

Mario: Okay, we need someone to stay here in order to keep everyone in the best shape.

Sonic: Erm, you're the best at dealing with sick people. You should stay.

Hajime: Yeah, I agree, you should stay.

Mario: If you guys say so! I'll stay here in order to keep our friends safe!

Hajime: Thank you guys for the help, it's going to be be much needed.

Mario: Anytime, although we need to search around for a place for us to stay. Our rooms might not be the best choice.

Sonic: But there's nowhere we can go.

Mario: Perhaps... Hajime can go search for some type of living quarters. From there we can see if we can have a place to stay.

Hajime: Oh! Um, alright then.

Mario has decided to send me on this mission, I don't know what to say other than... alright then?

I made my way outside and searched around the island. I found the same places, the hospital, music venue, bakery, and the drug store. They weren't different. I guess there weren't any new living quarters. That was... until I saw something hiding behind the music venue.

It was suspicious, there was a path leading it to somewhere. That somewhere... dragged me to a hidden motel.

Hajime: What is a motel doing here?

I looked around to see if there was anything else but that was it, just a motel standing there. I'm surprised how this was hiding here. So I must tell everyone to stay here.

I made my way around the two islands plus the school to gather everyone around.

Dimitri: What is it now?

Childe: Is it important?

Hajime: Very important, Mario has told me that we should live somewhere else in the meantime. So I went searching for a living quarter where we can all stay.

Azura: Did you find anything?

Hajime: I did! Right behind the music venue, there was a motel we could stay at!

Zhongli: How could've we missed that?

Hajime: It's hidden really well so nobody could really see there was a motel behind it!

Agent 4: We could stay here for the time being! Good idea!

Hajime: Okay you guys can stay in the motel for now, but since I'll be hanging out in the hospital for now. I'll go and sleep in my own room to keep you guys safe.

Chiaki: That's a good idea, let's go get ourselves some rooms, everyone.

Pearl: You also better keep your guard Hajime!

Hajime: I will. I promise.

Eliwood: Well then, we should head off and get our rooms now.

Announcement from Monokuma: Ahem, it is now 10 pm and nighttime has officially started! Soon the doors to the Island and School's dining hall will be LOCKED! Well then, sweet dream everyone! Don't let someone kill you... By the way! Friendly reminder that you have to live in your island rooms for now! Puhuhuhu, good night!

Childe: It's already nighttime?

Hajime: The days appear to go really fast, do they?

Zhongli: Yes, we must hurry and get our keys.

Soon everyone left to get their keys to the motel. I was left here with Chiaki.

Chiaki: ...

Hajime: ...

Chiaki: Do you want to check on everyone together tomorrow?

Hajime: Sure thing.

Chiaki: Alright then. I need to get my keys so I'll be on my way.

Hajime: Right...

Chiaki: Bye.

Hajime: Goodbye.

She left and I was left here being confused and distant. Still, I made my way back to my room. It felt empty now that nobody was nearby. It just got quiet. I felt myself slowly closing my eyes and soon I fell asleep.

Monokuma: Can't you believe it? I'm reusing this old trope back in the island killing game! Now that I remembered it, I think it was the worst thing to ever exist! And that's coming from me! So I decided to reuse it and make it better. Oh trust me, it'll be better soon... that's from everyone! This is going to be great! I'm sure you're excited too! So don't get too excited!


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

Hajime: A brand new day. Today we're going to check on every patient to make sure they're okay.

As I walked out of my room and raced to the hospital I spotted Sonic and Mario waiting there.

Mario: Good to see you Hajime! Everyone appears to be doing alright!

Hajime: That's a good sign! I sure hope everyone can continue to feel better.

Sonic: I agree, this disease is going to be a lot on us, but we'll manage!

Hajime: Haha! Right!

Chiaki: Hey everyone

Sonic: Oh Chiaki! What a surprise! What brings you here?

Chiaki: I'm checking on the patients with Hajime today.

Sonic: Don't you have breakfast to attend to?

Chiaki: Everyone is distancing themselves from each other so. We're trying to stay away from one another. Everyone will have breakfast one by one.

Mario: Oh. I understand now!

Hajime: Let's go ahead and see everyone!

The first room we went into was Chrom. The one thing I noticed was he wasn't laying in bed, he was sitting staring outside of the window. If I remember from yesterday, this despair disease didn't give anyone fever-like symptoms.

Chiaki: Chrom? Is everything alright?

Chrom: ...

Hajime: Seems like he's busy being surrounded by that despair aura.

Chrom: At last! Finally, one caught up!

Hajime: W-What do you mean?

Chrom: Nobody seemed to understand that I was in love with the aura around my body. Well, especially Mario since he's a brat.

Hajime: And... this is because?

Chrom: Hehe, the feeling of Despair why of course!

Chiaki: Excuse me?



Hajime: Chrom? Do you require any assistance?

Chrom: Require?! Of course not! I'm just letting out the feeling of despair in my body! There's without a doubt this is the feeling I'm releasing from my SOUL!!

Chiaki: Calm down, this does not require you to go insane.


Hajime: CHROM!



I suddenly had him tightly and slap him in the face. The reaction he gave was... the uttermost uncomfortable.

Chrom: Ahaha... the slaps that were releasing the hope in my body... I needed that the most.

Chiaki: Let's get you to bed. Quickly.

Both of us forced Chrom into the bed and left the rooms without saying much. That situation left me uncomfortable and confused.

Hajime: Okay then... onto the next patient. Who should be Byleth

We walked into Byleth's room and found him sitting on his bed. He saw us walk in.

Byleth: A-AH! Excuse me for the mess! Please! Forgive me!

Hajime: There wasn't any mess.

Byleth: Apologises! I didn't know...

Chiaki: How are you feeling?

Byleth: Me? Oh, I'm doing okay, not in the greatest mood but in a good mood, I guess. Forgive me if that's not the answer you wanted.

Chiaki: It's fine the way it is.

Byleth: Really? Apologizes then.

Hajime: No worries, we're just checking on everyone.

Byleth: I see.

We didn't know what else to say so we left his room, he was always asking forgiveness for no reason. But that's how he was affected I guess. We continued on to the final room Link's.

Chiaki: Hey there, how are you feeling?

Link: Good? I don't know.

Hajime: That's good to hear, still lost in memories?

Link: What memories?

Hajime: I'm assuming that's a yes.

Link: Ah, apologies, I don't know who you guys are.

Chiaki: And that's alright. It's a normal thing for you since you're affected by the disease.

Link: Really? I didn't know that.

Chiaki: Yep.

Hajime: Do we have anything else to say?

Chiaki: I don't think so.

We left his room and then we... found a scene happening and it wasn't a good one at all.

Sonic: HEELPPP!!!!

Hajime: Huh? What's going on?


Chiaki: Mario!?

Mario: I'm at your service!



I saw Sonic pushing Mario upstairs to room D. It was surreal of what was happening. I could not believe we got another person sick...

Sonic: I got him into the room! Now what?

Monokuma: Did you ask for help?!

Sonic: GAH!

Hajime: What do you want?!

Monokuma: Oh simple! I came to announce something additional to the motive! Now that Mario is sick, I'm allowed to say this!

Chiaki: Say what?

Monokuma: If you want to cure the patient, come to me and I'll give you the cure! This is promised to cure the patient who gets the medicine immediately!

Sonic: R-Really now?!

Hajime: Erm... alright then.

Monokuma: Phuhuh! I'll see you guys soon!

Chiaki: We have to act quickly. I need to get to the motel. Hajime, you need to grab someone else to help immediately.

Hajime: Right!

I had to get someone fast! There was no time to lose, so I rushed my way to the motel to recruit Childe to help me.

Hajime: We don't have much help and Mario just got sick! So we need your help.

Childe: Ugh fine, I'll help I guess. But the thing is what am I going to do?

Hajime: Keep track of the patients and make sure they don't do anything.

Childe: Alright then.

???: Hold on.

Zhongli: I'm going to help too, I want to see what I can do before asking Monokuma for the cure.

Hajime: Terrific, more people can do us better. We better head back to the hospital. Oh yeah, now that you're working with us, you can't really return to the motel. You gotta go back to your room quarters.

Zhongli: Seems logical, if we get sick those guys can too.

Hajime: Right. Sonic is going to stay there overnight. Speaking of which, is it late?

Zhongli: I don't think so. It's barely getting dark outside.

Hajime: That means it's going to be nighttime soon. We better check out Mario before it's too late

We all rushed our way to the hospital and ran to the room where Mario was staying in. There we spotted Sonic with him.

Sonic: Ugh, this is just awful. I'm not even a doctor and Mario was the closest we got to a doctor.

Mario: I can go ahead and be a doctor!

Zhongli: No stay here and rest.

Mario: As you say! I never say no to what you guys say!

Childe: Disgusting, this guy is gross it's getting on my nerves.

Hajime: Well regardless, is everything alright so far?

Sonic: Yeah, thankfully. Like I said, I'll stay here overnight to make sure everyone is healthy and safe. It's the least I can do.

Hajime: Yeah, such a shame we have so many patients now. I don't know how we're going to last...

Sonic: Right.

Announcement from Monokuma: Ahem, it is now 10 pm and nighttime has officially started! Soon the doors to the Island and School's dining hall will be LOCKED! Well then, sweet dream everyone! Don't let someone kill you... By the way! Friendly reminder that you have to live in your island rooms for now! Puhuhuhu, good night!

Hajime: It's that time again. We have to head out now. You'll be fine right?

Sonic: Yes, I'm sure of it. Be careful everyone!

Zhongli: Good luck.

Childe: See you.

We all began walking back to our rooms. When I got to mine, I felt myself getting ill. Was someone going to die soon? It was left hard to believe, but soon I found myself closing my eyes. Then... dazing off...

Monokuma: Every day we start thinking of different things. Why is life so hard? What makes life difficult. Why does this character suck so much? We ask those questions to ourselves a lot! So makes us really think! What is going on? What is the purpose of the life we're living right now? What's the parallel universe hiding from us? That's what we might ask ourselves! Life is mysterious!


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

I started to walk my way to the hospital but from there I spotted Zhongli on my way.

Zhongli: Seems like we're getting there together I suppose.

Hajime: Yeah, I hope we can find a cure soon. I don't want to be living around with people getting sick all the time. It's just not a good sign at all.

Zhongli: Right, it's just not good at all.

We continued to chat for we bit, it took us some time but we did reach the hospital but from there I found some strange activity coming from Childe and Sonic. Sonic seemed panicked and confused...

Hajime: Sonic? Is everything alright?

Sonic: ...

Childe: ...

Zhongli: Uh, hello?


Zhongli: What?

Sonic: Y-You have to follow me quickly! This isn't good in the slightest!! AHHH!!!

The four of us followed Sonic straight behind, he went past rooms 1, 2, and 3. What happened in the hospital?! Soon we got to room D.

Sonic: I-In here!

Hajime: What happened in the room Mario's staying in?

Sonic: Something... bad... something seriously bad!!

Hajime: What?

We tried unlocking the door but it's locked, but... how could this be?! Sonic was staying here all night! What could've caused the door to be locked?

Childe: The door is locked!

Zhongli: HANG ON!


Hajime: How did you break the lock- nevermind! We must hurry!

The four of us opened the door but the sight... was the most... despair-inducing.

There I saw Mario, laying on his bed. Dead...

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