Love On The Isle

By Rumbelle23

642 30 17

Harry and Uma are separated by the barrier when he gets taken away to Auradon where secrets are revealed. Sec... More

Chapter 1: Give & Take
Chapter 2: Two Worlds
Chapter 3: Torture
Chapter 4: His Heart
Chapter 5: The Girl
Chapter 6: Neverland
Chapter 8: The Sea

Chapter 7: Just You & Me

94 4 3
By Rumbelle23

Harry POV

Uma had dragged me under water. I tried to surface but only for her to drag me under once again. I hated being in the water as it was my weakness. What was she trying to do?! Kill me?!! A powerful feeling washed over me as I looked at Uma angely. She let go of me and was that fear in her eyes? Was she scared of me? GOOD!! I was angry, so much so that the water no longer bothered me. When my hands grabbed the earth, I gasped for dear life. Oh for the love of the sea! I thought I was going to die like the stories my father told me when young. To never trust a Neverland mermaid as they will sweetly drown you if you get too close. I never knew this applied to Uma as well.

" Harry!", Uma called to me but I wasn't having none of it. Ignoring her, I dragged myself out of the water; the best I possibly could. Once on land, I allowed my body to fall onto it. My breathing was heavy as the experience was truly frightening. More scarier than when Jay dropped my hook overboard. I laid there in silence until Uma came running to my side. " Harry! Are you ok?!", she said looking me over for any possible injury. I was still angry but most of all confused, " Why would you do that Uma!? Ye know I can't swim. Bloody mermaid!". I got up slowly as my anger grew within. My accent came out much thicker than expected. Uma knew what I meant about mermaids and to say she wasn't happy was an understatement. Her expression changed from hurt to understanding. " Harry, look at me. I wasn't trying to drown you. The reason I asked is because I heard something", she said putting an hand on my arm. The scotish within be brew to the surface and I didn't expect what I said next. "Awa' an bile yer heid!" ( scotish translation: Go and boil your head. Get lost), that's it! I said it! Meant no offense but it came out very harsh.


Oh no, he did not just say that! Yet, he had every right. He didn't believe me and yet again. I couldn't blame him for being angry but I had never seen him this agitated before. He's eyes still glowing slightly but not as intense as it was when we were in the water. " Harry I'm...", I heard the same noise again but this time he heard it too. He pushed me behind him protectively as he took out his sword. For my luck, I had left my sword in my room and was forced to hide behind Harry. The sound of moving bushes became louder as my hold on my first mate's arm increased. Just as Harry was about to poke his sword through the bust, a furry little thing ran out of it. " No, wait! Stop it's me!!", said the very familiar voice. Dude? " What ye doing out here?", Harry asked putting away his sword as the school mutt was no real threat. The dog got closer and dropped a key at my feet. " Ben told me to give you this key and to show you the way to the royal cabin", I looked to Harry with a flirty smile. " Did you know about this?", I asked and I couldn't help but laugh at his puzzled look, " No. Ah dinnae ken" (Scotish translation: I don't know).

I haven't heard Harry use his scotish slang that much. But when I did, I hardly understood as it was like another language. " What was it you said after you said no?", I asked as we walked down the path. He looked at me and gave me a smile, " Ah dinnae ken means I don't know and I wanted to apologize, Uma. I shouldn't have lost my temper". I was in both shock and in wonder. Harry Hook was apologizing to me. He never apologized for anything and for him to do so was a big step. Admitting that he was wrong and asking for forgiveness. He looked at me with a worried look as my face was unreadable. Then, I did something that I have never done before. I took his hand in mine. Gently hold it and giving it a tight squeeze. Actions speaks more than words. My smile reassured him that I accepted his apology and that we were in good terms.

The rest of the walk was mostly silent but not completely. Having a talking dog as your guide made it hard to have any form of silence for no longer than a minute. Carlos' dog had so much to talk about and very little to say. Eventually, after about 15 minutes of walking to who knows which direction. We had it to the royal cabin, " Here you go. I will be back in the morning. Have fun!". The dog ran off and like that we were left alone. "Thank the sea that mutt left! I couldn't stand another bad pirate joke", said Harry as he leaned against the door and picked the lock with his hook. I scolded him for doing it but he simply gave me an excited smile, " Now where is the fun in that lass?". He opened the door for me as I made my way inside. It was exactly what you'd expect for a royal cabin. It just spoke luxury in ever sense of the word. A bit of gold here and there with marble floor. Candles lit the place as there was no electricity and to my surprise, the kitchen came alive. I jumped and so did Harry. We looked on as we saw spoons and forks running about. " I believe we are dreaming", suggested my first mate and he could possibly be right. It could have been a dream if it wasn't for the fact that we were in the land in which magic existed. Just as King Ben said when we first arrived here, " Anything was possible".

Our room was lit with candles and looked quite peaceful. Softly, I left a warm breath running down my neck. A quick little nibble at the back in which my skin came into contact with his teeth. It was a gentle bit which sent shivers down my spine. If it were anyone else, they would have found a sword at their throats but as it wasn't just anyone. I allowed Harry to continue with his idea. My back was still to him as he held me from my waist, pressing himself to me. He kissed up and down my neck as I leaned further back, granting him full access to my neck. His touch was like fire burning through the fabric of my clothes as his hands traveled freely without limits. I let out a small moan which was a response to a little too hard of a bite on his part on my shoulder. At that, he turned me around to face him, " Not a bad response but I expected better from you, Captain". He walked away with a flirty smile, knowing well that I would chase after him again.

Harry's POV

I could have taken her and made her mine. She was so vulnerable and responsive to my touch. I knew what she wanted but I wouldn't give it to her. I wanted her to beg for me as she did this morning but most of all. I wanted to know that she needed me as much as I needed her and for that. I needed to wait it out. She tried pinning me to the wall but I wouldn't have it. I needed to do this on my terms and only then, would I submit to her demands. She would thank me for this, eventually. In the meanwhile, she can threaten me all she wants.

I sat near the fireplace as it was a chilly night. I observed as the wood cracked and turned to ember. More wood was brought in every half hour to keep the room warm. I had taken off my jacket, boot and sword. Placing them neatly on an unoccupied chair. Uma was taking so long in the bathroom that I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing. A minute or so later, she finally came out but my eyes were not on her. They were on the flames as images sprung to life. Two swords clashing. The rest of the images were blurred after Uma sat beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and watched the fire along side with me. I've waited so long to give her, her gift. It felt like the right time to give it to her. " Close your eyes, Uma", I said softly and she did as I said. My Isle jacket had secret pockets in witch to hide things that I steal. On the inner far side pocket, I took out a small soft thing. A bit colorful and squishy but perfect for her. " Now, open your hands", I said softly and her hands opened. I hesitated for a moment but figured that she would love anything that I gift her. So, I placed in her hands the gift that I had picked out for her the first few days of my arrival to Auradon.

The day after my arrival, Ben took me on a personal tour of his kingdom. We walked through the market place and I saw an old woman with a lovely stand. I had stopped to look at all the lovely daggers she had on display when I noticed a strange item at the corner of her table. I asked her what it was and she told me. A smile broke through my lips as I remembered Uma say a few times how much she wanted one. Real or not, it was still the same thing. I had no money to pay for it and stealing was not an option for me. This woman couldn't possibly fight me if she tried but it wasn't right. Therefore, I offered a trade. My mother's pocket watch in exchange for the item.

Uma POV:

Harry placed a strange object on my hands. It was lightweight with a soft and beady texture. " Open your eyes now, lass", upon opening my eyes. I saw that it was a toy with more than one identifying color. " If memory serves. I do recall someone wanting a sea pony", he said with a charming smile. The smile on my face wasn't enough to express what I felt. I was beyond happy and there was only one proper way to thank him. " Thank you, Harry", my lips met his before he could respond back to my words. There was no need, our actions said it all. He leaned back, allowing me to be on top of him and to claim my dominance over him.

He sang softly to me as he took a small bite out of my shoulder. His song explained his plans on only concentrating on me and celebrating me in every way throughout the long night. He rested on his back, muscles toned and warm from the fires glow. My lips traveled from his mouth to his jaw as my hands traveled down his toned chest and down to pull at his belt. I looked at him for a moment as I was scared. I had only done this once before but that was with his guidance and I needed his guidance once again. He seemed to get my message as I allowed him to be captain once again for another night. He bit between my thighs as I arched my back at the feeling of his fingers at my entrance. His tongue licked my skin and together we rode each wave of passion that he created. " All through the night. I'll make love to you".

The next morning, I rolled to the side to kiss my sleepy first mate. We did pull off an all nightier and he deserved to rest before part 2 later on. I felt that the floor felt odd and found out that we were both in bed. Yet, I was sure that we had made magic near the fire. Could have it all been a dream? Nope! I peeked under the blankets and Harry was as clothesless as it gets. Well, with the exception of his blue boxer. BLUE?! Since when does he wear my color? 😉

Hi everyone! Today the pages are burning and your screen is melting with the chemistry of Harry & Uma. The sea pony stuffy in the photo is mine and it gave me the idea to add it to the story. As Uma wanted a sea pony but life ain't fair! The video link is active for Harry's song. Thomas Doherty " Harry", sings this song and I found it perfect.

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