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Because of the fight Vienna didn't sleep as good as she normally would. She spent the entire night tossing and turning in her large bed. Thinking of solutions so she wouldn't have to go to Telmar. She didn't sleep a lot, which wasn't that good because of the long journey she had ahead the next day. Normally, her father had to go with her mother and Celia. But instead Vienna had to go. She really didn't want to, she didn't want to meet the man her sister was forced to marry. But now she had no other choice.

She decided to get out of bed and make the best of the day before she had to leave with her mom and sister. Vienna decided that she would spent the day doing the things she loves.

Without her sister.

But first she decided that she should start packing for the trip to Telmar. So Vienna did just that. While packing she suddenly heard voices. At first she thought it were the maids who were talking in the halls but as she listened closer she realised that the voices didn't seem happy. Walking to her door she opened the door slightly to listen more to the conversation. Only then, Vienna realised it were her parents who were arguing. She could recognize those voices immediately. She went to the quarters of her parents where she stood by the door listening to the conversation that was going on. She couldn't help but be curious about what they were arguing about.

"You can't decide this on your own! I am the king and you should discuss these type of things with me!" Vienna heard from the other side of the door.

Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion, her father had never sounded as angry as he sounded now. It worried her a little bit. That's when it all clicked in her head. Her father probably found out about the wedding her sister was going to have. That explains it. Of course she understood why her father was so angry. She would be too in a situation like that.

She wanted to listen more but her attention was pulled away by footsteps that were nearing. Rounding the corner, she saw her parents' chief adviser, Henry appear. His head was looking down, to some papers he had in his hands, not noticing the princess who stood by the door. If it weren't for Vienna clearing her throat he would've bumped right into her. He looked up and immediately stopped in his tracks, coming to a halt a meter in front of Vienna. Just in time.

"Oh! My apologies your majesty! I was busy with the papers and-" Henry started to ramble. Vienna let out a small laugh. "Don't worry Henry it's fine." The man let out a sigh of relief before noticing the shouting that was heard on the other side of the door.

Now it was Vienna's turn to let out a sigh. "They are fighting because of my sister. I'm sure you've heard the rumors." Henry uncomfortably cleared his throat as his eyes darted towards the ground, proving Vienna's suspicions right.

"Don't worry, I also wasn't happy when I first heard the news." Vienna said. "It's a shame, I hoped that someday I would've been able to serve one of you. It would be an honor." Vienna couldn't help but smile at what the man said. She adored Henry. He was there when her parents weren't. When her parents were to busy to play with Vienna or Celia as a child, Henry would. He taught Vienna how to use her bow and arrow, how to ride a horse and much more. She really cared about the man. He was like a second father for her.

"The honor would be all mine. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to practice my archery." Vienna said winking at the man. Henry chuckled. "Ah yes, something tells me you've had a great teacher." Vienna laughed as she walked past him turning around to face the man once more. "Yes, the best." She said before turning around and making her way to the gardens of the castle. Leaving Henry behind, smiling as he got ready to knock on the door to interrupt the royals who were still arguing.

Outside the sun shone brightly, like a medaillon in the sky, an unblinking watcher who has watched and watches everyone live their life. Vienna always loves days like these. When the sun shines a honey-yellow colour, when birds are chirping and when the sky is blue without a cloud in it. It puts her in a very good mood. She smiled when she reached her favorite spot in the back of the garden. A stone wall of an old garden shed with flowers growing on it and a small meadow behind it. She was able to convince her parents to not destroy the wall. Otherwise her favorite spot would be long gone. But it wasn't, and she was thankful for that. Behind that old wall she was at peace, away from the prying eyes of the world. Behind that wall she could relax. She could calmy practice her archery without being disturbed. Not many people knew this place except for Vienna, Celia and Henry. That was part of the reason why she loved being there. It was their special spot.

Pulling the string of the bow backwards, ready to hit a target, Vienna got in position

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Pulling the string of the bow backwards, ready to hit a target, Vienna got in position. She closed one eye and focused on her breathing.

Breathe in.

The bow went a little above her target.

Hold your breath. Steady your position.

Breathe out.

That's when she let lose of the string and let the arrow fly. The arrow landed right in the bullseye that stood against the back of the wall. Henry taught her and Celia that technique. It took a while for Vienna to master the technique, but she had patience and now she could practically shoot an arrow with her eyes closed. Celia on the other hand didn't have the patience so she never really succeeded to learn the technique, hence why Vienna was mostly practicing her archery alone.

After a while Vienna decided to call it a day and moved towards the castle. She noticed the sun was setting. Which meant sunrise was getting closer. She wished she could stop the sun, but she couldn't. She couldn't fight the sun, she could only watch helplessly as it drags her into the day she has been dreading. The journey to Telmar.

Before she went to bed Vienna decided to visit another favorite spot of her, she thought it would take a while for her to see her favorite spots again. So she took a small hallway that led her to an emergency exit of the castle and pushed that door open. Revealing the beautiful colours in the silky and smooth sky. She made her way down the hill where the castle was situated on and went to the edge of the forest, where a small stream could be found. Taking her shoes off, Vienna sat down and put her feet in the water. The sudden coldness made goosebumps rise on her skin but that went away as soon she got used to the temperature of the cool stream.

The water, the sunset, it all calmed her nerves. Her mind was at peace for a moment. She enjoyed the sunset a last time before she decided to head back to the castle. Once in her room Vienna decided to change into her nightgown and go to bed right away. She wanted a good night sleep before the journey.

Vienna dozed off and before she knew it, sleep took over her body. She had an exhausting day ahead.



Henry is a real one <3
Next chapter we meet our bae so stay tuned!

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