Ripper's Journey II: The Son...

By Evastarunit73

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After the death of the ultimasaurus ripper blue delta echo and charlie are now free to roam the world and one... More

A New Home
A Bond
Under The Moonlight
Happy Wife Happy Life Part 1: Our Future
Happy Wife Happy Life Part 2: The Child
Parenthood Part 1
Parenthood Part 2: First Hunt
The Ravagers
Tyrants Of California
Collision Course
The Beast That Lives Within
Dominion (Epilogue)

Monsters Of The Night

411 5 4
By Evastarunit73

It had been an hour since Ripper's fight with Nemesis, the apatosaurus herd was still running, trying to find a safe spot from those hybrids, the only thing Ripper was wondering about was why did one of those hybrids willingly get close to the apatosaurus herd.

It felt strange, it was so devoted to catching up to him that it even risked getting hit by the tails, and of course it did and it can be assumed that it's dead now because of it.

Ripper's never felt it before, but from what others have told him, the impact of one of those whip like tails could shatter bones so if that's true then why did the hybrid even bother to go after him anyways if it was just going to end up dead?

Nemesis did mention something about the fact that these hybrids and presumedly the people who were with them, wanted to kill him but was that true?

If they really wanted to kill him then why did Nemesis' team mates disagreed with his actions? It's why they came out here right? So why were they trying to stop Nemesis?

Unless killing him wasn't what they wanted, and if that's the case then what did they want with him? They probably know that he and Wu have a rivalry, and since the hybrids were presumably made by Wu, shouldn't they want Ripper dead as well?

Maybe they wanted to capture him like they did with Fang, but if they did then why? They're better off killing him so he won't get in their way, if they just capture him there's still a chance that he could be released.

So what was it? Did they want to kill or capture him? If they wanted to kill him like Nemesis said then why did they try to stop Nemesis from doing that?

He doesn't know the full answer but he does know that Wu had some major involvement in this that's for sure, if he made Nemesis then it's likely he made those other hybrids as well.

And if he did, then did he specifically made them just to hunt him down? If he did then that's a huge waste of resources, he doesn't know much about making hybrids but he does know that it could be a difficult process, why make a squad of hybrids if their only purpose is to get rid of one dinosaur?

The herd then comes across a clearing, Owen and his squad were nearby and made sure to keep a distance from the herd so they won't get trampled.

"Halt!" The alpha male ordered to his herd.

The herd did as he said and stopped running, it's safe to say that those hybrids are gone, for now at least and they needed to get some rest after what they've just experienced.

In all the years that the alpha has lived, he's never seen dinosaurs like those before, he's never seen a t-rex like dinosaur with features that should belong to a ceratopsian.

However, just because he's never seen these dinosaurs before, it doesn't mean this is the first time he's seen an unusual predator.

When he was younger, he was just wandering around a valley in Isla Nublar when suddenly he heard something in the distance, a howl from a monster.

He turned to look at said monster and it was horrifying, it had pale ghostly white skin, blood red eyes, crooked teeth, and spikes covering it's back.

He watched as it effortlessly took down four members of his herd, and this was before he became the herd leader and he only ever became their leader because the previous one was massacred by that monster.

A few weeks after that, rumors around Nublar were spreading, and those rumors were about a creature that was named the indominus rex, and the way they described it perfectly matched the monster that he saw.

And that's when he realized that there are other predators out there that he didn't know about, which is why he wasn't surprised that much when those odd looking predators came by earlier.

He was just wondering where these predators kept coming from, even though he was young when he saw the indominus he knew all the predatory species that lived on Nublar and the indominus rex wasn't one of them, and it didn't look like a tyrannosaurus or a spinosaurus, it almost looked like a combination of multiple animals stitched together to make a more powerful creature.

And it was, he didn't know it but the indominus was a combination of multiple creatures, such as tyrannosaurus, giganotosaurus, velociraptor, deinosuchus, therizinosaurus, multiple abelisaurs like majungasaurus, tree frogs, snakes, and cuttlefish.

He just hoped that there weren't any more of the indominus, he saw it slaughter four apatosaurus easily and if it can do that than it wouldn't have a problem taking on a few more that's for sure.

Unfortunately for the alpha, even if the monster known as the indominus was dead at least from what he's heard, her descendant was in this very area.

Ripper then jumped off the apatosaurus he was on and Owen drove over to him with his squad following behind.

Blue rushed to Ripper, she thought that Nemesis had inflicted a major injury on him.

"Ripper, are you alright?" Blue spoke in a stressed voice.

"I'm fine Blue, if I could survive being stabbed through the horns of a ceratopsian skull then it wouldn't be hard to believe that I could survive a few scratches" Ripper smiled.

The only reason Ripper did survive that fall is not because of his bullet proof skin, it was because of something that even he never knew about.

For as long as he knew, Ripper had the ability to heal his injuries at a rapid rate, and he never knew how this was possible but there was actually an explanation for it.

It was because Henry wanted Ripper to be the perfect indoraptor, and because of that he made sure to add something unique to Ripper's DNA that a lot of his kind did not possess.

Salamander DNA.

But not just any kind of salamander DNA, it was a modified kind that allowed Ripper to heal his injuries way faster, although fatal injuries took longer to heal.

Salamanders are known as one of the few animals on the planet that could regenerate lost limbs, and what Henry did was he genetically altered the salamander DNA so that not only could it possibly regenerate limbs but could heal injuries as well, but he has never seen Ripper lose a limb so he isn't sure if the regeneration also applies to lost limbs since his main focus was to heal injuries like scars.

"Hot damn, I knew you were good at fighting but fighting while on a sauropod? You're really something else aren't you?" Owen spoke up.

"Well, now I know what kind of story I'm gonna tell Fang once we get him back" Echo added.

The apatosaurus lowered his head towards the raptors, he wanted to know why this predator was so kind, the raptor did say the only reason he was out here was because he was searching for his son, but he thought that predators didn't care about anyone but themselves.

"Why are you so kind? You're not like any other carnivore I've seen, most of the ones I know are a bunch of savages" apatosaurus started.

Ripper turned around to face this giant, even if apatosaurus was small by sauropod standards since it's dwarfed by the much larger argentinosaurus, it was still huge from Ripper's point of view .

"It's because I grew up like this, back then when I was way younger I wasn't as vicious as some people make me out to be, it's mostly because I preferred bonding with my siblings than hunting" Ripper explained.

Maybe carnivores are a lot more complicated than most dinosaurs think, although there is are a few predators that the apatosaurus knew that weren't just roaring killing machines that only wanted to tear off flesh from other dinosaurs.

One of them was a tyrannosaurus from Nublar, an old one, he has heard stories about the fact that despite this rex hunting all the time, he never seems to eat children he even heard that during the mount sibo eruption, this same rex defended a young corythosaurus from getting attacked, and he's also heard that the rex was a friend of an elderly brachiosaurus who lived on the island.

The more the apatosaurus looked at Ripper, the more he started to realize who he was.

"Tell me, does your name happen to be Ripper?" The apatosaurus asked.

How did this sauropod that he's never met before knew his name? He barely knew of any herbivore that did know his name, even the styracosaurus he fought two years ago didn't know his name.

"Hold on, how do you know my name?" Ripper questioned.

"Oh, I heard it from a dilophosaurus, I think she said something about you helping her get back home, something like that" the apatosaurus replied.

Now he gets it, he immediately knew which dilophosaurus he was talking about since she pretty much was a friend of his.

"Ah, you mean Diana" Ripper said politely.

"Yes indeed, I believe that was her name" the apatosaurus agreed.

Ripper was actually surprised that Diana still remembered him, he has wondered how she was doing ever since he and Blue last saw her.

But if this sauropod knows Diana, does that mean she and her family were near this area? If they were he wouldn't mind paying them a visit but he was still fixated on finding his son.

"And also, what's your name?" Ripper asked the sauropod.

"If you're asking if I have a birth name given to me by my parents, then my answer is no because I never knew them, from what I've heard they were killed by something called the indominus rex" the apatosaurus responded with a slightly sad tone.

Ripper felt bad for him, the fact that he never got to know his parents and was never give a birth name was horrible, and this made Ripper even more convinced that Alice truly was nothing but a monster.

From what he's heard, she mostly just kills for sport or to let other dinosaurs know that she was the dominant predator on the island, she didn't even eat most of what she killed.

Owen has told Ripper a lot about Alice ever since he revealed to him that they were related, one of the things he mentioned was how she was able to kill an ankylosaurus, Owen himself didn't see the actual fight but still found the carcass that was supposedly killed by Alice

"I'm sorry about that, you know what's worse? The fact that I'm related to such a cruel monster like her" Ripper always hated Alice, even if they're related he's not going to treat somebody like her as his family.

"What? You two are related?" The apatosaurus asked in a shaky voice.

"Yes, but I'm nothing like her, like I said before I'm only out here because my son is lost, and I never hunt prey just for sport I actually do it because I need to survive unlike her" Ripper continued, referring to Alice.

The sauropod was confused, how could such a kind raptor like him be related to an abomination? He seems like a very good dinosaur considering the fact that the only reason he's out here is to find his son.

He actually thought that it was impossible for them to be related since Ripper is so different from the indominus, he's so calm and honest about pretty much everything but the indominus from what he's heard of was a manipulator, and a psychopathic one at that.

"I actually find it hard to believe you two are related, you're way more kind than her and you don't kill just for fun" the apatosaurus replied calmly.

"Because I'm actually sane unlike her, if I was her I wouldn't have killed four apatosaurus just for sport, I would've at least ate one afterwards" Ripper wasn't really somebody who liked wasting food, because if you're going to go out of your way to kill something then why not eat it or get rid of it instead of just dropping it on the ground?

Unless it's for a necessary purpose like distracting a predator, carnivorous dinosaurs shouldn't leave their prey lying on the ground because they might starve due to a lack of food.

But Ripper did do this once when he gave the corpse of a baby styracosaurus back to it's father as a show of respect.

"And also, about my name, even though I never had a birth name the herd actually gave me a name of my own, it's Whiplash" the apatosaurus explained.

Ripper thought that it was a humble thing for the herd to give him a name because his parents never got the chance to name him.

"Well Whiplash, it's been nice talking to you but me and my mate still need to find our son" Blue interjected.

"I understand, no parent would want their child to be alone by themselves
especially if it's in an area where there could be danger at any turn" Whiplash said as he walked off towards his herd.

Ripper had never talked to a sauropod before, he's only ever seen them from a distance but he didn't think they would actually have a civil conversation with a predator.

In fact, he didn't think that any herbivore would have a civil conversation with any carnivore, although that styracosaurus he met two years ago could be the only exception.

And then Ripper had another thought, if Diana told Whiplash about him, then is there a chance that maybe she's seen Fang? It wouldn't be out of the question since it's very possible that she lives in this area and Fang could also be in this area so if she sees him, what will she do?

Will she try to attack him? He's not sure if she'll do that especially if Fang says that he's the son of the same raptors that helped her get back to her family.

Another question Ripper had was what were the predators in this area? So far the only one he's seen was Smaug and nothing else, the hybrids don't count because they probably live in some kind of facility and are just out here to hunt down Ripper.

If there are other predators here then what kind? He didn't need to worry about rexes attacking Fang since almost every rex Blue knows of that got off Nublar was related to Terry, and since Terry and Blue were friends it's very unlikely that they'd attack the child of Blue.

But there could be some kind of predator out there that he doesn't know of, back then he didn't know what a t-rex or a spinosaurus was before he saw Terry and Smaug so it's possible that there are other predators out there that he's never seen but Owen never mentioned anything about any other mega theropod apart from t-rex and spinosaurus reaching the mainland.

"Alright, I know that we just got done getting chased by hybrids but we still haven't found Fang yet and we have to hurry since those hybrids are probably following us" Owen suggested as he started up his bike again.

Ripper then started sniffing again, he did get Fang's scent but it was faint, but he didn't care, as long as he finds his son he doesn't care how faint his scent could be.

"Keep close and follow me" Ripper then started running in the direction where he smelled Fang's scent with the squad following behind.

Blue then ran near Ripper and wanted to ask him about something.

"After this is all over, should we tell him about....... everything? About the ultimasaurus, about who you're related to and how we met?" Blue asked.

Ripper wasn't sure about this, the ultimasaurus might frighten Fang since Ripper himself keeps getting nightmares about him, and it's possible that if they tell him about how they first met, he might not trust them anymore.

"I'm not sure Blue, I'll have to think about it first because it's very risky" Ripper replied.

Blue nodded and kept running, even she thought that it was quite a difficult task to tell Fang the truth, especially since he's just a child, he might resent then because of the fact that his parents used to be rivals.


With Junior by their side, Fang, Krystal, and Talon don't have to worry about getting attacked by large predators at least most of them.

They trekked through the forest, following the trail left by the biosyn vehicles, if they can get through this forest without any type of creature interfering, then they'll get to Fang's home easily.

What Fang didn't know though, was that his family was actually searching for him, so if he comes back home then he's not going to be greeted by his family once he comes back.

Krystal though was thinking about something else, how was she supposed to explain any of this? She could just follow the trail in the opposite direction and hopefully find the facility but how is she going to explain why she's been lost for a few days?

Of course, she doesn't have to explain it to Frances since she's the one who asked her to look after Fang and it's possible all her packmates know as well, but it is going to be hard to explain it to everyone else at biosyn.

Unfortunately for her, Frances isn't going to be there to provide some kind of lie to explain why Krystal has been lost, since she's already gone.

Krystal doesn't know this, but Frances was sent to the main facility, which means that if she does manage to reach the facility then it's going to be a lot harder for her to explain where she's been this entire time.

Talon doesn't need to worry about getting lost out here though, he does know where his home is, he's memorized the route his father's flock takes when they first went to Oakland, but there's a chance that they're not even there.

Considering what happened during the quetzalcoatlus incident, there's a chance that they've moved onto another location just to avoid getting attacked by the massive pterosaur.

It was still unbelievable how huge that thing was, it's wingspan had to be somewhere near 70 or 80 feet long since it was probably as big as a plane and where did it come from?

Isla Nublar never had a quetzalcoatlus, it only ever had two types of pterosaurs but never had one that big, so where did it came from? Is it possible that it's from Sorna? If it was then how come he's never heard of it?

Talon wanted to ask Junior about it, maybe he knew something about where that thing came from.

"Hey um, Junior, have you ever heard of a quetzalcoatlus?" Talon started.

Junior didn't know why Talon had asked that all of a sudden, there's no quetzalcoatlus out here and if there were they wouldn't be able to hide from humans that's for sure, unless they're in forest areas where humans don't go to unless they're out on a hunt.

"Yes, but only my dad told me about them, he said that he saw a lot of them when he was a kid but they were killed off because of overhunting" Junior answered.

Back then before InGen came to Isla Nublar, there were many quetzalcoatlus there but the problem was the fact that they were hunted down way too much, almost every time they landed on a flat surface like on a field they'd get spotted by a predator big enough and fast enough to take them down.

Eventually, the population dwindled over the years, and they became extinct and only pteranodons were left on Nublar as the only flying reptiles, until InGen came back later on to create Jurassic World, and with that they also created another pterosaur.

Dimorphodon was a small but vicious animal, even for a pterosaur of it's size it was quite an aggressive one, but for some reason it always avoided pteranodons, possibly because there were more pteranodons than dimorphodons and they could get overwhelmed if the entire flock attacks them.

"Well you see, the reason why I'm out here alone and not with a flock is because I ran into one of those" Talon added.

This left the tyrant prince questioning his father's own words, because if he said that the quetzalcoatlus population on Isla Nublar was diminished because of overhunting, then how come there's one out here?

But he has to take this with a grain of salt, after all this info is only coming from one pteranodon, if there really is proof that a quetzalcoatlus has somehow escaped Nublar and somehow avoided being hunted down then why hasn't he seen one yet?

"What? They're all dead, by the time I was born the largest flying animal on Nublar were pteranodons" Junior replied.

"Well, then explain why my Pa's flock was almost completely massacred by one of them" Talon argued.

A thought then came up into Junior's head, wasn't his mother created by InGen? Is it possible that by some means, they also created that quetzalcoatlus?

It's very possible but why would they make it? This is the same question he has for the hybrids, they have no reason to create a quetzalcoatlus since all their parks are either closed or destroyed so what's the point of making a massive creature like that even though it's not even being kept in a paddock?

If what Talon has said is true, then the skies might not be safe with that thing around, if the mosasaurs is the most dangerous thing in the water at the moment then that quetzalcoatlus is the most dangerous thing in the sky.

He's heard that it could kill hadrosaurs like a normal predatory dinosaur would, which meant that it was probably the height of some land predators but Terry never told him how big it was, probably because he didn't know either.

Although, if that thing is soaring through the skies of California right now then it might end up regretting it, he's seen humans shoot down pteranodons before and it's mostly hunters who do this so what's to say they won't do the same to something that big?

Junior himself doesn't know why hunters do what they do, all they do is kill animals but why? It's understandable that they'd want to kill animals that could feed them but he's never heard of a human munching on dinosaur flesh or the flesh of any prehistoric animal for that matter.

Junior just sees it as them killing animals just because they want to, why wouldn't they? Humans have always been cruel from what he's remembered, it's not surprising that they'd try to kill something just for the sake of killing it.

Back then when he was captured, he was sure of it that the only reason those men wanted his uncle was so that he could be put on display, at least that's what he heard when the humans started talking about luring him out.

And if that was their reason for trying to lure him out them why do they want something like him to be put on display? What kind of benefits would that give?

As they walked further, Fang began to wonder how much longer he needs to walk before getting home, why don't they just run? Wouldn't that be faster?

Junior then stared at Fang, he wanted to ask him about what species he was since it's clear that he's not a usual velociraptor, and if he's not then what is he?

"Hey Fang? What exactly are you? Your dad is an indoraptor and your mom is a velociraptor, then what does that make you?" Junior asked curiously.

"Oh me? I'm a velocidominus" Fang quickly answered.

Hold on, why does his name sound like the indominus? The monster that tore down Jurassic World, if Blue was the one that thought of Fang's species name then why would she name her son's species after the murderer of her siblings?

"Wait, you do realize that your name sounds like the indominus right? The one that murdered your uncles Echo and Charlie, and your aunt Delta?" Junior asked the boy again.

Fang was extremely confused, what does he mean by that? His uncles and aunt were perfectly fine, he's lived with them all his life how could Junior say that they're dead?

"Are you trying to make a joke? I've lived with my uncles and aunt for all of my life, how could you just say that they're dead when they're not?" Fang retorted.

Now Junior was even more confused about this and he already was wondering why Blue bred with Ripper, but apparently this kid has been living with his dead relatives?

They died five years ago, that's a fact and it always will be, there's no way that Blue could've bred with Ripper during 2015 when her siblings were still alive, it's impossible.

Junior started to suspect that maybe there's something wrong with this child, that maybe he only imagines his uncles and aunt but wait, how would he know what they looked like if they were dead?

"Fang, is this some kind of sick prank? Echo, Charlie, and Delta were killed during the battle against the indominus, Blue herself told me so" Junior responded.

Fang groaned.

"Then why don't you just ask them yourself once we get to my home?" Fang rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe that this guy just said that his uncles and aunt were dead even though he spent a lot of time bonding with them.

What was this kid going on about? It's either he can't accept reality or he's living a delusional life, Junior doesn't know why this boy keeps saying that his dead relatives are alive, he's sure that Blue would have told him about this sooner but maybe she hasn't.

Junior then heard something unexpected, the sound of a vehicle driving through the forest and he instantly knew what that meant, he's seen it a number of times before and it's not hard to guess why there's a vehicle in this area.

"Hunters, there's hunters here I can hear them coming, get behind me" Junior said as he prepared to fight against the hunters.

The children did as he said as hid behind him for protection, he just hoped that these people were just as weak as the humans he fought a few days ago.

It was silent, the only noise junior could hear was the vehicle and the ambience around them, if they are hunters then why are they approaching a t-rex? He's never seen a hunter hunt down a medium or large size theropod ever.

Junior was ready to sink his teeth into those people, he doesn't really care if they threaten the kids, they're no match for him so if they do threaten to kill the kids then they're digging their own grave since they're going to die anyways.

Suddenly, Junior couldn't hear the vehicle anymore, all he could hear was the ambience so maybe they left but he wasn't betting on it, they're most likely planning something.

The prince then resorted to sniffing them out, it'll be easier this way since if he can't hear or see them, then he'll locate their scent instead.

He then picks something up, from the left side he could smell three humans and it isn't hard to guess why they were out here.

As Junior turned his head over to the left, a gun shot was fired near him, it's clear that they sent out a warning shot to intimidate him, but he's not going to be intimidated this easily by creatures that are way smaller than he is.

Junior kept his eye on the forest, and as he did he saw one human on the ground with a rifle aimed at him, if the first shot was a warning shot then this might as well be an actual shot.

"We need to get out of here now" Junior whispered.

The man with the rifle then shifts his focus from Junior, to Fang, and this startled the rex since if Fang gets shot then all of this would've been for nothing.

"Fang, get do-" Junior didn't have any time to finish his sentence as a bullet was speeding towards the young raptor.

Part of him wanted to get in the way so he could stop the bullet from piercing Fang's body, but another part of him didn't because if he gets shot here he might not be able to see his family again.

He was conflicted, it's either he takes the shot or lets Fang get hit, and he couldn't allow both of those to happen because even if Fang is the son of the indoraptor he's just a child, he doesn't deserve to die at such a young age.

But because Junior was trying to make a decision, he didn't notice the fact that the bullet had already hit it's target.

Junior's eyes widened, Fang fell to the ground motionless, how is he going to tell Blue about this? She's her father's friend and might as well be his, and this was supposedly her son, maybe he should've taken that shot.

Krystal wasn't happy because Fang was shot, because even if part of her wants to go back to the facility just so she can finally rest, Fang was starting to grow on her, especially since he had just referred to her as his friend, and what would Frances think if she heard about the fact that Krystal failed to defend Fang like she was asked to?

Junior then roared, he's had enough of these humans ruining the lives of dinosaurs, he doesn't care if Fang was the son of the indoraptor, he didn't deserve to die just because a bunch of heartless people wanted to hunt him down for sport.

Those three men then came out from the forest and all of them had guns, at this point none of them knew what to do, Junior only roared at them to intimidate them but if he gets hit by one of those then it's clear that he's not going to live through it.

And Talon can't just fly off or else his wing will get shot, and Krystal can't just run away either since she saw how easy they took down Fang.

It was like they were cornered, even if he took down those biosyn troops before, Junior only won because they were using tranq darts, not bullets, he's never been in a situation where he had to deal with humans with actual bullets instead of darts.

"Well boys, looks like we're going to score ourselves are rex today" one of the hunters cackled.

"In your damn dreams" Junior growled, he's not going to let himself be tortured by humans ever again.

"You see your friend there? That's gonna be you if you don't behave, so why don't you just do that and we'll sell you guys or gals off, maybe there's a marketplace for something like you" another one of them said.

Sell them off? To who? And what they going to use them for? Are they going to put them on display like how those men wanted his uncle to be put on display?

Junior didn't like where this was going, this is one of the reasons why he hates living on the mainland, at least on Sorna the only thing he really needed to worry about was Smaug and nothing else but here it's way more difficult to find a home that isn't temporary.

The men then moved in to check on the fallen raptor, Junior really did feel bad for him since he seemed like a nice kid, he could've have grown to be as good of a raptor as his mother but unfortunately that never happened because of these monsters.

"Alrighty then, just double check just in case if that one's still kicking" the first hunter ordered.

One of the other men turned Fang over to look at where the bullet had hit him, and as they turned the young raptor over, they were shocked.

The bullet had hit yes, but Fang's skin wasn't damaged at all, there was no bleeding, no hole, no nothing, the bullet then fell to the ground and it left the hunters confused, they've never heard of a dinosaur that could survive a bullet before, they thought it was impossible since every other animal they know of would die the moment a bullet pierced their body.

Fang started growling and he opened up his eyes and after that he bit on the hand of the man that turned him over and he started screaming.

Junior's jaw was left open, he couldn't believe it, Fang had actually survived the bullet and it didn't seem like it harmed him at all.

Fang bit even harder onto the man's hand and the other men started shooting Fang's back but it only resulted in more bullets being wasted as they all bounced off his body.

The young raptor then stood up with the man's hand still on his mouth, he then dropped the man to the ground and instead of biting his hand, he bit into his neck and started suffocating him.

The man tried to pry Fang's mouth open but it didn't work and after a few moments, the man had died, even if Fang was just a ten year old he wasn't above killing somebody if it was necessary.

"I learned that from my aunt Delta, now who's next?" Fang said in a serious voice.

Ripper may have only given Fang hunting tips, but Delta actually did end up teaching Fang how to fight especially with humans since she has the most experience attacking humans.

The men decided that this wasn't worth it, this dinosaur was immune to gunfire and it was clear that no matter how many bullets they throw at him, he wasn't going to die.

They started running away but Fang wasn't going to let them get away
alive, they wanted to kill him and he's not going to let that slip this easily.

Even if he has his mother's kindness, he also possess his father's viciousness, which is why he mostly has no problem taking a life.

He then rushed towards one of the men and jumped into the air and landed onto his back, and he started clawing the man, the man screamed in pain, this isn't what he expected when he and his fellow hunters went on this trip, and it's definitely the last trip they're ever going to take.

After Fang had finished taking down that hunter, there was one last hunter left and he was not going to allow him to get away because there's a chance that he might tell other people about this and if they do then they might kill all of them if this last hunter gets away.

Fang made a dash towards the last hunter, and in a last attempt to stop Fang, the man started to shoot at him again but of course it did nothing, he should've just continued running.

Fang then jumped at him and started clawing his neck, and this hunter died way faster than the others.

After that Fang then released a angry roar, it sounded like a combination between his father and mother's roars.

He then walked back over to Junior, Krystal, and Talon, and as he did that he shook his head to get the blood off of him.

Junior was still shocked, he didn't know that such a calm and kind kid could turn into such a vicious raptor in a matter of seconds.

It felt unnatural to him, a dinosaur that small could survive a bullet that would probably kill theropods that are much bigger than he is? How could he do that? And how come he hasn't said anything about it?

He knows of many dinosaurs that have thick hides, ankylosaurus being one of them, but even an ankylosaurus would probably die if it got shot on it's underside since it's not protected by armor.

How was he able to do this? This shouldn't be possible, he's supposed to be dead but all the bullets just bounced off him like it was nothing? He has never been more confused in his entire life.

Yes he knows that some dinosaurs are immune to certain darts, which is why when the biosyn troops shot him with tranquilizers it didn't work at all, but an actual metal bullet? He's only ever heard of one dinosaur who's survived a bullet, and even then the bullet only scrapped his upper right thigh.

And that was Grim the baryonyx, back before mount sibo erupted Grim attacked two hunters in the forest but he was shot in the upper thigh, but that wasn't enough to kill him since it barely scrapped his thigh and he only pretended to be dead, and later on he joined his siblings Chaos and Limbo to take down the hunter who shot him.

But that was nothing like this, Fang actually did get shot and he assumed that he got shot near the heart but as he can clearly see, Fang is not dead, he's not bleeding, he's perfectly fine as if nothing happened.

Junior needed to get to the bottom of this, this can't be natural, he has never seen or heard of a bullet proof dinosaur.

"Fang, how on earth did you survive that?" Junior narrowed his eyes.

"Holy cow, I'm bullet proof" Fang said in disbelief.

"Yes I've noticed, but how the heck are you bullet proof? You're a dinosaur, and I've never heard of a bullet proof dinosaur for as long as I lived" Junior added.

"Wait, you didn't know my dad was bullet proof? I probably got it from him" Fang answered.

Now this raises even more questions, if the reason why Fang is bullet proof is because of his father then how is Ripper himself able to brush off bullets?

He has heard that Ripper himself didn't look natural, he looked more like a monster than anything else so maybe his appearance isn't the only unnatural thing about him.

Talon thought that he was having a weird dream, was Fang's skin made out of metal? That's the only explanation he has as to why he can brush off getting shot multiple times but it's clear that when they shot him, there was no metal clanging sound so if he's not made of metal then what is he made out of? Or more importantly what is his father made out of?

"Wait, if your dad is bullet proof, then where did he get that ability?" Junior asked again.

"I don't know, he said he was just born that way" Fang responded.

He was just born that way? That doesn't explain anything, it has to do with something in his DNA that allows him to have an ability like this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to defend himself against bullets.


Henry was in his office again, waiting for a response from King since he hasn't communicated with him ever since he told him about the escape of the quetzalcoatlus.

He was wondering why he wasn't picking up, he has tried to reach him by calling him on his phone and he's been doing this for 20 minutes at this point and nothing seems to come out of it.

Is it possible that his phone was destroyed? That could be a reason as to why he wasn't picking up at all but there could also be another reason as to why.

Maybe he's dead, it's not out of the realm of possibility considering who they're hunting down, Ripper is relentless when it comes to fighting and it's either his opponent leaves with major injuries or they die and it's usually the latter.

Henry also had a monitor nearby to show the status of the remote that controlled the shock collars just in case if it was damaged during the operation.

Not only did the monitor show the fact that the remote wasn't working anymore, it also stated that it was downright destroyed now.

Who could've done this? It's certainly not King since he seems like a very loyal employee so if it wasn't King then could it have been one of the troops? He highly doubted it since they already know what will happen to them if they do betray biosyn.

Henry could only think of two explanations, maybe the remote was crushed by Ripper while they're were hunting for him, it's either that or the more likely conclusion, one of the hybrids broke it.

Even if they're loyal, he knows deep down that all they want is for those collars to fall off, he assumed that the one who destroyed it was Nemesis considering the fact that he's the one who's had the most experience being shocked and it's likely he doesn't want to go through that treatment ever again.

But if he also killed King then why? Ever since Nemesis started to respect Henry he hasn't tried to kill any employees so if he really was the cause of King's death then what kind of reason would he have to kill the man?

Henry thought of sending a search party out to look for the hybrids but if he did that then there's a good chance that they're going to be spotted by other people and if they do and those people survive then the government knows who to blame for illegally making hybrids on mainland.

But, there was also something else that Henry was focused on at the moment, and it was a tablet on the desk left by Baselton, the only thing he said before leaving was maybe Henry would be interested in what the tablet was showing.

What it showed were blueprints, for a hybrid and it was one that Henry hasn't seen in two years ever since it was killed because of the combined strength of Terry, Smaug, and Ripper.

It was blueprints for a new ultimasaurus.

Now, Henry was conflicted about this, even he wasn't considering making another hybrid for fear of it eventually turning on him, but the blueprints show that this ultimasaurus was different from the original, it had night vision, a slimmer build for extra speed, and it was supposed to be more intelligent than the original.

It was called 'Ultimasaurus Gen 2' but Henry needed to think carefully about this before he actually approves it, because if this turns out to be a failure like the previous one then they would just end up wasting resources on another problematic hybrid.

And then another thought came into Henry's head, if the ravager squad is able to capture Ripper, maybe he can actually turn him against his own sister.

Considering the fact that he was able to break Nemesis after a while because of giving him multiple shocks, maybe he could do the same thing to Ripper, and after he's done that he will use Ripper to kill everybody he loves and cares for, it's only fitting for Ripper to be tortured like this after ruining Henry's hard work.

But the one thing he doesn't know is that Ripper won't break, he never will and he'd rather die than hurt any of the people he cares about, he's not a simple minded brute like Genesis, and he's not as easy to break as Nemesis, which made Henry's plan even more flawed because he doesn't fully understand what makes Ripper who he is.

Meanwhile in the dromeosaur paddock, Daniel was still trying to bond with the squad and he was trying to talk to Dagger, he needs to build some trust with him in order for them to bond since it's clear he sees him as nothing more than a hunter of some sorts who captures dinosaurs and nothing else.

He walked over to Dagger who was sitting with Ghost, he wasn't sure if he should talk to Dagger at this point since he doesn't want to interrupt his conversation with Ghost.

Dagger then slowly turns his head to face Daniel and both of them stared at each other for a full minute until Dagger told Ghost to leave them for a bit so they can talk to each other.

Ghost reluctantly agreed and went to the far side of the paddock but she made sure not to get too close to where Atrocius was, even if he is behind a cage it's still possible that he might end up breaking that door down someday and she doesn't want to be his first victim.

"What is it now?" Dagger asked, a little irritated.

"Can't you can I just have a normal conversation without you being grouchy all the time?" Daniel asked.

"Fine, then what do you want to talk about?" Dagger sighed.

"I want to talk to you about that day when you killed D-2" Daniel answered.

Dagger didn't expect that, he thought everybody forgot about D-2 apart from himself, he hasn't heard anybody talk about him ever since he died, not even Frances who was there when it happened talks about him, at least that's what Dagger thinks.

But why was he asking him about this? Is there a possibility that he had some kind of connection with D-2? He highly doubted it since it's clear he hasn't had any experience handling dromeosaurs until now.

"What's so important about a dead dinosaur that nobody cares about?" Dagger rolled his eyes.

"It's not actually about D-2, it's more or less about the fact that you openly defended Frances even though at that point you didn't have a close bond with her" Daniel replied.

"You wouldn't understand, she was like my mother" Dagger said with a saddened look.

"I know, she told me that, what I'm trying to figure out is why you would go out of your way to defend somebody who at that point only saw you as a weapon" Daniel continued.

"I already told you my reason, she was like my mother, isn't that enough? She didn't care much for me back then but she never intended to hurt me so why should I let her suffer when she's never done anything to harm me?" Dagger added.

Daniel understood him, part of the reason why he wanted to ask him even though Frances already told him that it was probably because of the fact that he imprinted on her, was because maybe he had another reason as to why he defended Frances.

But there was no other reason, it's just that he saw her as his mother, a parental figure, somebody who he looks up to and it's as simple as that, no deeper meaning or anything it was just a boy protecting his mother.

Daniel wondered if Owen's raptors also treated him as their father, especially Red since he's heard that he had a strong bond with him but there hasn't been anything to suggest that they ever referred to him as their father.

Daniel moved in closer.

"You know, like I said I'm not trying to replace Frances especially since you actually do see her as your mother, I'm just trying to keep a promise to a friend that's all, and plus you guys really do deserve to get out of this dump and if we ever get lucky then I'm gonna bust all of you out of here myself" Daniel smiled.

"Won't you lose your job if you do that?" Dagger questioned.

"Job? Who gives a crap if I lose my job? At this point the only thing I care about is taking care of you and the others along with fulfilling that promise I made to Frances" Daniel said happily.

Daniel really couldn't care less if he got fired or quit working for biosyn, as long as the dromeosaurs are set free he doesn't care if somebody takes his job as the wrangler of this facility.

Even though he and Genesis still have a rivalry, he's getting tired of it since he really gets nothing in return if he kills the brute, the only thing he'll get out of it is the satisfaction of ending their rivalry but that's pretty much it.

He doesn't really have any reason to work for biosyn anymore outside of taking care of the squad, if he wasn't taking care of them the he would've most likely quit by now, he even considered retiring before Frances left.

The main reason he wanted to retire was because he was getting tired of wrangling dinosaurs, back then before he was hired he was just a normal animal wrangler, most of his career was just him wrangling horses and other modern animals, he never knew that he'd be facing off against a giganotosaurus, but he was also getting tired of it because most of the time the only dino he was sent in to take care of was Genesis.

At this point, he just wished that he was back to his old job of mostly wrangling horses instead of a 9 ton behemoth of a predator.

If he ever gets the chance to quit and retire from this then he's definitely going back to his old job there's no doubt about it, but first he needs to make sure that the Dromeosaurs actually do end up escaping somehow, because if all they're good for is being used as weapons then they might as well be slaves.

Daniel then sat down where Dagger was sitting, he didn't expect the man to get this close but he knew that he wouldn't hurt him, he seems very genuine and it's clear that he wants them to be set free so he has no reason to fear this man.

As they were sitting together, Daniel started stroking Dagger's head, this reminded him of Frances because she did the exact same thing before she left.

"You know what, Daniel was it? You're not as bad as I thought, just make sure you that you can back up your claims and can actually get us out of here when the time comes" Dagger spoke in a much more calmer tone than when he usually speaks to Daniel.

"Well, if we get lucky and I actually manage to get you guys out of here without anybody noticing, there's a chance I might actually take you back to my ranch, which is also my family home" Daniel said as he kept stroking Dagger's head.

"Wait, didn't you say that we shouldn't ask about where you live?" Dagger queried.

"Nevermind that" Daniel chuckled.

Even though he knows that Frances would have wanted them to live in the wild, he's not sure if that's smart since there are certain predators that they can't fight back against.

But if he takes them to his ranch then he wouldn't have a problem keeping an eye on them, and it's possible that they won't even need to hunt considering the amount of meat they have stocked up there.

Although, he isn't sure if his family is going to be open to the idea of a bunch of dinosaurs on their farm so he might need to ask them about it first before he actually lets them live there.


It was getting late, Junior could already see the sun setting on the horizon, the only problem was he couldn't find a place for the kids to sleep at like a small cave.

He's not entirely sure if it's safe out here, especially since he doesn't know every creature that's out here because if what Talon said was true and there really is a quetzalcoatlus out here then that could mean that there are other creatures out here that he doesn't know of.

He's sure of it that he might end up barely getting any sleep tonight, but he's used to it especially since a lot of the time when he was still on Sorna, he mostly stayed up at night just in case if there were predators nearby so he's not above spending hours awake without a single chance at getting rest.

Junior thought of any potential predators that could be out there during the night, yes it's clear that troodons are night hunters but what else could be out there?

Most of Nublar's predators are not only day predators but night predators as well especially if they're smaller carnivores, they actually prefer hunting at night because the darkness provides them with a lot of places to hide while stalking prey.

He could think of quite a few predators that could be out there, herrerasaurus, monolophosaurus, carnotaurus, ceratosaurus, allosaurus, but there was also one predator he knew that was extremely active during the night and even bigger theropods are wary of them.

Dilophosaurus, the double crested lizard.

The main reason why bigger predators fear them is because of how dangerous they really are despite their small size, their main weapon of intimidation is their frill that pops out from the sides of their necks, and if a dinosaur isn't intimidated by that then they'll release their most powerful weapon.

Their venom spit, normally their spit isn't really that harmful if it's shot on a random part on the body, yes it's very sticky but it won't cause any real damage, but if they do manage to hit their target in the eyes then that's a completely different story.

Their venom may not be harmful when shot on the main body, but if they shoot something in the eyes then that's going to be the end of it, once their venom hits the eyes of their target, it will begin to burn the target's eyes until they're blind.

It doesn't matter if you're a t-rex or a brachiosaurus, no matter how big you are, once the venom hits it's target in the eyes then it all goes downhill from there, all the dilophosaurus needs to do at that point is wait for their prey to go blind then they'll kill them afterwards.

But Junior has heard of a more demented method that they use, because shooting their prey in the eyes is just one method that they use when hunting and the other one is arguably even worse.

The second method they use is a lot more terrifying than the first, instead of shooting their prey in the eyes to blind them, they're going to shoot them in the mouth and nose instead, and after that all they need to do is wait and they don't even need to attack because the venom ends up suffocating their prey which means that after the prey is dead they can just eat it without having to attack it again.

It's surprising how such a small dinosaur can cause so much damage with very little effort, all they need to do is shoot their venom and it'll basically do their job for them, it's why Junior always hears of herbivores dying of starvation even though there's plenty of plants to eat, it's not because they can't eat, it's because they're either blinded or they're being suffocated.

Junior thought it was disturbing, imagine being blinded by something that small, something you think is harmless only to realize too late that they're way more dangerous than they look.

In fact, it's common knowledge on Nublar that among the smaller sized theropods, dilophosaurus is probably the most dominant one of them all, they're even more powerful than raptors which is saying something since they're some of the most intelligent animals on the planet.

Another thing to note is the extremely deceiving juveniles, the adults are already dangerous just because of their size alone, he's heard that they even rival Ripper in terms of how big they were, but the juveniles are also very dangerous because they make people think that they're innocent, maybe they'll act playful around their prey but what their prey doesn't know is that they're slowly entering a trap set by the juveniles.

It's either the juveniles kill their prey by using their venom, or lure their prey towards their parents so they can finish the prey off much faster.

This is why Junior prefers to sleep during the day, sure he does spend a lot of time awake during the day but he does sleep up to 3 to 4 hours just so he'll have a lot of energy once night falls.

Because once night eventually falls, it's almost a guarantee that at least one dilophosaurus is going to show up sooner or later, they're almost as common as compys but are much more aggressive than they are, they've become bolder over the years, they've started to hunt down prey even bigger than themselves because back then they only used to hunt herrerasaurus, but now he's heard of them hunting down hadrosaurs.

Even he wonders how long it's going to take before they start hunting things like ceratopsians, because it's clear that it doesn't matter how huge their prey is, if they get hit in the eyes then it's over for them.

The one thing Junior has been wondering about them for a while was whether or not they were immune to their own venom, they probably weren't but he's never heard of a blinded dilophosaurus so it is possible.

"Alright, kids, I think it's safe to say that we're gonna rest up here for the night" Junior announced.

"Wait, why don't we just continue on during the night?" Krystal spoke up.

"Simply put, because you guys need some rest, and believe me if you think day predators are dangerous then you're not ready for what comes out at night, especially those damn dilos" Junior explained.

Fang has heard that term before, he didn't know what kind of dinosaurs they were though, but from what he's heard it's a very brutal dinosaur even for it's small size but he never knew why.

"Why are dilos so dangerous?" Fang questioned.

"Mostly because of their venom spit, if they spit on your eyes then you're gonna have a very bad day since your eyes are gonna burn" Talon said with a hint of fear in his voice.

Fang was taken aback by this, a dinosaur that could make eyes burn just by spitting on them? No wonder they're so formidable, he's never heard of a dinosaur with that kind of ability until now.

Granted, Junior hasn't encountered a dilophosaurus on mainland but he's sure of it that they are here, almost every dinosaur species on Nublar was saved so why wouldn't they be here as well?

Two years ago, he heard something about a ceratosaurus being found dead with venom covering it's eyes, and that basically confirms that they are here, it's just that he hasn't encountered any of them at this point.

The children then sat down on the ground, and Junior sat near them, but there's no way he's letting his guard down tonight, they were already attacked by hunters and it wouldn't be hard to assume that there might be more of them.

The main thing Junior was looking out for were the troodons and dilophosaurus, but he knew that the troodons were going to be easy to spot because their eyes glow in the dark but dilophosaurus are a bit harder to see in the dark, mostly because they almost blend into the environment.

"Hey Krystal? What are you gonna do once this is all over?" Fang asked politely.

"I honestly don't know Fang, I really don't" Krystal said, and it was clear from her tone of voice that she was getting tired.

"You know, we could stick together, well until my flock finds me but if you have nowhere to go to then maybe we could still hang out or something" Talon suggested.

Krystal actually appreciated how kind these two were, back at the facility her packmates didn't really talk to her too much, even when she tried to have a conversation with them, most of the time they just ignore her but on rare occasions she does get to talk with some of them.

This is the first time in her life where she actually felt that she had friends, and part of her wished that her life was always like this, it was nice being out here, she had gotten tired of wandering around in the paddock for hours upon hours, all she ever did at the facility was train, eat, and walk around the paddock for hours until she fell asleep, she never really experienced freedom like this.

"Hey Talon, I'm sorry that I threatened to turn you into food yesterday" Krystal said softly.

"Oh it's fine, I knew you didn't actually meant what you said" Talon smiled.

"And Fang, I really have to apologize for what I did, if I hadn't just lured you and your dad to a trap you wouldn't be in this mess and you'd still be living a happy life, all of this is my fault" Krystal saddened.

She felt bad for him, it's clear that he loved his parents deeply and they always loved him back, he doesn't deserve any of this and she wished that there could've been another way, maybe she couldn't have lured Ripper and Fang towards the trap and maybe Fang could still live a happy life with no troubles at all.

But this startled Junior and Talon, she's the reason Fang was captured? If she was then why did she do it? What kind of reason would she have to do any of this to such a kind child?

"Hold on a second, Krystal, you were the reason Fang was captured by humans?" Junior's voice suddenly turned angry the moment he heard Krystal talking about the fact that she apparently was the reason why Fang was captured.

"It wasn't my choice, they forced me to do it and my trainer Frances was only following what they said, because if she didn't then they probably would have killed me and my packmates" Krystal desperately tried to calm Junior down, she's heard of how powerful a rex is and she's sure of it that he's the same rex that attacked the troops who were trying to capture Luna.

"Trainer? Like a human? You actually trust those monsters?" Junior hissed.

"Frances is not a monster! She's the reason why Fang managed to escape and she cares about me and my packmates, if you knew her then you'd know how much she truly cares about me and my packmates" Krystal retorted.

Junior was dumbfounded that a human actually cared about dinosaurs, even if there was a group of humans that helped him back then, from his memory they actively tried to separate him from his uncle.

"Fang, is this true?" Junior asked the young raptor.

"It's true, she saved me and asked Krystal to take care of me until I get home" Fang explained.

Maybe Junior's judgement towards humans was flawed, after all even if he was taken by humans, the other humans that took him to their place only wanted to heal his leg, they never intended to hurt him.

It's possible that he's been too critical about them, considering the fact that his father actually has a certain tolerance when it comes to humans, he only kills humans who he considers to be a threat.

Junior was about to say another word, until he saw something in the distance, on the left side of the forest he saw a bright pinkish glow which he thought were the headlights of a vehicle but he's never seen one with pink lights.

The children looked at the glow as well, they were wondering what it was, none of them have ever seen something like this, random lights in the forest that just came out of nowhere didn't make sense to them and yet, there they are.

Fang was curious, he wanted to know what this pink light was and why it was there, so he stood up and slowly made his way towards the light but Junior stopped him.

"What did I say about staying together?" Junior called out.

"But I'm just gonna check the lights, sheesh" Fang didn't think the lights were dangerous since they seem to do nothing but glow.

Junior wasn't taking his chances so he stood up and followed the boy and the rest soon followed him afterwards.

He was thinking that this was some kind of lure, maybe it could be a predator that lures prey using these lights but he's never heard of a predator like that.

Although he does know of one dinosaur species from Nublar that does have the ability to glow in the dark and it could explain what exactly these things were.

He never hunted them because he wasn't exactly sure if they were safe to eat considering they could glow, so he's only ever observed them from a distance.

Fang then cleared the bushes in front of him so he could get a clearer look and what he saw was bizarre, but was also beautiful.

It was a herd of parasaurolophus, they looked like normal paras but there was one main feature that separated them from every other parasaurolophus on Isla Nublar.

The fact that they had bioluminescence, that feature has barely been seen on land animals, it has been documented in case of sea creatures but nobody has ever seen a land creature with bioluminescence outside of insects, so to see something like this was truly a spectacle.

The truth was, they were hybrids and weren't normal parasaurolophus since they were mixed with the DNA of marine animals that did have bioluminescent abilities, they were only ever meant as park attractions though.

These were parasaurolophus lux, an amazing sight to see for sure but they do get agitated sometimes but only if they feel threatened and they are slightly bigger than a normal parasaurolophus.

There were about 15 of them, and even if there was a tyrannosaurus nearby, they didn't fear him since it's clear that from what they've seen in the past, he has no intention to kill any of them, but it's only because he's not sure if they can be eaten.

"Woah, are those paras?" Fang asked amazed at the sight of these glowing dinosaurs.

"Yes, but I'm not entirely sure why they can glow and other paras can't" Junior replied.

Krystal couldn't comprehend what she was seeing, it almost felt like a dream but it was real, she was looking at real dinosaurs, and this just gave her an even better reason to stay out here instead of going back to the facility, because even if this world can be cruel at times, there's still beauty in it and this is just a prime example of it.

Talon has never seen a sight like this, he's only ever heard rumors about these things and he never actually believed that they existed since he thought it was impossible.

But unfortunately for them, their amazement quickly turned into pure terror.

On the far end, behind all of the parasaurolophus, Fang could make out two eyes staring back at him, and then four, then six, then eight.

He knew exactly what these were, and this might as well be his first encounter with the creatures that haunted his family until they found out that they had left their territory.

The monsters started hissing, and the paras took notice and one of them let out a howl that was a signal for the others to run.

Suddenly, the white eyed creatures jumped onto the parasaurolophus that called out to the others and they started scratching the legs until the para fell on its side, it was still alive but couldn't stand properly.

There they were, Fang was finally standing face to face with the dinosaurs that his parents always warned him about, the dinosaurs that even his father feared.

The troodons have arrived, and they're even more terrifying than he imagined even if they were small, they looked very unnerving with their white ghostly eyes, they looked like they didn't have a soul despite the fact that they were alive.

"T-troodons" Fang stuttered with fear in his voice.

Junior roared at the pests to make them back off, but he was surprised to see that they didn't even flinch once he was finished roaring, they weren't intimidated by him? But they are small they should be running by now.

It was then that even more eyes began to creep out from the darkness, almost everywhere Junior looked he saw troodons, even behind him, it was here that he realized that he and the kids were surrounded, he could count at least 30 of them.

"What do we do now?" Krystal asked in a shaky voice.

"My dad told me that he's been dealing with small predators all his life, and like my dad I'm not going to let a bunch of miniscule pests scare me" Junior stood his ground, these things needed to be put into their place for even daring to challenge him.

The troodons started hissing at the tyrant prince, and as they did that they slowly walked closer towards him and the kids.

Suddenly, a troodon rushes striaght for Talon, it wanted to tear his left wing off so he can't escape but then Junior's head came down and bit the troodon and then he threw it away.

But the small dinosaurs still continued their attack, not caring about the fact that one of their packmates had just died.

A troodon then went after Fang but as soon as it tried to bite him in the neck, Fang slashed it with his left hand and Krystal pinned it to the ground and broke it's neck.

Six troodons then leaped into the air and landed on Junior's back but he wasn't about to lose to a bunch of small dinosaurs that don't know when to quit.

He started shaking his body, and some of the troodons came off of him but there were still three that were attached, and they made sure to stay clear of his mouth.

"Talon, can you fly up and get these stupid pests off me?" Junior groaned.

"But I'm not used to fighting" Talon responded.

The troodons kept clawing Junior's back as more of them climbed onto him.

"Now, Talon!" Junior demanded.

"A-alright" Talon then flew up into the sky and came back around and as he did that he kicked one of the troodons off Junior.

The troodons on Junior's back then roared at Talon, their roars sounded very weak but they were still unsettling.

Junior then had to resort to one last thing he could do in order to get the troodons off, because he knew that if he kept depending on Talon then he might not be enough since he might only be able to remove one troodon at a time.

He then moved over to a tree and started rubbing his back against it, it was painful but it actually managed to work since some of the troodons jumped off while others were squished.

The four of them then heard something peculiar nearby.

It was a type of hooting sound, Fang has heard hooting sounds before from owls but he was sure of it that whatever that thing was, it wasn't an owl.

The troodons then started to look around rapidly, it was almost like whatever this thing was that was hooting, they were afraid of it.

The bushes started rustling, as something was running through them, the troodons hissed at this unknown attacker trying to intimidate whatever it was that was stalking them.

But it didn't work, even more hooting sounds came out from the forest as the troodons seemed to be getting desperate, all of them tried to hiss and roar but nothing worked, the unknown attackers were still in the area and clearly didn't want to leave.

Junior knew full well what that hooting meant, and it was only a matter of time before disaster struck.

But suddenly, as soon as the hooting was heard, it was gone, there was nothing but silence throughout the entire area.

But Junior knew better than to breathe a sigh of relief, because that's exactly what these creatures want you to think.

They want you to think that you're safe but in reality, they were still there and what Junior thought would happen, actually ended up happening.

An ear piercing screech was heard as a black substance was shot into one of the troodon's eyes, the troodon started screaming in pain, it couldn't see anything but was waving it's arms everywhere trying to hit the attacker but it only succeeded in hitting it's packmates.

Another screech erupted from the forest as more of that black substance came out of the forest and landed onto more of the troodons, and almost all of them were blind.

"It's them! The spitters! Retreat-" one of the troodons was cut off when it heard something else.

It was more hooting but this hooting sounded deeper than the others, it almost sounded like an angry growl.

It was then that a predator came out from the bushes, but this one unlike the troodons, was massive in comparison.

It stood at a height of 11 feet tall, and it's length was 22 feet long, it had two large crests on it's head, it's main color was a dirty yellow, and it had red covering it's back, it had black markings on it's skin, and had a red frill covering it's neck and had yellow eyes.

It was an adult dilophosaurus, a male, and it was clear that the troodons didn't want to face off against him.

The dilophosaurus then reeled back, and proceeded to spit it's venom straight at one of the troodons that was trying to leave, it then fell to the ground as half of it's head was covered by the venom.

"Dante! Dustin! Diana!" The dilophosaurus called out as three more emerged from the forest.

There were two males, one was covered in grey with white stripes and a black colored frill, this one was named Dante, the second male was covered in brown and had a yellow stripe running down his back and a shiny yellow frill, this one was named Dustin and both of then had orange eyes.

The third one was a female who had a swampy green coloration with black dots on her body, she had red crests, a spotted yellow frill to match her body color, and a black underbelly, and orange eyes like the two males, this was Diana, the dilophosaurus that Ripper and Blue helped to get back to her family.

As all four of them started preparing their frills to intimidate the troodons, the trodoons immediately started running away as soon as they were about to attempt another attack on them, the ones blinded by the spit tried to follow the others by following their sounds.

"That'll teach them to stay out of our turf" Dante said as he roared at the troodons.

"These night feeders, I'm getting real fed up with them, they keep leaving yet they keep coming back here as well, they're so annoying" Dustin added.

The adult male stared at Junior, he's seen this tyrannosaurus before, he's seen him roaming around the indominus paddock back when they still lived don Nublar.

"Are those the dilo things you talked about earlier?" Fang questioned.

"Exactly, now let's go before they decide to hit us up with their venom, because it's nothing to joke about" Junior said as he turned around and Talon landed near him and the others.

Diana was curious, she was wondering why a t-rex of all things was travelling with a pteranodon and two raptors, one of which was feathered which she didn't know was possible.

But there was something about the other raptor, he almost looked like a spitting image of Ripper, but he also looked like he could be related to Blue.

The young dilophosaurus walked over towards Fang and as she did that, Junior turned his head over to see if any of the dilos were following them and to his shock, Diana was.

"Um, hi, do you happen to know mister Ripper and miss Blue?" Diana asked politely.

Fang's eyes widened, this dilophosaurus who he has never met before and has never heard of, knew his parents? He has heard his parents mention dilos before but they never mentioned one by name.

"How do you know my mom and dad's names?" Fang turned over to face the female dilophosaurus.

Diana's jaw dropped.

"You're mister Ripper and miss Blue's son?!" Diana asked excitedly.

She only assumed that they were friends, she didn't know that they had a romantic attachment to each other and yet she's talking to their supposed son.


Author's Notes: indeed, I just revealed that Daniel lives on a farm, now this doesn't mean that the real Daniel Espinoza from the Jurassic park dangerous games comics lives on a farm, I just thought it would tie into why he's such a good animal wrangler, and yes Fang is in fact bullet proof, I wanted to make that into its own chapter but thought it would've been a bit too short, and here we see the first appearance of the parasaurolophus lux in my stories! These glowing dinosaurs first appeared in Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous and they were one of my favorite dinosaurs from the show, and this marks the return of Diana the dilophosaurus and her dad Dillas, and yes she does in fact have two brothers and they unfortunately didn't show up during Ripper's Journey I but it's only because they were asleep during the chapter when Diana was introduced, and also, anybody noticed that night feeder reference I did there? If you don't know what the night feeder is just go watch Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal.


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