Chapter 2

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I always say what I'm feelin'
I was born without a zip on my mouth
Sometimes I don't even mean it
It takes a little while to figure me out

-Woman Like Me, Little Mix

Her first official morning in the mountains started with the alarm going off at an insanely high volume. Stretching out to press the snooze button on the phone, she drifted back to sleep, promptly ignoring the fast ticking of the clock. If she wanted to be kicked out of this place she might as well put some effort into it.

At last, after enough time had passed for her to be inevitably late, Rei got up from bed and headed towards the shower. Getting dressed and putting on her normal jewelry, she exited her room not bothering to blow dry her hair.

She must admit her plan of showing everyone her true persona had been rushed due to yesterday's incident with the asshole's broken nose and all that; originally she was meant to be sweet at the beginning and gradually turn up the "disrespectful bratiness" (that's how the old man calls it), but the sooner she let them know who they were dealing with, the faster she'll be out of here.

The halls were all empty, maybe because classes had started a good fifteen minutes ago, as she walked through them. She knocked on the classroom door twice before opening it.

–Good morning sensei!

–You are late.

She was relieved to see that the teacher in front of the white board was not Kudo-sensei (she had actually liked him yesterday and would've hated to give him an attitude). He looked old, not as old as the old hag but old nonetheless.

Since she hadn't even bothered to check her schedule this morning, she had no clue what his name was or what class he taught.

–I'm sorry sensei.– she started with an apologetic voice– I got lost on my way since-

–I don't want to hear your excuses.– He rudely interrupted her.– Just because you are the headmaster's grand-daughter doesn't mean you can do whatever you please. There are rules in this school that every student has to follow, including you Kamiyama-san.

The collective gasp that the class gave could have been heard miles away.

'Oh great.'

Now she was pissed. This man had just blown up her cover, her most precious secret. She didn't want people to know she was blood related to the grumpy man that ruled this place. Being publicly connected to her family made her angry, as ridiculous as it may sound.

– I am very aware of the existence of the rules. And don't worry, I don't plan on using my connections in order to avoid my responsibilities. Please don't let my last name intimidate you sensei.

Even with the sweet smile that adorned her lips no one mistook the mocking jab of her words. The professor glared at her.

–Take a seat, quickly.


The day had been long and exhausting. After yesterday's incident, even Takeda was wary of talking to her. It was a bittersweet victory.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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