Bad Boyz 2


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Go read the first book Bad Boyz on my page, y'all asked so y'all shall receive love you all keep supporting �... More



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2 months later......

Smoke POV

Shit has been crazy ye and hylian got into a fight at hylians job. Hylian worked for navy fed so that didn't go well both of them went to jail for battery. I had to get my kids out the system and everything else I have full custody of all of them for now. Hylian and ye had to sit for a min it was no bond they both tried to kill eachother n injured a cop. I wasn't worried about ye cs she's been locked up before but hylian has never. Gianna has been stressed out cs of all the kids at the house I've been trying to balance everything n I've been failing as dad the last newborn I took care of was jaylen so doing everything for Cameron has been hard as hell and Gianna doesn't want no parts of the kids cs they don't like her at all.

I was at a business meeting trying to get some money for a lawyer, when Gianna called me crying. I left the meeting and hopped in my truck going home. I walk in the house to see my tv broke and a couple other things Gianna came downstairs rubbing her belly

G, I can't do this
S, what happened?
G, Chloe as always she tried to fight me she threw shit down the stairs at me I was trying not to call the cops on her
S, Wea is she ?
G, upstairs

I heard Chloe loud music from the hallway I opened the door she turned off the music I closed the door behind me

S, Why Chloe ? 
C, don't leave me here with her
S, im trying to work so I can get your mom out
C, you never gaf about my mom anyways just about Gianna
S, you stress me out you truly do
C, fuck you
S, watch it cs im finna beat your ass
C, just like you did my mother ?

I grabbed Chloe and almost hurt her until jaylen came in the room screaming at me

J, dad get off her
C, I hate him
J, Chloe go outside

Chloe ran out the room and jaylen shut the door

J, dad wtf ?
S, you stay out of this
J, your not finna put your hands on my sister for something your btch blamed on her
S, go to your room !
J, I can't wait till hylian get home cs im sick of this shit

He said as he slammed the door. I sat on Chloe's bed and ran my hands down my face. Gianna started calling me. I walked downstairs to see what she wanted. Cameron was on the ground crying to the top of his lungs

S, pick him up !
G, that's not my child
S, be foreal he's a fuckin baby
G, I have my own and im alr stressed out and he won't stop crying

I picked him and talked to him calming him down. My phone ringed it was the jail

"Collect call from Ye Merain "

S, what ?
Y, when tf are you getting me out of here
S, ye get tf off my phone
Y, I'm fr I can't do this smoke I need to go home I miss my son
S, I'm working on it
Y, where is my son

I called jaylen from upstairs I gave him the phone

J, hey mom
Y, I miss you
J, yea
Y, I love you
J, mhmmm that's it
Y, jaylen !

He threw the phone on the couch and walked upstairs. Chloe came back and side and walked past me not saying a word she act just like hylian and that shit pisses me off. I called hylian.

H, what ?
S, you doing okay ?
H, does it matter
S, can you talk to chloe ?
H, where is she ?

I went upstairs to give Chloe the phone she grabbed the phone and shut the door.

H, hey baby
C, hey ma
H, how you doing?
C, ........idk
H, what's wrong
C, I don't want to be here ......... I hate it here . Dad hit me today because Gianna said I was doing something to her when she does stuff to me
H, give your dad the phone.

Chloe gave me the phone and went upstairs

H, wtf is going on ?
S, Chloe is
H, I'm telling my mom to come get the kids today cs I'm so sick of this shit
S, your mom not getting my kids
H, yes she is I'm giving her custody until I get off
S, of my kids?
H, you not even there so stfu
S, bye.

I hung and threw the phone she knows if her mom comes and gets them I'll never see them again. 

Hylian POV

"Inmate 890752"

The guard called me off rec. I walked over to him

"What ?"

"Your going home on probation"

I looked at him so confused. He put me in handcuffs and walked me down the hall. They gave me my clothes that I had when I came in and I put them on and then they let me leave. I had a few dollars so I called a Uber to take me to my house and I called my mom.

Phone convo

H, mom ?
M, hylian !!
H, I'm out on probation
M, bby please come home
H, I will soon I first gotta get my kids
M, okay hun 

I got off the phone with her and opened the door to my house it was still the same. I went upstairs took a shower and and put on different clothes. I got my car keys off the dresser and went and got in the car and drove to smoke's house.

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