Madness on the Frontline (Gir...

Por Pelach

41.3K 1.1K 1.4K

A mercenary who always accomplishes his Mission. A mercenary who knows nothing but pain and suffering. This m... Más

Somewhere in Nevada...?
Trial by fire
The next job
Bleeding edge
Once I was lost...
And now I'm found...
Something lost long ago...
Et tu, Brute?
Fallen Flame
Durch Morast und Blut
The final push
Final Verdict
Madness Day 2022 (a bit too late)


1.1K 37 47
Por Pelach

Hank POV

I was still driving towards HQ until my radio activated...

Commander: hey Hank. It's me.

H: you need something?

Commander: I have a job for you.

H: finally! Okay what will I be doing?

Commander: don't get your hopes up. You will be training a few T-Dolls of your choice.

H: Training? Do I look like a drill instructor?

Commander: no but you look like an asshole. You keep on pestering me about giving you a job and now you complain about it!

H: fine I'll do it. Get your best, most experienced and strongest T-Dolls ready. I'm already coming back. I should be there soon.

Commander: 10-4 meet me at my office when you come back.

The rest of the drive was silent. Nobody to talk to and no music that was playing. I didn't bother to search for a sender that played stuff which I like.

Soon I arrived at the checkpoint where STG44 and MP40 we're waiting for me.

MP40: welcome back Hank! Enjoyed your visit to the city?

H: let's just say I had a blast.

MP40: good to hear. The commander is already waiting for you.

H: acknowledged.

The German duo said their goodbyes and I was now going to the entrance of the base after I parked the car.

I got inside and headed towards the office of bossman.

I entered and soon saw boss standing in front of me.

Commander: I've been expecting you.

H: you literally told me to come.

Commander: true... but that's beside the point now. Let me introduce you to your new squad. They are the strongest G&K has to offer... the most resilient G&K has to offer... the best G&K has to offer.

He led me out of his office to some weird room. Three T-Dolls were present in the room.

Commander: ladies! Your new instructor has arrived!

They turned around and... you got to be shitting me...

Architect: Hank!

She ran up to me and tried to hug me but I dodged the attempt.

Architect: you're still as mean as ever!

Intruder: greetings Hank. I'm sure that you'll make quite the show.

Gager: Hank huh? As long as you get the job done then we're going to be fine.

H: they aren't even griffin Dolls!

Commander: you wanted the best and the ringleaders are the best.

H: I kinda got them into joining anyway... so makes sense that I have to train them now.

Commander: that's the spirit! I'll be in my office now. They're all yours Hank.

He left and I was now alone with the ringleaders.

H: let's begin shall we?

I immediately punched Architect in the face. She flew a few meters backwards and was on the ground. The others were staring at me in shock.

Architect: ow! Why'd you do that?!

H: In combat you have to always be prepared. You never know when your friends suddenly decide to hate you and stab you in the back.

Intruder: how about we go to the training pods first? It's safer if you beat us up in them.

H: Training pods?

Intruder: they pull you into a simulation where you will be alive in the case of death.

H: just like a sleepwalker program...

Gager: a what?

H: get in. We'll continue the training inside of these things.

We all entered separate pods and closed them. Some green light was scanning me until I passed out. I was now in some sort of facility. It reminded me of the old sleepwalker programs doc put me through.

The ringleaders were also in the room.

H: let the training begin... Intruder you're first task is to kill me.

Intruder: okay? Let the show begin!

She pulled out a minigun and startet to let bullets rain towards my position. I pulled my katana out and started to deflect the bullets back at her.

The bullets pierced her skin and she started to bleed. She dropped her minigun and started to charge at me.

When she got in range she tried to hit me but I redirected her momentum by flipping her over my shoulder.

H: are you even trying?

She got back up and got into a defensive stance. Well normally I counter attack but a little bit of aggression won't hurt.

I charged at her and dropkicked her away. She stumbled back a bit but was still on her feet. I quickly got back up and dodged under a swing from Intruder. I pushed her to the ground and jumped on her neck. She stopped moving.

H: insufficient.

We waited a few seconds and Intruder respawned.

H: who's next?

Intruder: how unfortunate. You really are a strong fighter Hank. And that was a big improvement from our first fight.

Architect: that was... AWESOME!

H: experience is the best teacher and I asked who's next.

Gager: can you like train us before you beat us up?

H: fine... rigorous physical training first. Alright ladies, one hundred push-ups now!

They got into position and started to do them but this isn't going to cut it.

H: Do it with your knuckles!

They all got into position. And now their knuckles were on the floor. They might not look like it but their crazy strong. Not being limited by your humanity has its perks. Architect grunted loudly as she was getting into position.

H: what's the matter? Too hard for you?

Architect: no! No! I can do this all day!

H: good. Then let's do something about that.

I walked over to her and pushed her back down with my foot. Surprisingly she still managed to push herself up.

Architect: why are you always bullying me?!

She pouted while she said that.

H: because fuck you that's why!

The training continued for some time until I thought that it was enough.

H: alright that's enough.

They stopped what they were doing and now walked back to me.

H: doc would have killed you by now but you're lucky that I'm not doc. Now we're going to work on your combat effectiveness... Can I spawn enemies or something?

Intruder: yes. This is a prototype training program... so you should be able to create any enemy you can think of.

H: is that so?

Intruder: I think so yes.

H: then let's see how you deal with some enemies from Nevada.

I spawned a G03LM with a submachine gun.

Architect: oh my god! What is that?!

H: that is a G03LM. He is a modified and mutated human. And he's now your enemy Architect. G03LM! She's a trespasser!

G03LM: you seem to have wandered the wrong way.

The G03LM was now walking towards Architect while shooting at her.

She dodged the shoots and pulled her rocket launcher out and fired a rocket at the G03LM. The force knocked the G03LM on his back.

G03LM: I will ask you to refrain from doing that.

He got back up and Architect charged at him. She kicked him away and he barley moved.

G03LM: this is pointless.

Architect punched his armored chest a bit until he got angry.

G03LM: huagh!

He tried to grab Architect but she dodged and the G03LM was now looking around for her.

H: get behind him! Take the helmet off!

Architect did exactly that. She jumped on his back and removed his helmet. She gasped in shock as she saw his face.

It was covered in stitches and wounds.

Gager: what happens to this... thing?

H: they're genetically modified humans. Back in Nevada that was very common.

Gager: you keep on talking about Nevada but that place doesn't exist.

H: not anymore. A piece of history long forgotten.

I lied to her. I don't know what happened to Nevada but I'm here now. Let's just see how this will go.

The G03LM grabbed her back and threw Architect forward. She got up again and grabbed the rocket launcher next to her. She shoved a new rocket in and fired it at the G03LM's head. It exploded in pieces and the body fell to the ground.

H: not bad but you could have done it quicker.

Architect: not bad?! I don't even know what that thing is! I want more credit for defeating it!

H: that guy was just canon fodder.

Architect: are you kidding me?! What were you fighting in Nevada?

H: it's best if you don't know.

Architect: fine...

H: alright now let me show you how to do it.

I spawned another one and told him to attack me. He immediately walked towards me and started shooting. I dodged the bullets and let him come closer.

When he got in range I punched his chest a few times until he got angry. He threw his SMG to the side and tried to grab me but I counter the grab and threw him across the room.

H: the true path to victory is to find your opponents weakness and make him suffer for it.

The G03LM got back up again and charged at me. I dodged it and waited for him to grab me again. It soon came after I punched him a few times and I countered it again and threw him across the room again.

H: you take his strength and use it against him until he falls and dies.

The G03LM got up but was still disoriented by the throw. I jumped on his face and completely pummeled it. To finish him off I did a handstand on his head and snapped his neck. The giant fell to the ground.

H: any questions?

They just stared at me in amazement.

H: good then let's see how you fare against some enemies that are as nimble as you.

I spawned a few soldats.

H: These are soldats. They are good and athletic soldiers and they won't take any prisoners.

The soldats checked their guns and batons and prepared for battle.

H: Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick but it matters a helluva lot more who's swinging it. You'll fight this battle with your fists!

One soldat armed with a baton rushed at Gager who dodged the first strike of the soldat. On the second one she managed to grab the baton and headbutted him away.

He fell to the ground and she stomped his face in. The ground was now covered in yellow blood. Architect got attacked by two soldats. They were shooting at her from mid range until one ran out of ammo.

Architect managed to dodge all of their shots. Impressive but not enough.

She used the downtime of the second soldat to engage in a melee fight with the first one. The soldat wanted to swing at her but she deflected the strike and slapped his cheek.

Architect: that's right!

The soldat tried to get up again but was picked up instead and used as a meat shield. Architect used him to protect herself from the second soldat. She then threw the corpse at him and used the disorientation of the soldat to kick his face away.

Architect: too easy.

Intruder was fighting another soldat who was armed with baton. You could see that she had the upper hand in this fight. The soldat was desperately swinging at her but she just gracefully dodged his attempts. Until she had enough fun.

She swept his legs and he fell to the ground. She then stomped his neck in and her boot was now covered in yellow blood.

They managed to kill all the soldats. They aren't the strongest anyway.

H: good. Now for your last challenge of the day...

They were standing in front of me and I pulled the pin of a flashbang and threw it at architects face.

The flashbang went off and I retreated in the shadows.

H: you will be fighting me.

They soon got their senses back and looked around for me. I used the time while they all looked away and charged at Intruder as quietly as I could. I tried to jump kick her face but she caught my foot and pulled me to the ground.

I swept her legs and backflipped away from them. Architect and Gager charged at me. I sidestepped the fist from Architect and shoved her towards Gager.

Intruder used the time while I was distracted and kicked my face. I stumbled a bit but regained my balance.

H: you don't stand a chance.

I side flipped away from Intruders second attack and waited for the others to get back up.

H: come on! Show me that my training wasn't in vain!

They charged at me together. Coordination? You don't see that often. I blocked the hit from Architect but Intruder managed to punch me in the guts. Their hits are strong... but not strong enough. I grabbed the fist of Gager who tried to strike my back and threw her over my shoulder. I turned my attention to architect and caught her foot that was going for my face.

H: this is pointless.

I swung Architect at Intruder and both went to the ground. I walked over to them but Gager quietly stood up and grabbed my waist. I tried to break free but she suplexed me before I could break the hold. All three of them got back up and Architect tried to stomp my face in but I rolled out of the way just in time.

I stood back up and waited for their move.

H: impressive but this changes nothing.

I noticed that Intruder was missing. Shit. They managed to distract me. A fist collided with my face and the force knocked me to the ground. Architect immediately jumped on my chest shattering all my ribs.

I pulled my mask down and caught a lot of blood up but I'm still alive. I stood back up and got into a stance.

H: finish the job!

Architect charged at me. She was probably excited to finally beat me but I had other plans. I used her momentum and flipped her over my shoulder.

I looked back at her and a fist collided with the back of my head. The force threw me to the ground and now someone was holding me up by my neck. It was Intruder.

H: *cough* show no regret! No remorse! Finish the job!

She squeezed harder and harder until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I passed out and died.

I took a few seconds to respawn but I was now standing in front of the three exhausted ringleaders.

H: good job. You all showed me that you are capable and strong fighters. Now you're able to kill me if the need ever arises.

They stared at me in shock.

H: what's the matter?

Architect was now crying.

Intruder: did he just compliment us?

Architect:*sob* I'm so happy!

Didn't know that my compliments are so valued by them. Meh... then again I don't give one very often.

H: get us out of here that's enough for today. I'm proud of you.

Architect ran at me and tried to hug me. This time I let it happen. She tightly embraced me and it felt weird. But then the weirdness turned into pain.

H: squeezing someone to death is also a option in a firefight.

Architect: wha? Oh I'm sorry.

She stepped away from me and walked towards the ringleader group.

H: get us out of here.

Intruder: certainly.

The world turned white and we were pulled back into reality. The pods opened and we all got out.

H: good to train quick learners. If you want to continue the training then just come and find me. But for today we're done.

Architect: thank you Hank!

Intruder: your offer is appreciated.

H: good I'll go now.

They said their goodbyes to me and I left. I walked down the hallway into my room and entered it through the broken door.

H: I should have that door replaced.

I walked towards my workbench but was interrupted by my phone.

I picked up. And the caller ID says „blind Kalashnikov". That must be AK-12.

H: hello?

AK-12: Hank it's me.

H: you need something done?

AK-12: that is exactly the reason I called you. Meet us at these coordinates. We will wait for your arrival.

H: got it. Moving out now.

I ended the call and thought about a way to sneak out of the base. It's dark right now I should be able to sneak outside and climb over the fence in order to avoid the checkpoint.

And that's exactly what I did with the cover of the night I was able to sneak out of the facility.

I was now heading for the coordinates AK-12 gave me. It took some time to run there but it was the only way to do this undetected.

I entered the abandoned building and a barrel of a gun was sticking in my face. I quickly disarmed the attacker and pinned her to the ground.

AK-12: that's enough Hank! Get off of her.

H: fine.

I got up and let the one I pinned to the ground stand up as well.

AK-12: that is AN-94. She is part of the task force DEFY. She's your friend.

H: got it. Let's continue.

AK-12: right this way.

I followed her to some sort of command room and 3 other individuals were standing in the room.

?: greetings Hank. Let's talk about your job. But first let the other members of the task force introduce themselves. I'm Angelia the commander of this task force.

AK-15: my name is AK-15. Welcome to the Wolfpack.

RPK-16: hello Hank. I'm RPK-16 and I have a question for you... how does it feel to be human?

Angelia: not this again. He's here to do a job not to answer your stupid questions!

H: being human is overrated. If you sacrifice your humanity like I did then you will be a way more efficient soldier.

RPK-16: but you're free... not bound by any orders.

H: yeah freedom is a beautiful thing especially when you are always hunted while you are free but whatever.

Angelia: enough. Let's talk business.

H: agreed. Let's get this over with.

Angelia: so basically you have to infiltrate 16lab.

H: infiltrate 16lab? Aren't these guys our friends?

Angelia: yes but the FSB wants information and we need someone to get it for us.

H: and that idiot would be me.

Angelia: correct. We have to get you a new outfit. With the outfit you're wearing right now everyone will realize that it's you. AK-12 get him in his uniform!

AK-12: Roger that Commander.

She lead me to a side room and dropped a box next to me.

AK-12: get changed I will wait outside.

I opened the box and was met with black combat attire and a gas mask with red lenses.

H: that's something I would wear.

I took my trenchcoat and bandana off. My mask and goggles followed. I slowly got into the uniform that AK-12 gave me. When I was done I took a look in the mirror.

H: that is definitely something I would wear. Let's just hope that other people don't think that.

I stepped out of the room and went to AK-12.

H: I'm ready let's go.

AK-12: alright follow me.

We got back into the command room and Angelia told me the last things that I need to know.

Angelia: we will drop you off here and from there you will have to enter the facility through the sewers. When you get inside the facility then you'll have to find the office of Persica. Use this USB to start the program that will look through the data.

H: got it.

Angelia: and don't kill anyone. Very close friends of mine are working in that facility.

H: understood.

Angelia: good. Then AK-12 take him to the insertion point!

AK-12: Roger that.

We left the building and went inside a humvee. AK-12 was driving.

H: are you at least opening your eyes while you drive?

AK-12: I can see perfectly fine while my eyes are closed.

H: alright I won't  question the logic behind that.

AK-12: probably better that way.

The ride was quiet and we soon arrived at the place.

AK-12: this is it. good luck!

I got out of the humvee and opened the manhole. I jumped inside and was now covered in presumably shit.

H: I'm gonna smell like a motherfucker but that's just part of the mission.

I made my way through the sewer water until I arrived at the point where I would enter. It was guarded by some sort of military T-Doll.

H: let's see if this works.

I chucked a rock close to her position to distract her. And she took the bait and left her position. I took this chance to enter the base.

I made my way to Persicas office. I dodged cameras and patrols while I was hiding in the shadows. When your lenses don't glow red then you won't be found in the dark.

I was soon outside her office and entered. I wanted to look around for her computer but was interrupted.

Persica: who are you?!

Shit! Can't talk. My voice is muffled by the gas mask but I can't risk her recognizing my voice. Alright plan B.

I grabbed her and threw her at a wall. I then hit her in the face with the butt of my MP5. After that blow she was knocked out.

H: Angelia this is Hank. We have a problem.

Angelia:*radio* what's wrong Hank?

H: Persica found me and I had to knock her out. I recommend killing her in order for her not to blow my cover when she wakes up.

Angelia:*radio* this is bad. Does she know that it's you?

H: negative.

Angelia:*radio* continue with the mission and do it quick.

H: got it.

I hid her body behind her desk and started to look through her computer. I looked at some files and noticed a few interesting things.

RO635 huh? A new addition to AR-team. Seems to be specialized to be rational and professional. She's not mortal? Interesting. But that isn't my problem now.

I used the USB stick that Angelia gave me and attached it to the PC. A program opened and I let it run its course.

After some time and lines of code later the program said that the USB could be removed. I did exactly that and noticed that Persica slowly regained her conscious and tried to get up but I kicked her in the face before she could do that.

She was now on the ground again. I got on top of her and hit her face again. She was knocked out again.

H: that's gonna leave a mark in the morning.

I shoved the USB in my pouch and started to sneak my way back outside of the facility.

I walked down the hallways and managed to remain undetected but suddenly the PA-system came to live.

PA-system: warning! A highly skilled and armed Intruder is in the facility. High ranking military forces have been sent. Please evacuate in a calm and orderly manner.

Shit! Persica musst have woken up.

H: Angelia I'm at point K12 and I need an immediate extraction! The base alarm activated!

Angelia: Damn it! Alright AK-12 has been dispatched! She'll bust down the front door. Get your ass over there quickly!

H: got it.

I ran down the hallway until I was halted by two  military T-Dolls. One I shot in the leg to make her drop. The other I hit with the butt of the rifle while I was running towards them.

I kept on running dodging bullets that were fired at me while I pushed through the hostiles blocking my way. I got shot a few times but that doesn't matter.

Angelia: AK-12 will be there in 10 minutes sharp! If you're not there then we'll leave you!

H: got it.

I kept on running and soon got to the exit. A squad of T-Dolls was standing  in front of it.

I pulled my last flashbang out and threw it at the group while I dodged their fire.

I vaulted over the head of one while they were blinded and I was now standing outside.

H: I'm there. Get me out of here.

The front gate was suddenly destroyed and a armored car was hastily driving towards my position. It came to a halt and I knew that that would be my ticket out of here.

I sprinted over to the car and slid over the hood before entering the seat next to the driver.

The car immediately took off and speeded away from the facility but the military didn't let us get away and started to chase us.

The driver was wearing the same uniform that I was wearing but I knew that it was AK-12.

AK-12: I thought we told you to do it quietly.

H: I was told to not kill the person that blew my cover.

AK-12: don't get spotted in the first place.

H: she was in the office I had to infiltrate.

AK-12: ugh... whatever let's just get out of here.

Two cars were chasing us while I got the bright idea to stop them.

I rolled the window down and leaned out of it.

AK-12: what are you doing?

H: keep the ride steady...

I pulled my deagle out and activated my bullet time. I aligned my target and shot. The bullet pierced the wheel of the vehicle and it flipped.

H: one down.

A chopper was now flying over us. The data this important?

I looked around for a method to get the chopper of my back and found the perfect tool in the back seat. A china lake 40mm grenade launcher.

H: request authorization to use the china lake.

AK-12: granted.

I grabbed the china lake and activated my bullet time. I fired a precise 40mm grenade at the cockpit and the chopper quickly lost altitude.

H: Black Hawk down.

The helicopter landed in front of us and blocked the way. AK-12 responded with driving at the wrong side of the highway. We were now evading the military and dodging cars of civilians.

AK-12: this is where the fun begins...

She pressed a few buttons and music started to play.

H: Eurobeat really?

AK-12: if we're going to do this then we're going to do this right!

H: that's fucking crazy... and I like it.

She dodged the incoming traffic and the military was having trouble catching up to us.

We got to a turn and she drifted perfectly. Damn she sure is a good driver. But the military was still hunting us. A few vehicles managed to keep up and one tried to ram us but AK-12 managed to stay on the road.

H: can I just shoot them?

AK-12: negative. Our orders are to not kill anyone.

H: i just shot down a chopper. Why can't I kill them?

AK-12: because if they die in a helicopter crash then it wasn't directly our kill.

H: alright stay on course. I'll get them off our back.

I opened the window again and leaned out of it. I saw a truck holding a few tree logs.

H: convenient...

I shot the straps which held them in place and the way of the pursuers couldn't follow us anymore.

That's what I thought at least as a roadblock was in front of us.

AK-12: hold tight! This is going to be bumpy.

She accelerated and used the back of a truck that was driving in front of us to jump over the blockade.

H: good. Let's continue.

AK-12: we have to lose them quick. We're getting closer to our outpost.

H: think of something. You're the driver.

AK-12: alright this is going to be stupid but I'm driving off the road into the forest.

H: let's do it.

She pulled to the side and we went off road. We soon entered the forest where the military couldn't track us anymore. We drove deep into it and parked the car.

H: alright. Let's rig this thing with explosives. They'll get a nice surprise when they find the car.

AK-12: we still aren't allowed to kill anybody Hank.

H: you're no fun. Alright let's head back.

We walked towards the outpost and the walk was very silent. But at least we managed to get the military off our back. We arrived at the outpost after some time and entered.

AK-12: Angelia! We're back!

Angelia walked out of a room to greet us.

Angelia: finally! What took you so long?

AK-12: we had to walk here. Bringing the car with us would be too dangerous.

Angelia: true. So do you have the USB?

H: got it ma'am.

I handed her the USB.

Angelia: good. KCCO will be happy.


Angelia: they're an elite special forces group of the FSB. General Carter personally asked for the mission.

H: alright. Will I be paid now?

Angelia: not now. With that recent attack and a huge amount of money on your account would lead to suspicion.

H: fair enough but I swear I'm never getting paid for any job I do.

Angelia: AK-12 and Hank! Take your equipment off and burn them. We can't leave any evidence of our involvement.

AK-12: Roger that follow me.

I followed AK-12 to some sort of incinerator room. I started to remove my gear and AK-12 did as well.

Soon only my bandages and grey shirt was left. I threw my gear into the incinerator and burned it. AK-12 soon did as well.

I grabbed my trenchcoat, bandana, goggles and mask and put it on again. I was now wearing my iconic look again.

AK-12 soon finished as well. And we went back to Angelia.

Angelia: thanks for doing this for us Hank.

H: Don't thank me. I'm just doing what I'm being paid for.

Angelia: sure. We will call you when we need your services again.

H: got it.

The Wolfpack said their goodbyes to me and I left to walk back to base.

I wonder if anyone noticed my absence.

3rd POV

A very annoyed Architect was entering the café.

Architect: Springfield have you seen Hank anywhere?

Springfield: I haven't.

Architect: where could that idiot be?

Springfield: why do you want to find him this badly?

Architect: I want to annoy him! It's just so boring because the commander isn't giving me any mission. I have to make my own fun in this place and Hank is pretty funny to mess with.

Springfield: wouldn't he just kill you?

Architect: I can defend myself! I'm a ringleader after all!

Springfield: not sure if that matters but I'm sure that you'll have a worthy fight if it would ever come to this.

Architect: thank you Springfield but now I have to look for him again.

The even more annoyed Architect left the café.

Hank POV

Probably not. Who would want my company anyway.

I ran and soon was at the base again. It was already night and I started to climb the fence while I was hidden by the darkness of the night.

I silently entered the facility and made my way towards my dorm. But I was stopped by a familiar face.

Commander: ah Hank perfect timing.

H: do you need something?

Commander: actually yes have you heard of the raid on 16lab that happened earlier today?

H: I haven't.

Commander: well we're supposed to go to some meeting now. We'll talk about the situation of the war and so on. But I'm sure that the raid will be mentioned too. And because you're my right hand man you have to come with me.

H: fine. Just call me when we leave.

Commander: sure thing. You look tired... was the training with the ringleaders that difficult? you should rest.

H: you have no idea and I will. I'll see you tomorrow.

Commander: until tomorrow Hank.

With that I left him and went straight to my dorm. I noticed that my door was repaired. A note was sticking on it.

Please refrain from kicking your door again!

The maid fixed my door? Well I ain't complaining. I entered the room and dropped my weapons on my workbench.

H: let's get bullied in my sleep again. If I can sleep.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes and waited for the dream world to take over. But nothing happened. Welp time to take medication.

I got up and walked to my bathroom. I took some sleeping pills and opened the lid. I took the content of half the bottle and went back to bed. It took a while for the pills to take effect but soon my eyes felt heavy and they closed.

Let the nightmares begin.

End of chapter

Hey it's me again!
1K reads WOOO!!! Damn it! Guess I'm obligated to finish this story now. Well feedback is still appreciated. Please give me some. Just tell me the story is shit or something. I need criticism to improve. And if you have questions about the story then you can ask as well. I'll try to answer but anyway.
Thank you for reading!
And until next time my friend.

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This is my Valentine's Day Project. There are some things about Valentine's Day traditional. However, Kagome and Hojo are dating. Unfortunately, Hojo...
7.9K 179 16
Started~ Nov 12 2021 Finished~ Dystopia: an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalita...
46.4K 345 29
SDC24 is an ace commander working for Griffin&Kryuger in Girls' Frontline, but in reality, he's just an average high schooler named Yuèyǐng and prefe...