How to fall in love in 7 days...

Por TeamStyles01

255K 3.7K 258

Fox Cooper had no plans. No plans with what she was going to do next with her life. No plans to do something... Más

T H R O W U P / H O O K U P
G I R L F R I E N D S / C O B W E B S
F A T H E R / M O T H E R
H E A D L I N E S / D E A D L I N E S
D E A N / L A N D O
L O N D O N / E N G L A N D
H A R D / D E C I S I O N S
S A D / H A P P Y
L E M A N S / S H A R I N G
M E S S A G E S / C A L L S
D R U N K / F L I R T
Q U E S T I O N S / T H O U G H T S
C O L D / S L E E P
K N O W I N G / C R U S H I N G
B E A U T I F U L / L I A R
M O N A C O / C H A R L O T T E
S U N S E T / W O R R I E S
L A S T / N I G H T
G L A S S E S / E V E R Y T H I N G
V I E N N A / F I R S T
W O N D E R I N G / W O N D E R I N G
S L E E P Y / C O N F E S S I O N
C H E R R Y / S L E E P
T R U S T / M E
B E A U T I F U L / S I N G I N G
D A D / Y O U
C U T E / M O R N I N G
H A N D S / K I S S E S
F A M I L Y / P L A N S
A N X I E T Y / W A R N I N G
F R I E N D S / A L O N E
R E U N I T E D / P E R F E C T
L O S I N G / S M I L E S
I N T I M A T E / S I L E N C E
T O O / R E A L
T O G E T H E R / T R U E
N O / R E G R E T S
S M A L L / T H I N G S
T O M O R R O W / N E R V E S
F A S T / T R A V E L S
A L W A Y S / C L O S E
Q U I E T / N E X T
L A N D O / P R E S S
C O N F I D E N C E / R E A S O N
H O U S E / H O M E

W H I S P E R E D / T R U T H S

2.4K 64 0
Por TeamStyles01

F O X C O O P E R 

She laughed trying to defuse what she felt was tension before she looked at her father. "Dad," she awkwardly said as she raised her eyebrows. 

Maximillion glanced at her before he looked back at Lando. "I think me and you need to have a little chat," the words came out of her father's mouth leaving both the young people shook. 

"Dad," Fox spoke again but she was silenced by her father putting a hand up. 

Her eyes moved from her father to Lando, Fox didn't know what to make about this. She stepped back and watched as Maximillion smiled at other people who passed by before putting an arm around Lando and leading him away. 

All Fox could do was watch as they walked away. She felt helpless, she wondered what her father was going to say, what secrets he would spill. She was complicated, why any man would be interested in that, she had no idea, but she'd found someone. Was she that bad, that karma was going to rip it away from her?

"Fox," she almost didn't hear her name being said, it was so distant for a moment. 

She turned her head and looked at Eve, she gave her a half a forced smile before looking back and seeing her father and Lando had disappeared. 

"Your father will want to speak to you too," Eve spoke softly and quietly. The blonde noticed how Eve looked different, almost like she was under a lot of stress and had barely slept. "Social media is a very dangerous and open place, Fox. It doesn't take very much for a single picture to be blown out of context."

Fox listened, she knew more than most the troubles a single photo could cause. "Eve-"

"No," she stopped the young woman from defending herself. "A picture speaks a thousand words. Multiple photos tell a story. It doesn't take much nowadays for everything to be blown out of proportion."

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Fox ignored the woman married to her father as she typed her name into her browser. Once the results started to come through, Fox's eyes went wide as she read the headlines.

Fox Cooper finds a new Formula One driver to get her claws into!

Millionaire's daughter working her way through F1 grid.

Lando Norris spotted with Fox Cooper looking close.

Does Lando Norris know Fox Cooper's troubled history with men?

She hated how she was portrayed, she knew it was only herself she had to blame. This though, Lando was different. She'd never felt this way before. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

"Those pictures are of two people having a nice night," Fox told Eve as she looked at one of the pictures of the two of them. It had been snapped at the dinner table, both oblivious but enjoying each other's company. Their hands were linked together as they smiled at each other.

Even scoffed, this caught Fox off guard as she glanced up at her. "Return your head back to Earth, Fox. I know there is more going on than you say. Lando is a nice guy, he's your father's friend. This can only end in disaster."

She shrugged her shoulders before flipping back her blonde hair. Even watched as the young woman looked around, her eyes travelling quickly before returning her gaze towards the phone in her hands. "This is different," Fox sighed as she thought about Lando. Her mind was adrift as she thought about the little moments, the hand holding, the stares, how she felt about him. She smiled as she looked passed the woman in front of her. 

As Eve watched the young blonde in front of her, she wondered if she truly had started to change. The way she looked when she zoned out, the way Fox smiled told Eve that there was more to the way she felt. 

"Fox," the voice of Maximillion caught the attention of both the women. Fox turned to see her father next to Lando, she tried to catch Lando's eye but his attention was on his phone. 

She looked at her dad, a ghost of a smile on her lips as she thought about what her father may have possibly said to the man next to him. "Dad," she managed to finally speak. "What's going on?"

Maximillion stood straight with his head held high, in his mind he was making the right decision for both himself and his daughter. "Come with me," he said as he started to walk away. 

Fox looked at Lando one more time, for a brief second, his eyes met hers. She saw the look in his eyes, it was like he didn't even know who she was, like he was looking at her for the first time again. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by her father snapping her name, she looked at her father who was stood waiting and when she glanced back to Lando, he no longer looked in her direction. 

Disappointment filled her insides as she caught up with her father. Things had changed some quickly in a matter of moments, something she couldn't comprehend in the short space of time. It was like she was struggling to catch up because all she could think about was him, Lando. 

Her father brought her out of the main area, up to the main deck. It was loud, there was a sound that she recognised but couldn't place it until she looked up. Above the ferry was a helicopter hovering. 

"Dad?" She looked at him with wide eyes. "What's happening?"

Maximillion looked stern, his lips in a thin line and his brow furrowed as he looked at his eldest daughter. "I warned you that this trip would be your final time to redeem yourself." He shouted about the loud sound of the helicopter as it started to lower, the blades causing an uncontrollable wind near to them both. "I need you to know I am serious," he told the blonde. "You're going home, Fox. Back to your mother."

"No!" She snapped instantly as she took a step back. The air in her lungs was constricting as she thought about returning to her mother, thought about never seeing Lando again, thought about her life becoming one that she didn't recognise. "I can't," she whispered to herself as she stepped back again. Her hands found the nearby railing as she turned away from her father. She needed it to steady herself, to stop herself from running away and doing what she always did. 

Putting a hand on his Fox's shoulder, Maximillion spoke, "I love you very much Fox. I can't have you throw your life away again and again for another famous man. You have gained a reputation and I refuse to sit back and watch you self destruct anymore."

Shaking her head, Fox looked at her dad. "This is different!" She needed her father to know. "Please dad, I want to be with him. I want to be close to him."

Maximillion gave her a sad look, "I'm sorry, Fox." 

Her hands gripped the railing tightly as she stopped herself from shaking. She was scared, terrified that if this was to end here, she'd never find anything like this again. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in, her mind clearing as she relaxed her body, her hands let go of the railing before turning her body fully to face her father, opening her eyes to look at him. "I know you won't believe me," she spoke clearly as the helicopter landed on the ferry. She had to raise her voice to make sure her father heard, the wind had gotten closer to them whipping her hair around her face and shoulders. "If you do what I think you're going to do, I will only try and find a way back to him," she shouted over the loud winds. 

Her father put an arm around her as he shook his head, "You will thank me for this one day." 

She leaned towards her dad, her mouth close to his ear as she admitted something to him. 

Maximillion pulled back from her, his eyes wide as he tried to decide if he'd heard her correctly or not. Her father took his hand from her as he furrowed his brows and swallowed hard. He'd only ever wanted happiness for his daughter and it seemed that she'd found more than he'd bargained for. 

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