Sonamy Story 1: A Huge Change

By marshall_marie3

39.6K 1K 252

If you know that love might get hopeless, what should you do? In my case, my only crush, Sonic the Hedgehog i... More

The New Me Part 1
The New Me Part 2
I'm Back
The Chase
It's Good to See You Again
A Visit to the Palace
Robot Problem
Sonic's Birthday Party!!!
Won't Quit This Time
Mission 1
My Promise
Mission 2
The Hidden Truth
The Final Blow
My Living Rose
Robotic Love
Few Months Later.....
Double the Trouble
I don't know how long has it been

The Name is......

2.2K 58 32
By marshall_marie3

"Eerrr..... What the heck is your name again?" Shadow asked while he made a weird panicking look on me.

"Eh-um-" I was cut off when Sonic stared at me eye to eye.

"Wait! Don't tell me you don't know your own name???" He questioned as he observe me very well. "I know! You must be the new Mobian they are sayin'! You're...." He put his hands on his chin and started thinking.

"Tanya?" Sally said.

"Um..." I raise a brow on them who were both we're starting to think unconsciously. And who's Tanya?

"You guys! It's Blade!" Tails shouted to the both of them.

"No! It's Starlight!" Sonic barked.

They all started fighting just to know my name. Is that even important? They mentioned like 6 names; Canion, Starlight, Blade, Shade, Tanya and Midnight. Although I have no idea who has a name like that yet I'm still finding a good name to choose. Fine! I'll go with Dark the Hedgehog on this one.

"Hey guys!" Shadow finally put me down and everyone was looking at me. "The name's Dark, Dark the Hedgehog." I stated.

"Dark? I never heard about you before." Sonic raise a brow on me.

"Well, first, I'm not well known. Second, I stayed at home. Third, I don't exactly live here. I was just looking out for Shadow." Then I made this cute smile to Shadow.

"I'm not lost." Shadow replied.

"I'm here so forget it if you're lost or not. I spent the whole day doing nothing so it's time to try a new hobby," I glared at him.

"Whatever, I-" Shadow was about to say something then Sonic interrupted.

"You guys, are you a couple? Lovers quarrel, huh?" He teased.

"Shut up Hedgehog. She's not my partner or anything. She's some girl that follows me any where." Shadow scolded at the blue hedgehog.

"Hey! I ain't following you Shadow! We both have dark blood and that's what attracts me. We're just friends, bro." I crossed my arms and stick out my tongue to Shadow.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and walked away. I ran to catch up with him but someone caught my attention before I can.

"Hey Dark!" Sonic exclaimed making me turn around and saw them waving to me. "Nice meeting yah!" He added.

"May we see you soon!" Tails smiled at me as I wave back to them.

"Don't worry guys! You'll see me! Oh! And happy birthday Sonic!" I shouted back and ran to catch up with Shadow.

"Okay! Thanks!" I heard the blue hero greeted.

×××××In my House×××××

"Hmmm..... Your voice change. So do your appearance. No one can even notice that you're Amy." Shadow commented.

"Yeah... It seems that they're completely clueless." I complemented.

"So.... What if they start asking what's your past or where the heck do you came from?" He asked.

"Good question...." I thought for a moment. What is my past?

"Okay, how about this. Before I was created, you were the first patient that Doctor Gerald had helped and you were the first one that Maria had met. Since you have a heart failure, Doctor built you a special designed artificial heart that will help you to live life longer. But, the price is that you may contain a DNA of a Black Arms and your fur will be black. Wow! I have so many things going on my mind but I have no idea how did I explained that."

"Shadow! Isn't that bad? Well, your story was pretty good. And what was my color before?"

"White, you were a white hedgehog before that thing was inside you."

"You mean the artificial heart you just said?"

"Yeah... That one."

"How did I reach Earth?"

"Errr.... Why do you have so many questions? Fine! I'll answer that. You were sent on Earth to help Maria. But then, you were held captured by G.U.N. and you were in jail for like 52 years? Yeah, like that. 2 years after your capture, you left Doctor no signals so they created me to find you. But then, Black Doom said that it's time to pay back the price and that's by finding the Chaos Emeralds. So, Doctor made me go into 3 missions. 1, to find you. 2, to help Maria. And 3, to find the Chaos Emeralds. The worst part, Mission 1 and 2 failed. The effects, Maria died and I never found you. But one day on G.U.N. someone reported to me that you stole an Emerald from our base. So we had a Mission to find you. No one has your files but me yet no one else knows your name. So one day, I planned to confront you on my own. It took months and many fights just to know a simple name because you don't really wanna mean it but then we began opening up to each other and we started being friends. Then you finally said it. Now would you please stop asking? My brain's going to pop."

I widened up my eyes and just stared at Shadow. That was so dramatic!

"Shadow you could be a story teller or something!"

"Shut up! I don't wanna be one."

"Yeah, right."

"So what's you plan Am-, I mean, Dark?"

"We'll go to Sonic's birthday tomorrow!"

"Yeah, right. Like I wanna go there." He frowned.

"Come on Shadow. Please!" I begged.

He glared at me then stared at the floor. "Fine! You owe me...." He answered not looking at me. I also notice that he blushed a pinkish color.

"Thanks Shadow! I owe you!" I hugged him tight that made him blush a dark red. Darker than his stripes.

"Alright! Heh! I'll go visit you tomorrow. It's kinda late, I better go." He said as he stood up on his seat.

"Wait!" I shouted as he stop by the door. "You're really an awesome friend Shadow!" A greeted as I put my hands on the back of the my neck.

"I won't say thanks. But I'll say good night." He smiled at me then continued to go out my house.

Wow! He smiled! I never knew that he can do that! I'm so weird (as ever)!

A minute later, a was thinking about visiting Cream and Tails but then I felt my eyes are getting heavy and I'm tired. My eyes went black and I fell into a deep sleep.

Good night Mobuis!!!

/////Sonic's Point of View/////

"Hey Sonic, you might wanna get enough sleep. It's you birthday tomorrow!" Sally exclaimed as I was looking at the night sky on a tree.

"You shouldn't be here Sal. It's almost midnight." I responded as I look down to see her.

"Sonic Hedgehog, I won't leave until you're in a slumber sleep! Come on! I know you miss Amy so much...." She said with a disappointed tone. But then she smirked. "Maybe... Just maybe... She'll appear on you birthday..." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Nice one Sal. You better go. You might miss the party tomorrow. And how's Tails? Is he asleep?" I questioned.

"Yep! He is! Safe and sound, Sonic." She assured.

"Good! Then I'll take you home." I said as I jump down the tree then carry her.

"I'm not sleepy!" She shouted as she yawn. "Maybe." She added.

"Told yah, Sal. Come on! We better get to the castle." I then ran in super sonic speed.

When we got there, I put her in bed then kissed her forehead.

"Good night Sonic..." She was able to greet me while I was about to jump the window.

I glared at her then smiled. "Sleep tight Sal..." So then I continued to jump.

I went back at my house and thought about many weird and fun stuff.

But my main point of thinking is Dark. She seems awfully familiar at times. Her actions, her kindness, her sense of humor, her impression and even her ways of doing things. But nah! She and Shadow make a good couple in my opinion. Mix black with black is still black after all. Hehe!

She has this kind of personality that is like.................... Amy. Gah! Forget it! Dark is way more different than Amy. Dark doesn't chase me around like an annoying girl. Or...... How can I say Amy is annoying? She's been good in helping but sometimes she over do stuff for me.

"Whatever! Dark is just my friend." I said to myself.

"Wew! Sonic, why do you have a discussion on yourself like that?" I was surprised when Knuckles was listening in what I'm saying this whole time. He was in the window peeking!

"Yoh Knuckles! Were you there for the whole time?" I questioned.

"Uh... Yeah! Though I have I question for yah..... Do you like Dark? As if the like-like thing?"

"Nope! Even thought Shadow and Dark could be a great couple or something." I suggested.

"Yeah they are!" I felt a lil' pain what he said, though. I know I just her but I think I just saw her before.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. They look awesome but can you please leave now? I mean, NOW. I'm tired and I wanna have a sleep. It's 12 midnight and I didn't get any sleep."

"Okay, me either." He then went to his house as I jumped on the saw sofa and lay down.

It was tough day!

/////Shadow's Point of View/////

"Look who came back too late......" Rouge commented as I was about to open the door of my room on G.U.N.

"I ain't gonna say any reason. Not this time. I'm tired." I continued to walk in my room.

"Shadow, stop lying. You saw Amy. You're working with her and you start having a thing for her...." I was shocked as she ended the last three words.

I'm seriously not going to have any thing for such a hedgehog. Amy is 15 years old and I'm way more older than her, I'm 53.

"You made me sick, Rouge. I ain't liking that hedgehog. She's just 15 and look at me! Plus, I'm just helping her to find that damn chaos emerald." I explained.

"Age doesn't matter, sweetie. And I don't think you're finding anything." She responded with a smirk on her face.

"Shut it...." I ended our conversation and slammed the door on her face.

"Shadow the Hedgehog, I will kill you! Fine! You take a sleep. I'll ask you again tomorrow." She shouted.

"If I gave you a gem, would you stop bugging me?" I sat on my bed and fixed my pillow.

"Gems nor jewels won't work with me this time Shadow. I just wanna know if my best friends already found his love at first sight."

"Speak whatever you want. I ain't liking the pink one." I shouted back as I lay down my bed.

"Fine! Whatever! You never admit anything anyway! Hmph!" I heard her foot steps faded away.

Finally! Now to sleep.....

I twist from left to right but I really can't sleep. What the hell is my problem this time?

Since that I can't sleep, I got up from my bed, wore my new outfit, my new gloves and new shoes. Never mentioned before that I gained height so do the others.

"Hi!" A familiar voice I heard from the window.

"What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?!" I opened the window to let Dark in.

"Eh? I already slept and I'm so excited so I ended up waking up." She scratched the back of her head because of embarrassment.

"You weirdo! You only slept like 5 minutes or less! Go back to your house!" I scolded as she sat down my bed.

"Oh really? 5 minutes or less? I was tired before but I don't think I'm tired now."

"Gah! Can you just make another chemistry whatever so you can sleep!?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll leave." She stood up and was about to leave but then I grabbed her arm.

"No, wait! Fine! You can stay!" I said releasing her from my grip and crossed my arms.

"Yay! Thanks Shadow!" She hugged me tight and I can feel my muzzle getting warm.

"Don't worry Shadow. I know that you're blushing right now. Don't worry, I don't mind you're just my friend and that's all. So hug back bro!" She requested so I did what she told me to. Although the friend part of her sentence was making me upset in some way, I didn't mind but just hugged back as if I liked it.

"That's the spirit Shadow!" She exclaimed tightening the hug ones more.

I relased her gently not wanting to push her away. Yes..... I have to be honest. I had never hugged someone like that (Perhaps when Maria was still alive).

"So what do you wanna do? Can we play? Bake? Cook?" She questioned with a huge smile in her face.

"This is G.U.N. It's not like there's a kitchen in here or even games. This is an agency. This isn't a house." I responded while opening the huge glass window or so they called terrace.

This might be G.U.N. The place might be covered with thick metal. Even if your room looks like prison, there are still part of this building that looked like a hotel.

"But I'll show you where I go if I get bored..." I informed as I went into the terrace.

"What's up Shadow?" She went to see me outside. "Wow! This is a perfect view Shadow! I wish I could stay here forever!" She added looking down at the perfect view of the city.

"Not just that. Let's go jump!" I notified lending a hand to her.

"Is it safe? I mean, it's like the bottom of a pit when you fall here."

"Don't worry, I got you. Just trust me. I'll carry you." I finally got her trust and we both jump from roof to roof.

I carried her carefully as if we were having an adventure. It was impossible to go outside of G.U.N. but for me, no sweat needed.

We stopped in a park to play and look at the stars. We played tag and we chased each other. We lay down on the soft grass. We've done so much fun. Finally it has to end and we both rest for a moment.

"It's such a beauty when you look at the stars. It's like you can try watching them forever." She sat down in a swing and gently swing it by herself.

I climb at a tree and slowly closed my eyes.

"Hey sleepy head! We better go back. I think you're tired." She softly suggested as she appeared in front of me.

"Alright... But I better take you home first." We both climb down the tree and walked.

"No need Shadow. This is too much. You're not my slave. I can go here, that means I can go back by myself." She refused.

"Dark the Hedgehog or should I say Amy Rose, I should take you home. No questions. No buts. Just come with me."

"It's 2:00 AM. Are you crazy?" She raise an eye brow on me.

"Fine! If you don't like going home, stay on my apartment." I teased.

"I thought it's a room? Whatever. Not a chance! I don't like perverts!" She crossed her arms and turned around.

"I am not! Do I look like a pervert? I do not even bother with females so stop that." I explained.

Why should I be a pervert?! I do not even like that word!

"Whatever... Take me wherever you want. But WE ARE NOT GONNA SHARE ONE BED!!!" She shouted.

"You know, I was not planning that." I responded.

"Yeah, right. I'll go there but you're going to race me Shadow!" She challenged then stick out her tongue.

"I bet I'll win." I smirked at her.

"I don't think so Shadow the Hedgehog!" She ran pass through me and jumped from one roof to another.

"Cheater!" I scolded and ran after her.

I passed her for like 5 times but she keeps gaining on me. I don't really want to use my full speed on her yet she is still an ordinary hedgehog with an extraordinary personality.

We have finally reached our destination and she won.

"I won!" She exclaimed while sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah right. That's because I did not use my full speed on you." I took a mat inside my cabin and fixed it on the floor beside the bed. I put a blanket on top of it so it won't feel uncomfortable. I grabbed 2 pillows on my bed and placed it on the mat.

"I'll go sleep on the floor. You sleep there." I sat down on the floor where the mat was and lay down.

"Hey Shadow, this is still your room not mine. I should be the one there." She poked my cheek to wake me up.

I turned around to face her and kindly said, "I am practicing to be a gentleman so quit whining and just sleep over there." I pointed at the bed.

"Alright fine. Thanks Shadow! Without you I might not go this far." I felt her lips connected on my cheek.

"Just sleep..." That's the only word I can utter. I continue closed my eyes and I finally had the opportunity to rest my body.

/////Amy's Point of View/////

Wew! This is it! I'm finally going to get a sleep. Although I'm still at Shadow's place. Yeah! He's such a gentleman. He made me sleep on his bed. So as a little reward, I gave him a kiss on the cheek (as friends).

People just didn't see how kind Shadow is. But if he loves someone, he will do anything to make that person happy. I'm so glad that had the opportunity to see Shadow's other personality, the good one.

He might be looking like an 'emo' on the outside but in the inside is so different. Hehe!

Okay, okay! I'm sleeping. Last thing I'll say............ Good night Mobuis!

/////Author's Note/////
Oh my gosh! I made it! I kinda made it long so you guys would enjoy it. Yeah! I decided to make it a Sonamy vs. Shadamy thingy. I'm so exhausted doing this. 4 days of fun and agonizing! Just kidding. XD Oh well, this is the only thing I can do this summer so yeah. Hope you like it!

Yes! I used Dark the Hedgehog because that's what you guys want. Although, you have suggestions that I didn't used. I'm so sorry. But I put the names there. Sorry! Please understand. I just love Dark! It was suppose to be Marshall but I said that's my names so I didn't used it. I'm not Amy! Hehe!

Please vote, comment or whatever you want. Love yah guys! You made me famous! Lol! I haven't reached 1,000 but at least you guys never gave up supporting. I promise I will never stop updating every week. I'm not that lazy but I'm still lazy. Thanks guys!

:P :D XD :3 ^_^ Marshall saying............ Have an adventurous day!!!

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