BNHA x (Gojo) reader

By Memesuga01

552K 19.9K 17.3K

[DISCONTINUED] The reader (you) will be apart of the Gojo clan, which means....your older brother is the one... More

~Gojo (Y/n)~
S1, E1
S1, E2
S1, E3
S1, E4
S1, E5
S1, E6
S1, E7
S1, E8
S1, E9
S1, E10
S1, E11
S1, E12
S2, E1
S2, E2
S2, E3
S2, E4
S2, E5
S2, E6
S2, E7
S2, E8
S2, E9
S2, E10
S2, E11
S2, E12
S2, E13
S2, E14
~Halloween Special~
S2, E15
S2, E16
S2, E17
S2, E18
S2, E19
S2, E20
S2, E21
S2, E22
S2, E23
S2, E24
S3, E1
S3, E2
S3, E4
S3, E5
S3, E6
S3, S7
S3, E8
S3, E9
S3, E10
S3, E11
S3, E12
S3, E13
S3, E14
S3, E15
S3, E16
Small A/N

S3, E3

3.4K 130 65
By Memesuga01

Missed me?

-3rd POV-

Class 1-B were outside early in the morning, yawning and some falling asleep on the spot.

"Develop our quirks?" Kendo questioned, as she caught Komori, who was falling.

"Class A is doing it already. Let's go, quickly." Their sensei, Vlad said, before walking, "Last semester, Class A got all the attention, so next semester, it'll be Class B's turn. Got it? It won't be Class A, it'll be us, Class B!"

Fukidashi looked at Tetsutetsu, who was crying, "You're crying too much..." Their head said.

'Sir...! Sorry that we are such disappointing students!' Tetsutetsu thought.

"Even if you say that we're going to develop our quirks out of the blue, all twenty of us have different quirks, so how are we supposed to know what we're developing and how?" Tokage said.

"Can you be more specific?" Kamakiri said.

"When muscles fibers are overused, they break and become stronger and thicker. Quirks are the same. If you keep using them, they become stronger, and if you don't, then they waste away. In other words, there's just one thing to do!" Vlad led them to a clearing, "Break through your limits!" He exclaimed, as his students were shocked at what they saw in front of them.

"Bakugo Katsuki. Plunging both hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands and creating explosions repeatedly to increase the scale of his attacks!"

"Damn it!" Bakugo yelled out.

"Todoroki Shoto. Alternating between ice and fire to make the temperature of the bathwater uniform. This training is to get his body used to freezing and have him try controlling the temperature of his flames! He might even be able to use both quirks at once eventually!"

Todoroki slammed his hand against the barrel, ice surrounding him.

"Sero Hanta. By having him producing tape continuously, his training will increase his capacity and improve tape strength and shooting speed."

Sero was on top of a hill, yelling, as tape coming out both his elbows.

"Kirishima Eijiro and Ojiro Mashirao."

"Come at me!" Kirishima exclaimed, activating his quirk.

"By having Ojiro use his Tail to hit Kirishima with his Hardening activated, they can increase the strength of each other's quirks."

Ojiro attacked as Kirishima blocked, being pushed back.

"Kaminari Denki. By running his electric current through a large capacity battery, he's training his body to be able to handle large amounts of electricity."

Anyone could tell that Kaminari was in his dumb mode from the expression he was making.

"Koda Koji. In order to increase the reach of his Anivoice, he's doing vocal exercises to build up his vocal cords. It's also good for helping him become less shy."

Koda was screaming out loud, a blush over his face since he was embarrassed for yelling out loud like that.

"Aoyama Yuga. Training to get his body used to Navel Laser so that he can keep using it even if his stomach hurts and to increase the range of his laser."

Aoyama looked pale and sick, though, he kept going.

"Tokoyami Fumikage. Training to keep Dark Shadow under control even if it's going wild in the dark."

From inside a cave, Tokoyami could be heard yelling out, "Dark Shadow!"

"Uraraka Ochaco. By turning continuously in zero gravity, she's training the semicircular canals in her inner ear to decrease nausea  and increasing the maximum weight she can use her quirk on."

Uraraka was rolling down the hill in a bubble, looking very sick.

"Iida Tenya. Doing long training runs to increase leg strength and stamina."

Iida ran around the whole field.

"Asui Tsuyu. Training to work out all the muscles in her body and her long tongue."

Tsuyu climbed with the help of her tongue, "Ribbit, ribbit." She croaked.

"Sato Rikido. Working out while eating the sweets he needs to activate his quirk to power up."

Sato was lifting a weight in one hand, while in the other he stuffed his mouth with cake.

"Yaoyorozu Momo. Also eating while using her quirk to amplify her creations and shorten the amount of time needed to make them."

Momo ate cake with one hand, while Russian nesting dolls popped out of her other forearm.

"Jiro Kyoka. Increasing the quality of sound from her quirk by strengthening her earphone jack."

Jiro yelled out as her earphone jacks hitting them against the side of the rocky hill, chipping away at the rocks.

"Ashido Mina. Intermittently creating acid to increase her skin's durability."

Mina, who was next to Jiro, kept her hands planted against the wall of the rock, her acid already making her wince.

"Mineta Minoru. Training to increase the strength of his scalp so that he won't bleed even if he keeps popping off balls."

Mineta kept pulling out the balls from his head, tears streaming down along with blood.

"Hagakure Toru and Shoji Mezo. They're increasing the strength of both their quirks by having Shoji quickly create multiple Dupli-Arms to look for Hagakure as she continues to hide her presence."

Shoji looked around with the help of his quirk as Hagakure was walking around and only stopping when the male was close to locating her presence.

"What is with this hell?" Hiryu said, watching Class A struggling with their training.

"Those of you who are operative types will have to raise your maximum limits. Heteromorphic types and other composite types need to train the parts of their body related to their quirks." Vlad explained, as Hiryu's soul escaped, "Normally, this would occur as your bodies grow...but we don't have that time. Class B, you guys hurry up, too."

"But once we join, there will be forty-one in all. Can just six people manage the quirks of that many people?" Kendo said, looking at her classmate.

Aizawa walked up with (Y/n), who was following close behind, "That's why they're here." He said.

"That's right! The four of us are one!" A female with medium height with long, emerald green hair and big round yellow eyes that are almost always open all the way. As a part of her costume, she has pink marks on her cheeks that resemble whiskers and a pink circle around her right eye. As for her costume, it was a yellow version of the Pussycats' hero costume.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help!!" Mandalay said.

"We've come to lend a paw and help!!"

"Coming out of nowhere..." A tall, muscular man with short brown hair and a small triangle shaped beard. He had blank white eyes with black markings surrounding them. He wore a brown version of the Pussycats' hero costume.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" Pixie-Bob said.

"Wild, Wild..." All four of the heroes posed, "...Pussycats! The full version!"

In the back Bakugo could be heard making explosions and saying curses, "Damn it!"

"My quirk is Search! I can know all the info about up to a hundred people by just looking at them!"

"Ragdoll — Quirk: Search"

"I can find out their location and weaknesses, too!"

"With my Earthflow, I can make the perfect places for each person to train!"

"Pixie-Bob — Quirk: Earthflow"

She created a small hill as Uraraka came close to them, sending her off.

"And with my Telepath, I can give advice to multiple people at once."

"Mandalay — Quirk: Telepath"

"And my job is assault through punching and kicking..."

"Tiger — Quirk: Pliabody"

"There's a lot wrong with that..." Someone from Class B said.

"Damn it!" The explosive blonde yelled out.

"All you power-up types, come to me! Tiger's Bootcamp has already begun!" Tiger said, pointing in a direction, making everyone turn and see Midoriya, who was punching up in place. 

'That's so obsolete!' Kaibara thought.

"Now, hit me with what you've got!" He said, appearing next to the green haired male.

"Five percent Detroit Smash!" The teen said, throwing the punch, but it was dodged and in return got hit, sending him back into a tree, falling down face first.

"You're still pretty lively! That means your muscle fibers haven't been ripped apart yet!"

The male got up, "Yessir..."

"I can't hear you!"


'He's scary.' The brown haired teen thought.

"It's "Plus Ultra," right? Then, do it!" Tiger said.

"Yessir!" Midoriya said, still down.

'That guy's the only one whose gender and genre are different, huh?' Shishida thought.

"U.A.'s busy, so it's hard to spare staff for just the first years of the hero course. Based on their track record and wide range of quirks, these four are the most logical choice to train your quirks in a short amount of time." Aizawa explained.

"Don't fall behind Class A! Let's go, Class B!" Vlad said.

"Yes, sir!" His class said.

Before anyone could go off to train their quirk, Kendo raised her hand up.

"Yes, Kendo?" The hero said.

"I took note of (Y/n)-chan not participating. Why is that?" She questioned, tilting her head.

Aizawa looked at the white haired girl, who just grinned, "She's very much advanced than the others. She could be considered at hero level. (Y/n) trains with me whenever she feels like it since I'm trained in sorcery."

The girl nodded, "That's why Aizawamin is the best!"

The male sighed at the name, but continued, "So if you need help with anything, you can ask her too. Therefore, forty of you will be training and seven of us will be watching over you. Though, there are times where (Y/n) will be off taking care of Mandalay's nephew. Now, off all of you." He said, as everyone nodded and went their separate ways to train.

Midoriya on the other hand fell on his back, panting, 'All Might endowed me with a quirk that was more than I deserved. Gran Torino taught me how to use my quirk in a way that worked with my body.' He thought.

"The more you train a vessel, the more you'll be able to move the power freely."

He tightened his fist, 'I've already come this far since receiving it! Now, it depends on my own hard work!' He got up, letting out a yell.

"All right, stretch and rip apart your weak quirk!" Tiger exclaimed.


From behind a tree, Kota stood there, an angered look on his face, but was soon gone when he saw a familiar face in front of him.

"Kota-chan." (Y/n) smiled softly at him.

"(N/n)-nee." He said, as she opened her arms, making him run into her arms and hug her.

She lifted him up with a small huff, "You're getting bigger, Kota! Probably by next year I won't be able to lift you up anymore." She laughed.

The small boy giggled at the girl's words, "(N/n)-nee, I'm not that big yet."

"You sure? I say you are. My little Kota-chan is all ready growing so big." She let out a fake sad sigh, "I don't know what I'll do! Kota-chan is growing and I won't have a little buddy anymore."

"Stop being so dramatic. I'll forever be your little buddy, nee-chan!"

"If you say so." She grinned, before tickling him, making his laugh.


"Now, remember what I said yesterday? "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you"!" Pixie-Bob said, as uncut vegetables were in front of her and Ragdoll.

"At least make your own food! Curry!" The emerald haired female said.

"Yessir..." All forty students said, very tired, making the hero laugh.

"You all look exhausted! But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!"

Iida snapped out from his exhausted state, "It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" He told the rest.

"Okay..." Everyone said, not even paying attention.

'Iida's so useful.' Aizawa thought, watching the students.


Shoto used his fire, turning on the grill.

"Todoroki!" Mina called out, making the male look, "Can we get a fire over here, too?"

Sero turned his head, "Bakugo, use Explosion to light this." He said.

"Like I would, scum!" Bakugo exclaimed, outstretching his hand and creating an explosion, which destroyed the grill, "Huh...?"

(Y/n), who watched them, while feeding Kota since he was acting like he hurt himself and obviously wanted her attention only on him. The girl laughed at the explosive blond's misfortune.

"If you rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire." Momo said, before creating a lighter and lighting up the grill.

"No, it's fine." The dual haired male said, lighting up the grill for Mina.

"Wow, thanks!" Uraraka said.

"Burn, burn, burn it up!" Mina said.

"You can't burn it all up."

The male let a small smile take over his features, before standing up.


"Thanks for the food!" Everyone said, before digging in.

"If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy." Kirishima said, "—but in this situation, it's delicious!"

"Don't say that! It's rude!" Sero said.

The pink haired girl turned to her friend, seeing her eat amounts of food, "Yao-momo, you eat a lot, huh?"

"Yes." She said, pausing in her food, "My quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make."

"It's like poo." The tape user said, which made the black haired girl sulk, and for him to be punched by Jiro.

"Apologize!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!"

From afar, Kota stood next to (Y/n), before walking off, which she took note of.

"Kota-chan?" She called out, making him pause.

"I want to be alone for right now." He said, walking again.

"Oh, all right! If you need anything, come find me."


Midoriya saw the boy walking off as the girl watched him, 'Kota...' He thought, before following after the boy.

"Izuku-chan? Are you going after him?" The white haired girl called out, making him look at her and nodded.

"Yeah. I want to talk to him."

"Hm...Okay, but be cautious of what you say to him. I don't want him to come running back to me in tears. He's very special to me." She then gave him a bag of snacks, "Give these to him. Kota usually gets slightly hungry about this hour."

The male nodded with a smile, "Of course, (Y/n)-chan." He said, before walking.


Kota was looking at the stars, before his stomach softly growled.

"You're hungry, aren't you?"

The small boy turned his head with a glare. 

"You can eat these snacks. They're from (Y/n)-chan." Midoriya said, walking up.

He got up from the place he was sitting, "You...! How'd you find this place?"

"Oh, sorry. I followed your footsteps...I thought maybe you'd want something to eat..."

"I'm fine. I don't need any. I told you, didn't I? I don't intend to hang out with you, other than (N/n)-nee. Get out of my secret hideout!" He turned his head.

The male looked around, "A secret hideout, huh?"

"Getting all into trying to improve your quirk. It's gross. You want to show off your power that badly?"

The green haired male looked down, "Your parents..." He looked at the boy, "Could they be Water Hose? With the water quirks?"

His eyes widen, before turning to him, "Did Mandalay or (N/n)-nee tell you?!"

"Oh, no, um, uh...Sorry!" He put a hand on the back of his neck, "Yeah, I kind of ended up hearing about it, and based on the information I got, I thought maybe...It was an unfortunate incident. I remember it."

Kota turned his head again, "Shut up. Everyone's crazy...Calling each other stupid names like "hero" and "villain" and killing each other...Talking about quirks and stuff...It's because they're all showing off that it ended up like that...Stupid..."

'It's not just heroes...Kota hates quirks...and the superhuman society itself...'

"What is it? If there's nothing else, then go away!"

"Well,, uh...friend...My friend....couldn't inherit any quirks from his parents..." Midoriya said.


"It's a hereditary thing, and apparently it's rare but does happen...But he admired heroes and wanted to become one, but you can't be one these days without a quirk...My friend couldn't accept that for a long time and practiced...Trying to draw objects to him and breathe fire...But it was no good. There are a lot of different ways to think about quirks, so I don't know if this'll apply to everyone, but if you reject it that much, then it'll just make it more painful for you. Um, so..."

"Just shut up!" Kota glared at him, "Get out of here!"

"Sorry. I'm just rambling...I'll leave the snacks here." He said, putting down the small bag, before walking off.

Kota watched the male walk, before his stance calmed down, "Shut up...All of you..."

Near the rock mountain, a dent was shown.


Toga put on a mask, as she had other equipment strapped to her, "I mean, I don't like this. It's not cute." She said.

"This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right? Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense." A male, who was wearing a gas mask said.

"I'm not talking about that. I just don't want to wear this." She waved her hands around.

"Hi! Sorry for the wait." Said a woman with quite a wide, muscular build, her hair smooth, shoulder-length, and reddish magenta color, and her rather square jaw covered thinly with facial hair. Her lips were notably big, just slightly more pink-tinted in color, and she always wore triangular, white-framed sunglasses, obscuring her eyes. Along with these, she also wore a dark orange shirt, left unbuttoned to reveal with white v-neck she had on underneath, and blue jeans secured with a belt, plain dark brown espadrilles on her feet. Carrying in her arm was a large magnet.

"" Said a fairly tall man who stands over most of his allies in terms of height. Most of his physical body cannot be seen because the suit he wears encompasses his entire body. He wore a black straitjacket that only leaves his mouth exposed. The suit is held together by black restraints decorated with red spikes. These same restraints connect to metal clamps that cover Moonfish's head and keeps his lips open, causing him to drool.

"That makes seven." Dabi said.

"I don't care, just let me at 'em. I'm getting too pumped up." A male with a black, hooded cloak and a white hockey mask with multiple holes, said, his hand twitching.

"Shut up, you crazy bastards. Not yet...We'll move when all ten of us are here. Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk. It's better to have a small group of experienced allies. First, we make them realize...that their peace is resting in our hands."


From on top of a hill, Koda was screaming out.

"Hey, extra lessons group, don't stop." Aizawa called out to Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Sato, as he wrapped the scarf around Kirishima's head, making him lift his head.

"Got it!" The red haired male said.

"Sorry, I'm kind of sleepy..." The girl said.

'I didn't think yesterday's extra lessons...would go until 2 a.m....'

'And we started at 7 a.m....' Sato thought.

"I told you it'd be tough. You're not just trying to improve your quirks. Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams!" The teacher said, making them tense, "Think carefully about why you're more tired than your classmates before you move." He tugged on Kirishima's head, making him lean back.

"Y-Yes, sir..." They all said.

The black haired male turned, "Uraraka! Aoyama!" He called out to the two, "You two should, too. You didn't fail, but you were close. If 30 points was passing, you were at about 35." He said, as the sparkly male came out the bathroom and the girl had a rock floating in the air.

"Ah, we barely made it..." The brown haired girl said.

"How unexpected." The blond male said.

"Don't lose focus. All of you, move faster!" Aizawa said, looking over his other students, "No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from. That's what it means to improve. Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why you keep getting nagged."

'Where I came from...' Bakugo thought, hands dipped in the boiling water and looking at his reflection.

'Where I came from...' Todoroki thought, some frost covering his right side.

'Where I came from...!' Midoriya thought, before his eyes widen a bit, and walked up to his teacher, "That reminds me, Mr. Aizawa, it's already the third day..."

The said male looked at him, "What did I just say? Don't just walk over here like that." He said, jumping down.

"Is All Might...I mean, are the other teachers coming?"

"Like I said before the training camp, in order to keep the villains from finding out where we were, we kept the numbers of people to the absolute minimum."

"That's why you got a training camp with the four of us!" Ragdoll exclaimed.

"And especially since we believe All Might is one of the villains' targets, we can't have him here, along with (Y/n). For better or for worse, that's what happens, since he stands out so much...Hmph." He said, beginning to walk off.

'Seems like there's a lot more of the "for worse" part...' The teen thought, sweatdropping, "Ah, but why is (Y/n)-chan here and not back home?"

The male paused in his walk, "She is capable of handling herself, but we do have our guard up just in case. If anything happens to her, her brother will bring hell." He said, walking again.

The green haired male gripped his fist, 'I see. All Might isn't coming, huh?'

Pixie-Bob giggled, sitting on top of some boxes, "More importantly, everyone, tonight...we'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!"

"Oh, I forgot." Kendo said.

"I hate scary things..." Jiro said.

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami said.

"They're letting us do the typical training camp stuff, too, huh?" Hiryu said.

Monoma chuckled, "I like the part where we're "pitted against each other"..."

"So, do your best right now!" The blond hero exclaimed.



(Y/n) pouted as she walked up to the hero, "And what about me? There's uneven numbers."

Pixie-Bob giggled, "Oh right." She said, before continuing again, "Because of uneven numbers, two people will be the lucky winners of having (Y/n) in their team! So work hard!"

Almost everyone instantly perked up at the girl's name, before getting to work even more.

'Seems like almost everyone has a crush on her. No one can resist her charms.' She smirked.


"Bakugo, you're really good at using a knife!" Uraraka said, shocked by the male, who was cutting up vegetables at a fast pace, "It's unexpected..."

"What do you mean, unexpected? How can you be bad at using a knife!" Bakugo angrily exclaimed, cutting without even looking.

"There he is. We haven't seen the capable version of him in a while." Kaminari said, passing by.

(Y/n) wrapped an arm around Katuski, making him look at her, "Katsuki-chan! Better look at what you're cutting. Don't want you to cut yourself by accident. I don't feel like playing nurse with you. Or maybe you do want me to play nurse~" She grinned.

"Shut the hell up, blind bitch!" He exclaimed, a very light blush taking over.

"Everyone's too energetic..." Kirishima tiredly said.


"Did you need All Might for something? You asked Mr. Aizawa about him, didn't you?" Todoroki asked, making Midoriya look at him.

" did, about Kota..."

"Kota? Who's that?"


"That kid..." He said, turning his head, "You know, Mandalay's cousin's, um..." He noticed the boy was gone, "Huh? He's gone again." He then looked down, 'Maybe he's at his hideout...He really hates being around us, huh? With the exception of (Y/n)-chan, of course.' He thought, then put some wood under the grill, "That kid hates heroes—I mean, he hates the whole quirk-based superhuman society in general, and I couldn't say anything to help him. I was just wondering what All Might would've said to him...What would you have said, Todoroki?"

"It depends."

"Of course it does!"

"To have some stranger trying to reason with you would just be annoying, right? What's important is what actions he took or is taking. What's important is what actions he took or is taking. If the words are going to move someone by themselves, they have to be pretty powerful. I think words have to be accompanied by action..." The dual haired male said.

 "It was because it was none other than the timid, quirkless you at the scene that I was able to act. You can become a hero."

"That's right. It's just as you say...I'm just a stranger. How can I say anything to him?" Midoriya said.

"I don't know what you want to do with him, but I don't think you should keep poking your nose in a delicate situation. You have no qualms about breaking through that kind of stuff, even though you don't seem like the type."

He sweatdropped, "Sorry about that..."

"You guys! Your hands have stopped moving!" Iida exclaimed, peeling potatoes at a rapid pace, "We're going to make the best meat and potato stew!"


"Now, we've filled out bellies and washed the dishes! Next..." Pixie-Bob said, trailing off.

"'s time for the test of courage!" Mina exclaimed.

"We're gonna test it!" Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Sato exclaimed.

"Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lesson group will be having class with me now." Aizawa cut in in their fun.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" The female exclaimed.

"Sorry." He said, wrapping his scarf around the students, "Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time." He tugged them, making them fall.

"Give me a break!"

"Let us be tested!"

Everyone else could only watch at their classmates misfortune.


"Okay, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you." Pixie-Bob explained.

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami said.

'He said it again.' Uraraka thought.

"Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your quirks."

"The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!" Tiger said.

"Stop it. It's filthy." Jiro said.

"I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our quirks in the process! As expected of U.A.!" Iida said.

The blond hero raised her hand, "Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!"

Everyone drew lots and had their partners picked out.

"If we're two to a team..." Midoriya mumbled, "Huh? Since there are twenty-one with five at extra lessons...One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...?" He counted the teams, before realizing he was alone, "Since there are twenty with five at extra lessons..." He counted again, before coming up with a blank, "There's an extra person!"

(Y/n) laughed and hugged the green haired male, "Did you forget about me, Izu-chan? So mean. I guess we were destined to be together after all!" She grinned, making the male blush brightly.

"(Y-Y/n)-chan!" He stuttered.

Bakugo put a hand on the green haired male's shoulder, "Hey, Deku! Switch with me!" He said, pointing behind him, which was his partner, Todoroki.

"Aoyama...Please switch with me!" Mineta said, walking towards the said male, who shook his head.

"Hey, I said switch with me!"

"Sorry, Katsuki-chan! I'm staying with Izu-chan!"

"Revelry in the dark...." Tokoyami said, as Shoji looked down at him.

"12 Minutes Later"

From inside the forest, they could hear shrieks and screams from other teams.

"Okay, the fifth team! Ribbit-kitty, Uraraka-kitty, go!" Pixie-Bob said, as the girls walked in.

"I'm scared, Tsu...There are so many screams..." Uraraka said.

"Kyoka and Toru, huh? Let's hold hands. It's fine, I'm not scared." Tsuyu said, holding her hand out as the other girl held on to it, "Let's go."



A laugh was heard, before two heads popped out.

"Kodai, you scared everyone so far!" Juzo said.

"You're really putting yourself out there, Yui!" Kendo said.

"Yeah." Kodai said.

"Bakugo and Todoroki were so funny!" The male said, before recalling the scares.

-Small Flashback-

The two walked before Kodai's head popped out from under, making the blond and dual haired male tense up.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." They both said, each time there was a scare.

-End of Flashback-

"What was the "Oh"?" Juzo laughed.

"Hey, doesn't it smell a little like something's burning?" The orange haired female said, making the male pause.

"Huh? Now that you mention it, it suddenly got smoky..." He said, noticing the smoke, "Did Bakugo and Todorki get so scared they fired off their quirks...?" He trailed off, before slumping down.

"Konenuki?!" She exclaimed, before her eyes widen, "Yui! Don't breath in!" She covered her nose and mouth, and covered the black haired girl with her quirk, "This smoke...It's poisonous!"


Pixie-Bob sniffed the air, "What's this burning smell...?" She mumbled.

"That's...Black smoke..."

"Is something burning?"

"Couldn't there be a fire on the mountain?!"


From within the forest, Dabi had a hand on the tree bark, using his quirk to light it up.

"Now..." He began as around him, was blue flames, " begins."


The blond hero was then picked up, "Wh-What is this?!" She exclaimed, as she was then sent into the forest.


"Take them down. The false brilliance of the title of "hero"...We, the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will condemn them."

"Those pet cats are in the way."

"Wh-Why...?" Mineta said, backing up, "I thought they made doubly sure...Why are there villains here?!"

Midoriya ran ahead, "Pixie-Bob!" He called out, as he was then stopped by Tiger.

"Oh, no!" Mandalay said, making the male's eyes widen and turn his head.

"Kota!" Him and (Y/n) exclaimed.


From up in the mountain, Kota watched with eyes widen, seeing as the forest was being burned, but without his knowledge, someone walked up behind him.

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