Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic x G...

By HoomanTree

70.7K 2.6K 2K

[Name] and Sonic. Both anointed as enemies, since the moment they met. It seems like for many years, [Name]... More

The Not-So-Bright Beginning
Speedy Tortoise Ride
Lifestyle In The Cave
[Name's] Progress
The Search
Chatting Away With The Donut Lord
The Road Trip Begins
Resistance Doesn't Last
Bar Funtime!
Bar Fight!
Hotel Escapade Gone Wrong
The Car Feud Starts
Road Chase Montage!
❝W̵̆͛̀H̷͋̅̂̆͠E̶̓R̶̡̩̬̟̳̜͗̕E̷͌̑͝͠ ̵͌̌͑Ä̶́̂͘͘M̵̉͒ ̴̃̃͌Ḯ̴͍́̎͑̔̉̃?̴̧̱̗̍̎!̶̅❞
❝R̸E̴̊O̷͒C̷C̶U̸R̵̀R̵̀I̴N̸Ġ̴ M̸E̸̕M̸O̷͑R̴I̷E̶S̸͒ Ã̴N̸̍D̶ ̸T̷̊H̴̏O̷U̴Ġ̷H̶́T̴S̶❞
A Heart-Felt, Yet Awkward, Conversation With A Certain Blue Hedgehog
Arrived At The Final Destination
The Chase Becoming A Fight
This Could Be The End Of Everything
Outtakes, Deleted Scenes And Bloopers

The Sonic Boom

3.3K 116 36
By HoomanTree

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The psychiatrist talk with his own self, did a number on Sonic. Even made Movie Night seem, less enlightening. The thought of being alone forever irked Sonic with an everlasting seal of sorrow, even though he'd have these so-called friends, the loneliness still creeped up inside of him.

Sometimes, he wondered what things would've been like, if [Name] wasn't out to get him all the time, 24/7. Maybe, they'd be friends and either wouldn't feel so lonely. [Name] was lonely, and he was lonely too. The two had that in common, at least, but [Name] couldn't find it in themselves to even go up and have a lively conversation with the blue mobian.

The [Colour] mobian may have had Spike with them, and their excruciating mind on new things to make in the makings of trying to capture Sonic. But, it was going within a loophole of aggravating emotions and it had been that way for the past 10 years. It could possibly be from the fact that [Name] never even got to have a lifetime of training or it could be the fact that both of these mobians' childhoods were practically torn away from them, because of a simple-minded mistake.

 Those could be the only thoughts that spiralled in both of their heads, it seemed like, this time loop of despair and loneliness was destined for them. Maybe, the echidnas were wrong about this being [Name's] destiny, maybe the [Animal Name's] destiny could be to be a complete sore loser, failing to get the hedgehog; every single day, for the rest of their life.

For Sonic, this could all just be in vain. The whole fantasised life of his could be getting more and more distant, he knew Tom and Maddie, even Ozzy weren't his actual family. But, Longclaw wasn't here to fill the void of loneliness, so this seemed to be his only turning option.

Misery was spelled out for these two.


As the fallen leaves crunched underneath Sonic's worn-out trainers, he glanced from behind a tree to see something that caused a spark of interest within him. The baseball playoffs.

His eyes dilated and sparkled with a glimmer of amazement, whipping by and hid underneath the sitting stands people were on. Peeking through the crack, he saw a kid whack a miraculous hit, gaining home-run.

It was an astonishing sight. The kid grinned brightly in pride, his braces showing and glistened in the rims of the sunlight, as he ran along the bases. The opposing team knew full well that the boy would win, as the teammates of the boy held their hands out. The winner of a boy hit each of their hands, high-fiving them all and made it to the last base.

As soon as the young boy had set foot there, he was lifted up into the air, as if he was soaring as a reward for winning. His teammates were raising him up into the air, cheering and jeering in joy. Sonic beamed up at this within curiosity and wonder, a fond smile settled onto his face from how this had captured his attention.


A mistake.

That was a simple way to describe Sonic's idea on re-enacting the playoffs to himself. The moment he had hit the ball, he had just set himself up, as he ran through the bases and practically aced it with his newfound skill. He leaped about and pranced in a joyous manner of victory, raising his gloved paw up, he expected to be high-fived in return.

But, no one was there.

Only him.

Slowly putting his gloved paw down, he truly realised how even [Name] wasn't there to chase him or whatever. Oh, how he wished even that were to happen. Maybe, he wouldn't feel as lonely then.

His lower lip quivered, his hands coiled into fists and his eyes narrowed, staring at the ground. Taking off his helmet, he let out a small sniffle and looked up with realisation, "I really am alone. All alone...forever." Uttering the last word out, caused him to unnaturally flinch and his ears were pinned down in relent.

The clattered noise of the helmet falling to the ground fell upon deaf ears, as Sonic started running around the pitch. He felt that maybe, running away from it all was the only good thing he could do at the moment. Run away from his emotions, away from the loneliness.

He wasn't thinking straight. Heck, he wasn't thinking of anything at all, he just wanted to run and run and run and run...

But, all 'good things' must come to an end. All these hidden emotions that built up inside of him for the past 10 years were breaching to be released and relinquished, but Sonic had shoved the feelings aside as something he didn't want to look into. Sometimes, he wished to have a comfort pet himself, like Spike or Ozzy. Maybe, that was the part on where Sonic was slightly jealous of [Name] from how they could talk to another being that wasn't themselves whenever they wanted to.

Sonic blinked rapidly, not wanting the tears to well up his vision and he started running even more. The imprints of his shoes were marked onto the ground, mud flied about from the constant and harsh pattern of beating his shoes against the ground in the enraged marathon. Clenching his eyes shut, Sonic's eyes flashed an electric blue colour and he leaped into the air, flashes of electricity bouncing upon him.

But, he didn't care.

He yelled chorused throughout the baseball field, as the lights were shut down from the crackling blue energy destroying it. Concluding from that, the power everywhere else in the radar went out.

Sonic stopped himself, rooted on the spot and his ears pinned down in distraught from realising what he did. He let out heavy breaths, his ears pinned down and frantically looked around. "I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?"

And, he was gone.


[Name] tried to sleep, but it was hard to try shrug off the fact that the next day would end up possibly being the same again. Sonic would be out, [Name] would try catch him, but they would end up failing to catch the hedgehog either way.

They were contemplating their thoughts, pondering on how this could just end up being an eternal cycle of getting nowhere. Sitting up from their bed made of pillows, they glanced to see Spike, asleep in his little den and [Name] stood up. "Maybe, I can't fulfil my destiny. Maybe, just maybe, I'll never get to go home."

A sigh left their lips, sitting by their workbench and glanced at their lifeless robotic snake of theirs that laid across on the table. Grabbing a screwdriver, they slanted the tool across the workbench in a bored manner, placing a bandaged paw of theirs underneath their chin.

Blinking slowly, they swung their legs back and forth. It seemed that they were starting to lose their motivation of catching Sonic. Getting off from the table, they pulled out a box that was hidden behind some rocks, wiping off the dust and opened it to reveal the ring that could take them anywhere. They were only given one. One that was designated for one destination only; [Name's] home.

But, they couldn't bear to go back home to see the look on their ' family's ' faces, when they realised that they failed. Slamming the box shut, the [Colour] [Animal Name] put it away and shook their head, walking over to their pillow bed to call it a day, but a deafening boom was heard upon their ears.

The [Colour] mobian froze in place, slowly turning around and peeked out from their den to see electrifying blue streams hit the lights out. The wind pounced about in rage, swirling through the leaves and the sudden boom caused the wind to aggressively flow through [Name].

Grabbing binoculars and bringing it up to their eyes, astonishment shone in them from this sight. Slowly taking them away from their face, [Name] knew that colour of blue anywhere; Sonic. Swallowing down their breath, they calloused their mouth open in shock and uttered out,

"A Sonic Boom...?" 

Depicting that the hedgehog must've been included in this, [Name] raised an invisible brow and hummed within thought. The sudden boom had brought in many wonders to the mobian, grinning intently, they thought that this would seem like a good time to peak at Sonic, now that this electric energy was drained from him.

Rushing over to their workbench, they started to arrange the last bits of their robotic snake and hummed a malicious tune to themselves. Maybe, this was their chance to live up to their destiny.

"Time to finish this, once and for all!" [Name] raised their fists upwards in a triumphant manner, before sneezing abruptly and glanced to the side to see a miniature walking snowman. They narrowed their eyes within annoyance, this usually happened when they sneezed. It was as if, something anew in them was awakening that they weren't able to get 10 years ago.

An irritated scoff left their lips, grabbing the little snowman and pushed it outside the den. "Go on, get." They shooed the small snowman out, the [Colour] mobian went back in to continue their work.

The tiny snowman's eyes glanced around, innocently and clueless as to what happened, but it went back into the den, as it saw [Name] as its [Mother | Father | Parent]. In the end, it got pushed out and [Name] continued on with their work.

Unfortunately, this cycle continued onwards. Usually, all of the other little snowmen would leave and not come back, but this one was irritating [Name].

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