Scars From The Past (In...

By Niko_HD

464 2 56

"Prequel to the Lion King 1, a story that take its base from A Tail Of Two Brothers and expand the Askari's l... More

Prologue: Calm before the storm
Chapter 1: An unfair fate

Chapter 2: The Pridelanders (part 1)

69 1 56
By Niko_HD

And here we go again... 

The boy regains consciousness finding himself on a downstream on top of a log. To get out of the water, he was forced to grab hold of what seemed to be the roots of a tree which protruded from the river bank. When he reached the earth, the first thing he noticed was that looking to both sides, he couldn't see anything, not even a trace of the prison from which he came out, a jetty, someone fishing or swimming...nothing. 

"<<Where am I? And where's mom?! What is this place?>>" Many things went through Mlezi's head at that moment, he waited a bit to see what would happen but as he expected, nothing happened "HELLOOOO!?? MWANGA!? SOMEONEEE?!!"

There was no response, or at least, until another boy like him appeared giving him an answer with his paws. Curious to see him, he approached slowy. He was a cheetah cub about his age. 

"Um hi, who... are ya?" The curious cheetah asked Mlezi.

"Hey there, name's Mlezi-" He starts to walk towards his friend to start a conversation with him but he backs off a little intimidated "Don't be afraid, I don't want to hurt you, I'm just lost"

"Oh okay then, I'm Mikilu. I live nearby and I heard your screams and I came to see who it was, although my parents often tell me that talking to strangers is usually dangerous. But I figured that being someone my age, it couldn't be anything bad" he admitted.

Mlezi smiles at his statement, he didn't expect such a detail from a stranger "Thanks for coming then"

"No problem friend, sooo you're lost you said?"

"Uhh a little if I'm honest, I don't know this place" 

"You're in the Pridelands State, we're always courteous to outsiders, so consider Tanzania as your home. Nice place, huh?"

Looking at the environment, the blonde cub affirmed what he said "Yes, this is beautiful and it feels very warm and... and..." his words stopped suddenly as he remembered a fact "<Wait a second, Woga was supposed to be from here, so that means...>"

"... Are you okay, lion friend?"The blonde cub realized that his friend was talking to him "Uh y-yes I'm fine, I've let myself go for a moment, that's all hehe"

"Oh okay, it's just that I notice you nervous, if you need something just say it"

"Thank you very much friend but I'm fine really, and by the way, the state is quite big. Where exactly are we?"

"In the capital. Pridelands city, here's the palace of the royal family, the Priderock Palace, although it looks more like a super giant mansion. But it's very cool equally!"


For those wondering, no, I'm not going to do a Mlezi subplot walking around like a fool for half an hour.

Good job fuc**** lazy writer, you're the best  ( I just insulted myself yeah, don't take it into account XD)

Seriously now hehe; the river in which he recover the conscience is the one that Zira falls years later but due to the erosion, the location (because is not the same point) and with the change between epochs it looks like a river only reserved for the fishing. And I did it, in part, to avoid messing up here with secondary characters that are not going to appear again and that the only thing they do is hinder the reader. Good, and also because it was this or a long walk without meaning and the truth is that I refuse.

Sorry for the interruption, let's continue with this...


"Wow, I guess this is the outskirts of the city then. Could you show me the way to the city?" asked curious.

"It's just that I... umm... bah who cares, I'm sick of my parents not letting me go by myself, I'm not a newborn. Go ahead, follow me!"

During the small walking to Mikilu's place, both cubs talked about the news.

"And you're not from here, aren't you?"

"I was born here but my parents went to live in Marbella. I guess you mean that because of how blonde I am"

"Nah, don't believe it, there are a lot of people here from all over the world, I said it because the Swahili you speak has a bit of a weird accent"

"Ah well, my mother was African but my father was Czech, although right now I'm an adoptive so I think that explains a lot"

"Yup heheh, hey you who come from far by the way, do you know something about where the sect could go now?"

"Huh? why do you ask that?"

"It's because here they have us sick with that issue, I don't want to see those guys around here. They're scary with those red eyes and their leader is... sinister, they say his voice is deep and from beyond the grave"

"*sigh* They are, yes..."

"Wait a second, did you meet him!?"

"Uh, yeah"

"Wow, and how he looks like? It makes me curious to know because he is very mysterious. It's more, there are people who say that even the ex-King Mohatu himself is involved in an investigation against him"

"Mohatu? Wasn't that the one who had a daughter who was close friend with an older guy than her who saved her life or something like that?"

"Yep, the same one. How do you know about that story?"

"Well, it was announced in the international news years ago and my mom just told me about it a few years ago. I also remember that my mother had a document with his signature and she told me once that... I think her name is Uru, she was a bit unruly when she was a child" Niko said.

"According to my father and my grandparents, yes, they told me the same thing. He was a wonderful king, many people doubt that his daughter, King Ahadi or any of the next kings that will come, will be better than Mohatu" Mikilu continued speaking as they walked through the edge of the road where hardly any vehicles circulated "He did what had to be done, the day those thugs left from here the city was calmer"

"Thugs? Who?"asked Niko.

"Who are they going to be? The damn "Hyenas", the ones who tried to carry out a coup that time a long time ago. In my opinion, the name suits them quite well because of how ugly they are and that disgusting laugh that almost everyone of them has, yuck "

"Maybe I know whose you're talking about, I think they were exiled if I'm not mistaken. And on more than one occasion they were searched and captured, but I don't know what they were doing exactly because I've never lived here to find out"

"They were radical thugs until they became paid mercenaries; they caused and cause problems, they coerced, they frightened people throughout the state and they hate the monarchy. It has even been said that they had some contact with the sect"

Niko never listened this detail before"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah! I promise, it sounds crazy but it's a big rumor!" justified the dark-haired boy.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised. They share the hatred towards Mohatu I suppose and they don't care what people say as long as they get away with it"

"Although I think it's more because of the hatred towards Askari than Mohatu. After all, he is the leader in charge of leading the group that keeps the Hyenas and any single danger away from here" Mikilu explained. 

 "That name sounds a lot to me, could you refresh my memory Mikilu?"

"Askari, you know. The leader of the elite royal family's personal guard/soldiers , Mohatu's brother, the man who got Woga out of here..."

He interrupted him here "So that's it! He knew him closely before all this, he has to know things. Although I only remember that he was red-haired with yellowish touches"

"Yes and apart from that, he's reaallyyyy huge..."

"That much?"

"Very much, he is literally three heads taller than Queen Uru and has arms like tree trunks. A bit grumpy but many people admire him and recognize how he and his group take care of things that the authorities don't do"

"The truth, it's incredible, now they only need to train other people too haha"

"And they do it"

Niko was confused "Wait wh...?"

"Yeah, he and his group of friends often help train the Lionesses"

"The Lionesses? Who are they supposed to be?" Niko asked.

"The Lionesses are the guards of the royal family, they are in charge of helping to watch the palace day and night, accompany the royalty in more or less important things and they are the one's closest to the royal family after the Askari group"

"I don't understand very well, what are they like? Like the royal guards in England, for example? Those who stand still like statues?"

"Yup, quite similar but with certain different traits"

"And the name is for something special? Or is it just because it looks good?"

"They are called that because that section is made up of women only, all you will see are younger or older women. Anyone whose representative animal is the lioness will be able to enter there, well, at least it has been that way for years" explained his companion.

This already sounded familiar to the blond boy "Interesting, now that you tell me, my mother told me about something like that because it was founded when she lived here. Although she described it as something that was difficult for it to work because it was quite specific and there would be people who would complain about it, but I surprised that worked out in the end"

"Well, it's part of our history and culture. But you have to admit it's innovative, right?" Mikilu asked this with a smile

"It is hahah, though...huh?"The two stopped to look at a pretty colorful city in the distance "Is that it?"

"Uh-huh, the city of Pridelands"Mikilu confirmed.

*Pridelands orchestra epic theme*

"It's pretty well cared for really"

"It is, can you see that structure over there?"At a certain point in the city there was a building very similar to what Mikilu described before, a fairly large mansion with a gigantic yard and many infrastructural luxuries. "Yep"

"That's the Priderock Palace, it must be beautiful inside don't you think?"

"Emm yes. Everything looks good but..."

"Yeah?" Mikilu said waiting for his friend's answer "How do we get to the city?"

They were both looking at the city from a high place where there was only one tree, but they had to go down from there to see it from near. 

"... whoops, I'm sorry Niko I think I took you where it wasn't" the boy apologized but his new friend didn't look angry or anything, he looked optimistic as far as it went."Hey it's okay, we better go another way down , right?"

"Yes, of course, but first..." Mikilu approached the tree to see something from above."What are you watching?" Niko asked him.

"Umm nothing, it's just that the lake looks incredible from here"The blond boy noticed something that made him worry in a certain way "Mikilu, I don't think this is a good idea. This cliff is not secured, something could come down". And it was not for less, it was true that it was not insured since it lacked the nets that usually were put on to avoid landslides

"Nah, everything is fine, look..."He was completely on edge but, for a moment, everything seemed fine "See? I already told you that this is...*Gasp!*"

As feared, the edge of the cliff slid off a bit due to Mikilu's weight. Niko sooner rather than later went to help his friend quickly pulling him backwards, but in that, he lost his balance. It seemed that the boy was going to fall "NIKOOO! Are you okay!?"

The blond boy hung from the tree that was right there "I'm fine don't worry!"

"Let me help you!"

"No! Don't get closer or this whole thing will come crashing down!"

"O-OK I'll try to get some help, hold on! HELP! SOMEONE HELP US PLEASEE" Mikilu shouted from where they were knowing that it echoed from below and that someone would hear it.

----------------------------------------------Not too far from there---------------------------------------------------

Everything was quite calm while a group of men walked down the street aimlessly"*yawn* Do we really have to go this way?" Complained one of the group, had black hair with brown eyes, with a hairstyle thrown back. "It's always the same and besides, nobody usually comes around here" 

"This is our job remember? C'on Kasi, it's not that bad"replied a man with blue eyes and light brown hair who was walking with him next to 3 other men more.

"Oh yeah, Ujasiri the optimist is here to brighten my day, yes sir!" the man named Ujasiri simply rolled his eyes to the side as if it was normal.

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds before the guy who wasin front of all (Askari) said something "Come on guys stop bothering, Uru said that she will give us the rest of the day off and she'll see how long it will last"

"It was about time for some good news! Right, big guy!?" Said the one with green eyes but the taller man didn't answer "Nguvu, I'm talking to you"

"Huh, erm yes of course" I reply with a calm but serious face, he had brown hair and his eyes were reddish orange..

"Come on, man, be happy for something at least one time"He said a little disappointed.

"And I really am, even if it doesn't show on my face" justified the tallest of the group.

"With that grumpy face, it's normal that we don't notice anything to you hahaha" Kasi said. 

"Tazamo, give me a good reason for not to grab that one and throw him to some roof" he proposed impatiently.

"You know he does it to annoy you, he always does it. I don't even know why you follow his game, you already know him" justified Wtazamo until Kasi replies "Hey! if it wasn't for me, this job would be borer, accept it"

"See? I don't deny you that! You're pretty good at clowning hehehe" answered Ujasiri.

"Now you got into answering me or what?" Said his black-haired friend somewhat annoyed.

"It's okay guys, the only thing you do is make this situation heavier" Askari said cutting off the conversation."Here the only heavy thing is the person who insists on us doing this every damn day" Ujasiri replied annoyed.

"Well, there you have Uru and Ahadi to complain about that, so what are you counting to me !?" Askari answered defensively.

Suddenly Kasi intervenes "And that's another one, why does your niece have to send us? Especially to you? You're her uncle. That Mohatu tell us that? Ok, I accept it. But her?"

Askari responded quickly to that "The person in charge of that is the one who inherits the power of the monarch, whoever it is. Like I don't have enough with this war of shit grrr"

"Say what you want for yourself man, but the rest of us maybe wouldn't be very supportive of that you know" answered Ujasiri while Nguvu rolled his eyes behind him remaining silent.

Askari begins to lose patience "Hey! I'm fed up, you're always with the same cas-!"

"SHHHHH..." someone ordered everyone in the group who were arguing to shut up, it was Mtazamo. Everyone looked at him curiously "Do you hear that?"

"If it's that damn joke of yours of :"It's the sweet sound of tranquility blablabla" you can save it smartass"Said imitating him with a mocking tone ."I'm not kidding Kasi, I can hear something" 

Everyone falls silent to try to appreciate it. "I don't listen anything honestly" Nguvu said. After a while, a voice in the background with a little echo coming from a little far away is heard louder "<Help! Someoneeee helppp!!>"

"That sounds like a child without a doubt, and it comes from there!" said Mtazamo pointing in the direction.

"Well, apparently it wasn't that bad to patrol around here. Right, Kasi?" Ujasiri said in a half mocking tone.

"Shut up" Kasi said through clenched teeth.

Askari stepped forward "Ok guys! Time to work, come on and hurry up!!"

The whole group ran through the streets towards the direction of the shouting, the lead was Kasi because he was a very good athlete.

------------------------------------------Back to the scene of before------------------------------------------------

Niko was still hanging from the tree like a Christmas decoration while his friend called for help.

"Do you think someone is listening to us?!" Niko asked.

"No have no idea, but what do we do if not?" he replies while thinking of something "Try to think of something then"

"I'm trying! but I don't know how we're going to do it!"

"It's not like we were cats to get out of trees just like that" answered the blond boy.

"Cats...that's right! Try to climb up the tree trunk and jump at me!"Proposed the child.

"WHAT!? No way, that's not going to work!" Mikilu rejected that argument "Lies! I know you can!"

"I can do it..." Niko said muttering. The boy took strength in his arms, took a deep breath and began to climb the branch as if it were a vine.He managed to reach almost the top of the trunk until his friend encouraged him "See that you can? I told ya! Keep it up like that Niko"

"I'm almost... there, *huff* I'm here!" The boy managed to reach the trunk of the tree.

"Yayyy! haha ​​I knew you could! Now come to me. Come on!" Mikilu said excited for his friend. 

 "I'm going but t-this is a little difficult for me to get there without f-!" Suddenly you start to hear something coming from below, it was someone yelling "What is that?"

Immediately afterwards, someone is seen coming from the street running down from them "The cavalry has arrived!!" Said the newcomer.

"Mr. Kasi! Just in time!" the dark-haired boy shouted happily, but suddenly he noticed something at the moment "Umm, where are the rest of you?".

"The rest?" Niko asked.

"Ah yeah, they're back there! Sorry if they're a bit fat lately hehe" he said humorously.

To which the others arrive, the biggest of all arrives yelling at her "FAT YOUR MOM, YOU PIECE OF-".

Before he could end the sentence, Mtazamo arrives quickly to call his attention "Nguvu!..." He yelled at him whispering and pointing with the head at the children above."Askari! Sirs! Heeere!" Niko's ears pricked up and he looked down.

The 5 of the group were below looking at them until Askari comes forward again "Are you okay there kids?!"

"Yes but, I don't know for how long until this collapses sir!" Mikilu replied.

"Ok, don't move then, we're going to get both of you out of there!" Ordered the big guy.

Mtazamo approaches from behind Askari "And how do we do it exactly?"

"Humm let me think..." Said the red-haired guy and he stayed like that for a few seconds "Umm okay, someone go up the other way to help them while we stay down here securing it"

"I can go if you want and I'll go up as fast as I can" Kasi offered.

"Ok, perfect. Tazamo accompany him just in case" Order Askari to which Kasi responds at the moment "No need, I can take care of this boss! *sounds of the beginning of the race made with the mouth while he runs away*"

"That guy is like a cowbell..." Nguvu said to which Ujasiri affirmed.

"Okay guys, I'd go under them just in case" recommended the leader. The others paid attention and were placed.

"Phss Nikoo! give me your hand and we'll get out of this" Mikilu said whispering to him."For what?" Asked to him.

"To impress them, they are spectacular warriors. This occurs a few times only!" The boy justified, to which Niko obviously refused "Not to mention it! I'm not going to risk our lives for such nonsense!"

Mikilu approached him with his arm outstretched insisting "Come on, come on!"Niko looked quickly under them seeing that the ground he was on was about to come off.

"MIKILU NO!" The blond boy kicked his friend in the chest to send him back so he wouldn't fall just in time. While the tree and he fell down.

"SHIT!" Askari shouted in a low voice.

"AAAAAAAAA-!!" The boy was falling but luckily the four of them managed to catch him.

"Got ya!" Ujasiri celebrated when they already had him safe.

"You're okay kiddo?" Mtazamo asked.Niko was recovering from the fall. "Uhg yes...thank you all-" but there was something that disturbed him quite a bit as he thanked them for their help. 

 "Whaaaa!! y-your eyes!..." Both Askari and the rest of his group had the sclera part of their eyes dark, a little lighter than those of the sect but similar. Before they were not appreciated being at such a height but up close they were obviously noticeable.

"What's wrong with our eyes?" Ujasiri asked.

"I don't know, maybe that we have them like this?" Mtazamo asked ironically. They weren't used to foreigners lately so sometimes they forgot that detail.

"Yes, we have them like this. Is there a problem?" Askari asked.

"No but... they just remind me of something bad" The boy tried to explain.

"Yes, the sect has been in a lot of trouble lately and it might upset you. But what do we do?" Ujasiri asked.

"No nothing. But that guy Woga is out there and no one is safe like that, and I am not so sure of what happens" justified the boy.

"I don't deny that, but well, as long as he doesn't get close to the artefact-" Ujasii explained until Nguvu stopped him.

"Yes, the master artifact... Or as he calls it, the master blade" They all looked at each other in surprise and with a little fear inside. Askari directly knelt close to him to get a better serious look at his face "How do you know that?"

"Well I-I..." the boy was getting nervous because of how big Askari was by his side and because of the situation.

"Speak boy! I'm waiting..." Askari insisted seriously while Niko became even more nervous, until Mtazamo intervened placing a hand on his leader's shoulder, "Amani (peace) my friend, leave it to me" Askari heeded his companion's good will and Mtazamo knelt beside him and the boy. 

 "Hello, my name is Mtazamo and this is my leader Askari, who I suppose you already know. What's yours?" he asked politely.

"Nikolaos sir, but my friends call me Niko" replied the boy."Ok Niko, how do you know about the artifact?" asked the man with green eyes.

"Because of Woga, he told me it himself and said that I'm his other half or something. That I'm some kind of... chosen one. I don't know what he means but I don't like how it sounds" Niko explained. Everyone was half stunned, no one knew about it except them. It was something secret that only those close to Woga knew.

"It can't be, wouldn't it be that he..." wondered Mtazamo preocupated.

"That has to be a joke, those things can't exist, come on!" Ujasiri replied trying to shearch an explication for it with a little fear.

"Don't think so, only we know that. And now the boy knows it too, how do you explain that?" replied Mtazamo

"It must be a joke that they told to the boy" insisted Ujasiri.

"It's a very sensitive issue to be a joke, we'd better take a look at that matter" Interrupted Nguvu.While they talked, Askari remained silent, thinking, until he taked notice at the boy's forearm and saw the shattered bracelet. He, gently as he could, taked the boy's arm and inspect the object. "Niko, could you show me that for a second?" asked the thoughtful leader.

"Huh? Oh! Of course sir" Niko said offering his arm to Askari. The boy apparently forgot that he had it on.

The leader got ready to look at him, he was already practically dysfunctional although he still made the occasional spark. Askari forced himself to completely break the opening of the bracelet and be able to remove it, making sure not to hurt the young man. 

"Uff finally I take off that thing" he said while he touched the part of his arm where he was wearing it.

Meanwhile, Askari focused on the details of the object. As he progressed, what he was seeing sounded more like somethingthat he knew, it's as if it reminded him of something."Well?" Nguvu asked behind his expected answer.

"I've seen this before, I'm sure, although I couldn't tell you with precision" Right here he notices something, a symbol carved in the area where the bracelet touched the skin of the wearer.

Looking at it carefully, he sees what comes to be a well-known brand for him. An eye with a large scar through it, and below a writing where, among all the acronyms, something clear could be read with the naked eye: <S.c.a.r Industries>. Askari felt as if something provoked him inside reading that.

"So you go back to your old ways you worm..." He said whispering to himself with anger in his voice.

"What's up, man?" Mtazamo asked from his back with a worried tone.

Askari squeezed the object in his hands and threw it to the ground with some anger and walked away to the side "Nothing, it's nothing"

"This guy..." Wtazamo said picking up the bracelet from the ground and looked at the part where his friend was looking.

Ujasiri approached him from the side "And?"

"What I feared, this is from our old friend" Confirmed the one with green eyes "Or at least this came from his laboratory..." he added.

"Fuck..." Ujasiri said quietly.

"Hey!" someone called them a few meters from them.

"What's up Nguvu?" asked Mtazamo.

"The boy is injured, look at his shoulder. Apparently a projectile wound"

"Wait, what-?" Ujasiri replied until Niko interrupted him "Yeah, the sentinels of the sect are very affectionate"

"But are you okay? You have to say those things boy" Mtazamo replied.

"Yes, don't worry, it hardly hurts"

"We also have to take you to be cured, how far is the central hospital from here Ujasiri?" 

 "It's about 500 meters from here more or less" he replied.

"No!"The group took paid attention to their leader "If this boy is who he says he is, in a public hospital he won't be sure. We have to take him to Babu, so we can wacht him for a while" Askari ordered from where he had stood while his team examined the bracelet of before.

"With Matibabu you say?" asked Mtazamo.

"Matibabu, Babu... it's the same thing" replied Ujasiri.

Mtazamo ignores the latter and turns to Nguvu "Hey big guy, do you think you can carry the boy? My back hurts from training today"

"Yup don't worry, he weighs almost nothing for me"Askari nods "Ok guys let's go then, tell the other one that..."

"Huff, I'm *pant* here! *pant*" Kasi came panting a little to where Mikilu was waiting.

"Are you okay sir?" the boy asked.

"Yes *pant* a lot of walking for today" at this moment he realizes that something is missing "Huh? and your friend?"

Mikilu pointed down to where the rest of the group was.

"Kasi, go down and accompany umm...!" He began by saying his leader.

"Mikilu sir!" the boy replied.

"Thank you, you accompany Mikilu to his home and let's go to Babu's site!" I order Askari.

"Did I lost myself of something?" Kasi asked as their leader went to talk to Nguvu.

"Ummm it's a long story, but it all boils down to two syllables: Wo-ga!" Mtazamo replies.

Kasi imagining that it wasn't going to be anything good, sighs with a bad face "Oh shit, here we go again..."

If there is someone who did not understand the reference of this moment in the story, know that it is part of the canon of the plot of the lion guard.In an episode it is explained about this cub (boy in this case), who is Nala's father years later, he is saved from falling from a tree by the lion guard.

Here is a reference image.

------------------------------------------------A few hours  later--------------------------------------------------------

The hours passed and there were only a few meters left to reach their destination, they had already left Mikilu at his house to later go with Babú. People walking down the street were looking at them out of the corner of their eyes, Nguvu was carrying Niko on his back like a backpack. In the meantime, they exchanged words and the boy told them things along the way, such as his stay in the sect's prison.

The whole group was half stunned by what he told them. They knew that Woga was crazy but that was already inhuman.

"Wow..." Ujasiri said breaking the moment.

"If he does that with children, who knows what he will do with adults..." added Mtazamo.

"You've heard him before, he allowed his soldiers to coerce the people they locked up. And they forced married people to..." Ujasiri was saying until Mtazamo cut him off "I don't even want to think about it"

"That isn't against human rights?" Kasi asked, not finding the conversation very surprising. 

 This was somewhat ironic "As if someone who was capable of causing such a disaster years ago (the events in Paris) cared in the least about something like that" Mtazamo said ironically.

"Woga's madness doesn't depend on us guys, but the fact that these people harm innocents already is" Nguvu said seriously "We still have to investigate this more thoroughly if we want to find out more details"

"And where exactly do we start?" Ujasiri asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We have the person that he's looking for right in front of our noses" Kasi replies somewhat ironically.

"That's too hasty! We're not even sure if it's really him" Nguvu replies. 

"How do I prove it then?" Niko asks behind his back.

Until now Askari was silent "You will show us what is needed later. Now, you are going to see Babu"

"You have mentioned me that name  before. Who is he?" Niko asked before the leader's response.

"Babú is the personal doctor of the royalty" Answers Mtazamo who was right next to Askari.

"Wait a sec! The royal family's personal physician?!" Asked the boy startled by the data "But I shouldn't be there, that's private for the royal family!"

Askari spoke once more "And to which family do you think I belong? If you are on my orders of course you can"

"Oh right, I forget it. Thank you sir" The boy replied with satisfaction. Askari stared blankly, then turned and motioned for the group to follow.

"Don't worry boy, he's just going through bad times" Ujasiri told Niko with charisma.

"Oh okay, so...where are we going then?"

"To the palace of course, the royal Mjuzi always has to be close to his regular patients in case of emergency. Health is the most important thing here" Mtazamo answered.

The boy was petrified, being in the royal palace being new in the city was something exclusive "Incredible..." the mix between nervousness and emotion ran through his stomach.

"Heheh I told ya, we felt that too when we found out who Askari really was. The feeling of seeing Mohatu for the first time in person was brutal" Kasi told him smiling.

Just by turning and crossing a street they were already there. The Priderock Palace, a huge place covered with railings and with a huge garden.

"Here we are, give me a moment to look for the keys ..." Askari said taking a bunch of keys out of his pocket.

Everyone was waiting in silence until Niko broke it "Excuse me, but um... Nguvu sir, could I walk on my own? It's just that I feel bad that you carry me at this point"

Nguvu turned his head towards the boy and helped him get down "Oh sure, if you're okay no problem"

"Thank you" He told as he reached the ground and he returned a semi-smirk in return.

"Alright, come on guys!" Askari said opening the gate at last.

Currently in The Lion King 1, the thing would look more different due to the change of years (following this plot arc), it's something more or less approximate to what it would be on the outside but bigger.

They all heeded him and crossed. Everything looked even more incredible up close, it was beautiful. On the way to Babu's office they passed a large fountain which had a marble statue of a lion facing towards where the sun rose, next to a lioness who looked towards where it set, below it was a rectangular foundation on which was a carved sign: <<The great kings of the past welcome you>> and just above a symbol with the shape of the priderock (The one of the original Lion King) inside a circle (reference to the circle of life).

"Is that over there?" Niko asked pointing to an extension of the large building.

"Yes, you can enter through that door over there" replied Mtazamo.

Then they all stop in front of the door and Askari rings a kind of doorbell "Yes?" A female voice answers after a few seconds.

"It's me Tamu, could you open it please?" he respond instantly.

The door opens and two women are seen: one with brown hair who was the one who opened the door and another black woman just behind."Of course sir, and hello to the others too" Says the woman letting them pass.

They both carried a spear and some sort of uniform.

"Hello" are saying each of those who enter the door.

As soon as she notices the boy, the woman touches his back giving him a sweet smile which Niko returns as he follows the group. In the background, as they walked away they could hear the conversation with a little echo of the two women from before "What a cute boy, right?" Said one of them.

"Yes, I wonder where he came from hehe" The other answered.

Kasi and Ujasiri give the boy a smirk, which makes Niko a bit embarrassed."T-Those were the lionesses?" The boy asked with a bit of embarrassment.

"Yep, beautiful right? heh" Kasi said "And because you haven't seen the others too" added Mtazamo.

"Finally the nerd shows his erotic side" Says Ujasiri laughing.

"S-shut up" Mtazamo said with embarrassment.

Once in front of a door, Askari calls before opening it "Babu? Are you there?"

Suddenly an elderly voice is heard coming from the back of the room "Askari? Yes, I'm coming, just give me a *chair shuffling noise* moment..."

Once he arrives, they sees a somewhat older man in a robe and glasses. He had gray hair and walked well but not quite (because of his age I guess).

"How can I help you Askari? Did Kasi break his leg again?" Babu said jokingly accompanying him with a giggle as he left some papers on the table.

"Haha very funny" Kasi said a little annoyed from behind.

"Look Babu, we were on patrol until we found this boy in danger along with another boy who we have left at home. This boy told us that he felt in the river because of that proyectile wound,  and we have come here so you can take a look on him" Counted Askari.

"Boy? What b-" Babu replied as he looked more carefully until he realized "Ahh sorry young one, I hadn't seen you. I didn't put my contact lenses on and I can't see very well, give me a second to put them on and keep telling me.. ."

"Yes, well, we brought him here so you could take a look on him, to see if he was alright" the leader continued.

"But why haven't you just brought him to some random doctor?" Babu asked.

"Now we're telling you, it's a bit... well, surreal" Askari explained "But... could you take a look at him first please?"

"Um yes of course, take a seat over there on the bed over there umm..." Babu replied.

"Nikolaos, but if you think so, Niko is fine" The boy replied.

"Alright Nikolaos, take off your shirt and sit where I told you to" He said patiently.

"Alright" replied the boy.

Once he was in position, the doctor approached and inspected him "Ok, let's see..." He said using a magnifying glass as well.

After a few minutes Askari approached him "So?"

"As impressive as it may seem, the wound is clean, it is quite rare considering that it has been there for a few hours. Mainly the most dangerous thing about a wound is that it infects or touches an essential part of the body such as bones, organs or nerves, but nothing at all. He seems fine" He explained.

"Then, what now?" Askari asked.

"Now... cover the wound with bandages and wait. Something I've noticed is that the projectile that caused this apparently wasn't solid" Babu explained.

"What?" Askari asked.

"Projectile wounds are almost always because of bullets, but this one wasn't a normal bullet. Apparently it was some kind of intangible matter" The doctor guessed.

"Like a laser or some kind of energy weapon?" Mtazamo asked.

"Exactly" Babu answered.

Askari looked at his group and they looked at him knowing what he thought, there was only one type of people who attacked civilians with weapons like that. "Babu, I think there is something we have to tell you. It's a crazy assumption but I think it's necessary to give it"

"Of course Askari, whatever you need man. Just let me put the bandage on the boy..." Said the old man finishing putting the bandage on while humming a song "There you go!"

"Okay then, will you join us to talk in private?" Askari asked.

"Huh? Sure, just let me do one thing first" The older man then looks at the boy "Look Niko, there's a room just 3 doors to the left as you leave my office. There are a few loungers that you can use if you want and the bathroom is in front of that room too. Would you mind staying there for a while?"

"Okay, I'm on my way" He said putting his shirt back on and heading to the door.

"Goodbye boy, now I'll come back with you later" Babu said while the others waved their hands in the manner of each one saying goodbye, except Askari who was only with his arms crossed next to the doctor.


Once Niko left the room, he headed down the hall where the old man indicated. In fact, there was a room with many hospital beds, it had windows facing outwards, tiles, the walls were white... it was like a place where they leave patients before they are assigned their room. As soon as he arrives, he lies down in one of them and waits for minutes.

Among which, apart from using the bathroom and cleaning up, he stays thinking about everything that happened.

He still didn't believe it, it seemed like a poorly written story... why did he have to be the chosen one? Who was Woga really? What was he going to do from that moment: look for Mwanga on his own or let them look for her? All that gave to talk about.

At a random moment someone is heard coming down the hall, at first it was thought to be a lioness or someone from the palace.

To his surprise it was nothing he could imagine, he could hardly see her behind the column. 

 "Hello?" Niko asked the girl from where he was. It was noticeable that she was startled a little when she heard him and looked at him a little from a distance. It was a girl if not of his age, she was younger than him. She had brown hair and red eyes like rubies, her skin was pale like his, short-medium hair and she was pretty.The girl hid behind the pillar until Niko couldn't see her from where he was lying. 

 "Hey wait...!" he tells her but it seemed that she was gone. Then he lay down again and looked at the ceiling to see if he could sleep some.

The surprise was when he was going to look through the windows from the lounger, the girl from before was right there looking at him with confusion.

This made the boy jump a little "H-hey, how are you?"At first she didn't say anything to him.

"Hmm hey you're new around here, right?" She asked suddenly with a bit of emotion.

"Umm I um...yeah" He started saying "I just got to town"

"And you're already here, wow, that's fast. That means you're important in certain point I guess" she replied.

"Me? Important? Pff nah, I'm just a random guy" Niko answered.

"Hehe well, I think you're funny and you have a nice hair, I like you. Who are you?" asked the curious girl.

"Um thanks hehe. I'm Nikolaos, but if you like you can call me Niko" answered the curious boy too.

"Oh, your name is not from here I see. Alright, I'm Diku, nice to meet you" Diku said.

"Equally you're very nice too heh"

"You're here for something important I guess, right?"

"Um yes well, they shot me a little let's say"

"WHAT?! To you? Why?"

"They were going to shoot someone else instead of me, I put myself in the middle and well, you see" Niko said showing the bandages on his shoulder.

"And, are you alright then?"

"Yep, but well. And what about you? What are you doing here?"

"I came for a medical check-up"

"So that means that... Are you from the royal family?!"

"Me? No! But mom is a friend of the queen. Being many in the family, he prefers that Babu check us"

"Friend of the queen!? Wow, that's amazing"

"Yes, although the royal ceremonies we go to by engagement are reeealy boring"

"The responsibilities are like that, when we grow we will have even more" 

 "Responsibilities, yuq! I find them a bummer" She said in a nonchalant tone "But I guess you're right"

"And I don't deny it, but they are inevitable"

"Can I?" She indirectly asked if she could lie down holding the cork of the bed."Um yes of course, no problem"

The girl climbs onto the lounger and sighs as she lies down next to him "Sorry, I was just getting tired of standing up. What were we talking about?"

"That... you are friends with royalty?"

"Oh, right. Yes we are, they offered us some help because of how difficult it is to support us" 


"According to what I heard, it's because mom has a hard time taking care of us. She says that we're are too many for her alone"

"How many are you?"

"Four girls"she responded.

"Wow, I'm not surprised, there are many of you. But what about your father?"

"Umm..." Her tone didn't seem very happy during that moment

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's not because of that. It's just... we lost dad a long time ago, we don't know his whereabouts"Niko got sad hearing that "I'm so sorry Diku, believe me I know how it feels" 

 "Thanks but... don't worry, mom says we'll find him"

"Huh? Ah I thought that... bah, it doesn't matter. You will find him wherever he is"

"You're very kind, and what's that you know what it feels like?"

"I lost my parents almost two years ago too" He said remembering what happened in Marbella. 

"I'm sure they have to be out there, it's just a matter of luck friend" She said consoling him.

"No Diku, that case is different. They're not coming back..." The girl cringed knowing what that meant, despite being curious as to how, she saved herself from asking.

"But at least you will have your home, right? I don't know; grandparents, house, city, brothers, something?" she asked sadly to which Niko just shook his head. Diku wrapped him as best she could in her arms "I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry, it's not your fault"

"You can stay here if you want, someone will want to stay with you"

"I don't think so" He answered "And why not?"

"I don't know if I can answer that for now"

"Hmm ok. But if you can, will you?" Asked him smiling.

Niko smiled back "I will"

"Yayyy! I would be very excited if you could stay sincerely"

"Really? I mean, you just met me, do you really trust me?" Niko asked him excitedly, he would finally have someone to hang out with.

"Yes, I like you. I don't know why, but you bring me good feelings. Besides, we need more boys in the group apart from Mufasa and Taka" She answered affectionately.

"Friends of yours?"

"Yep, I think people like them would like you. They have a hard time making friends"

"And that? Are they shy or something?"

"No, no. It's because of something else"

"Ah well. I guess you'll tell me it after the checkup"

"Yes well, I..." Suddenly she realizes "The checkup! I had forgotten, mom had sent me to look at the clock here because the other one was wrong. Well, see you later Niko!" Said Diku getting up suddenly from the bed and leaving by legs through the opposite corridor from which he came.

"Umm bye..." Niko said when she was already gone.

After a few minutes someone is heard walking through the corridors again, it was Diku again but she seemed calmer than a few moments ago.

"Diku? What are you doing here again?" Asks the boy, to which she turns around strangely and a little surprised "You left a few minutes ago"

"This I... um... I forgot where I went heh, it's that these corridors are very similar. You don't know which one I went by right? To avoid making a mistake again I say" Niko was surprised "It happens to me sometimes hehe, I'm a little weird sometimes I know" she added awkwardly.

"Oh, um... you went that way" She said pointing to the corridor on her right "But... are you sure you're okay? You really look weird"

Before she could think of something to answer, another girl appeared in the same corridor who began to look around until she sees them. She was a girl exactly the same age as Diku, she had slightly dark brown hair with bangs on both sides of her face and a ponytail just behind, her skin was a little darker too and her eyes were dark orange. She walked over to where they were.

"I have no idea where she is. What are you doing Dwala, is he a friend of yours?"Niko now was more confused than ever.

"Em, no, I just saw him. I was just asking if he saw her" replied the one who according to her was called Dwala.

"Wait a sec, isn't your name Diku? And who are you? What's going on here?" he asked.

"Huh? What do y-... ah okay hahaha I know what's going on. You're getting confused friend, don't worry, it happens to everyone who knows them" Says the girl who came to the room new.

"..." Niko tried to process the situation until another occasion interrupted him.

The girl who ran down the hall before came back sighing and tired, from there more or less everything began to fit."Sorry, *pant* it wasn't that hallway"

"Diku?" Asked the boy.

"Yes, whats up?"

"Well..." He said pointing to what looked like an exact clone of Diku, who was even wearing the same clothes.

"Oh okay, would you mind introducing us? You're the least like the three of us" she said to the girl with the ponytail.

"Eh, yeah sure. I'm Sarabi, it's a pleasure and these are my sisters: Diku and Dwala, they're twins. Well, I guess you already know Diku"then she turns to Diku "Could you introduce him to us?"

"Yep! He's Niko, Nikolaos is his full name. I just met him right now, he's very funny and affectionate" Diku said.

"Thank you, its a pleasure for me too, but how can I difference one from the other?" Niko asked. 

"Because of the earrings" Sarabi answered.

"What earr-?" Suddenly, looking at the ears of the two girls, each one had an earring in one of the ears, one on the right and the other on the left. It looks like a flower "Oh, I see it now. I didn't notice it before"

"Well, you already know it. The who have it at her left is Diku and the one who have it at her right is Dwala" Sarabi said gently.

"Ahh I get it now, thanks for the clarification Sarabi. You're very kind" He said with a smile.

"Aww you're welcome hehe"

"We know him from somewhere?" Dwala asked out of the blue.

"I at least not, why do you ask?" Sarabi answered.

"When was the last time we saw someone new around here?" she posed half ironically.

She noticed it at the moment, as Diku said, only those close to the royal family entered there "Oh that's right, why are you here Niko?"

"I was hurt and Askari brought me here" he replied.

"Askari? That's new, he doesn't usually bring anyone new here" Sarabi said out loud.

Before Niko said something Diku stepped forward "He was shot, he told me before"

Sarabi and Dwala were taken by surprise by this. They looked at him and he simply showed the bandage a little bloody from Babú's job "What?! Who?..."

"I don't know if I should..." The boy started saying until Sarabi approached him with interest "Please say it, we can keep a secret. We often do it with the adults"

Sarabi was very sweet talking, which totally won over Niko "U-umm let's say that it was because of a Woga's soldier"

"Did the sect do that to you?!..." Sarabi was horrified and rightfully so, they were always told that he wouldn't do anything to the children.

"Keep this in secret please, I don't know what consequences could have because of told you it" He said nervously.

"Y-yeah, don't worry" Sarabi said worried "Dwala? Diku?" That was a hint that they must listened to their sister, both nodded worried too.

"Thank you, all of you" Niko said with a slightly sad smile "Come on man, cheer up that face. You look like Naanda when we turn off the light in the room when we go to sleep" Diku said.

"Aww poor girl, put her a night light  and she'll get over it" Niko said "And we do it, it helped her a lot although she still hasn't gotten over it" Sarabi answered.

"Ah, perfect then. Hey by the way, didn't you have to...?" Said the boy remembering what Diku told him a while ago.

Before he finished the sentence, a woman entered the hall from before. She had brown hair and her eyes were maroon, she seemed to be searching for something.

"There you are, girls, how many times have I told you not to separate without saying it?" Said the woman.

"Yes mom, it's just that we were a bit distracted, sorry" Sarabi said with an innocent smile.

"Well, have you found your sister?" she asked.

"Yes momy" Dwala answered a little bored next to Diku.

"Okay honey, at least you're all here and..." right here she sees the boy on the dresser "Who are you dear? Is he a friend of yours, girls?"

"We just met him, although Diku met him first" Dwala explained.

"His name is Nikolaos, we call him Niko as a nickname, he's new in town. And..." Sarabi was going to say about what he had told her about why he was there but she remembered that he told them to keep it a secret " We don't know why he's here but we like him"

"Ah, okay. Well, welcome little one, if you need something you just have to say it. My name is Narudia by the way" Said the woman to which Niko smiled at her "Thank you ma'am"

"Hey by the way, has anyone seen Babu? I've been looking for him for a long time" asked the mother looking both ways.

"He's with Askari's group from what he told me, they said they had to talk about something important. I think they're still in his office" explained the blond boy.

"Oh yes? Well, I'll have to go ask them. Stay here girls, I don't want to bother Babu if they're talking about something serious" The woman said "Come on Naanda, stay with them I have to go alone to that"

The woman moved a little bit showing a little girl who was hiding behind her, she was a little embarrassed by Niko's presence in the room "Come on honey, he's just a friend. Go and say  hi to him, come on. I've to go now" She said the mother softly leaving the room towards the consultation. As she left the children stared at her, Naanda seemed nervous.

"Hey, how are you? Do you want to be my friend?" Niko asked with a friendly face for her to come closer, which seems to have helped her calm down.

Writer's note: From this point on, from time to time we'll change the point of view of the main characters. Niko will be the one that comes out the most, but I think it could be interesting to learn more about details, pov's and characters. So, ENJOY


Narudia's point of view


The woman was walking alone down the hall looking for Babu's main medical office. When he arrives, before knocking, Askari is heard somewhat thoughtfully and Babu worried. She decides to knock on the door and open it a little to stick her head out.

They all stare at her "Babu? Can I come in or I wait a bit?"

"Em yes of course, come in Narudia" Babu said. Narudia enters and closes the door behind her "Well, what's in it for you?"

"Babu, today is the girls's medical check-up. Remember?" She said a bit confused.

"O-oh right, I completely forgot it. Excuse me dear, right now I'll taking care of them..." Babu said writing something on a piece of paper, you could tell he was a bit stressed.

"Babu... you seem strange, are you alright?" Asked the mother "Y-Yes, of course, why do you ask?" The doctor said trying to keep his composure.

"If you want we can postpone the check-up if you need to rest. You can tell me anything" She said touching the hand with which the doctor was holding the paper. He takes off his glasses and scratches his eyes a little "*sigh* I don't know where to start honestly... it's crazy"

"Narudia" Someone started talking to him from behind, it was Askari, and it seemed he was worried too.

She gets very close to him to hear him better "Askari, what's going on? You're acting weird too, you can tell me anything. I know you and I can help you if you need it" she tells him.

"Look..." He thinks whether to tell or not, it was a worrying and rare matter. But decides to trust her "Please, promise me not to say this to anyone, I already know who I should tell, I'll tell you because I trust you"

"Ok, I'm listening" said narudia crossing her arms.

"You swear?" Askari asks for the last time.

"Of course" she replied.

"Well *sigh*... We have a blond boy in the loungers room" Askari began.

"I have seen him yes, did you bring him here? Why?" Narudia asked "Well, it turns out that..."Askari begins to explain everything to Narudia, everyone already knew about it as well as Babu.

As the leader of the group spoke, Narudia became more worried. When she got to the part related to Woga she started having bad memories and her hatred towards him started to flare up again after years of not hearing that name. Words were simply missing in response to everything Askari said, it was like a trauma coming back again after years of fading away.

"A-are you sure? Do you think he can come back here? Is what he says about that poor boy true?" Needless to say, Narudia was scared, it was too noticeable in her voice.

"We wouldn't have bothered to come here, bring a child that we don't know anything about inside the palace and talk about that psychopath again if we weren't almost sure" The leader replied "Yes, and we only have a couple of things left to do, well ... or at least try them" Babu added.

"And if those powers are real, what will you do then? You're not going to hurt him, are you?" Narudia asked.

Askari just kept silent looking down "..."

"Askari?...Guys?" she asked a little scared.

"We'll do what we can, I assure you" Askari replied a bit harshly. Wtazamo approaches and puts his hand on her shoulder to calm her down "I think it's time for that checkup, where are the girls?"  Asked Babu.

"In the loungers room too" Narudia replied.

"Ok, let's go then" Babu said opening the door of the office making a sign for them to follow him and heading to the corridor.


After a while, almost reaching the rest room, they did not speak at any time since they left the office. Upon arrival, Narudia sees something inside the room and stops the others with her arm before entering so the children don't see them.

"What happen?" Ujasiri asked but she motioned for him to stop talking.

Inside the room all the children were where they left them but there was something that caught her attention, they all had a good time talking, even Naanda laughed a lot. It wasn't normal for Naanda to laugh with someone she didn't know at all because of how shy she was, but it was a very adorable sight for her. While his other three daughters watched a desktop TV, Niko was talking with Naanda and she seemed to find what he said amused. They couldn't hear anything of what they were saying over the sound of the television but they seemed to be having a good time.

The boy did not seem aggressive at all, on the contrary, he was very outgoing and affectionate. This made her smile sheepishly, but remembering everything Askari said about him and what they wanted to do about it made her feel horrible.

"What a flirt the boy is, huh? hehe" Kasi said, whispering jokingly.

Narudia looked at Askari knowing that he did know what she was really seeing, the leader just looked away with sadness even though he tried to hide it. "Sorry to interrupt but I think we should go now, I have to go pick something up later" Babu said breaking the moment.

"Oh, sure" Narudia responded.


Niko's point of view


"...and then the guy got distracted as he tossed the pizza dough in the air, and when he looked up again to get it the dough landed right on his face. After tripping over everything in the kitchen he tried taking it off, he slammed into the wall and fell on his ass on top of a tomato that fell from the table" Niko told imitating the scene with the sheets of the lounger.

"Hahaha! Can you tell me another one?" Naanda asked crossing her legs and pushing herself as if she were on a seesaw.

"Ok, let me think... ah! I remember a time that..." He continued narrating while in the background the three girls could be heard commenting on what they saw on TV, it seemed like an animal documentary about the platypus.

"What an ugly thing" commented Dwala.

"But it's cute, look at that little eyes" answered Diku.

The twin looks strangely at the screen "Yes, but it still looks uglier than a rotten egg at an easter party"

"You're even uglier" Diku said defiantly laughing.

"Did you forget that we look the same you dumb?!" Dwala answered, to which Sarabi could only laugh seeing the situation.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well until the adults come in.

"Hey kids, sorry for the delay. Is your shoulder okay, boy?" Babu said as he entered, to which Niko nodded at him. "Okay, now girls. Come, we're going to start with you and your Niko, you go with the others to where they tell you. By the way, Askari"

"Yes?" the leader asks.

"If you meet Rafiki on the way tell him to come, I haven't seen him all morning and I need him to check some things for me" Babu says to which Askari responds with a wave of his hand. "That would be all, follow me girls"

"How comfortable all of them were" Ujasiri said jokingly looking at the boy with a smirt.

"Okay, bye Niko" Diku said and then said something to him in a low voice "Remember what I told you, okay?"

"Yep, I'll try" He said to the girl smiling at him, to which she returned it. She leaves behind Babu, behind her were her sisters.

"Goodbye, my pleasure friend" Dwala said.

"See ya, I hope to see you soon" Sarabi said smiling at him.

Naanda simply, still being close to him, gives him a hug on the arm smiling tenderly at him. To later say in a shy way and in a low voice "Bye"

Narudia strokes his hair making a small grimace, which is removed as she walks over to Askari, putting her hand on his shoulder as she trails behind him. The room was silent for a few moments as everyone exchanged glances with each other, until Niko intervenes "And... what now?"

"Come, I'll show you something" Askari said making him get up from the lounger.

"I hope you like luxury visits" Kasi said while they were on their way.

"Who?" the blond kid asked.

"You'll see" answered the leader.


After having passed through the outer courtyard again, they arrive at a huge and very colorful place. They met several armed women and cleaning personnel along the way, this made him even more curious.

"Wow...! What's all of this?" Asked the amazed boy seeing the floor full of mosaics, the walls with reddish colors, huge ceiling lamps, carpets and mirrors with very particular edges "This is so cool!" 

 At a certain point, they stand in a room and Askari starts calling someone "Is there anyone?"

At first anything could be heared but then, a woman replies "I'm here, I'm coming"

The woman entered the room through one of the doors, she was very well dressed. She was an adult woman with reddish-brown skin, dark hair, green eyes, and was wearing a dress, wearing a very nice necklace and earrings "Uncle? What's going on?"

"Yeah, it's for talk with you about something" Askari said.

"Uncle?" Niko asked.

"Oh, who are you darling?" the woman asked.

"Um me? Yes well I'm-" He started until Mtazamo cut him off "He's the kid I told Zuzu to tell you about, remember?"

"So... Niko right?" The boy nods and she laughs a little "Well, welcome to the palace, I'm Uru, delighted"

"THE QUEEN?! Oh! Forgive me Your Majesty, I-I didn't know that-" He said nervously bowing quickly.

"Don't worry little one, it's not necessary but thanks" Uru said laughing "Also, why did you bring him?"

"It's something that... I don't know how to explain it but I think I have something that can work with that" Askari said going to a shelf where he made swords and taking one of them, once he did that he went back to his group.

"Askari... what are you doing?..." Wtazamo asked, surprised.

"I don't know, but I hope he was right" He said pointing the sword at the boy as he backed away.

"No please, s-sir!" Niko cried out scared, immediately Askari charges the sword to deal a blow.

"HEY! What the hell do you think-!" Ujasiri said with the intention of intervening but Nguvu stopped him for some reason.

"*gasp*!" Niko tried to defends himself by putting his forearms in between and they just caught fire out of nowhere. Askari parried the blow just before impact to watch as the blade of the sword heated up until melted little by little until only the handle remained. Everyone in the room was stunned, even Uru, who was horrified a moment ago, saw what happened and the words did not come out.

"But what... H-how did you do that?"  Ujasiri started saying still stunned like the others.

"I-I don't know, I just tried to defend myself and it came out on its own" Said the boy with his forearms still on fire.

Mtazamo approached with great curiosity "This... I have no words to describe it"

"Is there a logic reason for that?" Kasi asked Mtazamo.

"Impossible, there is no organic matter in the world that can withstand such degrees of temperature. Still, do you want us to test that theory Askari?" He asked while he searched something in his pocket.

"Go ahead, but carefully" he responded.

Mtazamo takes a pencil from his pocket and shows it to the boy "Okay Niko, let's try something. Get this without burning it, will you?"

"But that have no sense. I mean, look at my arms"

"Yes, at least that's how it should be, but do it. Ready?" The boy nods and then he throws the pencil at her hands.He kept it in his hands hiding it because of the throw, but despite that when he opened his hand, the pencil was still intact. It is as if the object is immune at that time. 

"Wow... let's see, give it back to me" said Mtazamo, to which Niko obeys. And again, not an ash dislodged the object.

"A fireproof pencil? Does that exist?" Ujsiri asks from behind her.

"It's not because of the pencil, it's because of the boy. He decides what he burns and what doesn't, it's amazing!" Mtazamo explained.

Kasi gets in the way "And how did you know that?"

"He said it himself" A thoughtful Askari said suddenly, which confuses Ujasiri more than the bill "What?"

"It was Woga himself who explained it to me years ago, before all of this, when he started losing his mind. I took it as a joke when he explained it, it was as if what he told me had been taken from a book of science fiction and... fantasy" He stopped looking at the ground to turn his attention to his friends.

"Until now, if he was able to do something like that, I don't want to imagine what he is capable of if he would know how to fight. If only we could s- *door slam*" As Mtazamo explained all of that, a noise was heard from one direction in the room. It was a man dressed in a light brown suit, tanned skin, reddish eyes, short goatee and black hair who entered through one of the doors of the room. He stared at the boy with a confused and surprised expression.

Uru looked at him smiling and greeted him trying to make the situation more normal, without good results really "Hi honey <3!"

All Askari's group stared at each other thinking what to say "We can explain it" Kasi started saying.

"Don't worry about it, I saw it all from the door. So, you're the kid Babu had been nervous about all morning" Said the man in the suit.

Niko just stared thinking a bit before speaking "Wait, honey? A-are you the king?!"

"Yes, and don't worry about the bow and all. But what you do have to worry about (looking at Askari) is telling me what was going on here" Ahadi said.

Askari takes a breath and begins to explain everything "Remember all those lunatic things that I told you about what my... old friend said years ago?" 

"Old friend? You mean that psycho?" Said the king crossing his arms.

"Yes. Well, it turns out that he was right, until now, about everything he said and this boy is <The chosen one> that he talked about so much before, you know"

"That science fiction story you told me about? It has to be a joke"

"Trust me, I wish it was"

Ahadi is left thinking worried "Alright, we have a problem then"

Niko looks at him sadly "I'm so sorry Your Majesty, it's all my fault"

"No it's not, you're just a boy who needs to go back home and live his life" Ahadi replied.

"I don't have a home and I don't have a life, I wish I could"Ahadi looks at him sad "What?..."

"The asshole of Woga attacked his city and raided his home, killed his parents in their own building and held him prisoner for almost two years. His only family is a woman named Mwanga on whom we want to put out a search warrant" Askari explained.

Neither Uru nor Ahadi knew about it, it made them feel missing "My wife and I give you all the condolences in the world, seriously. I had no idea about that, i'm so sorry..."

Uru leaned down to caress his face consoling him till Askari interrupt the moment "Ahadi, I need to consult something with you. I'll try to be quick I promise, but I need you to take the boy out of here" he told him in a low voice, to which Ahadi nods.

"Zuzu! Come here a moment please!" Ahadi yells. A minute later, a woman with pink hair and light blue eyes comes down the front hall. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Could you take the boy to play with the other children?"

"Yes miss" Zuzu replies "Come on sweety, let's meet some friends okay?" she tells him sweetly. 

 "Um ok, it sounds good" he tells her as he shakes her hand and they leave the room, Uru was amazed at how cute the blond boy looked in that moment "Aww...". As they left, Ahadi approached Askari again "Well? What do you want to talk to me about?"


Until here I leave the chapter because or else something excessively long remains. I'll try to upload you the next part as soon as my studies let me (not really because i'm a dumbass with an organization worthy of an Eternals 's film, sorry...), so thanks to the person behind the screen for reading this and I'll finish a couple of the art pieces before it's later.

I know that the concept is a bit confusing for now but I will try to continue developing it. This is my first story and my writing style may not be the best, but I'll keep trying. Thanks again for everything ^  ^.

Owner of the chapter cover image:

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