Avengers Soulmate

By wintersoldierswife_

33.4K 546 91

A 20-year-old woman who just recently moved to New York away from her tragic past. There is more to her story... More

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Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Very important question.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

1.6K 28 18
By wintersoldierswife_

𝙰 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚂𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

After a few hours of putting things into boxes we finally finished.

"Finally, we're done!" Tony said dramatically.

"Tony, you barely did anything." Said Clint.

"I did do something, I ordered you all around to make sure everything goes well." Said Tony.

"Well, you did an AMAZING job, especially when you took like 20 snack breaks." Said Pietro.

"Well we're done now aren't we? Stop acting like children." Said Tony.

"You're one to talk Stark." Said Loki.

"Okay boys that's enough, we still need to get the moving truck loaded. So let's go." I said

After loading all my boxes into the truck we all went back to the tower. We then started taking all the boxes up to my new room. After we got all of the boxes in my room, I started unpacking and setting up my room exactly how it was when I was in my old apartment. I ended up finishing it all around 9pm and I decided to go take a shower and change. After my shower I changed into some pjs.

After I got changed into my pjs I decided to go find out where everyone is. I walked out of my room to the elevator and realized, I haven't had a full tour of the tower. I also don't know where my soulmates could be.

"Hey Jarvis, where is everyone?" I asked the AI.

"Hello Ms. Rosenwald, the team is currently in the lounging room." Said Jarvis.

"Thanks Jarvis, and what floor would that be?" I asked.

"The 32nd floor Ms. Rosenwald." Said Jarvis.

"Thanks Jar, also can you start calling me Sophia? Ms. Rosenwald seems too formal." I said while pressing the button for the 32nd floor.

"Of course Sophia." Jarvis said.

"You're the best Jar." I said with a smile while walking into the loungeroom finding all my soulmates.

"Jarvis, are you flirting with my soulmate?" Tony said playfully.

"Indeed, I plan on taking her away from all of you." Jarvis said playfully.

"Oh my, Jarvis, I didn't know you were Mr. Stealyourgirl, I might just let you." I said playfully while giggling.

"One more word and I'll make another AI." Tony said getting jealous.

"Aww Tones, I would never leave you." I said putting my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks baby." Tony said kissing my forehead.

I then walked over to Bruce and sat on his lap while cuddling him.

"Hey my lovely soulmates, what we doing?" I said.

I got a chorus of "hey babygirl" and other pet names.

"Hey doll, we were just discussing about the party." Steve said.

"Party? What party?" I asked confused.

"Your party. I'm planning a party for you baby." Tony said.

"Wait, why?" I asked.

"Because for one, we found you, and for two, you just moved into the tower." Tony said with a smile.

"Aww guys, that's so sweet. You guys really don't have to." I said with a smile.

"But you deserve it love, it'll be fun." Wanda said.

"Guys let's ask each other questions so we can get to know more about each other." I suggested.

Everyone agreed to my suggestion and we started asking questions with Pietro going first.

"So Princessa, where are you from?" Pietro asked.

"I'm from Houston Texas. Where are you from?" I said.

"Me and Wanda are both from Sokovia." Pietro answered.

"I've heard of that place, I believe I've been there before." I said.

Next up was Bucky.

"How old are you doll?" Asked Bucky.

"20. How old are you?" I asked.

"106." Bucky said.

"Woah you're old. An old but extremely handsome 106-year-old." I said with a smile.

"You should see how old Thor and Loki are, they're ancient." Said Tony.

"How old are you guys?" I asked Thor and Loki.

"1,500 years old my queen." Said Thor.

"1,054 my love." Said Loki.

"WOW, now that's old. But you both are still very handsome." I said with a wink.

Next went Nat.

"When's your birthday Мой ангел?" Asked Nat. (Translation: My angel)

"October 29th when's yours?" I said (Fun fact: That's my actual birthday lmao.)

"December 3rd Мой ангел." Nat said with a smile.

Next up was Peter.

"What were you're parents name?" Peter asked.

I then frowned and didn't notice that my eyes were watering.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm so so so sorry baby!" Peter said worried.

"It's okay baby, It's not you're fault. They're names were Steven and Karen. They were amazing and I wish you guys could have met them." I said while breaking down into tears.

All my soulmates came around me and gave me hugs and kisses trying to comfort me.

"It's okay baby, I'm sure they're so proud of you and they're watching over you." Said Wanda.

"Thank you baby." I said while wiping my tears away.

"I'm tired, I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight everyone." I said giving everyone hugs and kisses.

When I got to my room I laid down and went straight to sleep.


"Be careful daddy." Said Sophia

"I always am sweetheart." Said Her father

As he went to open the door the door was kicked down knocking Sophia's father down to the ground.

"STEVEN!" Shouted Sophia's mother.

"KAREN, TAKE SOPHIA AND RUN! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME. JUST KNOW I LOVE YOU BOTH!" Shouted Sophia's father as he was shot and killed by one of the men.

"DADDY!!!!!" Shouted Sophia as she had tears streaming down her face watching the dozen armed men barge into their house after they killed her father.

Sophia's mother then ran upstairs with he daughter in her arms. As they approached their room she closed the door behind them and locked it and went to her drawer to get something.

"Mommy, what's going on?! What happened to daddy?!" Asked Sophia as she knew that her father was dead but she didn't want to believe it.

"I'm so sorry baby, daddy's gone. And I know that I'm going with him. Sweetheart, take this." Sophia's mother said as she put a heart shaped locket around her daughters neck.

"Whenever you feel sad, or lonely, like no one is there for you, just remember that me and daddy are always with you. We love you so much baby, go live your life to the fullest." Said her mother as she gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead.

Then the door broke down and the armed men filed into the room and shot and killed Sophia's mother.

"MOMMY!!!! NOOOOOOOO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Shouted Sophia as she had tears streaming down her face.

Sophia then went to go punch and kick the man who killed her mother.

She then felt a prick in her neck and then all she saw was darkness.

𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎

I woke up with a gasp and sweat on my face. It was just a flashback. A flashback that still haunts me till this day. I won't be able to go asleep by myself again. So I got up and tried to go find someone who was possibly up, though I doubt anyone is up.

"Hey Jarvis, is anyone up right now?" I asked Jarvis softly.

"Mr. Stark is the only one up right now Sophia." Jarvis said.

"What floor is he on Jar?" I asked.

"Mr. Stark is currently on the 47th floor." Jarvis said.

"Thank you Jarvis." I said as I entered the elevator and pushed the 47th floor.

The elevator opened and I walked down the hallway to find a glass window and door. I looked around what seemed to be a workshop of some sort and I saw Tony working on something.

"Hey Jar, can you let me in?" I asked.

"Of course Sophia." Jarvis said as he let me inside the workshop.

I walked in quietly and I started doubting my decision about coming down here. I don't want to disturb him. Maybe I should just go. I turned around to walk back out the door but stopped when I heard Tony talk.

"Sophie?" Tony asked.

"O-oh hey Tones, uh, I'm so sorry for disturbing you from you're work, I can just g-" I said but he cut me off.

"Darling you're not disturbing me, I love your presence. What's wrong? You seem sad."

"Umm, I- um, I h-had a n-nightmare." I said tearing up.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Tony asked while he hugged me and rubbed my back.

"Yes please." I said with a smile.

"Alright let's go." Tony said he we walked out of his workshop and to the elevator. He pushed the button for his floor and we walked to his room.

"Go ahead and lay down baby, I'm just going to go change clothes okay?" Tony said.

"Okay baby." I said as I got under his blankets and laid down waiting for Tony to get back.

2 minutes later he came back in a tank top and sweats and laid down next to me while cuddling me. We laid there for at least 5 minutes just cuddling until we fall asleep.

"Goodnight Tones." I said as I began to close my eyes and let sleep take over.

"Goodnight babygirl." Tony said doing the same.

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