The Walking Dead: No Turning...

By cosmicbananas

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Journey through The Walking Dead telltale franchise with a twist!!! You are a character who grows up and "eve... More

All You Should Know
Shout Outs
Chapter 1: The Outbreak Begins ✅
Chapter 2: Clementine ✅
Chapter 3: The Greenes Farm
Chapter 4: The Drugstore
Chapter 5: A New Day
Chapter 6: I Miss Them
Chapter 7: Drugstore Overrun
Chapter 8: The Motor Inn
Chapter 9: The Woods
Chapter 10: Starved for Help
Chapter 11: The Brothers
Chapter 12: The St. John Dairy
Chapter 13: Close Your Eyes
Chapter 14: Dinner Time
Chapter 15: The Meat Locker
Chapter 16: Lee vs. Andy
Chapter 17: Back to the Drugstore
Chapter 18: Disagreement
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Losing Everything
Chapter 21: Stop The Train
Chapter 22: Chuck's Advice
Chapter 23: Omid and Christa
Chapter 24: Savannah
Chapter 26: Molly
Chapter 27: Around Every Corner
Chapter 28: The Shadow
Chapter 29: Crawford Planning
Chapter 30: Crawford ( Part 1 )
Chapter 31: Crawford ( Part 2 )
Chapter 32: Crawford ( Part 3 )
Chapter 33: Lee's Bite
Chapter 34: Cut it Off
Chapter 35: No Time Left
Chapter 36: The Marsh House
Chapter 37: The End of Lee Everett
Chapter 38: All That Remains
Chapter 39: The Camp
Chapter 40: The Shed
Chapter 41: Dreams
Chapter 42: Family Argument
Chapter 43: Pete and Nick
Chapter 44: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 45: On The Move
Chapter 46: An Old Friend
Chapter 47: A House Divided
Chapter 48: Howe's
Chapter 49: Duty Calls
Chapter 50: In Harms Way ( Part 1 )
Chapter 51: In Harms Way ( Part 2 )
Chapter 52: In Harms Way ( Part 3 )
Chapter 53: Escaping Howe's
Chapter 54: Lost Friendship
Chapter 55: Amid The Ruins
Chapter 56: Trailer Park
Chapter 57: Forgiveness
Chapter 58: Alvin Junior
Chapter 59: Russian Ambush
Chapter 60: Calm and Quiet Night
Chapter 61: The Frozen Lake
Chapter 62: Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter 63: No Going Back
Chapter 64: Safe and Sound
Chapter 65: Two Sides
Chapter 66: Suicidal
Chapter 67: Guests
Chapter 68: Assault on Wellington
Chapter 69: Insane
Chapter 70: On Alert
Chapter 71: The New Frontier
Chapter 72: The Final Showdown ( Part 1 )
Chapter 73: The Final Showdown ( Part 2 )
Chapter 74: The Final Showdown ( Part 3 )
Chapter 75: Javier Garcia
Chapter 76: Prescott
Chapter 77: Back Together
Chapter 78: The Junkyard
Chapter 79: Ties That Bind
Chapter 80: On The Road
Chapter 81: Jesus
Chapter 82: Manipulation
Chapter 83: Crazy
Chapter 84: Richmond
Chapter 85: The Reunion Nobody Wanted
Chapter 86: Fault
Chapter 87: Above The Law
Chapter 88: Kill or be Killed
Chapter 89: Deserved
Chapter 90: Thicker Than Water
Chapter 91: From The Gallows ( Part 1 )
Chapter 92: From The Gallows ( Part 2 )
Chapter 93: From The Gallows ( Part 3 )
Q&A: Questions
Q&A: Answers
Chapter 94: Done Running
Chapter 95: Ericson's
Chapter 96: Game of War
Chapter 97: Colours
Chapter 98: Hunting & Fishing
Chapter 99: Outside The Safe Zone
Chapter 100: Confrontation
Chapter 101: Suffer the Children
C̴h̷a̵p̸t̵e̴r̷ ̶1̸0̷2̵:̶ ̶O̷l̷d̶ ̵W̴o̵u̷n̷d̴s̷
Chapter 103: Lilly
Chapter 104: Aggression or Depression?
Chapter 105: Comfort
Bad News
Chapter 106: How Do You Think I Feel?!

Chapter 25: Manor Search

423 16 3
By cosmicbananas

Y/N's POV:

We walked into the house as Christa takes Omid to rest on the couch, I hear Omid and Christa talking.

Omid: Argh!

Christa: Sorry! Sorry!

Omid: No. It's okay. I'm good. Feel better already just being off my feet. Thanks, babe.

We all look around the house making sure it's safe.

Christa: So, when were you going to tell us about the radio?

I turn around and see Christa looking at Lee.

Kenny: Tell you what?

Christa: That it's working.

Christa: That there's someone else on the other end of that thing! You didn't think that might have been worth sharing with the rest of us?

Lee: I was going to tell you. Kenny and I only found out yesterday.

Christa: So both of you were keeping it from the rest of us? Great.

Kenny: Who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell and bringing the dead down on top of us! It's like they didn't want us to make it to the river!

Christa: What makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever was on the radio was close enough to see us in the street. And we didn't see anyone else other than the guy in the bell tower.

Kenny: Because that doesn't make a lick of damn sense. Why would they bring out the dead like that and then try to warn us about it?

Christa: How much sense does anything make any more? In case you haven't noticed there's a lot of twisted folks out there these days. At least the dead don't play games with you.

Lee: Whoever that was on the radio, I think they were trying to help us. They did warn us, didn't they?

Christa: Maybe you're right. But whoever it was, they're watching us. Following us. And they don't want us to know who they are. I can't think of any explanation for that that would make me feel better. Can you?

Lee: I'm with Kenny on that. Once it's quieted down outside we'll all head out to the river together. Deal?

Kenny: Suit yourselves. But I'm not gonna wait around too long for someone else to grab up those boats, that's our ticket out of here.

Ben: Place seems secure at least.

Christa: I'll feel better when we know that for sure. We need to check the whole house.

Kenny: Alright, fine. You and (looks at Ben) me'll take the upstairs - Lee, you've got down here. Make sure you check every door, understand?

Lee: Okay.

Christa then goes to Omid as Kenny and Ben check upstairs, I see Clementine approach Lee.

Clementine: Is there anything me and Y/N can do?

Lee: Thanks, I got it. Hang out with Christa and Omid until I get back, okay?

Clementine: Lee... I'm sorry.

Lee: What for?

Clementine: Going through the door like that, without checking first. I guess that was pretty dumb, huh?

Lee: Just ask me first, next time you're gonna go and outsmart all the grown-ups. Okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Me and Clementine then sit next to eachother with Omid and Christa. Later he heard Lee.

Lee: Jesus!

Clementine: What? What happened?

Lee: It's nothing. Just nothing.

Christa then starts talking to us.

Christa: Clementine, who was the guy on the radio?


Me: Clem who were you speaking too?

Clementine: Is it important?

Christa: Well yes, if he is following us.

Clementine: He's not following us, he says he lives in Savannah.

Lee walked up to us after checking the house.

Lee: Well, the place ain't got much. We should be okay here for a while, at least until it quiets down outside.

Christa: Good. Thanks.

Lee looks at Omid.

Lee: Is he okay?

Christa: Yeah, for now. But I'm really worried his leg might've gotten infected. Don't suppose you turned up any meds while you were poking around?

Lee: Nah, just some dog food.

Christa: I was just asking Clementine if she knows who the man on her radio is. It's okay, honey, you can tell us. Who is he? What does he want?

Lee: Go ahead, Clem. It's okay. You're not in any trouble.

Clementine: It's... just a friend. I don't think he wants to hurt us.

Me: How do you know?

Clementine: Because he's nice.

Christa: What has he been saying to you? What have you been saying to him?

Clementine: I told him I was trying to find my parents, and that they were in Savannah. He really seems nice, I think he wants to help me find them.

Christa: Clementine. Honey, trust me, that's not what he wants. He-

Ben: LEE!

We look over and see Ben run down the stairs as Lee heads over to him.

Ben: Lee, you need to get up here now.

Lee: What's wrong?

Ben: It's Kenny.

They both go upstairs.

Christa: Look, Clem. You can't trust him, do you even know is name?

Clementine: No... I don't.

Christa: And he knows your name?

Clementine: Yes.

Clementine turns to look at me.

Clementine: He said that you should come with us, as it's safer.

Christa: You told him about Y/N?

Clementine: Yes... I told him about everyone, he's most interested in Y/N and Lee though.

Christa: Shit.

Me: Swear.

She looks at me and smiles.

Christa: Lee told me a bit about yourself on the train awhile back, I'm sorry for everything you've been through.

Christa's POV: ( 20 minutes before arriving at Savannah )

I walked up to Lee and Chuck who were looking at the view.

Me: Hey, Lee, Chuck.

Chuck: Howdy.

Me: I know quite a bit about Clementine, but Y/N isn't really saying much. I hope you know some things about him so I could get along with him.

Lee: Not much to say that will make him happy.

Me: He told me about his parents and sister. I was hoping you knew some other things.

Lee: He didn't tell you about the dairy?

Me: No, what happened there?

Lee: We arrived at a dairy, we thought it would be a perfect place to live. However eventually Y/N went out cold and woke up to tell us he had a nightmare, we told him to rest inside the house as he decided to bring his cat with him, that turned out to be a mistake.

Me: Shit, what happened?

Lee: A cannibal chopped his cat in half while he watched! He was taken and locked in a secret area with another person that was in our group called Mark. Mark's legs were chopped off in front of him, luckily Y/N said that he had his eyes closed but he still heard what was happening. Eventually I found him and we went downstairs and as it turned out the dinner we were eating was the meat of Mark's leg and Y/N's cat.

My eyes widened.

Me: What the fuck! If I went through that even as an adult now, I would be scarred for the rest of my life.

Lee: He's strong and brave.

Chuck: I never seen it like that. It must be eatin' him up like a wild wolf. No pun intended.

Lee: What pun?

Chuck: Yah know, cause they were cannibals. Never mind.

Lee: You said wild wolf though.

Chuck: Guess I did.

Me: I doubt he will ever forget this.

Lee: Yeah, he doesn't look at any kind of meat the same, as it reminds him of that gruesome sight.

Me: Poor kid, he's too young for this.

Chuck: Times like that is what breeds and helps a little boy turn into a badass.

Me: Yeah but that's messed up, he's lost everyone he loves.

Lee: Well, he still has me and Clem.

Me: What if something happens to you both? That will break him.

Chuck: I think he's already broken, he witnessed his cat and his own gosh darn sister die in front of him.

Lee: I hope he's okay.

Me: I'll talk to him later about this.

Y/N's POV: ( Back to the present )

Me: I'm fine.

Christa: You're not fine, and what type of nightmares have you been having?

Me: Well one was a future version of myself and another was of my dad.

Tears begin to form.

Clementine: I... don't like seeing you sad.

I look up and see Clem shed a single tear.

Christa: Neither do I. This is destroying me how much you've been through.

Me: Before... all this I felt happy, excited and everyday I wake up I'm greeted by my family as I eat breakfast then go to school, and now I'm scared, sad and when I wake up I remember everyone in my family is gone as I barely have breakfast and no school.

Christa: Fuck... I feel my heart blowing up. Y/N you need to stay happy and alive, for your family.

I look at Christa and see her start tearing up.

Me: I'll try.

Clementine and Christa then pull me into a hug that felt like it lasted forever.

Lee's POV:

Me and Ben are upstairs we look an open attic with a ladder.

Ben: Kenny said he thought he heard something up there, went to go look.

Me: He's up there?

Ben: I can't get him to come down.

Me: Stay here.

I climb up the ladder into the attic as I see Kenny looking at something.

Me: Kenny?

I stand up into the attic.

Me: Kenny? You okay, man?

I walk closer and smell something disgusting.

Me: Jesus. What the hell is that-?

I see what Kenny's looking at.

Me: Oh my God.

It was an extremely young skinny walker, it stood up and turned around as it spotted us, it took one step only to fell back onto the ground as it reached it's hand out wanting to get us.

Kenny: Kinda looks like Duck, don't he?

Me: It's just a kid. What the hell happened to him...?

Kenny: Ain't nothing on him. Guess he must've been hiding out up here. Starved to death.

Me: Jesus Christ...

Kenny: I don't know if I can, Lee. Couldn't do it before. Can't do it now.

Me: I can't ask you to do this, man. I'll take care of it. Like I did before.

Kenny: Are you sure?

Me: I guess we'll find out...

I approach the walker as I pull out a spike remover I found back at the train as I hit it's head, breaking it open in one swing due to the walker being weak and skinny. Kenny walks up next to me.

Kenny: We should bury him.

Me: I'll take care of it.

I pick up the walker and head outside, I walk towards where the dog's grave was and I put the walker next to the dog as I begin covering the grave. I look behind me and see Clementine watching as I cover it, soon Christa comes out and Clementine goes inside with her. I eventually finish the grave and see someone outside the fence, after I spot him he quickly runs off.

Me: Hey. Hey!

I put my hands on the fence.

Me: Who are you? What the hell do you want from us?!

He was already gone.

???: Lee? What's going on?

I look behind me and see Christa and Ben.

Me: I saw someone standing there by the fence. Watching us.

Ben: A walker?

Me: No, too fast. Took off like a bat out of hell when I spotted him.

Christa: Was it a man or a woman?

Me: Didn't get a good enough look.

Ben: What does it matter?

Christa: I'm wondering if it's the same guy who's been following us. The guy on the radio.

The backdoor then opens to show Kenny and Y/N.

Me: Kenny? Y/N?

Kenny: I'm fine. Just... we're fine. What's all the ruckus?

Clementine then joins them.

Ben: Lee saw someone watching us from outside the gate.

Kenny: What? Who?

Me: I can't be sure, they ran off before I could get a good look.

Ben: I don't like this one bit. Not one bit.

Christa: Me either. Walkers are one thing, but the thought of someone out there actually stalking us...

Kenny: All right, that's it. We've stuck around here long enough. It's time to get back on track, time to get down to the river and find ourselves a boat.

Christa: I don't know if Omid's well enough to move yet.

Kenny: Well he'd better get ready. Because I'm going down to River Street right now to find a boat, and as soon as she's ready to go we're moving out.

Me: I don't know if it's safe to leave just yet.

Kenny: Why the hell not? Walkers look to have cleared out.

Me: That's not all I'm worried about.

Kenny: So you'd rather just hunker down here and just let whoever's out there keep us boxed in? Wait for them to starve us out? No thanks.

Christa: I hate to say it, but Kenny's right. Omid's not in great shape to move, but we can't do anything for him here. Without meds or a doctor, he's only going to get worse.

Me: All right, all right. I'll head to the river with Kenny to scope out a boat while you get Omid ready to move.

Ben: What about me?

Kenny: You'll stay here with the group. You'll only slow us down.

Clementine: Well, can't I come? My mom and dad can't be far now, maybe we can look for them on the way to the river.

Y/N: Yeah, can I come too?

Me: Clem, Y/N. I think it'd be best if you both stayed here with Ben. I need the both of you to watch out for Omid and Christa, help them get ready to move out.

Clementine: You said we're supposed to always stay close to you.

Me: I know. It's just this once. Sometimes we all have to put aside what we want for the good of the group. Hey, don't worry. I'll be back before you both know it. Okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Y/N: Please don't die.

Y/N quickly ran up and hugged me.

Me: I promise, I won't.

He lets go of the hug as he goes next to Clementine.

Kenny: Daylight's burning. Gonna go grab my gear, then we'll head out.

Christa: Come on Clem and Y/N, let's go see if Omid needs anything.

Christa, Kenny, Clementine and Y/N walk into the house as Ben walks up to me.

Ben: So, you're just gonna leave me on the bench here?

Me: That's not how it is, Ben. I need you to stay here and keep an eye on the kids.

Ben: I can do that.

Me: Well, just so we're clear. While I'm gone, anything or anyone tries to get inside this house, you shoot them. Don't even think twice about it. Understand?

Ben: I got no problem shooting walkers.

Me: Did you hear what I said? Anything or anyone.

Ben nodded.

Me: Good.

Me and Ben walk back inside the house. Me and Kenny pack our gear and head out.

How did you feel about the Christa flashback scene and Christa comforting Y/N? I thought it was pretty good but I want to know what you lot think?

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