His To Love And Theirs To Pro...

By aamelia

1.3M 45.4K 1.9K

Alena Brown is half witch, half human but that doesn't mean she isn't as powerful as her mother. Alena just w... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five.
(Last) Author's note.

Chapter Twelve.

33.9K 1.3K 17
By aamelia

Chapter Twelve.

Alena sat on the stairs with her hands tangled in her hair as she listened to the on going argument between her mum and grandparents. Alena and her mum had left the super market as soon as the could, abandoning their shopping trip for the safety of their home, during the car journey her mum had constantly asked if she was okay and Alena had always replied with the same answer, that she was fine because she was, she was a little shaken up but she was fine. When she had asked her mum about the two people that had helped her, Gwen and Vince, her mum had admitted that they were her parents, and therefore her grandparents. They had followed them home and as soon as Alena and her mum stepped into the house her dad was there looking relieved as he had taken Alena and her mum in his arms and squeezed them tightly, telling them how worried he had been and how happy he was that they were okay, Alena had seen that even the oracles and their husbands looked relieved at the sight of Alena and her mum, unharmed. But as soon as her grandparents had entered the room everything had gone tense, Alena's dad had pulled her mum to his side and slightly behind him as he glared as Gwen and Vince who had openly starred at the oracles who were watching them with open curiosity. Alena had been unofficially been sent to her room, to bathe but she couldn't go to her room knowing that her grandparents were downstairs.

"We looked everywhere for you, but you just disappeared. We regretted it every day that we sent you away because you wouldn't marry Darius." Alena could hear her grandmother pleading with her mum.

"I didn't love him, and I never would have even if I had stayed and married him. I don't care if you regret it; you shouldn't have forced me in the first place. I'd like you to leave." Her mums voice was deadly calm as she listened closely, pressing her ear to the wall hopping to hear their conversation better.

"We're not leaving we've just got you back. And we had a granddaughter that we didn't even know about not to mention she's special, she need's us just as much as you do." Her grandmother replied sounding alarmed.

"I haven't needed you for the past one hundred years and we haven't needed you for the past seventeen either. You can't just waltz back into my life and Alena's and expect me to forgive you after everything you did, I can't just forget." Alena's mum sounded furious as she mentally cringed, her mum had never sounded so angry even when Alena and Lucy had broken her favourite vase when they were little she hadn't been that angry.

"We just want to be a part of your life, we're so sorry, for everything we did we realised how wrong we were as soon as you left. Let us help you, we know there is going to be a war and we're not going to stand by and let you and Alena face it alone." Vince said, finally joining in the argument.

"We won't be alone, the oracles will help us." Alena's mum sounded so sure of herself.

"Tabitha already knows who Alena is and she knows people, she knows the majority of the dark ones Lisa, you can't go do this on your own, you stand more of a fighting chance if we help you, just let us, it's the least we can do." Vince spoke again.

"Just leave, I'll call you when I've thought about it, for now I just want to see if my daughters okay." Her mum spoke as Alena heard someone getting up from the sofa. Alena stood from the stairs and quietly ran up the stairs before running to her room here she quickly stripped and changed into her night clothes and threw herself on her bed as her mum opened her bedroom door.

"Is it okay if I come in?" She asked.

"Of course." Alena smiled as she slide herself under the covers and opened them up for her mum to climb into.

"How are you feeling?" She asked once she had climbed into the bed and Pulled Alena closely to her side.

"I'm fine." Alena yawned suddenly feeling tired with the day's events. The day had started out so perfectly with spending time with Samuel in library and as soon as she left the safety her brought her she had almost been taken by a dark one name Tabitha who she now knew was bad news judging by how Gwen and Vince had spoken about her as well as the reaction the oracles had had when her name had been mention when they first came into the house.

"Get some sleep, everything will be okay." Her mum kissed the top of her as she began to hum Alena to sleep.

Alena had tossed and turned all night and was glad when she heard her alarm clock went off the next morning, she was tired, exhausted even with the nightmares she had had about Tabitha when she had slept. She slowly went to her bathroom where she jumper in the shower and quickly washed before exiting and getting ready to school.

"How did you sleep?" Her mum asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Fine." She lied as her mum turned and took in Alena's bags and exhausted posture with a worried look on her face; Alena noticed that her mum looked as if she hadn't had much sleep either.

"I don't think you should go to school." She said as she walked over to Alena, placing the back of her hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

"I need to go mum." She said as she heard Daniel beep his car from outside. "I'll see you after school."

"You haven't had breakfast." Her mum called.

"I'm not hungry." Alena said as she shut the front door and pulled her coat further around herself as she made her way to Daniel's car with her feet dragging. She opened the door and carefully sat down whilst turning to Daniel to give him a smile but she knew it came out more as a grimace judging by the worry glance he was giving her.

"Alena are you okay? Maybe you should stay home and rest." He said, concern lacing his tone as she buckled up her seat belt. She needed to go to school, it seemed to be the only normal thing her life right now and she wanted to see Lucy, she knew it was wrong and unfair but she needed to tell her everything.

"I'm fine Dan, can we just go to school please." She whispered as she rested her head against the head rest and closed her eyes. Daniel didn't say anything and she was thankful for the peace and quiet as he started the car and began to pulled out of the drive way. Neither of them spoke a word as Daniel drove them to school and only then did Alena open her when she felt the car come to a stop and the engine turn off, she saw that Dean and Lucy were stood in front of their spot.

"Thanks." Alena murmured as she opened her car door and stepped out finding herself instantly in Lucy's arms.

"You look like hell." She commented with a teasing smile only for it to turn in to a frown when she noticed the haunted look in Alena's that had suddenly filled with tears.

"Hey Ana, I was only joking, what's wrong?" Lucy asked as she gripped Alena's shoulder gently, Alena saw through her blurry vision that Dean and Daniel had appeared behind Lucy with concern covering every inch of their faces, all Alena could do was shake her head as she buried her face into her hands and began to sob.

"I'll handle this, you two go inside and we'll join you soon." Lucy whispered as Alena felt her slender arms wrap around her which only seemed to make her cry harder. Her best friend who had always supported her, comforted her and been there for her through everything was now having her life put into her hands. Alena felt her cool composer crumbling away as, she had thought that everything was going to be okay but she know knew that she had been fooling herself, everything wasn't going to be okay, not now that Tabitha had made herself known, Alena knew that she wouldn't be the only dark one showing themselves and the though terrified her, what if she wasn't so lucky as she had been yesterday? What if she did get taken? What would happen to her then? The unanswered questions had her crying hysterically as she faintly heard the bell over her sobs, she didn't care that she was going to be late.

"Alena, what's wrong?" Lucy asked after she had pulled them both over to a bench outside the school.

"Last Wednesday we had a visit from the oracles," Alena hiccupped. She knew that Lucy knew what she was talking about, when she had finally realised that she could trust Lucy with everything she had told Lucy all about herself and her world, she had answered every question honestly.

"The sort of council of your world that you have told me about?" Lucy asked sound a little shocked.

"I'm part of a prophecy. I have to make a decsion on whether or not the world will basically be consumed with darkness by the dark ones or be consumed with light ones..." Alena began before she continued to tell Lucy everything about the prophecy she was a part of, the training that she was beginning and then about Tabitha, what had happened in the supermarket and then how her grandparents had turned up.

"I had no idea." Lucy sniffled as Alena looked up to see that Lucy was cry to, why she didn't know but she felt her heart break at the sight of her crying best friend.

"What am I going to do?" Alena cried once again as she and Lucy wrapped there arms around each other.

"You're going to fight; you're going to show these dark ones that they can't mess with Alena, super witch." Lucy muttered while Alena laughed despite her tears. Lucy always knew what to say in situations where they were both upset and Alena was glad that she could count on Lucy to cheer her up. "Is that why you were ill last Thursday?"

"I had a bad dream the night I was told and I couldn't face every one knowing that they could die because of me." Alena whispered as she pulled back as Lucy grabbed her shoulder tightly.

"No one's going to die Alena; you're not going to let anyone die because your strong, you're so strong. Who cares if your half witch, half human you're stronger than anyone I know and from what you've told me you're stronger than any of those dark ones and you're going to show them just how strong you are when the time comes. You'll have me and Dean and Daniel at you side the entire time as well as sexy pants, you will never be alone and won't back the wrong decsion because you're a too good for your own good, you my friend and the lightest of the light and you will not let anyone die without a fight." Lucy's voice was surprisingly stern as Alena listened to everything she said. She knew her best friend was right as Alena would never allow anyone to die without putting up a fight first.

"You're the bestest friend ever, you know." Alena grinned as she used the back of her hands to wipe away the tears that had stained her cheeks.

"I know," Lucy smiled as she to wipe her tears with the back of her hands.

"Thanks Lucy, I really mean it." Alena smiled at her best friend as Lucy stood and pulled Alena with her.

"I'm always here for you my little Munchkin." Lucy teased as she wrapped her arms around Alena and together they both laughed. Alena was glad that she had told Lucy, it felt as if the weight on her shoulders had lifted that little bit more now that Lucy knew, she didn't have to hide as much from her best friend and as selfish as it was, Alena liked knowing that Lucy was there, that she always had someone to turn to and that Lucy would listen and take the burden in a weird way.

"Are you two okay?" A voice asked that had the two girls pulling away from each other and looked up to see Dean and Daniel both stood there with their arms folded across the broad chests and their eyes darting between the two, both of their eyes lingering on Alena's blood shots eyes and blotchy face from when she had been crying.

"We're fine, right Ana?" Lucy asked as they wrapped and arm around each other, Alena looked up at her best friend and smiled.

"Right." She agreed.

"Good." Dean said sound relieved before he ran forward and wrapped his arms around them both, pulling them into a hug as both Alena and Lucy wrapped an arm around his thick, muscular middle.

"Thanks for the invite." Daniel huffed as Alena peaked around Dean's shoulder to see him pouting like a child causing her to giggle a little.

"Come here." She said as she freed her arm that had been wrapped around Lucy and opened it for him to join in.

"I suppose I can't resist." He agreed as she stepped forward and wrapped his arms around them all causing both Alena and Lucy to giggle while dean made a face.

"You guys are great." Alena admitted shyly as she blushed.

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