Tales of the heart {Prince...

By nlr1606

344 15 37

Finding true love was one of the most important things for Vienna. What if she finds her true love, but not... More



34 1 7
By nlr1606

If it weren't for knocking and shouting on her door, Vienna would've slept right through the welcoming dinner. Her mother wouldn't forgive her for that. Not that she cared about that at the moment. But she knew later on she would regret it.

Vienna's mother was a woman who wanted everything to be perfect. A part of Vienna understood why, she was the queen after all. Everything had to be perfect. But most of the time Vienna found it exhausting. Having to think of everything she did if it was good enough for her mother, if she wasn't going to get lectured or corrected by her mother. That's why Vienna wasn't super close with her mother. Of course Vienna loved her mother dearly but she felt as if like the smallest good moment the two of them had, would be ruined in a split second. Queen Catherine would get irritated or mad at Vienna for some things and within a blink of an eye, the good moment was ruined. Vienna sometimes wondered when it would stop, the constant feeling of having to prove to her mother that she was good enough.

She gasped got out of the bed and quickly made sure she looked presentable. She wanted to change into another dress of her, her favorite dress, but she couldn't find it. It appeared not to be in her suitcase when she opened it. She must have forgotten it. Vienna changed into a light green dress with gold embroidery and was soon out of her chamber. Being led to the dining room by a guard.

She found that the castle of Telmar was different than hers. Of course because of the way it was build but also because of the feeling it was giving her. Her castle felt warm and guest free while this castle gave a much colder and distant feeling. Like nobody except the people who lived there truly knew what was going on behind the great walls of the caste of Telmar.

The guard led Vienna to two big doors. And when he opened it, Vienna was met with a huge ballroom. She could imagine how crowded it would get when a ball took place in this room. The laughter, the music, the beautiful ballgowns... But now, she heard some faint chattering and the only people she saw were seated on a long table on the side of the room. Their conversation died down as soon as she entered. Heads she didn't even recognize turned her way.
She hurriedly walked over to the table.
"My appologies everyone for being so late."
Prince Caspian and another male whom Vienna didn't recognize stood up and made their way towards her. The man looked a bit like Caspian. Same colour of hair, type of eyes only he had a beard. But the man was much older than the prince. You could tell in so many ways.
"Princess Vienna, since everybody was introduced to him, I want you to meet my uncle, lord Miraz." Caspian said, a small smile playing at his lips because Vienna made her appearance.
"It's an honor to meet you, lord Miraz." Vienna politely said back.
"Please, the honor is all mine, your majesty." Miraz answered her, taking her hand to plant a kiss on it, keeping eye contact in an unsettling way Vienna disliked.
She cleared her throat uncomfortably while plastering a fake smile on.
Caspian seemed to notice and put an arm on her lower back to guide her to her place on the table.
"Let's sit down and enjoy our diner, shall we?"
He winked in an comforting way at Vienna as if he was trying to say to Vienna everyting is ok, I got your back. And it helped. Vienna felt a lot more at ease in his presence. The fact that she was seated next to him also helped. During the dinner Vienna felt a pair of eyes on her, when she looked up she saw that her sister was the one looking at her. But then Vienna noticed something else. A smirk formed on Celia's lips as she looked down. When Vienna followed her gaze she realized her sister was wearing her dress. The one that she thought she left in Calormen. How could she? She knew how much that dress meant to her. Vienna felt all sorts of emotion. Anger, because how dare Celia. Sadness, because Celia knew why that dress had such an important meaning for Vienna. And confusion because she couldn't understand why her sister would do something like that.
When Caspian turned towards Vienna he saw her gaze, it was distant.
"Vienna, are you alright?" He asked, the concern for the girl growing.
"My sister is wearing my dress." She mumbled back to him. He looked up and noticed Celia sitting with indeed a gorgeous dress on. He frowned due to the fact that he wondered why Vienna would make such a big deal out of it.
"It's gorgeous, but I don't quite understand why that is important."
"The dress has a special meaning, a story. Celia knows that and uses it to make me feel bad."
"What is the story behind it if I may ask."
"That's a story for another time." Vienna responded with a slight smile.
Caspian nodded. He wanted to distract her. So he started a conversation. He felt protective towards Vienna, although he didn't realize it  yet.
The two of them got to know each other a lot better during the dinner. They talked about their youth, made jokes, etc, much to her mother's dismay.

It had been a fun evening, Vienna thought. She found that she enjoyed the company of the young prince. They shared a few good laughs while he kind of protected her a bit from the creepy stares of Miraz and the angry ones of her mother. And the thoughts about her sister.

Once in her chamber Vienna wanted to go to sleep. All the food made her sleepy so she wanted nothing but to crawl under the soft covers of her bed and fall asleep. And she was about to when a knock interrupted her.
"Come in" she yelled.
The doohandle moved and soon her mother stood in her chamber. To Vienna's surprise.
"Oh mother, I didn't expect to see you at this hour. Is something wrong?"
"Vienna, you realize why were here, right?"
Her mother began, closing the door.
That's a weird question to ask, Vienna thought to herself. She could already feel dread forming in the pit of her stomach. By the way her mother was talking, it could't be good.
"I do, for my sister-"
"Then explain to me why you were constantly having a conversation with prince Caspian throughout the whole night." Her mother interrupted her rudely.
"What? I don't even-"
"Vienna, let me make something very clear. I thought taking away your dress would give you a signal but no, I-"
"You were the one who stole my dress?" Vienna asked.
"Let me make something very clear. If he ever lays a hand on you, I will get you married to a man you see in your nightmares. And believe me, I can make things happen very quick." Queen Catherine threatened.
"You don't mean that." Vienna said taken back and scared by the words her own mother just said.
"In just a couple of weeks, I can make you engaged without even meeting the man." The older woman said. After that she left Vienna with her thoughts alone.
Vienna felt so much anger inside of her, what did she do that her mother and sister have to treat her this way?
She had enough of it.
She crawled in bed thinking of ways on how to stop their behavior. She moved around in her bed for a couple of hours. It was after midnight now. The hallways as silent as a mouse. Everyone had gone to bed. But Vienna decided she wasn't going to stay here any longer. She put on her easiest clothing and before she knew she was in the stables, looking for a good horse. She mounted him quickly and made her way out of the castle.

But what she didn't know was that at the moment she left the castle a particular prince mounted his own horse. Attempting to escape the claws of his uncle whom just got a son. The man immediately put up an order to kill his nephew. But Caspian's professor was ahead of the lord and sent Caspian into the woods. Not knowing that he was a few minutes behind Vienna. But both going on their biggest adventure.
Unknowingly, together.
Now THIS is where the fun begins 😈

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