Not Likely

Bởi aarthi1897

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He was seated at the head of the table, his laptop open in front of him, no doubt already prepared to ask us... Xem Thêm

The Gall. The Utter Gall
I Charm the Uncharmable
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Analysis on Impulse Reactions
Practicing Patience and Losing It
Everything Goes Wrong At Once
Things Get Completely Effed
I'm All About Profershanalism
Grocery Shopping with Tradition
You Got A lot of Nerve, Young Lady
Confession: I made a Mistake
Monday Morning Blues
Lets Talk About *** Baby!
Head First, Eyes Closed, Can't Lose
Seeking Clarity and Calmness
Uncharted, Inconvenient, Insane Territories
Boss-Subordinate Bonding Experience
Sober Realizations
Things that Shouldn't Happen, Happen
Strong Denial Game
Unexpected Interview Results
Lot to Unpack
Classic Case of Being Wrong
D for Defense
Smile and Wave!
Also, Congratulations!
Pre-Wedding Preparations
Jealousy Is My Strong (Wedding) Suit
Lot of Complicated Emotions
Exes Galore!
Critically Panned Reviews of My Personality
Nothing Cool 'Bout Jail, Kids
Drunken Shenanigans
Parental Advice
The Longest Day
Breaking Barriers (and plates)
No Walk in the Park
Words are Exchanged
She Said Yes!
Love is Complicated
Snap back to reality
You Can Only Move Forward
From 2 to 100
100 and Beyond
Epilogue: Cakes, Champagne and Confessions

The Day Never Ends

408 37 13
Bởi aarthi1897

The doctor's eyes were fixed on the patient who was unconscious, his leg and feet in a cast, his face all black and blue, the only symbol of life being the beeping machine next to him.

I felt my heart drop as I took in the boy's appearance, having just seen him laughing yesterday, self consciously admitting that he had a crush on one of the associates in the office, while all of us asked him about his ideal girl.

How did he end up like this?

"He's badly bruised", the doctor finally volunteered information. "Bruised spleen, fractured cheek, broken leg- that must have been some RTA."

The way he said it was odd to me; he almost sounded like he was mocking that excuse. I turned to look at him, puzzled.

"Why do you say it like that?"

He gave me a grim look. "He called you. He came in by himself- not an ambulance- he said he was in an accident- we didn't hear of any nearby. He is terrified of calling his parents and did not volunteer any information about his family."

There was silence as Prashant and I exchanged a look.

"You know what that means, right?" the doctor asked me.


I wanted to say that word aloud but I was not sure the doctor would approve it.

But the anger that was bubbling inside me knew no bounds. I could see nothing but red because this was what Geeta Aunty would call as a particularly 'triggering' topic for me. Who the hell did this to this boy!

"Is he stable?" I bit out, barely able to talk normal.

"Yeah, it could've been worse, we can keep him under observation and-"

"Let me know about the billing and stuff- I will take care of it", I said, my eyes fixed on the kid who was resting on the bed, broken and beaten down by some brute who I knew I wouldn't let escape.

He replied something but I didn't hear him. "Can we go inside?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes, he's in a normal ward- you're allowed to go in."

Without hearing the rest of his doctorly prattle, I pushed open the door and walked inside, my breath catching in my throat when I saw the dark purple bruise on his face.

Harsh looked like a good natured boy who was just getting into the groove of college.

What was happening to him at home? Was it someone at home who did this to him?

"D." I didn't look around when Prashant walked in. "What do we do?"

I didn't know what to do. The anger inside me was so much that I couldn't even trust myself to speak.

Both of us looked at the unconscious guy. And then he opened his eyes and looked at the two of us, staring at him with varying expressions on our faces.

He looked at me and his eyes widened. "M-m-ma'am-I-"

"You don't have to speak yet", I said, my tone sounding surprisingly gentle, consider how absolutely incensed I was feeling right now. "Are you feeling okay?"

That was a stupid question, considering his current state of affairs, but he managed a weak smile. "S-sorry for calling you, Ma'am."

"Stop it", I snapped. "I am glad you called. And- I-I am glad you're-" I stopped talking because my voice broke. Taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat to try again. "Do you need something? Water or- can-can you drink water? Prashant, call the doctor and bring him here."

"It's-its fine-" Harsh called weakly as Prashant promptly went to do just that. "Ma'am, its not as-bad as it- looks."

"You're right because its much, much worse", I didn't know why I was sounding stern. Maybe its because I might burst into tears any second and honestly, someone had to keep it together. "What happened?"

Under all the black and blue of his face, I saw his gaze look guarded now. "I was walking from the bus stop and a van--"

"Oh I am sorry for not being clear", I said, my eyes narrowing. "I was going to ask 'who did this to you'- because let's be honest, no van did shit."

His heart rate picked up speed as he stared back at me, standing next to him, arms crossed and radiating nothing but rage. "N-no one-"

"Harsh. I am very glad you're feeling okay, and I am extremely thankful you're alive. But if you think me or thedoctors are going to believe your bullshit, you're mistaken. I know what I am seeing and I know what went down. Now, you can tell me this instant or you can tell me later. But you will have to tell me because I am not going to let this go."

My firm stance started to weaken a little when I saw tears forming in his eyes. I felt sickened. This was just a child! A nice, wholesome little child who was making his way in a field he liked!

"Okay you don't have to cry about it", I said uncertainly, patting his good hand. "I am just really angry for you and I don't do well with emotions in such cases", he stared at me with wide, teary eyes as I gingerly sat down on the edge of his bed, trying to comfort someone when I was burning with rage. I looked at him and took a deep breath,. "I- don't like it when someone picks on others  and I especially don't like it when someone is hurt because of it. Call me crazy but that drives me insane."

A small smile formed his face as he saw my expression. "You're a beacon of emotional support, Ma'am."

"Well, I try", I said, an unwilling smile escaping my lips at his comment.

He looked away from me for a second, focusing on the window outside.

"I asked them to call you because- my parents-will...worry", he said, not meeting my eyes.

"I can understand." My jaw tightened as I looked at the broken leg, and bandages across his face and neck, trying to quell the wave of anger inside me. "Uncle?"

There was a pause as both of us looked back at each other, neither of us making a sound. 

This was a test of faith for him. I knew what was going on in his mind. I knew the level of disbelief, distress and loneliness that he was going through right now.

 And I especially knew how powerless he was feeling; so much so that he had to call an absolute stranger rather than face his parents.

He had to make up his mind whether he wanted to keep this with him, or take action.

Finally, he gave a singular nod.

"I see." I said, deathly calm. 

"But I-I don't want-to press charges!" he said, sounding alarmed as he saw my face. The heartrate monitor began to pick up speed as panic formed in his eyes. "Please Ma'am! He has a family to support! They need him! I-I-"

"What the hell are you saying to him!" the doctor snapped as he walked in, at once glaring at me as he tried to calm down the patient. "He is in pain!"

"I know," I snapped back, looking back at Harsh with what I could only assume was an assuring expression. "It's okay. Calm down. I won't do anything."

"You- you promise?" he asked, his hand grabbing mine insistently.

"I won't but I respect you so I won't make rash decisions without telling you", I said shortly, removing his hand.

The doctor glared at me. "You're not helping at all."

"Well, I am not a doctor so I shouldn't be helping" I shot back, at once regretting my smart mouth when he was the one actually helping out the boy.

 I looked back at Harsh as he choked a laugh, which resulted in groans as several parts of his battered body protested this display of amusement.

The doctor looked back at me, disapproval clear on his face. "I want to run some more tests. You get out."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Fine. I am going to go. Prashant, give him company."

"Gladly", the guy said, smoothly pulling out a chair. "Don't worry, I won't be improper like her", he added to the doctor, flashing Harsh a small smile.

Throwing a haughty look at the doctor, I walked out of the room, to find the billing area to sort out the boy's stay here. I wanted to make sure that first, he would be absolutely safe and secure in his convalescence and it would be a cold day in hell before I let him go back to his uncle's place.

I took out my phone and did the last call I ever thought I would.

"Hello?" the unmistakable voice of Sarika reached my ear as I sighed in resignation and plastered a friendly smile on my face.

"Hey Sarika! Dhriti here."

Immediately her tone became nicer. Sarika and I had a long standing rivalry due to my 'impoliteness' and my 'attitude problem' but all of that took a quick 180 when the news that I was set to marry the CMO reached her office. She quickly adopted an affected tone of warmth and friendliness, which I found to be creepier than the times she disliked me.

"Oh, hello, Dhriti!" she trilled. "How can I help you?"

"I am looking for some contact information and I knew you'd be the best for that." Ugh, listen to me.

"Of course, of course. I can help. Who are we looking for?"

I was standing in the line at the billing station while plotting the fall of one abusive dick. "Harsh told me he has an elder sister who is based in Bangalore. Has he shared her contact number with us?"

If my request was odd, she thankfully didn't say it. "Uhm- lt me quickly check." I waited as I heard the clicking of keys. "I think he's listed only his uncle's number and his mother's contact info- do you want that?"

Disappointment welled inside my brain as I heaved a frustrated sigh. I didn't want to give his mother a heart attack and the only time I plan to contact his uncle was when I slap a lawsuit into his hands. "No. Thanks anyway, Sarika, for your help."

"May I ask what is this for?" she asked, trying hard to sound politely curious and not actively nosy.

"Just being a solicitous woman, Sarika" I said grimly, stepping forward as the billing staff looked at me with a bored expression on her face. "That's it."

The next three hours went by in a blur of signing things, trying to stay calm and giving Harsh company. I shooed his weak objections to our extended company as Prashant and I spent some time trying to cheer him up and avoiding the elephant in the room.

I was watching TV with the boys, focusing on the sit-com, trying not to think about using my punching abilities on his idiotic uncle when my phone rang with Farida's call.


"How is he?" she asked at once. "Is he okay?"

I looked at the two, who were sharing a bowl of popcorn, Prashant kindly helping the boy with his mouthful. Colour had returned to Harsh's cheeks, and maybe he was just distracted by our company, but he already looked much better. The doctor had concluded his tests and said that all Harsh needed was to rest and wait for his fractures to heal, while in (he looked at me pointedly when he said that) a calm, stress-free environment. 

 And I am a vision of calm, stress free environment as you can readily imagine.

In this hubbub, we forgot to call in and update the status of this kid.

"He is okay" I said reassuringly. "The doctor checked him out and he's all good."

"Well, you should've told us!" she exploded. "We were worried sick."

"Calm down, soap opera, we had to take care of stuff", I said dryly. "You want to speak to him?"


"Here", I said, walking up to Harsh, who was already looking much happier than when we first saw him. "Your fans are dying for an update."

He smiled a little and began to speak with Farida, reassuring her that he was 'All good' while we could all hear her shrill screaming from the other side.

I looked at Prashant. "Is that how I sound when I am mad?"

He gave me a small smile. "You might want to crank it up a notch to get the picture."

"Rude" I said, my eyes narrowed.

"Can I speak to you outside for a minute?" he asked quietly.

Both of us looked back at the guy, who was now trying to tell Farida that he was 'in good shape' while sporting several injuries that screamed otherwise.

I nodded and the two of us walked out.

Prashant was just a year younger than me and looked like fashionable and hip in his statement glasses, a cool t-shirt and a great beard. He looked like he would fit right into an LA coffee house, and a fashion photoshoot at the same time.

His usually serene face however, was looking grim.

"Did he tell you?" he asked without preamble. "Did he tell you who did that to him?"

I nodded.


"And I know who it is, except this boy doesn't want to press charges!" I said angrily. "Why won't he? It's not like we will just abandon him; I know a couple of lawyers who would just wipe the floor with that guy and he would be driven out of the society for-"

"I think that's why", Prashant said gently.

I gave him an angry glare. "I am not going to let that person go, Prashant."

"I know. But you're going to have to understand that he- might just not press charges."

"That's insane, I am not going to let him do that", I said at once.

"You can't harangue him into facing his demons, you know." he said gently. 

"He got battered up, in case you missed it. I am not going to- I can't even envision him going back to that house or being in the presence of the uncle until its him filing a court order." I said, my hands clenched into fists. I was shaking in surpressed rage, because everytime I closed my eyes I could see the sheer terror in the boy's eyes when he first saw us. 

No one deserved to feel that way! 

"Yes, but you have to understand...he is in shock." he said, stepping closer and gripping my shoulders gently. " And he is scared and alone. The last thing he needs is you demanding him to call his uncle and rip him into shreds."

I disliked it when people spoke sense. On principle, I liked it only when I spoke sense and others listened to me. But in this particular case, I had to admit that he made more sense.

I sighed in resignation as I nodded. "Okay, but when he is ready, I will make him do this. No one should let an abuser go. No one."

There was a curious glint in his eyes as he looked back at me, his dark eyes roaming over my face in a speculative manner. He reached forward and took my clenched hand in his, gently, almost hesitantly.  "Did...something" he asked, almost scared to see my reaction.

I gave him a look before I removed my hand from his and turned to the door. "No",  I said shortly, ignoring the mental images that were plaguing my mind. "Now let's go back in and be nice to the patient." I said, holding out the door and fixing him with a stare which said I simply won't talk anymore.

Harsh was looking much better as he held out my phone. "A person called Nikil has called you like four times." he reported.

My phone rang again and I looked at the name 'Nikil' with some kind of trepidation. Now, despite my many protests that I was never on earth going to have someone protect me, Dhruv said that Nikil would, from now onwards, be my bodyguard. I had strongly objected to it and he came to the stalemate that the only way Nikil would accompany me is if he found out where I was on his own. Considering the only two places I always am is home or the office, he didn't have trouble finding me.

The only rule Nikil had for me was to inform him when I was going somewhere. He literally said 'You have just one rule to follow.'

And I didn't follow even that. I'd get it if he wants to yell at me. 

Deciding that fifth time would be the charm, I picked up. "Hey, man, what's up?" I called in a fun tone.

"Ms. Kumar", it was only a testament to his professionalism that he still sounded calm and collected. "Where are you?"

"Would you believe if I said I am in another dimension-"

"No." he cut me off. "I have been looking for you and your colleagues won't tell anything-"

"I am currently in the middle of a personal thing, that's why I had to leave. I will come back to work in a bit- and hear it from Dhruv about missing the Charm Meetin-"

"I'd rather we don't tell him you're missing  and you just tell me where you are."

"Can I trust you?" I asked unwillingly.

"Of course."

"Not to tell Dhruv yet?" I pressed.

Cold silence greeted me.

"I didn't think so", I said, feeling quite smug. "Look, it is a delicate matter and I do not want to tell anyone yet. So trust me when I say I am fine and- what the hell!" I said, as I spotted five reporters heading towards me with energetic strides. I groaned as they spotted me and quickened their paces.

"What is it?" he asked urgently.

"Reporters. Listen, you have to come sort this; the current state I'm in, I don't know what I will tell them."

He swore. "Tell me where exactly you are. Now."

Unwillingly, I gave him the hospital address and I knew he was going to have a dozen questions as to what the hell I am doing here but all of it got cancelled when reporters made their way to me and started the following slew of questions.

"Okay, hurry up, I am going to take this for the time being" I said tensely on the phone. 

"Don't say anything you shouldn't!" 

"I'll try", I said doubtfully, and turned to look at the reporters. "What?" I snapped. 

"Ms. Kumar- why are you in the hospital?"

"Ms. Kumar- how is the wedding preparations coming along- now that your fiancee is going to become the CEO?"

"Guys, guys, listen-" I said, holding up my hand. "There are patients here and I think its best if we- evacuate. What do you say we move out? I will answer questions!" I snapped irritably as they opened their mouths. "Just come out."

It was a weird scenario as I walked out with them, some of them still taking photos of me as I walked, determinedly trying to look like all of this wasn't very, very weird.

My major worry was the fact that I was in a hospital and I had no idea what to tell them if they asked me why.

I could say I was pregnant and break the internet.

Bet Dhruv's Dad will get a heart attack and join me in the hospital if I said that. 

I walked out with them thoughtfully, considering the potential ways I could avoid the 'Why are you here' question.

"Now. What is it? What's happening? Keep in mind I have like five minutes so you might want to prioritize your burning questions." I said in a business like tone.

"Dhruv was just announced as incumbent CEO for Kleitos, expected to take over in a month- what is your opinion?"

"I am obviously happy for him. He deserves all that and more. Next?"

"Why are you in this hospital?"

"I had to visit a relative." I said shortly. "Its a private matter so I hope you don't pry further."

"Who is-"

"Why are-"

"Is there-"

"When is the wedding-"

"Don't know- we haven't set a date yet. Now are we done?"

"We are done", I looked around to see Nikil, who was grim faced as he pulled me away from the hoard and took me back inside, looking very intimidating for someone who flashes unwilling smiles whenever I make my great jokes.

"I was handling it", I said, allowing myself to be tottered back in.

"Of course."

"Let's cut a deal" I continued amiably, now wondering if it was the right call to bring him in. "We pretend to have selective amnesia and not tell anyone what's going on in here."

His lack of expression proved otherwise. "Why are you here, Ms. Kumar?"

"Would you believe if I said I was pregnant?" I tried.

His lack of expression intensified.

I huffed in resignation. "Okay, an intern of mine got into a bit of a snafu and he called me and I came here to take care of it. Before you start telling everyone", I added as he took out his phone to do just that. "I want you to know that its handled."

He gave me another one of his many looks. "I am just telling Mr. Razdan to not lose his mind."

"He is in a meeting why would he care? Now listen. I want you to keep this very much in the DL for now- down low" I explained when he raised an eyebrow. "Things are a little icky here and I want to handle it effectively, immediately and most importantly, privately."

"Private even from Dhruv?" he asked.

"Well, for now. Now, I know I can't make you go back-"

"You can't."

"But is it possible for you to keep it quiet?" I asked earnestly. 

He gave me a long, thoughtful look before he nodded. "I can."

"I also want to talk to you about bringing in two or three of your colleagues for some surveillance."

"You want protection?" he asked, puzzled at my sudden compliance.

"No, but someone else needs it." I sighed and gave him some details. Except for the way his fists clenched, he remained admirably passive. "You can tell me the costs for it- I am up to pay. I want this boy to feel safe and rest up."

He nodded. "I can help."

"Great. Come with me then."

Harsh was laughing with Prashant about something when they both looked around to see the hulking Rambo type man who was looking at the two like they were two people who need to be harmed.

"Uh..." Prashant began, giving me a questioning look.

"Nikil, that's Harsh and Prashant. You two, this is Nikil, a very nice friend who is known for his stoic secrecy. Right Nikil?" I asked pointedly.

He kept his character by giving a singular nod.

"Nikil is going to help out with keeping things on track with regard to your safety here." I said amiably. "No arguments will be entertained", I added as Harsh opened his mouth. "You will stay here, you will feel better, you will heal. Then we will talk about your next steps."

"Can-should I call- my Aunt?" he asked uncertainly.

"Does she know about her darling husband?"

His ears turned pink and he looked away, confirming my suspicion.

"Well, then you can't. If they call, we will talk. Now, about your parents."

"Please don't tell them!" he said, alarmed. "They are not well off and they sent me here to study and they will ask me to come back and work there if things are bad here."

I tried to look away from the tears that were again shining in his eyes, my heart clenching almost painfully. No one should live like this. This shouldn't be a rock and a hard place decision. "Okay. I won't tell them. Is there anyone you want us to call? Family? Friends?"

"N-no one", he said finally, his gaze dropping to focus on his hands. "I-don't have friends here...and my family is- not here."

I studied his bent head grimly, my mind whizzing with how to sort out this situation.

I could place him in a nicer place.

I could maybe even buy a place.

Should I just buy a place and put him there?

It would be a good investment opportunity and I was on the lookout anyway.

"Ok we will sort out your living situation", I said, putting a pause to my plans. "I will ask someone to retrieve your things from your existing place by saying you're going for a retreat with your colleagues. You don't have to worry about anything", I added gently, spotting the concerned frown on his face. "Just get better."

Prashant was looking at me with a different look on his face while Nikil was just stoically standing next to me. I looked back at my phone which read 2:30 pm and sighed. "I have to go now. There's a mandatory parenting thing I have to take care of."

"I will stay", Prashant said without me asking. "And I think Jai will come in a while, so we got this, boss."

"You don't have to stay", Harsh mumbled embarrassedly. "You guys are already doing a lot."

"Shut up", Prashant advised. "We got your back and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Yeah, so keep quiet", I agreed, a ghost of a smile forming my lips as Harsh laughed. "Get better soon." I commanded.

"Yes Ma'am", he replied shyly, giving me a small smile.

I again felt like bursting into tears so I chose that moment to make a graceful exit.

Nikil walked out with me, silent as a rock as I tried to keep things stuffed into my box of unopened nightmares. Today would've been impossible for me to face six months ago. I might have straight up bolted. I was surprised that I was able to make decisions semi-rationally instead of going after the uncle with a cricket bat and whopping the shit out of him.

The poor boy. Alone in a new city, away from parents, trying to make a name while getting thrown about by his own relatives.

I didn't realize when we got out and when I was sitting on the back of Dhruv's car, Nikil's quiet company giving me the privacy I needed to get my thoughts in order. I raised my hand and saw that it was shaking and sighed again, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I can't lose it.

"You okay, Ms. Kumar?" he asked softly, his eyes catching mine from the rearview mirror.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "He's just like- he's just a kid."

"I know."

"He shouldn't have to think of things like 'Where do I go now?' or 'I can't tell my parents my life is in danger because I have a responsibility to make a name for us'- he shouldn't have to. They must protect him, they must be there for him."

"I can say, with some relief, Ms. Kumar, that I am glad someone is there for him." he replied.

"Its not enough", I muttered, mutinously rubbing tears off my eyes. "None of it is enough. And what I am doing is hardly anything- I know what's going on in his mind- and its killing me that I can't stop that for him."

He didn't say anything; he was probably worried that I would start falling into pieces right in front of him. But no. I had to patch things up with Ma and the last thing I needed was to get into that zone all triggered. 

"You can drop me off here", I said, as he pulled up in front of the cafe. "I am going to be with my Mother for a little bit of time- you can go back. I will be safe", I added as he shook his head. "I am very capable."

"I don't doubt that at all." he said quietly.  

"Don't worry" I assured him, slipping out of the car as I turned to smile at him. "There's nothing that I can't handle. Except children getting beaten up." 

"We will take care of him," he replied with promise in his tone. "I assure you."

I smiled back at him, touched by his sincerity. No wonder Dhruv liked this guy. "Thanks. Okay, see you!"

I walked inside the cafe, feeling pensive and subdued, my anger and the inner rampage hiding behind the scenes when I spotted Ma sitting on one of the tables in the far end, tensely nursing her cup of coffee.

A smile formed my face despite myself as I walked up to her. I missed her presence. Despite our many fights, her sense of humour often left me in splits and I liked that the most.

"Hey!" I called brightly, as she looked at me. 

My footsteps slowed when I realized that she was not alone. And Ma saw my expression change and tensed up further. 

"Oh, hello, dear", Gita Aunty said calmly, as turned to look at me with a small smile on her face. "How are we doing today?" 


Abuse. Is. Not. Acceptable. 

Even as I wrote this chapter about a hypothetical case, the anger I felt inside was real.

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