The Death Cure

By ArtsyWizard73

235 0 0

After countless battles and losses Penelope's adventure with WICKED finally comes to a head. WARNING: please... More

Reunited and Not
The Halls of WICKED
Claire and a Cure?
The Save
The End

The Last City/Denver

20 0 0
By ArtsyWizard73

Newts P.O.V

Penelope was put in the bed of the car and Frypan sat with her, I sat with Tommy in the backseat and Jorge and Brenda drove and rode shotgun.
"I'm impressed. You almost lasted a whole day." Jorge says sarcastically. I keep glancing back at Penelope and Tommy catches on.
"You ok?"
"Yeah." I reply, I can sense he doesn't believe me. But Brenda interrupts further questioning by turning around and shaking her head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Tommy excuses. Frypan cuts in

"I think what he's tryin to say is, thanks for saving us."

"Your welcome" says Brenda, and she turns back around.

"Don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too." Jorge says dejectedly.
I look out the window and see something, that might change there minds, I'd decide to voice it.
"Yeah, unless they found another way to keep the Cranks out."
All my friends look out the window and Jorge stops the car. Everyone gets out and stares, looking at the view.
Denver is definitely still standing, but there is a massive stone wall all around it. And the city beyond is dry and crumbling.

"Funny...we spent two years trapped behind walls, and now we wanna break back in." I say

"Yeah. It's hilarious" Says Frypan sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Jorge, how do we get in." Thomas asks quickly

"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new. I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything."

"Well we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go." Brenda says. She begins to walk back to the car but stops short about three feet away.
"Ummm, guys what the hell happened to her?"
I immediately turn around and jog to the truck bed. Penelope lay there pale with sunken eyes. Her arm was giving off more blood and Frypans wrap wasn't doing anything.
"She cut her arm, badly and as we were trying to escape, she passed out." Explains Thomas.

"Ok but why is she doing...that?" Brenda points to the unconscious girl. Penelope's chest rises and falls quickly and she twitches. After having helped her get through intense nightmares for five months I know she's having one and when she wakes up she's gonna be afraid.

"Give us, a minute will ya?" I ask, The others either wander away from us or get back inside the car. Penelope's gray eyes fly open and she sits up gasping for air. She tries to put pressure on her arm but was met with pain.

"Wh-what happened?" I can see the fear and panic in her eyes. I climb up into the jeep bed and sit next to the girl. I put my arms around her and she leans into me.

"Your ok, we escaped the tunnels and were safe right now. You passed out from a cut on your arm. And by the looks of it you had another nightmare."
Penelope's breathing slows to a normal pace and so does her heartbeat. I stroke her hair and lean back to where we look at each other.
"You ok now?" She nods and looks out at the city.
"Wow." She breathes. Penelope carefully hops out of the truck bed and walks closer to the cliff. She stares out at the view, with something like wonder in her eyes.
"It's beautiful. I mean it's terrible, but...the view from here is beautiful."
She looks at it a while longer, but eventually I can see her stamina waning. I walk up to her and help her get back to the truck.
Our friends check on her one by one, Jorge attends to the cut on her arm, re-wrapping it tighter. And he holds the stone and is breathing normally, it makes me feel ok with leaving her for a moment.
I get out of the truck and go talk with Thomas. He's still standing looking at the city with an introspective look.
"You really think he's in there?" I ask

"I guess we'll find out." Was his only response

"You know she's gonna be there too." I didn't mean to hit that spot with Thomas, but I felt like I had to say it. He doesn't respond.
Penelope's P.O.V

My wake up was less then graceful, but Newt came to me as soon as I opened my eyes and that put me at ease. As of now the car ride is bumpy, but the view is amazing. It may be a city closed off in a dying world, but it was still pretty. I gaze out the window and hold the stone in one hand, and Newts hand in the other.
My arm has been wounded from the car crash, and I've lost a decent amount of blood, but I can still mostly function. I just need help walking. And unfortunately that's what the next step of our journey involved. Lots of Walking.

Jorge parks the car outside of the city wall and near a large concrete tunnel. The group and I get out, we seem to have landed in the outskirts of the large concrete walls. A place where a small settlement had been established. It looked similar to all the ones I've seen over the course of my insane life, so it didn't really phase me. But apparently it was way better when Jorge last visited, because he comments.
"This place has really gone to hell"
"We just gotta stay together." Thomas reassures us, but I have different feelings when an overly large car comes parading through the streets. It's big and loud, and it makes me feel small and afraid.

"We are the voice of the voiceless! behind their walls,
thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot! But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!" I stare in awe at the "protesters", but I also observe, and one of them one riding on top of the truck specifically watches us as he passes. It unnerves me, but being nudged by Brenda to keep walking shakes the feeling. I lean on Newt for support as I walk, but I also feel rising anxiety about being here.
I have to be brave, I think, and constantly remind myself.
The group and I go through the massive tunnel and emerge on a much larger emptier street, that's filled to the brim woth people protesting.
I struggle to keep up with the others, but Newt guides me.
"That's it. That's our way in." Thomas says this with excitement, I don't see what he means, and Jorge conveys that.

"Thomas! This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?"

"Came this far. I'm not turning back now."

"What the hell did we get ourselves into." Says Frypan, and as always, I agree.
I notice Newt looking around cautiously, and he spots the same thing I do.
The people from the truck, there on foot and following us.
I decide to speak up.
"Hey guys. We gotta go now. Look."
My friends see what's happening and Jorge pulls out his gun, so do I.
My friends and I are about to make our grand exit but a loud noise stops everyone, causing complete and utter silence.
From the concrete walls, large tower like things are rising up. It looks to be a weapons system. A few smart protesters realize what's about to happen and many of them begin to run. The group and I soon catch on.
"Thomas we gotta go now!"
He doesn't move until they start shooting. The bullets seem to have awoken Thomas and he, as well as all every single other person on the street, make a mad dash for safety.
We all duck down an alley way and come out the other side. But as me and the other teens do so, we're confronted with the people from the truck. They all wear gas masks, and that really freaks me out.
Without hesitation the gas mask people proceed to grab us all, and throw us into vans. There was lots of useless struggling that wasted energy, after all that's happened I've learned to not fight it, just let them drag you. But:
I did not see that coming.

I'm thrown in and land on the cold hard metal atop my injured arm, causing me to cry
out in pain. I sit up and see that I'm in a van with Brenda.
I take Brenda's hand as she and I try and offer each other succor in this odd moment.
Luckily the creepy ride inside the van isn't long, but I hate every minute of it. I don't have all my memories back, but this is definitely one of those things that schools tell you never to get yourself into. I think it's called...kidnapping?
After a solid 8 minutes, the van comes to a halt and the doors are banged on twice, then opened. The light hurts my eyes compared to the dim light of the van, but I soon adjust.
Two or three other vans pull into where I've been relocated and Jorge flies out one of them, throwing punches.
Thomas and Brenda help peel Jorge off the person, as do many of the masked people. There's lots of yelling involved which hurts my brain.
"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here."
One man says

"What do you mean same side. Who the hell are you?" Thomas demands. The man who previously spoke removes his mask.

"Hey greenie."
Thomas, Newt and Frypan wear expressions of complete shock.
The boy was tall and muscular with very short rusty hair. Before anyone was able to move or speak. Thomas tackle's him.
Newt registers what's happening and runs to stop his friend,
"Thomas stop!"
"He killed Chuck." Thomas says with pure anger.
"Yeah I know, I was there, but he was under WICKED's control. He's not anymore. Give 'em a chance." 
Thomas angrily gets off the kid named Gally and he stands up.
"Kind of had that comin. Anybody else, Fry? Newt?"

"Do you know this man?" Jorge asks the boys

"He's an old friend" Frypan says. Newt-who is still stunned-walks forward.
"How-how is this possible? We watched you die."

"No, you left me to die. And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now. What the hell are you doing here?" Gally says. Newt answers. "Minho, WICKED has him here. We're looking for a way in."

"I can help with that. Follow me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas says bitterly.
"Suit yourself. But I can get you through those walls."
Newt looks at Thomas, and reluctantly we follow Gally into the belly of this camp. While we do he explains what he's been doing. Mostly for the purpose of Frypan, Thomas and Newt thinking he was dead.

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here to Lawrence. This group's been at war with WICKED ever since they took control of the city. But WICKED can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done."
Gally stops walking, and sobers up from his rebelliousness.
"Listen, uh, he doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking. All right? And try not to stare."
Most of us are confused, but follow anyways.
Gally leads us to a large room that's full of all sorts of random but useful stuff. The only downside is that it smells foul.
At the bottom of this "pit" is a small garden, where someone obscured by darkness stands.

"Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened."

"It was a slaughter. There's nothing we could do against those guns."

"No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung. Now, who are these people? Why are they here?" Lawrence says.

"We need to get into WICKED. Gally said you can get us through the walls." Thomas says stepping up.

"Gally should know better than to make promises that he can't keep. Besides, that wall is only half your problem. Getting inside WICKED is impossible."
Lawrence turns to us but his face is still not visible.

"There might be a way now. But it doesn't work without them, especially Thomas." Says Gally, gesturing to the boy.
This seems to pique Lawrence's interest.
"Is that so? Do you know what I am...Thomas?"
Lawrence comes into the light and I find it difficult to obey Gally's rule of not staring.
Lawrence very clearly has the Flare. But from what I can see, he's being kept on a supply of the enzyme I saw Mary develop at the Right Arms camp. So he's stable, but horrid looking to say the least.

"I am a businessman. Which means I don't take unnecessary risks. So why should I trust you?"

"'Cause I can help you. You see, if you can get me through those walls...I can get you what you need." Thomas says

"What is it that you think I need?"

"Time. Every last drop."

"Is that what I need?" Lawrence whispers

"WICKED has something we both want." Thomas tries to persuade, it works.
"I'll tell you what. Two can go for now. The rest stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back. We have a deal?"
Lawrence sticks out his wounded hand and Thomas reluctantly shakes it.

"Gally, show him the way in." Lawrence says.

He nods and takes us to an emptier room. Located on the ground in the center seemed to be a manhole cover.
"Alright, two of you can go, Thomas preferably you and I need one more. Any takers?" Gally asks, far to optimistically.
Newt raises his hand. Gally looks appreciative but Jorge stops him.
"Hold up Hermano. This is one of the last city's we're talking about and I know there going to be strict about not having Cranks in there."
Newt looks slightly offended, but nods.
"I mean no disrespect, but just for our secrecy, I suggest you take someone who's immune."
Gally nods, but In his eyes I can see that he is deeply hurt by finding out Newts not immune. I guess he didn't know.
"I'll go." I didn't mean for the words to come out of my mouth, but they did. Everyone is shocked but Gally doesn't look phased in the slightest.
"Ok, we leave in 10. Get ready."

I do as Gally says, though he says there's not much to get ready for since we're just scoping out the area. So I suppose it's mentally preparing. For whatever is inside that city.
I sit on a crate and take deep breathes, Newt quietly comes over and sits next to me. He politely lets me finish my breathing before speaking.
"It's brave of you to do this, I suppose. I mean your just scoping out the city and that's really it..." he's nervous, I can hear it.
I look into his warm brown eyes,
"I'll be perfectly fine. I promise I will return...I declare it agains the law for me not to." This gets a small laugh out of us both, but I contradict my own statement.
"I don't know if I can legally say that because I'm not a lawyer-and I don't know how many laws are still in place. But! the point is I will return."
Newt chuckles
"Sorry, I'm nervous."
"Your perfectly fine."
Me and the boy embrace and stay that way until I'm called to leave on my outing.
I'm not exactly thrilled with the way Gally says we get inside. Apparently the manhole cover I saw earlier, that's our way in.
He uncovers it lowers down a ladder, we all stand there, me nor Thomas wanting to go first.
"Be careful hermano" Jorge says while giving Thomas a nod, he returns it. Brenda comes up to me.
"Good luck. Remember your training?" I nod and pat the gun hooked to my waist. She nods, but after a moment we embrace.
"Don't die."
"I won't."
"Gally" Frypan says,
"Take care if these two." He nods and descends the ladder.
I turn to the opening in the floor and Thomas stupidly says
"Ladies first?" I glare and he backs off. Thomas begins to go down and I'm not far behind.
The tunnel is dark and smells like absolute shit. A small stream of...water? Covers the ground and I feel disturbed stepping in it.
"This is great" says Thomas sarcastically, while Gally doesn't say a word. They just walk. Only a few feet in front of us, Gally stops and he pulls a switch. Causing a small bulb to illuminate the passage.
"Stay with me, we got a ways to go."

The sewage walk is long and disgusting. And stay quiet the entire time and count my steps, to distract myself from the smell.
Eventually Gally breaks the silence with a question.
"Who are you? You weren't in the Maze, so how'd you end up with these guys?"
I look up from counting and reply.
"I was in a Maze. WICKED had multiple-or at least two that I know of. I escaped from my maze and was taken to a place run by WICKED, the people who helped me escape was them." I say, pointing a finger towards Thomas.
Gally nods along as I talk but something hits my mind. Gally is tall and has short brown hair, and is quite muscular and...the more I look at him, the more he reminds me of someone.
"What are you looking at?"
"Sorry, you just...remind me of someone." I reply looking away. As soon as I do, the answer hits me.
That's who Gally reminds me of. The way he and her act, the way they walk, and their physical features are similar.
But this notion makes me wonder what happened to that girl after the Maze? I didn't see WICKED take her.
But I also wonder. If Gally was presumed dead after the boys escaped there maze. I don't know how, but these new people who are against WICKED, they found him. And according to accounts from Newt and Thomas, the boys had almost a parallel experience to what if-
"Gally" I jog to catch up to him.
"How many people do you know in your organization or whatever?"

"A pretty good amount...why?"

"Do you-do you know a girl named Beth. She's an immune, looks kinda like you. Do you know who she is?"
I don't know why I'm so hopeful about this. I guess it really bothers me that we left her behind. And I know she want intentionally mean, she was just scared, I understand that better now.
I focus back to Gally who gives a small smirk.
"It's funny you should mention her...come on, it's not much farther." He turns around, and we keep marching onward.
The output of the sewer was a large rusty metal door. Gally opens it and a flood of cool and untainted air rushes in, it feels good to get out of that stink hole, but what was on the other side, made me uncomfortable.
A flood of people crowded the streets, some of them wearing surgical masks, probably to protect them from the virus.
People were everywhere and the loud droning sound of there feet marching made me uneasy, as well as the fact that everything seems to be coated in a creepy blue lightning.
Gally leads me and Thomas up a flight if stairs from where we exited the sewer, it was a subway station. As we came over the crest of the organized hill, my jaw practically dropped. We were in the heart of the city, it was night, but everything was illuminated. It reminded me of thousands of stars covering the night sky. But the stars were thousands of buildings.
"This is a long way from the Spring" I whisper, still in total shock. 
A voice comes over what seems to be like hundreds of loudspeakers
"Mandatory curfew is in effect, please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember this is for your safety."
"Yeah we better get off the streets. I know it's hard but, act like ya seen it before."
Gally begins to walk forward and me and Thomas slowly follow.
Police cars roam the streets, and it to unnerves me. Gally runs us around to different places ducking behind buildings and edging along them until a car passes.
At one particular stop he says,
"Well they upped security, I'm guessing you Shanks have something to do with that. Let's get outta here, we've gotta meet someone."

The place Gally runs us to next is the edge of the wall, it's excruciatingly tall and thick. With lights and guards positioned on top.
"Alright, let's wait here, we need a clearance sign before going up. Guards are everywhere."
I lean up against the wall and take a few breathes, I'm perspiring and it's making me feel gross. I lean up against the wall, the cold concrete cooling me.
"You showed up, I was wondering if you would." Gally who was focused somewhere else turns around, so do me and Thomas.
A girl stands a few feet away from a street lamp, and she walks those feet, making the lamp turn on.

Aggression fills me at the sight of her, I feel my breathing pick up, and I run. I run directly at Beth. She is a little shocked but shows no signs of fear.

I punch her in the face, and she stumbles, I do that a couple more times until she's able to land a hit to my gut. I fall on the ground and she puts her foot atop me ans raises her fist to punch. I feel the gun on my belt. I grab it and cock it at Beth's face, she falters.
Thomas and Gally have run to us now and stare in disbelief.
"Beth, get off her." Says Gally in a warning tone,
"Penelope, put the gun away." Thomas adds, we obey and stand up out of distance from each other.
"What the hell was that about?" Gally questions angrily.
"She-she-" I can't get the words out, but Beth can, "I killed Rachel. I know, and...I'm sorry."
I was not expecting that from her, I didn't know Rachel real well, but I felt like it was my duty to all the Icers who did. I felt like I needed to do that.
Gally sighs, this same experience happened to him with Thomas.
"Ok...Beth, what's the report?"
She composed herself and answers

"I've cleared the area for about 15 minutes, You should be good. How's the base?"

"It's going pretty well, how've you been."
Beth shrugs,
"Fine, staying under the radar and surviving. Good to see you Gally."
She begins to turn away and walk back, but I speak and she stops.
"Beth...I'm sorry." The girl nods
"Me too." and continues on her way. Gally looks at her awhile longer, but he gets back to business.

"We gotta get up to that railing. Your up first." He says nodding to me. Gally kneels down to offer help, but I stop him
"I can do It on my own." With more ease then I expected I am able to gracefully climb up to the top and swing myself over the railing. Thomas comes after me then Gally brings up the rear.
He makes us run much facross the pathways that we're built into the walls. We slyly avoid guards and eventually come to another flight of stairs.
Gally leads me and Thomas up to a balcony that looks out over the city. But specifically at a blue illuminated building. One that has WICKED's letters on the side.
"There it is. If WICKED's got Minho, that's where there keeping him."
As me and Thomas stare, Gally opens up a device that looks to be a telescope, he sets it up on the railing.

"Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years. Place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."

"Sounds like an impenetrable fortress." I say with a hint of sarcasm.
Thomas takes it literally
"Yeah, I thought you had a way in?"

"I might." Says Gally,
"You might. The hell do you mean might?!" Thomas says, agitation coating his voice.
"Take a look." Gally gestures at the telescope. Thomas hesitates, but looks through. I don't know what he sees but I can tell it's bad, the way his face contorted at the sight.
"I said I had a way in, I didn't say you were gonna like it."
Thomas fully backs away from the telescope and I decide to take a look. I close one eye to get an even vision through the scope.
I focus on one window, and see someone moving around inside.
She's here! And at that moment I immediately realize Thomas' distain. Before Thomas makes a remark, we hear footsteps above. Gally nudges me and says
"We gotta go, follow me."

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