The Midnight Cop

By deyoungprof

412 264 38


Prologue : The National Police Department
Chapter 1 : A Cop Behind Bars
Chapter 2: Promoted To Jail
Chapter 3: The Cunning Doctor
Chapter 4: Sentence To Jail
Chapter 5: A Cop In Torment
Chapter 6 : Once Bitten Twice Shy
Chapter 7: The Return Of A Wounded Tiger
Chapter 8: Detective Kiara
Chapter 9 : Mendy's Forfeiture
Chapter 10: Who is Stephen Archer?
Chapter 11: Things Fall Apart
Chapter 13: Mentally and Physically Hospitalized
Chapter 14: Skeletons In The Black Box
Chapter 15: Truth Revealed
Chapter 16: D'Abductions

Chapter 12: Paternity 1

12 3 0
By deyoungprof

Hey guys, Kiara knows her father, and Collins knows it too. Let's see if she'll embrace or rebuke her father and if she'll still forefront the Piston Square investigation knowing her father is the suspect. Stay tuned. 🤞🤞🤞.


"You guys were on a discussion I suppose?" Collins asked dropping his briefcase on the floor, he was shocked, he had never allowed Kiara and Hailey have anytime together so that this fact won't be exposed, but now it's all out.

"Yes Collins, it's not a lie that you're not her father, or are you?" Hailey asked, prepared to let the cat out finally.

"Hailey, your psychological trauma has started again? Because of the child you lost and your womb that got damaged" Collins laments.

"Hey man" Kiara voiced, "you don't speak to my mother in such an I'll mannered way, she's never a psycho, that drug you always lied on is for AIDS, I saw it in your closet too, are you psycho?"

Collins moved closer "Daughter"

"Will you just stop it and not toy with me?" Kiara said, standing and moving away.

"If we had AIDS, how could we have survived till now" Collins said.

"Oh, you forgot that I studied science in highschool?, We were taught that with drugs you'll still survive your 50s and probably die during your late 60s, so why are you trying to lie, well don't worry, the paternity test results will show us the way" Kiara said, going out of the house.

"Hailey, you did this?" Collins asked sitting beside Hailey while his bag was still lying around, "I harbored you all these while, for fifteen good years, then you did not know of telling her who her father was, but now that she's matured and grown-up, you show her father to her. Well, you're still married to me, hence you have no right to leave this house until we divorce". Collins concluded, picked his bag and left for his room.


"What should I do? Even if I'll have to run a test, I have to get Collins' hair strand to a doctor" Kiara thought, "I'll have to steal it" she was relaxing at a lounge blocks away from their house.

After waiting, Kiara went back home very late at night, the house would have become more quiet than a graveyard. She was thought how to sneak during her training to join the police force hence it was easy to sneak successfully. She went on and collected some hair strands from Collins who was deeply asleep and snoring. Kiara successfully achieved her aim then she waits for the day to break.

At Ms. Damien's office.

"Good Morning Damien" Kiara greeted.

"Hey my beautiful sissy, you should have sent a junior detective instead of stressing yourself all the way here, and it's so so early what do you need that bad to visit by this time? " Ms. Damien said offering her a sit.

"Madam, I want to run a paternity test" Kiara voiced.

"What?" Ms. Damien retorted in shock, "Pater.....".

"......nity ma, what's your price" Kiara said trying her best to mean business.

"Hey relax, no pressure, you want to do paternity?" Ms, Damien sighed, " wait, how old are you?".

"Well, I'm 15 and I'm proud of it" Kiara replied sharply.

"Proud of being immature?" Ms. Damien asked.

"Yes, immature but I got my high school diploma by 12 years, I entered the police college and I now have a professional policing degree in the police force, I have undergone a six month police academy and training before becoming a detective. See this lady yoi call immature, I was the most intelligent in highschool, college and academy so I had a smooth run" She retorted.

"Wow, wow, wow, it's not professional to argue with a client so I'll ask if you're sure of what you're about to do?" Ms. Damien asked.

"I'm too sure indeed" Kiara replied.

"You'll need to get your father's hair strand, muccus or blood, you should know better since you were in the science department in high school" Ms. Damien explained.

"I have his hair" Kiara tendered the hair strand, "I'm still asking about your bill".

"Your father is a great friend, so I should be generous enough to do it for free" Ms. Damien said.

"I won't thank you though, when is my retrieval?" Kiara asked.

"Give me three working days, and I'm done with it" Ms. Damien replied.

"I'll get going then" Kiara left the office.

Seeing Kiara's shadow dancing away to it's way home, Ms. Damien put a call through, "Collins, it has happened?" She asked, "well you tried, keeping such a mess for 15 good years, well I won't fail to tell you that you failed to instill good moral behaviours in that child, she's pompous" Ms. Damien explained. , "You should trust me, I'll never betray you" Ms. Damien laughed and terminated the call, "I have no work to do, we all know Archer is the father and not Collins".


"Good Morning mom" Kiara greeted.

"Kiara, did you sleep out?" Hailey asked.

"No mom, I went out early this morning" Kiara replied.

" To do?" Hailey asked.

"To settle some stuffs" Kiara replied bluntly.

"You're being childish, you're fifteen, I have more experience than you can ever have" Hailey said.

"Hello mom, please who should scold who? Someone who allowed a strange and evil man raise her child wants to teach me the rudiments of life?" She laughed cynically. "If you'll have to teach me, then will I learn to kill my parents?, Or marry a jailer?, No no no probably give my child to the wrong father, or abruptly terminate my career?" She raised her voice in rage while Hailey could only watch like a moron. "You're never going to get that, you will never get to ruin my life the way you did yours".

Hailey silently and humbly left the scene, her 15 years old daughter now puts all the blame on her after her tons of endurance, suffering, emotional torture just to help her grow, she could not help it but cry. Thanks that Collins was not around to witness the scene, she cried all while long, she felt rejected, dejected and forsaken then a thought strikes her mind, "I think it'll be better to join my parents where there's no pain, agony, disgrace and disrespect, where I will not blame anyone and neither be blamed, after all, Kiara had rejected and disrespected me, she was the only person I looked up to, Archer is out too, but he does not care about his family, since he's been released he never made the attempt to find us, but he has made the attempt of revenge according to Mr. Andy, I actually have no one, so I'll just.......pass on" she soliloquizes. She prepared a strong rope, chair and she place the chair under the fan that housed the rope that'll kill her, she locked the door and threw the padlock away, she had given up, still feeling the pain, agony, disgrace and disrespect that she had experienced, she quickly puts the rope around her neck and kicked the chair aside to make the rope strangle her neck, she never knew it was that serious until she screamed due to the pain as she was losing her life. It was late to turn back, if people were to help her, the door was locked hence she gave up and started to say her last prayers while in agony and great pain and her breath ran out gradually.


Hey guys, does she deserve to die? Did Kiara behave in the right manner? What will be Kiara's reaction? What will be Archer's reaction? What will be Collins' reaction? Drop them all in the comment section and don't forget to click the ⭐ icon below to vote, because "THEY DON'T BITE"

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