A new home

By ClairePQA

303K 6.4K 1.1K

It took place after Harry Potter finished his first year at Hogwarts. He asked Dumbledore not to make him com... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

9K 219 13
By ClairePQA

The next morning, Severus woke up early, as usual, he stopped by Harry's room to check on the boy to find him sleeping on his stomach with a leg off the bed. He quickly adjusted the boy to a more comfortable position before going downstairs for his coffee. 15 minutes later, the floo rang to signal him that someone wanted to contact him. He walked to the floo and saw Lucius' name. He waved his wand to allow the man entrance. He had seeled the floo at the start of the summer to prevent unexpected, unfamiliar people from coming through and discovering that Potter was there. The boy's location was supposed to be a secret. Only Albus and Mark are allowed through without his permission.

Lucius' head appeared in the floo.

"Hello, Severus, can I come through? I need a favor from you."

"Go on" - Severus said, stepping back.

A second later, the blond man appear in his living room, he looked like he was about to go to work. Severus led him to the sitting room and ask Toppy for some tea.

"So, what brings you here?"

Lucius cleared his voice

"Well, Narcissa and I are going to France to a friend's party. We ask you to watch Draco for tomorrow and Saturday. We'll pick him up on Sunday morning."

Severus inhaled deeply. Well, he wanted to see his godson, but the relationship between Harry and Draco is famous, they were like dogs and cats. He went silent.

"Well?'' - Lucius ask, worried that his friend was somehow busy.

"I definitely would love to watch him a couple of days, but I'm having some problems. Can you give me until noon? I'll have the answer by then"

"Ok, I'll wait. Have a good day" - Lucius said as they walked back to the floo. - "Please contact me through my floo in my office in the ministry"

"Alright, have a good day" - Severus said to his friend who was already in the floo.

The floo flared and he was left alone again.

Severus quickly summoned a parchment and his quill. He needed to ask for Albus' opinion.


Lucius needed me to house Draco for tomorrow and Saturday. I haven't answered him. What about Harry?


He sent to note through the floo to Albus' office and got back to his coffee.

10 minutes later, he heard small footsteps on the stairs and knew his summer responsibility had woken up. seconds later, a small pajama-clad, sleepy boy appeared at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Well, good morning" - the older wizard said at the half-asleep eleven-year-old.

"Mor'ing" - the boy replied.

"You are still in your pajamas, and your 'special underwear'" - Severus stated

"I know" was the mumbled reply he got.

"What are you waiting for?"


Severus snorted, calling Toppy for their breakfast. The elf served Severus a full English breakfast while he served Harry a bowl of alphabet cereals and some scrambled eggs and bacon. The little boy's eyes widened and twinkled at the sight of the cereals. He was absolutely amazed at them. As Severus ate his breakfast, he observed the boy and realized the problem. The boy was eating those cereals, a single letter at a time, in order of names, for Merlin's sake. He started with his name: H-A-R-R-Y, and then the names of the two thirds of the Golden Trio, then his parents' names, Albus' name, and Severus' name! At this rate, the boy would still be eating his breakfast when Severus had his lunch.

"Potter," - the man used his teaching voice - "If you don't quickly eat your breakfast with a spoonful at a time, I might just took that bowl by mistake, turned it into a nutrient potion like how I brew any other potion and fed you."

Harry imagined the potions master stirred alphabet cereals in a cauldron and giggled. However, the the image turned to the man dropping a NEWT eye in with the cereal letters, the giggles stopped and he was horrified. He quickly ate spoonfuls of the cereals, he definitely didn't want to eat his cereals with NEWT eyes.
Suddenly, the floo flared and a piece of folded parchment flew to Severus, he snatched it up. It was from Albus.
You should agree, he is your godson after all. About Harry, I believe some conversation needs to be made. Everyone is going to find out soon, you have quit spying, the order is going to be told, including Lucius. You may get Harry's permission to explain yours and Harry's current situation to Lucius. It doesn't have to be too detailed, just that Harry's home conditions are unacceptable. Lucius is able to keep a secret from public. You can make him say a vow like the one he made when he turned to our side. Moreover, with his status, he can do us good when it comes to punishing the boy's relatives. You know how he feels about child abuse. You can ask him to give young mister Malfoy a glimpse into the situation and warn him to behave around Harry. It'll be alright. I would have asked someone at Hogwarts to watch him, but no one is available, including myself. Whatever you do, inform Harry first.
Severus sighed. It was getting too complicated for his taste.
Their breakfast was finished without any more incident.
"After you change, go to the sitting room. We have to talk"
After both of them had settled down in the sitting room, Severus took a deep breath and started talking
"Draco Malfoy is going to stay here for 2 days, starting tomorrow"
Harry's eyes were big and he was confused and shocked.
"He's my godson, his parents are away tomorrow and Saturday so he's going to stay here until Sunday morning."
Harry looked nervous and worried.
"I know your relationship hasn't been the best, but I want you two to be civil to each other for 2 days. Of course Draco will also be talked to and given the same conversation."
He took another deep breath
"However, to do that, he needs to be told about the general idea of what's going on in the manor. I need your permission to talk to Draco's father about your situation, then we'll tell Draco a small part of it, enough to make him behave. I ensure you that he'll be warned not to use this information against you and it will be kept from the public and other students. Mr Malfoy senior is a sensible man, he doesn't tolerate child abuse and mistreatment. And Draco will be punished if he disobeyed him when he is here"
Harry looked very worried and unsure about this. He didn't want Malfoy to know, but he didn't want to go somewhere other than the Manor for 2 days, if there is somewhere who would agree to house him of course.
Severus waited for Harry to answer. After a few minutes, the boy looked up
Severus sighed in relief. He is also surprised at the boy's trust for him. It certainly was an improvement
"Thank you, I'll talk with Mr.Malfoy this afternoon, if everything goes as planned, Draco will be here tomorrow morning"
Harry only nodded. Severus sent him upstairs to get some books to read or to finished any assignments that he hadn't completed. Meanwhile, Severus thought about his to-dos for the day. He had to make sure Lucius talk to Draco and warn him. He also had to talk to Harry about the newly bought toilet. He hoped that the two days Draco was going to be here would go smoothly.

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