So I have no self control. (H...

Por RatTrash4sale

41.6K 1.1K 197

I wanted to create a Heisenberg x reader story cause ya know, imma simp. So long story short your a villager... Más

Part 1 (Edited)
Part 2
Part 3
part 4
Part 5
Clean part 6
Part 7
part 8
Part 9
part 10!!
Part 11 (The long awaited update)

part 12

1.1K 34 6
Por RatTrash4sale

So there you were, in a new house, with a new job, and a fiancé that loved you to bits. Both of you had been hired on by the B.S.A.A after the incident in your village. Chris had asked for both of you to be on his ops team, as well as Ethan. But Ethan had declined, saying he just wanted a normal life with his daughter. Which you respected, you personally would have denied if not for the good pay, you didn't specialize in much and really didn't want to work a low pay 9-5 job.
Heisenberg on the other hand already had a welding job in town. He was only part-time at the B.S.A.A, but you appreciated him even going part-time. He had been iffy about you agreeing and only let you after you let him join part-time.

You stared out the window of your 1 story house, it was large but the size of a house for a family of 3. You liked it, especially since Karl let you decorate the house the way you wanted. As you stared out the window you sipped on your coffee, it was another cold morning and one day closer to your first day of training with Chris. You were nervous about the training, it was going to be combat training and you were one clumsy son of a bitch, you were worried that the moment he saw your inability to stay on your feet you would be fired.  
I mean I guess that would be the end of the world, but you seriously didn't want to get a diffrent job. You had literally only interacted with the people from your village and Chris. You knew you had to have been a little weird and no one was saying anything, I mean come on your village was as isolating as it got with a town.
So yes you maybe more then a little panicked but you were just glad Karl was still asleep, he would have noticed right away. That and your weird sudden shaking fits, you know the ones that come with anxiety with no real way to deal with it efficiently.

" Kitten?" His voice suddenly boomed from behind you, you jumped and about spilt your coffee on yourself. You turned to look at your Fiance and gave a small smile.
" Good morning Karl." You tried to say in the steadiest voice you could muster, it still sounded shaky to you. You hoped he'd either ignore it or didn't notice.
" Morning.. Is everything okay?" He asked walking over slowly, he wrapped his big, oil stained, hands around you and kissed your nose. " You seem nervously.."
You wished he had left it at 'is everything okay?', cause you could have totally just blamed it on being tired, but of course he picked up on your nervousness and weird anxiety. As much as you despised him asking you where thankful for his weirdly soothing touch. It helped clear your mind a bit.
" I'll be okay Karl.. I'm just worried about the training with chris next week.. " You said with a small smile, " Its just hard to think I'll be good enough to pass his standard.. I mean I can definitely use a gun.. but fight with my hands? You don't need to do that with a turkey. " You finished off referencing your old job in the village.
Karl laughed a little and smiled, " I think you'll do just fine, I know you didn't do much fighting with lycans in the village, but I think if you had come across more, you would have kicked ass." He said poking your sides which in turn made you giggle and roll your eyes. What he said made you a little better, but you still had your doubts. But in accords with Karl up, you decided to push the anxiety as far down as you could and start breakfast, you could tell he was hungry and honestly you where too.

You decided on bacon and eggs, you just really wanted bacon, though the bacon in the city tasted a bit more prossesed then the bacon from your village. Halfway through your cooking a knock was heard on the door, Karl got up from his blue prints he was working on, at the table, and went to open it. When you heard Chris's voice you almost dropped the bacon spatula. But you took a deep breath and turned your head to get a climps of him as Karl brought him into the kitchen.
" Good Morning Chris... Can we help you?" You asked as calmly as possible.
" I just wanted yo check in on the two of you, I can't imagine it's easy readjusting your entire life." He said giving a small smile. You breathed out in relief when you realised it wasn't about work.
" Oh we're doing fine! We love the house.. the city! And we'll Karl loves his job. They love his robotics designs. Kinda been working him over time though." You said and tried not to let your pout show, you had missed your random Karl cuddles. It didn't happen often anymore cause of his hours.
" They do but I enjoy the work, metal became my life, I don't know anything else." Karl said with a hum only just slightly looking up from his blue prints.
Chris nodded at the bit of information and shifted closer to you, he watched as you cooked the bacon. He chucked a bit as you flipped a peice to fast and it caused a splash grease. You flinched as bits hit your cheek, as you went to flip the other one Chris placed his hand over yours on the spatula and guided your hand. He flipped it and no grease decided to take flight, you where as red as a tomato ad he let go of your hand and stood next to you. You glanced over at him and he gave you a wink then pretended nothing happen. Karl had been to preoccupied to have even witness what happened.
You cleared your throat after a moment of internal panic, you flipped the rest of the bacon then began cracking egs in a separate bowl. You added some spiced and mixed the bowl, you over did it a little as you had nervously been doing so under Chris's gaze. Why the fuck was he looking at you like that. What had you done to endure such an intense gaze. It was hard to ignore but you did your best. You placed the bacon on a paper towel covered plate with other straps of bacon, then drained a bit if grease. Then picking up the bowl of eggs you gently poured the mixture into your pan and began moving your spatula back and forth.
You where glad eggs didn't take long to cook, you couldn't stand being next to Chris any longer, when they where done you quickly turned off the stove and turned to set the table. You set the eggs and bacon on the table as well as 3 plates.
" Okay! Let's eat."

Breakfast had been awkward, too quite and Chris had kept glancing at you while he ate. You finished as fast as you could and bolted out of there. You had bot expected Chris to be suddenly and clearly into you. You didn't know how to feel, you loved Karl. And you knew you would always love Karl, but Chris was an attractive man.
You where loyal though, ignoring his advances would be hard, but he'll if you where gonna do anything to hurt Karl. You where gonna talk to him about this when Chris left, you weren't gonna let your mind over run you with worry. So you got dressed in your day cloths and entered back into the kitchen just as Chris was leaving. He glanced at you and gave a small wave, you waved back and pressed against Karl as he stepped out the door.

Karl then pressed you against a wall and kissed at your neck, " I really don't like the way he was looking at you kitten~ your mine~" he snarled a bit and held your waist tightly.
" Don't think I didn't notice what he did before breakfast~ Where you gonna tell me~?"
You shivered at his sudden change in attitude, you nodded not able to let out any sounds or words.

" Good~ then we won't have to have a talk~" he purred and rubbed your waist as he left a small hickey on your soft skin.
You whined at the hickey and shifted a bit to hid your fave against his shoulder, he seemed to relax a bit and pulled you into a hug instead. " don't leave me (y/n), I love you too much to see you walk away.." he whined suddenly. This suprised you a bit and you kissed his neck.
" I'm not going anywhere Karl.. never.." you hummed softly to him. Today was tough next week would be tougher.. you only hoped your resolve would hold up.

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