FLUTTER | Taekook

By jinxed_jin

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(ON HOLD) Where Jungkook meets a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. - TAEKOOK FAIRY FANFICTION Top KTH Bo... More

0 : [prologue]


114 11 5
By jinxed_jin

Third person POV

Jungkooks now petit little body flung up to the surface of the water, almost in a floating manner, the boy not needing to do much to get to land.

The fairy gasped for air as he dragged his body up the slightly sandy— mostly rocky shore.

He stood up to his feet as quickly as he could, hugging his wet body, a slight breeze causing him to shiver.

Taehyung on the other the hand was smirking, eyeing the boy for a minor second before throwing his petaled outfit at him, "put these back on, it'll help a bit."

Jungkook quickly did as told and began to slip his body into his old outift, yet still slightly shivering after.

"I'm so cold," he mumbled, walking towards Taehyung once he was fully clothed up.

The older fairy grinned down at him, beofre stretching his arms up over his head and looking up at the sun, "it's a nice day out, stand in the heat for a bit and you'll be as good as new."

Jungkook hummed sadly, before glancing at his back, his eyes widening with fright.

"My wings!" He squealed, doing circles as he tried to get a better look at the drooping things hanging off his back. "Taehyung! My wings! I knew this wasn't a good idea—"

"Relax flower," Taehyung began to walk away, in hopes Jungkook would follow, "I do this all the time and my wings have never broke, trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Jungkook was still in a slight state of shock at everything that has just happened to him in the last two days and he shook his head, quickly stepping close behind Taehyung.

"well, unlike you I actually need my wings."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung looked over his head, raising an eyebrow up curiously at Jungkooks odd statement.

"Well I work at the oak tree and am doing like— a billion things a week, I have to constantly be flying back and forth from place to place, all you do is sit around in the sun and change into a human, and I'm guessing not give a shit about actual important things."

"What's considered as actually important to you?" Taehyung asked again, the two fairy's finally making up to the big, flat, sun rock Taehyung had liked to lay in to dry off his wings.

Jungkook copied Taehyung's movements carefully as they both laid down onto their stomachs, facing their wings up to the sun in a way for them to dry quicker.

"Well you know... our tasks at the oak tree, we all have to pitch in to keep fairy civilization thriving, we were all bloomed into doing a specific task," he listed on, "and mine happened to start off as a flower bloomer, which is worked hard into becoming the best I could and working all the units."

"I will be impressed no matter how many times I hear that," Taehyung added in quickly, "but why does that have to be us? Why can't fairies just frolic off and do whatever they want?"

"Being true to all the fairies should be what you want, our skills are very specific when we grow up, you shouldn't find it boring." Jungkook finally finished and looked over to Taehyung, who's chin was propped up on his forearms.

When the older fairy never responded to Jungkooks words the pink haired boy sighed, and tilted his head away.

"Hey Taehyung, can I ask you something?"

"Anything you want flower," the mint haired fairy stated back, smiling fondly.

"Why did you leave the oak tree?"

Jungkook has asked that question before, and Taehyung was always quick to brush it off and not give a direct response. But the fairy new there had to be more to the story. More then what Taehyung was always telling him.

"I don't think either of us are ready for that step," Taehyung let out, chuckling a bit, "we're very different, you and I," he continued to playfully grin.

Jungkook frowned, "why? Everyone else at the oak tree seems to know your story, everyone but me."

"Maybe that's a good thing."

Jungkook tilted his head up, confused on what Taehyung meant by that.

"What do you mean a good thing?"

"Well you're still here with me, right? You're the only fairy that's ever come to visit me— even if we did stumble upon each other by accident," he let out a small chuckle, "you were the only one to not judge me right away, you were the only one who was ever curious."

Jungkook let Taehyungs words sink in, solemnly sitting in silence for a second before he awkwardly licked his lips.

"Well, I may have mentally judged you when I first met you," Jungkook joked a little, smiling.

"But you came back," Taehyung let out right after, turning his body to face Jungkook, "and then you stayed."

The younger fairy could hear Taehyung's voice getting slightly quieter with every word, leaving his body to be overcome with chills.

After then sitting in a comfortable silence for a couple of seconds Taehyung flapped his wings a little bit and smiled.

"Our wings should be dry by now."

Jungkook fluttered his wings a bit to test and see if his were dry as well, and to his luck, they were.

Finally he was back to his original, working self.

He was quick to his feet and jumped up into the air, flying up into the sky and doing small spins, smiling with joy.

"Oh Taehyung, you were right," he giggled, "my wings are just fine."

"I'm always right," Taehyung stated from down below cockily, "feels good to fly, hm?"

"it's the best," he smiled with glee, flying as fast as he could, "how I've missed the feeling of the wind flowing through my hair."

The pink haired fairy slowly landed his feet onto the rock next to Taehyung, and smiled brightly, to which the older boy kindly gave back.

"You should be heading back to the oak tree don't you think?" Taehyung spoke up quickly, "you need to get back to your little rule following self again, remember?"

Jungkook gasped and brought his hands up to his lips, "sir Jung— he's probably been wondering where I've been!" He stated loudly.

Taehyung hummed, "so?"

Jungkook hesitantly looked into Taehyungs eyes and gnawed in his bottom lip.

"And my books, I can't just bring them to the oak tree, they're too big," he frowned again and slumped his shoulders, completely ignoring Taehyungs earlier statement.

Taehyungs eyes sparkled as he looked down at Jungkook, licking his lips quickly and slightly crouching down to have his eyes align perfectly with the others.

"Looks like now you'll have to come back," he grinned brightly.

That sentence slowly lead Jungkooks lips to tug up and form a smile, his heart beginning to race a bit at the suggestion.

"I guess you're right," he muttered back, and quickly jumped up again, hovering slightly above Taehyung's height.

"Leaving?" Taehyung then asked, his hands placed tightly onto his own hips, smirking while looking up.

Jungkook nodded, "I really have to go, I'm sorry."

Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes, "fine, go back to being mr goody two shoes," he let out and began to walk away.

"I'll come visit again soon, I promise," Jungkook smiled brightly, watching as the sassy older turned around to face his as he still continued to step away.

"And I'll be here," he yelled in response before turning back onto his feet and soulfully disappearing into the trees.

Jungkook happily breathed out from his nose and flew away, making his way above the path he was once upset to be on.

But now, he wouldn't have had it any other way.

Jungkook grew a slight blister of sweat across his forehead as he flew fast through the woods, dodging branches from left to right.

But soon after, he had finally once again made it back to the oak tree, his vision glued on the many fairies flying around as specks of pixie dust trailed behind them.

It was truly a sight to see.

Wasting no more time Jungkook quickly zipped his body down to the big familiar plant, placing his feet quietly on top of the dark, rough bark.

He cautiously poked his head past around the corner, to see as of the coast was clear.

Clear from what? He didn't really know.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiled in victory, taking a small step out, trying to blend in and look as casual as possible.

But with that, suddenly a fairy nearly crash landed into him, grabbing onto Jungkooks shoulders aggressively for stability.

"Jungkook!" The fairy let out breathlessly, and quite loudly at that, now standing up fully to look the pink haired boy in the eyes.

It was Jimin.

Before Jungkook had the chance to respond to Jimins sudden (and shocking) entrance, the smaller fairy began to talk again.

"Where on earth have you been?" He then quickly yanked at Jungkooks hand, "the baby department has almost gone to shit without you."

"What?" Jungkook let out astonished, nearly tripping on his foot as Jimin kept a tight grasp on his wrist and jumped up into the air, "how come?"

"You seem to be the one who kept everyone in order," he let out in response, "nobody was tracking watering dates, so some have been double watered and other not at all—"

"Hasn't it only been two days?" Jungkook asked back, in shock at how quickly things had gotten out of hand.

"When you first left people kept asking where you were, and when no one could find you they started to freak out, and everything went down hill from there."

"Goodness," Jungkook mumbled under his breath, "well I'm back now and better than ever! Hopefully we can get things sorted again—"

"Jeon," a dark physique flew down right in front of the two fairies view of flying, causing Jimin to now slam his arm agaisnt Jungkooks chest to stop them both from flying any farther.

Jungkooks eyes slowly trailed up the body in front of him, the figure just barely blocking the sun, causing Jungkook to shield his eyes with his hand to get a better view of the thing across him.

The pink haired boy felt his throat get a little dry, and his eyes widened, the boy unconsciously licked his lips.

The fairy that hovered in front of him was none other than the king.

"Sir— sir Jung," Jungkook gasped a little, stopped in his place with his hand still over his eyes.

"Where have you been?" The king quickly asked once again, voice hoarse, yet some how soft, the cloak that was seemingly wrapped around his body slightly flowing in the wind.

The younger fairy took an obvious notice to as how Jimin physically coward behind his body a bit, being frightful of the kings current look.

Jungkook blinked a couple times before speaking up once again.

"I was resting sir," he bowed his body forward as way to greet him, and not wanting to come off as rude in anyway, "like you ordered me too."

The king stared down, never breaking the eye contact with the smaller boy who also tried his best as to not look away.

"Where would that have been, might I ask?" The king mumbled, now looking Jungkooks skittish body up and down slowly, examining the boy for anything uncommon.

Once the boy took notice of the loss of eye contact he began to fiddle with his fingers a bit.

"I was just roaming around the forest, sir."

The king took a breath in, and leaned his body forward towards Jungkook a bit more, once again gazing into his eyes.

"Don't lie to me Jungkook," he let out just above a whisper, "what were you doing?"

The statement which was said caught Jungkook a bit off guard. The king surely didn't know where Jungkook actually had been.

Was the king trying to make him break? Did the king not trust him?

"I was exploring around— and finding new plants to look at," Jungkook said in the same tone of whisper, "nothing special really."

The king furrowed his eyebrows a bit, huffing his chest to make him come off as bigger, almost as if a way to intimidate the smaller boy.

"I know you're lying Jungkook, you can't lie to me, I always see right through it," the king gritted his teeth, "I've known you forever, I know what signs to look for."

The caused Jungkook to nervously gulp, the king was excellent at reading others, of course he knew the boy was lying.

But Jungkook couldn't let it show.

He knew better.

"I'm not lying," he just simply replied, "you told me to take a rest and that's exactly what I did."

"Don't get lippy with me boy," the king suddenly let out a little louder, glaring down at Jungkook.

The smaller fairy rolled his eyes, "can I just go back to doing my job? Apparently I'm desperately needed at the baby department," he finished cockily.

The king took a small breath in and nodded his head, "sure, Jungkook, go right ahead," he let out and broke the awkward tension between them, "but talk to me like that again and there will be consequences." He noted before flying away.

Jungkook stood his ground, not responding and just trailed his eyes to follow the kings body as he disappeared into the distance.

"You've got balls man," a new voice was suddenly heard trailing up behind them, "I'm terrified of the king."

Jungkook twisted his head to be greeted with his two friends, Namjoon and Seokjin.

Seokjin, the cherry fairy, nodded his head along to what Namjoon had just stated while flying up.

"Yeah dude, the king totally loves you," the let out, running a hand through his red locks, "well, did at least."

Jungkooks eyes quickly darted between Namjoon and Seokjin's faces, and then he gasped a little, bringing his hand to lips.

"Did everyone see that?"

Namjoon let out a small laugh, "no not everyone, just a couple pass-by fairies stopped to stare."

"Of course," Jungkook now mumbled into the palms of his hands, "I'm such a screw up! I'm supposed to be the perfect one—"

"Oh don't get your wings in a knot Jungkook, it was just one little slip," Jimin this time mumbled, trying his best to comfort the fairy, smiling slightly.

"I've never seen you talk like that to anyone," Seokjin budded in this time, "are you feeling alright? You didn't eat a bad batch of berries did you?" The eldest asked and brought his hand up to feel the top of Jungkooks forehead.

The younger fairy let Seokjin feel around for a couple seconds and he sighed, rubbing the side of his head, "I actually haven't eaten for awhile—"

"Oh, well Seokjin and I could go grab a couple berries for you if you'd like," Namjoon stated, placing his hand comfortingly onto Jungkooks left shoulder as he nodded.

"That would be wonderful," he muttered back quietly.

Namjoon smiled, "great, what would you like? Cherries? Blueberries? Blackberri—"

"Strawberries, please."

The two fairies nodded in response before quickly flying towards the direction where the berries were grown, leaving him alone with Jimin.

"Want to go sit down somewhere?" The smaller fairy asked, to which Jungkook declined.

"No, let's go to the baby department," he said and continued to fly in the direction they were going before they were so abruptly stopped.

Jimin followed close behind until they landed at the baby department, and Jungkook scanned around at the flowers, trailing his hand slowly up one of the stems, feeling the thick, dry material under his palms.

The youngest fairy quickly jumped up to get straight to work, beginning to order a couple others on what to do, glancing all around the area and cringing at all the horrendous bundle wraps and much more.

Jungkook had stayed a bit as to make sure the roses had been on the right track of being fixed; when Seokjin and Namjoon flew down, hands full of a basked of fairy sized chunks of strawberry pieces.

The pink haired fairy smiled at his friends, who quickly handed the basket over to him, which he more than happily grabbed a hold of.

"Thanks guys, really," he nodded, quickly digging into the basket and eating at the fruit, the feeling satisfying his taste buds.

"Sure you'll be alright?" Namjoon asked, squatting down a bit to be eye level with the fairy who was eating away.

Jungkook chuckled, mouth full, "I'm sure, once I begin working hard again, everything will flow smoother than ever."

"Maybe you shouldn't jump into work right away after that blow out you had with the king," Seokjin stated quietly under his breath, "maybe start it off slow—"

"Seokjin, trust me, I know what I'm doing," Jungkook said smiling as he shoved another strawberry piece into his mouth, "work has always been good for me."

Seokjin cautiously nibbled on his bottom lip at his friends actions, watching the younger chow down on the rest of the fruit.

"Thank you boys, that fruit was just what I needed today and I honestly think I was hangry, which was why I went a little wacko at the king," Jungkook began to ramble on, rubbing his stomach in satisfaction, "but I'm good now," he smiled.

Namjoon awkwardly took a step back, but before he was able to speak up Jungkook began talking again.

"Well, it was nice catching up with you guys, we should all really be getting to work, don't you agree?" He blabbered still and turned to Jimin, "you follow me," he pointed at the purpled haired fairy.

Jimin quickly nodded his head in agreement, and jumped up to hover above the ground while he waited for Jungkooks next move.

The pink haired fairy nodded and waved at Namjoon and Seokjin, leaving the two to awkwardly stand there in silence before he jumped up and flew away, two trials of pixie dust flying into the distance.

Namjoon sighed while running a hand through his light blue locks and turned to fully face the fairy next to him.

"Jungkooks gonna blow," he mumbled quietly, "and not in a good way," he finished, Seokjin quickly nodding in agreement.

"We should probably keep a close eye on him, I don't want him getting hurt."

Namjoon nodded as well before jumping up to fly away in the opposite direction the other two had gone; Seokjin trailing fondly— and quickly behind.

Surely Jungkook would be able to keep up with the heavy work load. He's been doing it all his life, his friends were just over reacting.

He turned to face Jimin once again and smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"Wanna help me bud some flowers?"

Filler chapter!

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