Story's about crusader academ...

By Dreamdancepray

48 9 0

This is a story about Anne a tough girl coming to crusader academy become quick rivals with her old but new... More

Army bratt
It all started with bang
Her dads plan
Get ready ben
The snort or not of boring plane
Good bye miss America
The noble girls
Legacy lives on
Dear John / diary
The boys find out
Ritas play
Operation midnight
The apology

Cob web soup

7 1 0
By Dreamdancepray

So you might want to know more about well let see I play baseball in America and rugby in England but I will explain more about that later now I am a part of the crusader boys crew we're all best friends and have each other backs in a strict boarding school my Nickname is the uno as in the game uno when were out of ideas I am the one that comes up with the plans well that kinda got interrupted by well you know who and this is the story of how my worst enemy came to my boarding school:

Well Ben walk up to his  room and open the door we'll ever thing seems good in here so he thought he open up the closet to set his bag in and jump back his heart started pumping he his breathing starting going back and forward it was giant cobweb with a big rubber spider then Anne popped out oh I am so sorry I forgot to this when I was moving the Halloween stuff opps did I scared you be in the stubborn person he is no I am fine Anne kinda cool I will even keep it

good thank goodness it only a rubber one we been finding them all over the house big fuzzy ones ya know Anne said haha like they scare me Ben said good now could you hold this why I take down the cob web . Um ya sure said Ben breathing back and forward slowly running out of air he held with pale look to his face just staring at it oh wait this is a real spider web Ben said what then Anne flicked it and it went sore in through the room to the corner


Haha oops guess it was fake to bad and skipped away . Oh your going to get it then ben called his friend John nickname square as in mc square because he is the bomb of a chemist and great at figure in out people

hey John I said what are you doing uno you know I will get in trouble every body is asleep here what is it I need you your help with my little problem oh ok let me see what can I do for you mate describe her for me after a twenty minute conversation he know exactly what todo

He know if he could get through to her through her friends at her school now that was a good plan especially if I make her look like a nerdy English girl haha so the next day I ask her father right in front of her see it a traditional in my family the dinner before I start my year at boarding school well I wear that grades uniform so I explain this to her father and I said to her dad I would love for my lovely friend Annie todo it

Anne look red like there was steam coming out of her head as her father said that would be a lovely idea right Anne said smiling yes it would be a lovely idea but dad I wouldn't want to make a mess of my new uniform daddy batting her eyes Anne thinking he trying to mess with me but see I won't fall for it she said but her father agreed to it he thinks I am going to complain about it but I won't then she said ok daddy I would love showing how good I look in my uniform . Knowing that would kill Ben the she got to work on the rest of her plan

She went and got her uniform on and Evan  her hair in one of the school hairstyles that we're for girls that she got from a book that came with uniforms then walk to the kitchen

she ask her father can I help with the soup you look like your going to pass out now she been helping her dad with these things before he never payed much attention then she stirred the pot and poured them in to bowls then put the pot on the stove then she took off her mother's quilted apron and said I love you mom looking at it then she she put the the fake spider in the soup and grabbed the controller and said dad don't worry I will serve it her dad said why thank you then she sat the bowl of soup on the table we're she made sure to place the controller on her chair and placed thy right bowl of soup in front oh him everything was going perfect but little did I know at the time Ben had a plan as well

Early on ...
After I ask her father and anne was being I don't no what I just ignored her and then invited Anne's friend cc and this guy she seems to know James off of  Facebook to the dinner i also told cc to bring any friends of hers I all so invited Francis m because I didn't want her to think Anne was have in a going in away dinner without her even there tho she probably wouldn't laugh at her like cc would do later on I sat at dinner and she help make soup for all of us but I didn't think much about it then she walk out in her uniform and we'll I thought we'll I never saw Anne like this she looked like she was from England and my world she actually looked good in it I tried to make her look bad In it by saying

Hey those color hair clips aren't aloud or you need to put the little nerdy red ribbons in your hair but she still looked so just wow but anyway that when we started eating and I said there's some guest I invited for Anne as a gift that we'll be showing up in a few minutes Anne thought to herself who tho

But then Anne decided it be the perfect time to get Ben she took the controller and move the one leg Ben looked down at the soup what is that then she mover another leg as he stared a the soup he looked straight at the bowl the Anne pushed the jump on the controller it jump out right on bens face Ben screamed like a little kid Anne laughed and so did there fathers Ben look breathing heavy like he said fine I am a bit scared of spiders fine you got me ok just don't tell no one at school ok Anne. Said promise in now that you have admitted it no fun ok now that is over Let's eat Anne's dad said

Ok but first some friends of Anne's her let me open the door for them they all walked anne before that was teasing Francis she look upset but knowing they were friends with me too this way Ben said show in James cc and Stella the head cheerleader and they all froze oh no thought I am done for thought anne come sit down have some food we have plenty said ben  why yes we do Anne's father said Anne's stomach dropped

oh no we have some thing to get to mister wilds but thank you Said cc I can stay if that is are right mister wilds but of course he said oh my how cute you look in your nerd I meant cute little uniform said Stella oh yes oh and we have a

big announcement me and James are dating what in the world thought Anne oh really anne said hey cc she said I want to say the best goodbye to you could you step aside in privet then they walked up stares to Anne's room what was that for she said haha what little England nerd come on cc your not funny you knew I liked him anne said why did you do that because simple I was never your friend you just my little puppet on a string that try to come and take my man and popularity haha fooled you ' snaps a photo' now the hole school going to know your a school stuck up England nerd haha bye

Come on James we're leaving in a minute let me say goodbye to mister wilds ok then James and Ben walked to bens room

so how do you know Anne asked Ben oh I liked her at first but after tonight I will never touch a preppy girl total weirdo and stuck up I mean don't get me wrong she is in love with me or something but I am so much better off with cc than some weirdo ya know then Ben who would normally laugh but he just got so angry he pinned him to the wall say that about her ever again I will kill you got that you deserve a girl like Anne never less one from my boarding school girls got it Ben said ya ok Jane said in fright now say goodbye and never talk to her again like a proper gentleman got that . Yes James said yes what yes sir . good now leave

then he walked out goodby Anne it was a very good time have in you come to are school hope you have a lovely time at your new on Anne smiled like she was floating on air then James walked out with cc and Stella

just then she felt numb then she was quite for the rest of diner then Francis and her walked up to her room and she started sobbing I can't believe cc did that to me as thoughts went through her mind I am sorry Francis said you going to get through it tho ya I guess so let's face James secretly a jerk that true too your going fine just focus on make in your mom proud and trust me she probably is from how brave of a face you put on ok anne said  now promise me one thing tho make true friends ok not shallow ones k ok I promise but Francis yes your are my best one then they Hugged each other see ya later then

Anne laying in her bed later that night thought about the words Francis said know in she will make friends that are true

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