
By DaKawaliKid

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(quick note: if you're against anything lgbt+, i suggest you pick up another book.) In a world where people h... More

1 - my introduction.
2 - i'm on the streets.
3 - my panties got stolen.
4 - my shopping went wrong.
5 - a prayer.
6 - caught in the rain.
7 - someone i'll care for.
8 - back at the mall.
9 - research in my face.
10 - chance meeting with an underage gunner.
11 - an artist's thoughts.
13 - boards, lies, and our non-magical training.
14 - an otherworldly arrival.
15 - defense of fairweather.
16 - isolation: preparation.
17 - isolation: war.
18 - subway assault.
finale - truths, ironies, the secrets hidden.

12 - his origins.

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By DaKawaliKid

Chris stood in front of a large mansion gate that was slightly shorter than the nearby trees. Klein hadn't come to school for a few days straight, and it wasn't a holiday, so he visited out of concern. He pushed a nearby button, and the sound of bells chimed nearby, signaling that a visitor had rung the doorbell.

A few seconds later, the gate opened wide and he stepped through. The paths and fields were massive, a huge contrast to the room Chris lived in. He made his way to the front door, where a woman was waiting for him. Her short hair was green like Klein's and her face was as fair as a lady's, yet it was showing signs of suffering, not to mention the heavily stained dress she was wearing.

She bowed, and said, "Ah, Chris. Klein isn't feeling well at the moment."

"I'm sorry for interrupting, miss, but why is Klein not feeling well?"

"Simply put, he's been put under a curse. It takes his sanity away and makes him go into outbursts of rage. They've been getting longer each day, and it wont stop until he's become a weapon of mass destruction."

Hearing this, Chris' eyes widened. He ran through the door in an instant, only to quickly dodge a few of Klein's attacks. His friend was on the other side of the living room, a maroon aura flowing out from him as he screamed in agony. Without hesitation, the former dashed towards him and caught him in a tight hug.

"Klein, this isn't you!" he shouted. "Snap out of it!"

"Augh... Argh... Chris?"

Klein's voice was coarse from the horror he had to be put through. Tears started streaming out from Chris' eyes as he kept hugging, not wanting to let go.

"Chris, I... I can't."

"You can. Hold it back."

"A-Amazing. Who knew that the Blood Curse could be controlled that easily..." Klein's mom said as she walked closer.

"Blood Curse?"

"His father came from a bloodline of vampires, and most of them were villains. The subordinates who disobeyed them were put under a Blood Curse, which causes them to go insane as their abilities went berserk."

"That's horrible!"

"Sadly, the only way to break the Curse is either by the victim being killed or the user being beaten. However, there is good news."

"Please tell it quickly. I don't know when will he go berserk again."

"The members of the Curse user's family know who put the Curse on the victim, and it's his father. Unfortunately for him, my Position can get you to his place. I think you're both qualified."

As Klein wiped himself with a napkin, Chris let go and started thinking.

"I can't leave now, since I don't know when he's gonna go crazy again... However, I can't call for help, either... What should I do?"

"Need some help?" a boy's voice called out. Chris looked at where it came from and spotted Justin, Adele, and Vidya. The latter was wearing a green dress instead of a lab coat.

"What are you doing here?"

"One of your classmates asked us to help check on Klein," Adele said. "Never knew that you'd get here first."

"I tagged along for fun," Justin replied with a smile.

"Alright, here's the thing," Chris said, gathering everyone together. "Klein's going crazy and it's all because of his dad. We'll have to get to his place with his mom's ability and beat him to get him back to normal."

"Hm... According to my calculations, his dad sounds like a guy who's way stronger than all of us," Vidya said as she used her ability. "We'll have to resort to ranged and stealth attacks. Mom, Klein, you both ready your attacks to get him. Me, Justin and Chris will disable the traps. If all else fails, Chris, call that girl to come and help us."

"Sounds like a good plan. Are you all ready?" Klein's mom asked, preparing her ability as a red glow appeared on her hands.

"Yes!" everyone shouted. Klein suddenly coughed up blood, and Chris patted his back.

The former's mom moved her hands in a circle before putting them in a way that the forehands were facing each other in front of her chest, and spread them out. A portal appeared behind her, revealing the hideout.

"We don't have much time. Go," she said. Everyone but her rushed through, and she closed the portal.

"I hope you all return safely..."

The room looked like a prisoner's room, except that it had a drain-like hole at the bottom. It led to a room, which was apparently the main room of the hideout of Klein's dad, Rosten Kaizel.

Rosten paced around back and forth in his red noble-like clothes, seemingly thinking about something. Meanwhile, the five of them were above him, peeking down from the hole.

"We jump down and take him out while we still have the chance," Vidya whispered, soft enough for Rosten to not take notice. "Mom, get the weakening potion."

"Got it," Adele said, summoning a purple potion. She poured it down the hole and left it there as Vidya led everyone out from the room, causing Rostam to examine it. The purple liquid felt slimy to the touch, and there was no doubt that someone had infiltrated the place.

"So you found out about the Curse, huh?" he said to no one in particular.

Meanwhile, the group ran through the corridors as they avoided the guards patrolling the place. Eventually, they came to a metal gate blocking their path.

"I got this," said Justin, running through a small gap as he turned himself invisible. He saw lots of weapons that caught his attention and decided to slide a few down the hole before turning the lever.

As the gate went up, he crawled back out and undid his invisibility, picking up the shortsword he slid out. "Come on."

"...Are these weapons necessary?" Chris asked.

"Who knows, they might be."

"Fair enough."

They picked up the weapons: Chris with a longsword; Klein with a whip; Adele with a gun; and Vidya with a spear. With Justin leading them, they continued their walk.

Not long after, they reached Rosten's room, marked by a wooden door with a sword.

"Klein, you do the honors," Chris said.

"Says who?" a cold male voice echoed behind them.

In an instant, the five of them were blown through the doorway. Looking behind him, Chris immediately saw fear in his eyes. If Luna was strong, this man was stronger.

As Klein coughed up more blood, Adele stood up and said, "Rostem Kaizel."

"Adele Albeheir."

"First half of Fairweather, then the Brisses, and now your son?! What's gotten into you lately?"

"You think this isn't a way to get your son to submit to you?"

Chris, upon hearing this, shouted, "You think that's a good way!?"

"If all else fails. And as of right now, he's lacking in every aspect of dominance."

"That's already a bad example!"


With a snap of Rosten's fingers, everyone but him was covered by streams of blood coming from his back.

"You seem worthy of fighting against me. Show me what you have."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. In fact, I'm already using a quarter of my power."

"That's a lie- AAGH!!"

Klein's words were cut short by his dad squeezing everyone he had in his physical grasp.

"One more word from you, son, and everyone but him dies. Including you."

Chris started the fight by throwing a punch that Rosten blocked with blood. It exploded soon after, throwing him to the wall. Despite this, he dusted himself off and continued throwing punches. This time, Rosten evaded 3 punches before throwing his right arm up, creating a massive wave of blood that destroyed the wall. However, Chris dodged it and countered with a punch that actually hit.

"This boy's strength... is a joke!" Rosten thought before unleashing a ton of blood.

He began his countering onslaught, shooting missiles at Chris, then firing a beam at him. The last attack was blocked, causing the latter's flesh on his arms to start melting. A punch was thrown and a kick followed right after. Both attacks only grazed Rosten by the cheek, a bit of blood coming out from a little cut. He wiped it before swiping in front, following it up with a blast of blood.

Chris leaped through and evaded a shot before throwing an uppercut. Rosten moved his body to the side before slamming a spear made of blood on the ground by the sharp end, creating pillars of blood on the former's feet. He swiftly dodged all of them, before landing another punch.

"I thought you were a measly boy, but you are something else, fighting without abilities. However, it is time we end this." Rosten began charging up a devastating amount of blood around him. "Say your last goodbyes."

"An ultimate?" Chris thought. "Bring it on. I can withstand more than that."

"He's gonna use it!" Klein and Adele thought, nearly unable to think because of the pressure.

Moving his hands apart to form a circle from the bottom to the top, Rosten put his thumb, index, and middle fingers to form a triangle shape. He moved the hands towards each other, passing them and causing the massive amount of blood he unleashed to form the same shape behind him.

"Delta: Destruction."

He separated his hands, encasing Chris in a red bubble. The blood triangle then hit him with enough force to annihilate a person's body, destroying the wall in the process.

"He's done for. Now for the rest of you-"

"I'm not done yet..."


Rosten had lowered his guard for a second, allowing Chris to throw his longsword, which made its way through his shoulder, piercing it and catching his attention.

"H-He isn't dead? So that purple liquid was a weakening solution?" he thought.

Flipping him off, Chris said with a smile, "F*ck you."


Rosten unleashed Delta: Destruction again, this time at maximum power and within just 1 and a half seconds. It blew a hole in the hideout, throwing Chris out at a high speed. Visibly enraged, he released everyone else and trapped them in blood cages before dashing out.

They all caught their breath as Vidya said, "Why could Chris do that?"

"He..." Klein said, panting. "He wanted to die protecting us."

"I don't think... that's what he meant to do."

"So, uh..." Justin interrupted. "I got his keys."

"Whose?" everyone asked.

Justin took a metal shard and poked the cage with it. It evaporated in an instant, and he did the same to the other cages.

"Finally out. Come on, before the guards kill us," Adele said.

The guards had surrounded them on their master's orders. Meanwhile, Klein was sobbing.


He activated his power multiplication, but instead of his hair turning white, his eyes turned black with his irises and pupils turning blood red.

"He will not die."

He swiped his right hand diagonally upwards, gathering a lot of blood energy in it. Right after that, he unleashed the blast while creating a shield around the other three, destroying the hideout in the process.

"Neither will my dad. Instead, his tyranny will."

With a blast that took out a quarter of the entire park, Rosten landed at the place where Chris was blasted to. The police surrounded him, but he didn't mind. He could overpower them at any time he wanted to.

Beginning his search for Chris, he started blasting every spot in the park with his blood powers. Before he could finish, the police had put up a rectangular shield around the park, letting every civilian, dog, and animal pass through while inhibiting Rosten's ability to move outside.

"You fools. Don't you know that I could destroy this place and this shield at any time!?" he shouted.

"Not in your condition," a young female voice said behind him. Looking back, he saw his wife and the mysterious girl standing on the ground which used to be a park.

"You're coming to me, women?"

"No. You came to me the moment you left your hideout. Which, might I add, is probably already in ruins."

To prove her point, Klein's mom opened a portal that served as a window. Behind it was the scene of Klein and the group getting out from the ruined hideout.

"Oh, you fools. While I was holding the group captive, I was slowly sucking the life out of those people."

As if on queue, Justin collapsed to the floor. Klein quickly used his ability to help support him, but he collapsed just as fast as him.

"And now, my Delta: Destruction has never been more powerful than before. Mark my words, I will annihilate all of you."

He used his ultimate and was about to finish when he realized he couldn't move his hands apart to finish everyone off. The girl had gripped him by the neck, paralyzing him.

"Strength is useless if you don't have speed," she said before knocking him into the air with an uppercut, canceling the move. Almost instantly, a massive lightning bolt was charged into the air from her, her eyes glowing bright cyan. Leaping into the air, it took her barely a second to reach the airborne villain.


As Klein's mom got the doctors to the hideout, the girl started a beatdown on Rosten, annihilating him like he did with Chris. Every dash on him was imbued with electricity, and while he was being worn out in almost an instant, she wasn't even showing signs of getting tired.

She slammed him straight to the ground, before shooting a massive lightning bolt at him in midair. Then, she followed it up with 3 more shots at the same voltage, before finishing with a punch that was followed by yet another lightning bolt that rocked the entire place.

As the shield was undone and the unconscious villain was detained, the girl zipped away.

Klein woke up in the hospital and saw Justin on the bed right next to him. A doctor was checking their conditions, and he said to a nurse, "The both of them will live. If it weren't for the older boy's efforts, the younger one would've perished before we got to the hospital."

His eyes started filling up with tears as he accepted the fact that he was different from his father. Not a person who destroys everything for fun, but a person who saves people just because they feel like doing so.

At that moment, grunting sounds came from the window. Chris climbed in, and after seeing that the two of them were alright, breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor walked towards him and asked, "Why did you climb through the window instead of going through the door?"

"How could I get in when there's an entire crowd blocking the main entrance outside?"

"Uh... through the back door?"

"Noted. Thanks."

He walked towards the door and opened it, but stopped to take a glance at the two of them.

"How'd you survive his attacks?" Klein asked, having already gathered enough strength for that one question.

"Oh, I secretly drank a potion at the lab during our field trip. Didn't know it'd help me that much."


Klein stared in confusion as Chris left the room.

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