Break My Heart

By MiaStevenson5

545 12 2

If I woulda known it, baby... I would've stayed at home 'Cause I was doing better alone But when you said "He... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

132 5 0
By MiaStevenson5

I always say what I'm feelin'
I was born without a zip on my mouth
Sometimes I don't even mean it
It takes a little while to figure me out

-Woman Like Me, Little Mix

Her first official morning in the mountains started with the alarm going off at an insanely high volume. Stretching out to press the snooze button on the phone, she drifted back to sleep, promptly ignoring the fast ticking of the clock. If she wanted to be kicked out of this place she might as well put some effort into it.

At last, after enough time had passed for her to be inevitably late, Rei got up from bed and headed towards the shower. Getting dressed and putting on her normal jewelry, she exited her room not bothering to blow dry her hair.

She must admit her plan of showing everyone her true persona had been rushed due to yesterday's incident with the asshole's broken nose and all that; originally she was meant to be sweet at the beginning and gradually turn up the "disrespectful bratiness" (that's how the old man calls it), but the sooner she let them know who they were dealing with, the faster she'll be out of here.

The halls were all empty, maybe because classes had started a good fifteen minutes ago, as she walked through them. She knocked on the classroom door twice before opening it.

–Good morning sensei!

–You are late.

She was relieved to see that the teacher in front of the white board was not Kudo-sensei (she had actually liked him yesterday and would've hated to give him an attitude). He looked old, not as old as the old hag but old nonetheless.

Since she hadn't even bothered to check her schedule this morning, she had no clue what his name was or what class he taught.

–I'm sorry sensei.– she started with an apologetic voice– I got lost on my way since-

–I don't want to hear your excuses.– He rudely interrupted her.– Just because you are the headmaster's grand-daughter doesn't mean you can do whatever you please. There are rules in this school that every student has to follow, including you Kamiyama-san.

The collective gasp that the class gave could have been heard miles away.

'Oh great.'

Now she was pissed. This man had just blown up her cover, her most precious secret. She didn't want people to know she was blood related to the grumpy man that ruled this place. Being publicly connected to her family made her angry, as ridiculous as it may sound.

– I am very aware of the existence of the rules. And don't worry, I don't plan on using my connections in order to avoid my responsibilities. Please don't let my last name intimidate you sensei.

Even with the sweet smile that adorned her lips no one mistook the mocking jab of her words. The professor glared at her.

–Take a seat, quickly.


The day had been long and exhausting. After yesterday's incident, even Takeda was wary of talking to her. It was a bittersweet victory.

She had stayed inside the classroom all the time, watching through the window the guys that were walking outside the building. During class, when her mind drifted away, she started speculating about her classmate's life.

To be honest, she was the most intrigued by the pink haired guy; he never spoke, teachers left him alone and she had caught him sleeping at least three times now. Rei couldn't phantom the thought of someone being allowed to be such a slacker in her grandfather's "pristine and perfect" school. But then again, that was the same school that hosted a not so underground sex club.

As she was packing up her stuff to go to the cafeteria for something to eat, Kudo-sensei entered the room.

–Kamiyama-san, how was your second day?

–Good afternoon Kudo-sensei. –She bowed politely.– It was ok, thanks for asking.

–I'm glad to hear that. I came here because the headmaster called for you.

Dread filled her stomach. She hadn't done anything today. Hell, she hadn't even left the stupid classroom. Still, she kept her tone light with poor Kudo-san, it wasn't his fault the wench wanted to see her.

–Sure, I'll go now. Thanks for telling me sensei.

–I'll accompany you.

They set off to the administrative part of the building keeping a lighthearted conversation about the weather and the snacks in the trickster bending machine.

Finally, they arrived at the office.

–Come in.

The headmaster's greeting was cold but at least this time he acknowledged them as soon as they entered.

–Good afternoon, Kamiyama-sama. –Kudo-sensei was quick to address, Rei just kept silent.

–I've been thinking about the best ways to help my granddaughter adapt to her new environment.

He crossed his hands on top of his desk, his eyes scanning their faces.

–I came to the conclusion that she would benefit from having a good example to follow, someone who would make her feel welcomed and at the same time helps her navigate through our school.

Both Rei and Kudo-sensei didn't know what to say. Was he proposing she had a tutor? A friend? A GPS to get around?

–Kudo-san, –he turned to face the man.

–Yes, Kamiyama-sama?

–Who are your best students?

Poor Kudo-sensei was startled by the question. His mind went blank, not a single name coming to his head.

–From second year?

–From any year. Are there no students in my school that are friendly and good academic achievers?

–Y-yes, there are several.

–Well? Who do you propose for the task at hand?

Rei was enraged. She didn't need no "good boy" guiding her around. She could find her way on her own, thank you very much. Plus, the idea of being forced to interact with some random stranger wasn't her idea of fun.

–There is this kid in first year, Yaguchi Kyosuke. He is an excellent friend to all of his classmates. He also puts a lot of effort into his assignments. I'm sure he would be pleased to help your granddaughter to settle in.

The old hag seemed to be considering his options for a moment. He didn't recall the name of the kid, nonetheless, he trusted Kudo's judgement for his students.

–Very well, it's settled.

He slammed his intertwined hands on the desk making them jump a little.

–Kudo-san, please inform Yaguchi Kyosuke that he has been assigned to show Rei around the school.

–Should I look for him now?

–Of course not, classes are already over. Tell him at the first hour tomorrow.

–Yes, Kamiyama-san. Is there anything else you need from me?

–No, thank you Kudo-san. You're both dismissed.

With that, he lowered his gaze back to the papers on his desk.

Kudo did as he was told and left the room immediately. Rei strongly suspected that he was intimidated, cof cof afraid cof, by the headmaster.

She stayed rooted in place, staring intensely at the man's violet hair.

A couple of minutes passed by until he couldn't take it anymore, abruptly stopping his reading.

–I thought you would be eager to get out. What are you still doing here?

–I don't need a babysitter.

–With the way you acted yesterday I think anyone would differ from that.

–He was looking for it! I didn't do anything wrong.

–And can your morning encounter with your professor also be considered as "doing nothing wrong"?

She was caught red handed. There was no way she could defend herself against that statement. She had wanted to get consequences for her actions, but not these types of consequences.

Her silence was more than enough answer.

–You can go now, I have a lot of work to do.

Anger made her blood boil. He masked his devilish plans to attempt to keep her in check with good intent. The old man hadn't been playing when he said he was not going to make things easy for her. If that was the case, she didn't have any plans to play nice either.

–I'm not going to meet with him. –She declared as she started to head for the door.

–No, you are not only going to meet with him, but you are going to allow him to show you around and chat politely with him while doing so. That's not up for discussion.

Clenching her fists not to snap at him, she left the room behind. She didn't need to give him another excuse to make her life miserable. From now on, she had to move around with caution.


When Yaguchi arrived at his classroom in the morning he didn't even get the chance to put his stuff down when the professor called for him.

–Yes, Kudo-sensei?

–Yaguchi-san, I have a request for you.

–Sure, what is it about? –It was not unusual for this kinda stuff to happen. He was, after all, the nicest student in the school. Still, it irked him beyond degree.

–I need you to show the new student around school.

–Toono? I've already done that sensei.

–No, not him. Kamiyama Rei.

He was confused for a moment. He didn't know anyone named Kamiyama Rei, and as far as he knew, the only transfers had been Yuu and Toono.


–You mean the new girl?

–Yes! Exactly her. The headmaster asked me to tell you. We know you are the best option to make her feel at home within Mori Mori.

Yaguchi put on a practiced smile on his face.

–Of course! I'll be happy to help her.

–Good. –The professor deflated a little as a relieved expression washed over his face.– Her classroom is 2-A.

–I'll go look for her during the recess. Thank you for the trust, sensei.

As Yaguchi turned around to head to his seat, mentaly cursing everything on sight, the professor smiled a little, thinking about what a great classmate Yaguchi was.


When the recess came over, Rei considered making a run for the door and escaping to the roof. However, before she could leave the classroom a guy appeared in front of her desk.

–Hi! My name is Yaguchi Kyosuke.

He was short compared to the rest of the boys, Rei thought that they might be of the same height. He had big light-colored eyes and bright orange hair. It was tied up in a single funny looking side ponytail. 'Someone get this man another hairtie'.


–Kudo-sensei told me about you. I know how hard it is to be the new student, so I hope I can help you to feel more at ease.

His smile was bright and welcoming. Warmth was pouring out of every pore of his body. It made her grunt on the inside. She didn't like him already. No one could be that happy. It was not possible.

–If you say so.

Despite her disinterested attitude, he kept talking as if nothing had happened.

—Ok! Since the break is too short for us to visit the whole school, what do you say about meeting during the afternoon?

She didn't want to meet now, let alone after school. Rei had intended to flee to her room and start plotting her master plan to get expelled.

—Yeah, that's fine by me. — Though for now, playing along to the old hag's wishes was probably the most sensible choice. She didn't want to end up with a real nanny.

—Cool. I have football practice today, so can we see each other after that?

—Sure. I have a club meeting as well.

—Great. What club are you in?

—The Photography Club.

That had taken the boy by surprise. His cheerful face transformed into one of absolute and genuine shock. Even if Rei wanted to laugh at his expression, her delight was cut short due to his sudden regain of composure.

–You must know Toono then!

–I do. –She raised a brow. What did the brown haired boy have to do with him?

–He's my friend. We are both in class 1-D.

Silence hung over them. Rei didn't know what to answer.

–Since you already know him you won't have any problem in coming to eat with us, do you? I was planning on introducing you both all along but this makes things easier.

–Right now?

–Of course right now! Let's hurry. He must already be waiting for us.

The girl considered it for a moment. She didn't want to go with this overly cheerful individual to god knows where, but the thought of teasing Toono was way too fun to pass.

–Ok, lead the way.

Their way to the patio was full of stops, they couldn't even walk three steps without someone greeting Yaguchi. He would smile and wave to all of them. Some braver than others ventured to address her too, she gave them the benefit of the doubt and simply nodded back.

'Damn, this kid is popular.'

Finally, they made it to a small bench under the shade of a big tree.

–Toono!– Yaguchi called happily, giving the boy a jump scare.

–Yacchan, hey.– He looked her way and was surprised to find the girl walking behind.– Oh, hi Kamiyama-san.

–I already told you to call me Rei.– She answered as she nudged his shoulder playfully.

–Right, right.

–I hope you don't mind. I invited her to tag with us, Toono.– Yaguchi called with an apologetic look.

–Not at all.

They sat down on the bench and started talking about random stuff. Honestly the two guys did most of the talking since Rei wasn't really interested in the conversation. She was about to get out of there with the excuse of having to use the toilet when Kashima arrived.

–Hi guys! I'm so happy I found you here.

Kashima came to where they were seated.

–I had been looking everywhere for you Toono, have you been with Kyousuke and Rei all this time?

–Yeah, we have been here the whole recess.

Kashima looked down at what Toono was munching. He had a half eaten pudding bread in his hands.

–Is that pudding bread? I looove pudding.

'You surely do.' His eyes suddenly had a sparkle to them, he was literally beaming.

–Oh, Yacchan gave me this.– Toono stretched his arm to give the bun back to the tiny boy.

When had he given that to him? Rei hadn't even noticed when Toono had started to eat. She had been really zoning out, hadn't she?

–If you want some you can take a bite Yuu. Say "aahh".

He offered the bread with a cheery smile to the taller male. He had his eyes closed and Rei couldn't help to notice the slight blush that was tainting his cheeks as Kashima bit down.

Rei and Toono exchanged knowing glances. 'He noticed it too. I thought I was going crazy for a second there.'

Kashima patted Yaguchi's head affectionately. He gave back the bread to Toono after he said he was hungry and the boy didn't waste a second to give it a bite. In that moment Kashima's smile turned brighter than before.

–I just had an indirect kiss with Toono! Hehe.

With that both Rei and Toono started choking, Toono with the bread and her with air. No one could believe what Kashima had just said. Rei was delighted with the funny expressions of all the boys, immediately starting to laugh as soon as she was able to breathe properly again.

Yaguchi was just startled, and had Rei not been laughing her head off, she would have noticed the disgusted expression on his face. Toono on the other hand...

–WhY wOuLd YoU sAy SoMeThInG lIkE tHaT?!?!– His whole face was of an intense red color that extended all the way from his ears to his neck.

At his response, Rei couldn't help but cackle louder. Yaguchi finally got himself together and started smiling again.


The afternoon came once again. She was meant to be attending a club meeting right now. Instead of doing that she was walking around wasting time, it's not like anyone would miss her in the club anyways.

After a good 30 minutes of wandering, some weird sound caught her attention. There was no other way to describe them rather than muffled and suspicious. Naturally, being the nosy person she is, her first instinct was to follow them to find their source.

Quietly moving down the hallways, pressing her ears to the closed doors, she found the one from where the sounds came at last.

As she carefully cracked the door open in order to peep on the inside, a cold sense of regret washed over her.

There were three males inside the room, as well as inside of one another.

Without second thought she pushed the door to quietly shut it. However before it was completely closed, she was still able to hear the strangled moan that came out of the blue-haired boy that was sandwiched between the other two.

Her face heated up as she sprinted away from the place.

'That's what you get for getting your nose into matters that are none of your concern, you idiot'.

As she scolded herself for accidentally generating a new trauma on her own, she saw Toono sitting down talking to the pretty senpai from the club.

Rei considered walking away from there and back into her room, she had been witness to more than enough crude scenes today. In spite of her better judgment, she approached them.


Toono tensed and jumped a little. She had approached them from behind, still, he acted like a total scaredy cat.

–Why is everyone so keen on scaring me today?– He breathed out to himself.

–Because you're always so jumpy and it's fun.–Rei plopped down beside him.

–For example,–Shikatani started speaking– you can tell that Rei definitely took a bath today because she had her hair wet all morning.

Rei stared confused at the male with the glasses. 'What the hell are these two talking about?'

–Ummm, thank you?

He turned to face her.

–It was not a compliment, it's disgusting to walk around with your hair dripping, it wets all your clothes. Especially with longer hair like yours.

–That's not fair.– Toono complained.– Shikatani-senpai's disorder is so mean.

–Instead of disorder you should call it damn paranoia.

–Exactly, that damn paranoia is...WHaaAAaA.

Toono screamed once again, violently moving to the side. This way, Rei was able to see Tamura crouching behind him. The blue-haired boy was the one who had scared Toono. hair???

Rei eyed Tamura from head to toe; his clothes were all jumbled, the first buttons of the shirt open, his hair was messy and rumbled, his lips were a bit swollen and his cheeks a little flushed.

Blood rushed furiously to her face as she realized that he had been the boy in the classroom a couple of minutes ago.

She couldn't stop staring, jaw hanging open in disbelief. He boosted himself on acting like an almighty top, but the sounds that came out of his mouth were those of a very needy bottom. The moan played itself on a loop without her meaning to.

–What are you looking at, wench?! I know you like what you see but there's no need to stare.

Tamura spoke with a self-sufficient grin.

There were many things that bothered Rei about his statement. One, she was not staring, just analyzing, obviously. Two, she was not a wench. That was one of the names she called the old hag and she was so not going to be called that way as well. Three, she was not about to get handled by a bratty top wannabe.

Rei moved closer to where Tamura was sitting, closing in on his face.

–I mean, yeah. You do make for a really cute bottom with such pretty red cheeks and strangled moans. But you're not my type.– She stretched her hands to pinch his cheeks.– Sorry to disappoint you Ta-mu.– Rei cooed.

Tamura got back in a haste, color flooding back to his face.

–Huh?! What are you talking about you y-ou..OI! G-get off me!!

While he was trying to come back with an answer, Rei had started to crawl to get on top of him, causing Tamura to almost fall back. Their faces ended up being centimeters away from touching.

Rei's shoulders shook a little as she giggled.

–Look at you getting all flustered with just a little teasing. I had no idea you were that sensitive Tamu.

Shikatani started laughing and even if Toono had his eyes open as wide as plates, he did too. Rei got back to her original position with a victorious look on her face, leaving a messed up Tamura sulking at his lost pride.

–Shut up.

The girl stretched her arms as she turned her attention back to Toono.

–Anyways, what were you doing before we arrived? Were you spying on the soccer team?

She said the last line raising her eyebrows up and down, with a suggestive smile on her face. It was a joke, obviously, but when Toono's face started turning crimson and he avoided eye contact it was not so much anymore.

–Oh my gods! You were?!

–I was not!

–Who is it?

Toono and Shikatani spoke at the same time.

–No one!

–The guy with the side ponytail.

Her head whipped to see the football field, scanning through every head running around. When she found him (which took like 2 seconds) her face lit up with recognition as she gasped.

–You like Yaguchi? No way!

–I don't like him!– He screamed but immediately changed his answer– Not that way!

–Oh my dear,–she placed a hand on his shoulder and the other on her heart– there's no need to deny it.

–But senpai– he tried to stop her desperately– I don't-

She placed a finger on his mouth effectively silencing him.

–Shhhh my dear, I know it's hard being stuck in a love triangle but worry not, I feel a premonition that you are going to come out of this on top ;)

–ReI sEmPaAaI!!!

Her solemn and serious face broke into thunderous laughter hugging Toono to maintain her balance.

Suddenly, the school speakers came to life, urging Shikatani to go to the chem lab under the request of Matsumura-sensei. He stood up and left mumbling to himself about disgusting sweat.

'You know what? I don't even want to know.'

–...tell you all about my first encounter with Yaguchi!– Tamura stated firmly and started to tell the story despite Toono's complaints.

Rei was lost as to why they had started talking about this, even so she didn't complain because she was very curious about what Tamura thought of Yaguchi. She needed a more serious and objective perspective of him than the one Toono could provide.

As the narration went on two things became clear; one, Yaguchi was a really good person (which was the most likely) or very cunning (that was Rei's paranoia speaking), two, both boys sitting down with her were completely infatuated with him.

There was a twinkle in their eyes that kept growing and growing, to the point when the story ended they were both beaming.

–I knew it, Yacchan is an angel. AN ANGEL!!!

Tamura, who had shaken off his stupor faster than Toono, started demanding that the smaller boy gave him Yaguchi's email address. They were bickering back and forth when Kashima and Yaguchi appeared.

'Speaking of the devil...'

–Toono, Tamura-senpai, Rei-senpai, good morning!

A bunch of greetings were exchanged. The newly arrived boys explained that Yaguchi was just pointing Kashima towards the greenhouses.

Rei got distracted for two seconds while asking Kashima what he intended to do there, and the next thing she knew was that Tamura was pulling Yaguchi's ponytail calling him an ugly little girl.

–Tamura what the hell!– She smacked him on the head which made him release the bunch of hair in order to grab his head.

–Ow! Why did you-

–No, listen well.–her eyes pinned him down with a cold glare– You have absolutely no right to treat others like that. Next time you disrespect anyone again, you'll get more than just a smack on your dumb head. Got it?

She knew it was ridiculous to treat them like that. They had known each other for barely a couple of days. Even so, it was not like her to stay quiet while witnessing an injustice.

–Thank you Kamiyama-san.–Yaguchi mumbled.

–Rei.– she turned to face him– There's no need to thank me for anything. Now, weren't you going to show me around or something?

–Yeah, let's go. Goodbye guys.

–Have fun exploring the greenhouse you two.

They started walking back towards the building.

–Alright,–Yaguchi was back to his cheerful attitude– shall we start by going around this building and then tackling the rest of the school another time?


They started going through the hallways as he explained what group or class each room belonged to as well as funny stories that had happened to him or his friends there.

Everything flowed smoothly, almost too smoothly for her taste.

The little nudge that kept telling her something was not right with him hadn't gone away. On the contrary, it became bigger.

After she had snapped at Tamura for treating him like that he had been looking down as if ashamed, but now that she thought of it, he had looked angry rather than ashamed.

After an hour or so, they finally came back to the entrance.

–That was everything you need to know about this building. We should exchange phone numbers so we can set up when we are going to be meeting next.

–Alright,– she gave his phone to him–give me yours.

They each wrote their number on the other's phone. They were supposed to part in different ways now. From all their talking Rei learned he lived in a different dorm than she did, which was actually pretty far away from hers.

–Great! I'll see you tomorrow then senpai.

As he turned around, she made a last minute decision; it was better to trust her gut feeling about him. 'Hopefully this won't blow up in my face.'


She planted herself in front of his confused face and started speaking before she regretted it.

–Are you only pretending to be this nice?

The man was too stunned to speak. He was looking at her as if she had grown another set of arms.

–I mean, it's just weird that you're always so nice to everybody, so friendly and perfect. I've been with you all day and not once have I seen you not smiling at someone. You didn't even say anything to Tamura after pulling your hair. Isn't it tiring?

She was shocked at her own words. 'Concern. I'm concerned for him.' The thought made her scrunch her nose a little.

It was not that she didn't like him for being perfect, it was because she felt he was acting that way to cover up for something. She had been with him all day long and something didn't sit right.

Did he feel not worthy of affection if he didn't go all out everyday giving his own? Did someone scare him so much to the point of being silent even if they are hurting him?

–What are you talking about senpai?– His smile didn't waver but it didn't reach his eyes– I genuinely am like this.

–Are you sure you are alright? You-

–I am telling you Rei-senpai–he interrupted her– I truly am just the way you saw today.

Even if he was still smiling, Rei noticed the strain in his voice that was a clear sign of him containing himself from snapping at her. His eyes also started showing signs of starting to get tired of her bullshit. 'Great, if I only push him a little more...'

–I don't believe you.

–I'm sorry to hear that senpai.– He looked truly hurt because of her words.– I'll do my best to show you that there are good people in this world, I'm sorry you have never been able to cross paths with one.

She squinted at him.

–I hope so...

–Alright, goodbye then senpai!

He turned his back to her and left.

She was sure her first thought about him hiding something was true; he was definitely not showing his true colors. However, she was starting to feel her concern was a little misplaced; after the conversation they just had, she was more under the impression that he was trying to cover something nasty under all that sugar rather than something weak. 'That's sus...'

What she was not able to see though, was the fuming Yaguchi that made his way to crash in his dorm. It was safe to say she had upset him beyond degree, not an easy task to achieve for he became upset with everyone on a daily basis.

If she had known the kind of guy she was truly dealing with, Rei would've slept with one eye open. Thankfully for her, she had no idea of this, just slight suspicions, so that night she slept sweetly being in oblivion.

It's fair to say this is just one of the many problems her lack of filter will bring her in the future.


-4,891 words


Second chapter is FIIINALLYYYY doneeeeee.

I am so sorry for having taken this long to continue this story, It was absolutely not in my plans to postpone the publication of this much, but life got really complicated. Though I must confes not a day went by without thinking about updating this story.
I'm really sorry guys.

Still, thank you so much for all the support you have shown to this work, like holy fetuccini, I was not expecting it to have so many views!
Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu!

From now on, I hope I can settle into a consistent update schedule, I'll give it my best!

Without further do, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you're looking forward to the next.
Thank you so much for every interaction and comment, I get so so so freaking exited everytime I recieve a notification, they mean everything to me.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night.
-Mia ☆

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