
By aqua_bona_est

278K 17.3K 26K

ar·rhyth·mi·a /āˈriT͟Hmēə,əˈriT͟Hmēə/ a condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhyt... More



2.7K 168 142
By aqua_bona_est

You know...and I may be a demon for this, but I like to think that the person who shot Jay ALSO crashed into Rei. I also like to think those were some of my most "cliche" "Wattpad" moments. It's a really...funny.....joke. N E WAYS!

No question. Just a request. Put me on some good new (or old) R&B if you can! This will be hard lmao.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles
Houston, Texas
February 27th, 2017

Y/N's entry into the house was accompanied by an immense sadness, her eyes red and clothes wet as she escaped the rain outside.

Somehow, she made her sadness a fashion statement; barely letting it disrupt her structured appearance as she carefully removed her suit jacket.

Her movements, however, were robotic as she stiffly lifted her arms to hang her jacket on the coat rack.

And then she stood there.

No words. No sound.

Just a still silence as she seemingly glitched to a halt.

My chest thrummed with worry, my body lifting from the couch as I carefully waddled over to her; trying not to irritate my stitches while shuffling towards her. And the surgeon...she didn't even notice me. Not when I was right behind her, not when my hand touched her cold shoulder, and not even when I whispered, "Are you ok?"


She just remained still, only her head moving to seemingly drop her blank gaze to the ground.

I gulped.

"Y-" For a moment, my words got stuck as her body tensed; a beat of silence passing before I tried again. "Y/N?"

A loud, yet tired cry entered the room as Sir woke up from his nap; his rocking chair doing nothing to soothe him as he irritably tossed and turned in his harness.

Horrible fucking timin-

Her movements were silent as she crossed the room, the sound of our-no . . . my son almost jumpstarting her body into motion.

"It's ok, baby boy. I got you." Was the nearly whispered promise she gave while carefully unbuckling him, the baby's cries subsiding slightly the moment she lifted him into her arms. "Shhhh. You're gonna wake up the little princess with all this crying."

My body was frozen in place.

"I know you wanna cry, and that is ok. I wanna cry too." My eyes widened as she sniffled. "But Mama's got you there's nothing for us to worry about, ok?" She placed his pacifier in his mouth, rhythmically tapping the back of it in time with his suckles. "See? That wasn't so hard was it, little one?" Turning toward me, I was surprised to see how much her eyes had lit up as she softly asked, "When was the last time they ate?"

"Um..." My mind had short-circuited as her misty gaze met mine, the leftover tears breaking my heart. "I-I don't remember."

One of her eyebrows lifted. "Have you pumped?" There was a couple beats of silence, the surgeon's stare intensifying as she quietly added, "Are...are you o-"

"Yes, I've pumped." The words came out rushed as I stood way quicker than I should've, the feeling of her gaze on me pushing the slight pain in my stomach away. "They should be ready to eat. I'll-"

"Hey." The firmness of the call made me halt, the surgeon walking in front of me before nodding towards the couch. "Sit back down."


"You shouldn't be moving so much. You'll never properly heal at this rate." Her big hands carefully cradled Sir as she unknowingly rocked him straight back into a nap. "So just...sit down and watch Rumi." When I didn't seem to budge, she murmured a gentle, "Please?"

Everything in me wanted to do the opposite of what she asked me, my entire mind just wanting someone to swoop up my newborns so she and I could have time alone; however, I found myself sitting down across from my newest daughter.

I could barely hear Y/N throw out her soft, 'Thank you,' my eyes locked on the sleeping newborn.

She much like him.

Kelly said she didn't see it, but I saw it.

It was in the way she yawned, the way she cried, the way she pursed her lips...the way she looked at me like I was her only reason for being-

"Bey!" The call made me flinch, my eyes ripping away from the baby girl to see Y/N standing next to a...peculiar cabinet. "Why do you own such a large alcohol stash?"

"It is not a stash." I corrected, knowing the hidden cellar in the basement was more of a stash. "'s a collection."

The surgeon chuckled, coming back in with two bottles and a sleeping Sir.

"Whatever you say."

"Well, I say it's my collection, which is way more respectable than a stash." A yawn cut through our conversation before it could continue, my lips curling in a sneer before relaxing; a sigh leaving me instead as I huffed, "So that's that."

Ever the loving 'parent', she instantly swapped a sleeping sir for a waking Rumi, cooing, "Hey there, precious baby. You fucking smelled the milk, huh?"



I knew damn well she wasn't from the slick smirk she wore as she settled Rumi in her arms, sliding a burp cloth under her little neck.

It wasn't long before tiny suckles filled the silence, the two of us both quietly watching the tiny human eat.

It was comfortable...until it wasn't.

"How was the serv-"

"Don't." She warned, looking at me with begging eyes. "Please."

Peace could only last so long.

"We need to talk."

Y/N's sigh was bone-deep. "Bey. I said please...let's not do this today."

"No, listen to me." Her eyes were as exhausted as her words. "I think...I think we should go see Kato together."

She stared at me for a couple of seconds before looking back down at Rumi, almost absently throwing out, "What brought this on?"

I motioned towards her with an exasperated, "This."

Y/N lifted an eyebrow. "Me?"

"Us." The deep hum she let out was nearly a rumble, my head shaking as I elaborated, "We're both hurting...we're both busy; you with work and me with healing for the tour-and on top of all of that, we have the kids now." She let out a humorless chuckle, my body stiffening even as I chose to gloss over it. "We need an outlet before we start using each other as one."

"Hmph." She pulled the bottle from the sleeping baby girl, mumbling, "Isn't that ironic?"

I closed my eyes, my heart hurting while irritation ran rampant through my head.

Deep breaths, Bey. She has every right to this.

"Just...think about it?"

"We can go." The surgeon began to pat Rumi's back. "But remember. You asked for it."

An eery feeling settled in my stomach at the words.

Was that a threat? ...Or was it a warning?

Fuck...maybe this is a bad-

A burp cut through my thoughts, one of the few smiles I'd seen from Doc breaking across her face as she praised Rumi with a gentle, "Good job, princess."

For some odd reason, I averted my eyes.

I just...didn't want to watch, though...

I wish she smiled at me like-

"I'm going to go check on Gabby and Midas...if that's ok with you?" I flinched, turning to find her looking directly at me again. Her stare seemed.. curious. "I can even take Blue and the twins if you want."

The unease in my stomach was definitely jealousy...but I couldn't let her know that.


"Have never seen my Volvo." She assured. "I have the windows tinted. . . .They'll never know where we are."

Hell...I'd never seen her Volvo.

"Where are you meeting?"

"At Xavier's house."

I nodded in acknowledgment.

The lawyer who was the least shady at the Christmas party.

"Can you FaceTime me when you get there?"

"Of course." She smiled down at Rumi victoriously, the newborn giving her a gummy coo. "Come on, baby girl. We have to see if your sister wants to come with us before we say bye to Mommy." The baby let out a happy hiccup as Doc stood up. "That's right, little princess! We gonna give Mommy a break."

But I didn't need a break...I needed Y/N.

"Blue?" Little footsteps rushed into the living room from the direction of the kitchen, Y/N's eyebrow lifting. "You were in the kitchen?"

Blue nodded cutely, her little dress swinging as she twisted from side to side. For some reason, my firstborn would occasionally become a little shy around Y/N.

Me too, honestly.

"I wanted a snack so I asked Mike to make me one."

I hummed, "Make sure you eat it all, ok baby?"

"Ok! Did you want a snack too, Mommy?" Awww. "I can go get-"

"No thank you, Blue Blue. Y/N had something to ask you."

And there it was, that cute nervousness tinting her cheeks red as Y/N softly smiled down at her.


"So, big girl!" I felt amusement flood through me as Blue's nose wrinkled up at the nickname. "You wanna come with me and the twins?"

"I'm not big! I'm tiny." She walked in front of Y/N, her head barely reaching the surgeon's abdomen. "See?"

"You are not little, Blue's Clues." Y/N squatted down, shrugging slightly. "I'm just huge."

Can confirm.

Blue simply pouted, ignoring what the doctor said entirely as she whispered, "Hi Ru-Ru."

The baby yawned in response, Blue giggling happily.

So adorable.

Time seemed to fly by, Babyface unsurprisingly efficient as she got all three kids ready in record time; Blue's little backpack on her back kinda cute as she nodded toward the door.

"Come on, pipsqueak. Say goodbye to your Mommy."

Blue made a noise similar to a high-pitched squawk, laughter immediately leaving me as she kissed my cheek.

"See you later, Mommy!"

I kissed her forehead, still chuckling, "Bye baby."

Damn near sounded like a parakeet.

Then she was running off, glaring up at Y/N with a grumpy, "You said I was big!"

Y/N shrugged, holding the door open for her before picking up the car seats. "I changed my mind. Later Busy Bey."

I could only wave, the words not coming out.

"That's not fair!" Was the last thing I heard before the door shut, the silence that followed immediately making me fidget in place.

The soft clang of a plate made me jump, Mike giving me a small smile as he murmured, "Here you go, Bey."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"I...I didn't-"

My stomach growled, the chef giving me a knowing look before supplying:

"The doctor did." ...I guess that was all the answer I needed. "That woman is scary, but she definitely cares about you."

I couldn't help but snicker.

Why does everyone keep calling her scary?

"Thank you, Mikey."

The front door closing made me perk up.

"Did you leave som-"

"We're not Y/N!"

I rolled my eyes at Kelly's jovial voice, my annoyance not staying for long as I scrunched my eyes up in confusion; waving a hand at her and Solange's arms. "What's with the bags?"

"Gifts!" That accent made me smile, Robyn placing a kiss on my forehead before sitting down on the loveseat. "For our nieces and nephew."

I damn near wanted to hug her again. I hadn't seen her since we went to the zoo.

"Aren't you supposed to be recording an album?"

She smacked her teeth. "How did they- Who the fuck sent you?"

"You came over here!" The Bajan rolled her eyes at the very obvious flaw in her logic. "And no one! It's just a question between friends."

Before she could answer, Kelly cut her off with a nosy, "Ooo, what're you eating?"

Robyn pumped her fist in the air as I gave her a, 'Saved by the Kells' look before answering, "I don't know yet. Y/N had Mike make it."

"She been staying here?" Kelly asked, grabbing my fork and shoving some of my food in her mouth before I could stop her. She moaned. "Oh, this is so good!"

I snatched my fork from her with a joking hiss of, "Always stealing. And yes she's been staying here."

"Sorry!" She was anything but. "Mikey can you please make me some of what Bey got!"

"Sure thing!" Came the friendly response. "Steak, chicken, or lobster?"

Kelly groaned, standing up and abandoning us to go customize her meal; a giggle bubbling out of me from her antics.

There's no better distraction than joy, huh?

"Where are my nieces and nephews?" Solange frowned as she came back from the bathroom.

I sighed.

Distraction ruined.

"Babyface took them with her to see their sibling."

"Blue too?" Michelle asked as she sat down with a tall glass of water.

I nodded, taking a bite of the delicious meal before adding, "She dipped after I suggested we go to Kato together."

Robyn immediately grimaced.

"Didn't she just go to ol' girl's funeral?" She shook her head, taking a deep sip of wine I didn't even see her pour. "You're a fucking masochist for that one."

And she was right.

...But it wasn't like I didn't deserve this pain.


Whats crazy is that I figured out the trick to me being able to write is me being sad. What's crazier is that I really tried to write an emotional explanation for why Gabby left and you niggas BARELY commented on it.

Y'all commented more on Rei dying, a character most of y'all didn't even fuck with! I made her pregnant just so she could die and y'all ate that shit up.😂😂😂That's how I know y'all just like drama.

But don't worry. Imma provide it😈


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