Part 1 (Edited)

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Your breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale a testament to the hour and a half you'd spent evading the relentless Lycans. However, they were just one of the many challenges that had plagued you throughout this harrowing week.

The week had begun innocently enough. That Monday, you had accompanied your father on a hunt for rabbits and ravens. Your father always cautioned you to keep quiet about the ravens, warning that speaking of them would anger Mother Miranda. With the recent events, you were beginning to suspect that your neighbors' cautionary tales held some truth.

Shortly after that fateful Monday hunt, the Lycans descended upon the village like a storm, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. Your father was among their first victims, torn apart before your very eyes. The gruesome sight was seared into your memory-his flesh shredded into a bloody pulp in mere seconds. With newfound strength, you had risen and beaten the creature to death with your empty shotgun. That day, you buried your father beside your mother in the backyard, your heart heavy with grief.

Left alone in a village that shunned you as forsaken, you scavenged for survival. Gathering weapons and plaques for the holy door became your mission-a door rumored to lead away from this cursed village. And after a week of relentless pursuit, you had all three plaques. Seeing them securely placed in the chiseled door, rather than weighing down your small backpack, brought a smile to your face.

The door creaked as it opened, you entered, your knife out in defense, not wanting to waist bullets unless you absolutely had too. The passage way behind the door looked cracked and worn, exuding an unsettling aura that sent shivers down your spine. Each step you took seemed to amplify the feeling of dread, making the hairs on your arms stand on end.

Turning a corner, you spotted a basket of apples. The sight hit you like a brick, you hadn't eaten a single thing today. Despite your better judgment you rushed over to the small basket and picked one of the bright red apples up. With a greedy hum you plopped it in your mouth, holding it between your teeth. You didn't have time to stop and eat it, but the juice that rolled down your throat quenched your aggressive hunger enough for you to focus.

After taking a second to savor the taste of the apple, you pivoted looking for a way to proceed through the passage way. Your eyes scanned the walls and floors for any levers or trapped doors, landing on one across from you. Quick steps could be heard as you made your way over, the apple from earlier still in your mouth as you reached out to pull the lever. Just as your finger tips brushed the leaver, a voice purred from behind you. In a swift motion, you spun around, knives drawn in a defensive stance. The voice belonged to Lord Heisenberg-a figure both feared and reviled by the villagers. Your heart raced as you stiffened in panic, locking eyes with the wolf-like lord.

"Well, well," Heisenberg taunted, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I thought there was no one left. You must be pretty tough huh? Surviving the conditions out there all alone~" The lord seem to tease, as you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. You were unmistakably uncomfortable, making the wolf like lord smirk at just how uncomfortable. He knew the village people had never been fond of him. Especially since his factory damaged their soil.

The lord stalked towards you, eyeing the apple in your mouth with a small chuckle," Why don't you finish that sweetheart, then we can talk about what to do with you, I doubt you'd want to go to that over sized bitches castle. You'll be drained of your blood faster then you can pray to your precious mother Miranda. " He snarled, Miranda's name being coated with venom as it left his lips.

You spat out the apple, its sweetness suddenly tasting bitter in your mouth. Your stomach rumbled, a gnawing hunger mixing with the anger that surged within you.

"Damn Mother Miranda to hell!" you exclaimed, your own voice laced with venom. "My family is gone, and our village has been reduced to nothing more than human cattle for those... those... those beasts to slaughter!" The words came out in a furious snarl, each accusation punctuated by the raw pain of loss.

Heisenberg looked at you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he processed your outburst. For a moment, there was a flicker of something-surprise, perhaps even respect. It was clear that he was unaccustomed to villagers openly defying Mother Miranda, let alone with such fervor.

The tension between you and Heisenberg the air thick like smoke, but there was also a newfound understanding. Your shared disdain for Mother Miranda surprised but intrigued the lord Infront of you.He had been so used to the loyal and brainwashed locals. So much so that this small, dirty villager, shit talking the very woman the rest praised, slightly baffled him.

Heisenberg's laughter echoed through the ancient passage, a deep and hearty sound that seemed to reverberate off the walls. He set down his massive hammer with a thud, the metal echoing his amusement.

"I like your fire, kid," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and genuine appreciation. "You've got guts, standing up to me like that." Heisenberg's eyes sparkled with mischief as he stalked closer to you, his smile widening into a sly grin.

"If that's how you really feel," he continued, leaning in so that his face was inches from yours, "then I have a proposition for you." His voice was low and conspiratorial, the words laced with intrigue.

You felt a mix of anticipation and caution as you met his gaze. Here was Lord Heisenberg, a figure both feared and revered, offering you a proposition. It was clear that whatever he had in mind, it promised to be both dangerous and potentially rewarding.

"What kind of proposition?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins.

Heisenberg's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "How would you like to join me in my quest to take down Mother Miranda?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. "We could use someone with your... enthusiasm."

The offer was tempting, and for a moment, you found yourself considering it. With Heisenberg's resources and your determination, you might just stand a chance against the horrors that plagued your village.

But then a thought crossed your mind: could you trust Heisenberg? Was this proposition genuine, or was it just another trap?

With a scrunch of your nose, you huffed at his offer. His deal was tempting, he was practically giving you a free ticket to kill Miranda. It could be a trap? But what did you really have to loose? Either you take his offer, with the slight chance it was a trap. Or you refuse the offer and die anyway.

You met his gaze defiantly, your earlier fear giving way to determination. "I've got nothing left to lose," you replied, your voice steady. "If joining forces with you gives me a chance to take down Miranda, then I'm in. But if you fall threw with killing Miranda, I'll haunt you when I'm fucking dead."

Heisenberg smirked and picked his hammer up off the ground, he grabbed your wrist then pulled you close. " This is gonna be fun~ I hope you can handle a bit of blood and guts, Kitten~" He purred before he turned around, dragging you back out the way you came.

(Not an update just and Edit :D sorry)

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