The Unwanted ghost of the Uch...

By ak714321

73.9K 944 378

Hi This is my first fanfic so if theres any problem in my writing and how i organize my story lss message me... More

Ran away
Who are you?, and who am i?
Realization and regrets
Training Pt 1
Training part 2 and the past
Ten years later and goodbye
1k Reads
Shinobi era and the surprise
Entrance exam and unwanted reunion
First day
Teaser for the next chap
Introductions and 1st move
Battle Training
Jirou Family backstory
Jirou Family Reunited and Class President

I am back

3.4K 51 39
By ak714321

Last Chapter

Izuku: " Bye grandpa ill come by often and make you proud" Izuku then went to the others open the portal and walked out of the portal and was in an alley in Mustafu Japan

Izuku: " I'm back bitches and be ready" Izuku said maniacally


Izuku, Kaguya, Madara and Hashirama were wandering around the streets of mustafu buying some stuff and ingredients. Izuku and Kaguya went together two buy some clothes for all of them and Madara and Hashirama went together to buy foods 

Izuku Pov:

Now I am in the mall with Kaguya-hime and we are buying some clothes we can see alot of people looking at us i don't know why they kept looking then suddenly some random guy came Infront of us with a arrogant smirk

Random Guy (Rg.)

Rg: " Well well well what do we have here hey babe why don't you come with me and leave this little shit" said the guy smirking he thinks that he will get my Kaguya-hime

Kaguya and I simply walked pass him ignoring what he said making the Guy Piseed and shouted

Rg: " You fucking shit when i tell you to come with me i wasn't fucking asking now come and be a good slut" It Made me Pissed and i immediately went to the guy

Izuku: " Your gonna regret what you said to my Girlfriend"

Rg: " Oh really and what your gon-" i cut him off by Kicking his balls hard 

Rg Screamed in pain and immediately got up to try and attack Me 

Rg: " You fucking shit your dead" Random guy then started throwing some punches and kicks at me which I Easily dodged making Him pissed off more

Rg: " Stop Moving you little shit"

Izuku: " Ok" I then stopped moving 

He then stop and prepared his strongest attack on me 

Rg: " Your gonna regret what you did and i will steal your gf and make him into a submissive slut" he said pissing me off more and he quickly attack

Rg: " Take this - AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Rg screamed in pain looking at his hand broken 

Rg: " What did you do? you piece of shit" he said trying to hold the pain

Izuku: " Nothing you told me to stop moving i stop and now what did you say about my girlfriend" i kicked him to the ground grabbed his other hand and broke it

Rg then screamed in pain and was now in fear because i broke his hand 

Rg: " Please have mercy i will never do it again" he said while bowing to me crying 

Izuku: " Weren't you gonna steal my Kaguya-hime to me where was that smirk you made earlier" I said releasing my killing intent on him making him piss his pants literally

Rg: " I-i-i-i-i" he couldn't stand my Killing intent and immediately passed out

I immediately stop my killing intent and went to my Kaguya-hime 

Kaguya: " Do you really have to go that far and humiliate him"

Izuku: " Yes he was talking trash and saying he will steal you from me no one steals you from me kaguya hime and i won't just let him go for saying that word he said to you i have to teach him a lesson and maybe torture him for a bit but he passed out so let's just go" i said Making Kaguya blush because i was Possessive of her

Kaguya: " Ok let's go" We immediately went to another shop holding hands


After a few mins we where finish buying clothes for everyone and we immediately go the place where Dad and Onii-chan said and we saw them both eating Ice cream

Izuku: " Dad, Onii-chan we are finished Buying clothes"

Madara: " Izuku i heard there were trouble in the mall"

Izuku: " Yeah some guy tried to take my Kaguya-hime away from me and said some bad things about her and i taught him a lesson"

Kaguya: " you mean broke his two hands and humiliating him in the public" Kaguya said 

Izuku: " Yeah he tried to take you away from me Kaguya-hime" 

Madara: " You are definitely my son did you torture him?" madara said interested if Izuku tortured him

Izuku: " I didn't get to it was disappointing i just released 1% of my killing intent he passed out"

While Me and dad where conversing on what happened earlier both Kaguya-hime and Onii-chan were watching deadpanned on what we are talking about

Hashirama: " Madara you shouldn't teach Izuku how to torture someone"

Madara: " I didn't Hashirama he taught himself and i am proud"

Kaguya: " Izu-kun no torturing"

Izuku: " Hai Hai"

we then laughed and immediately went home 

(A/N): " there house will be in the old village that Izuku found and stayed in"

After a few mins we immediately arrived at the place where me and Kaguya-hime met it was still the same it was already midnight so we immediately went to the biggest house where me and Kaguya-hime stayed. We then start putting our own clothes in our bedroom while Dad and Onii-chan were preparing food. after we finish putting up our clothes we immediately went downstairs and waited for Dad and Onii-chan to finish cooking

Kaguya: " Izu-kun when will be the U.A. Entrance exam gonna happen?"

Izuku: " we till have a lot of time Kaguya-hime it's 10 months from now"

Kaguya: " Izu-kun can i Join you in U.A."

Izuku: "Sure Kaguya-hime you can join me it would be boring if your not there and i know you would miss me if i'm not here Kaguya-hime " Wrapping Kaguya in my arms and cuddle with her

Kaguya: "Hmph no fair you always tease me" she pouted oh my god she is so cute 

Izuku: " gomen gomen Kaguya-hime"  I laugh while Kaguya kept hitting my shoulder

Madara: " You two lovebirds stop already cause dinners ready"

Me and Kaguya then stopped cuddling i don't wanna stop i love cuddling with my hime but we have to eat i reluctantly got up with Kaguya-hime and went to the table sat down

Kaguya: " We can still cuddle later Izu-kun for now let's eat" I immediately smiled and was preapring to eat

All: "Itadakimasu" we then start eating it was fun we were talking having fun it felt great 

after we finish eating Kaguya and i Immediately went to our bedroom but i noticed Kaguya is looking at me worried

Izuku: " Kaguya-hime what's wrong you look worried are you ok?" 

Kaguya: " It's nothing Izu-kun no need to worry"

Izuku: "  Please tell me Kaguya-Hime i don't want you to look sad and worried"

Kaguya: " It's just that when we get into U.A. you are gonna see your past and they might steal you away from me"

Izuku: " You know that im always yours Kaguya-hime no one's gonna steal me form you" I kissed her hand making her less worried about me

Kaguya: " Ok Izu-kun I love you" She kissed me 

Izuku: " I love you too Kaguya-hime" i kissed back we then stop and look at each other and kissed again making a full session make out session we are fighting each other for dominance and i won and the night was full of moans and screams of pleasure full of love and passion

Timeskip morning

(A/N): " why i didn't conttinue the lemon because i don't know how to write lemon and it might be cringed"

Izuku Pov: 

Last night was wonderful me and Kaguya-hime had our very first sex we did 6 am i forgot how many times i have cum inside her. i then look at the bed and it was very wet and then i look at Kaguya who was sleeping peacefully on my chest i slowly put her head on the bed i let her sleep more because she's tired i then got up slowly and went to the bathroom to take a bath after i finished i went to Kaguya and mine's bedroom and saw Kaguya-hime who already was up 

Izuku: " Goodmorning Kaguya-hime"

Kaguya: " Goodmorning Izu-kun" Kaguya then walk to me limping 

Izuku: " How are you feeling?" 

Kaguya: " I am good Izu-kun now move aside i will take a bath"

Izuku: " ok Kaguya-hime i will be in the living room when your done"

Kaguya: " Ok"

I immediately went downstairs and prepare some breakfast for them while making a breakfast i also notice when we walked home i saw the dagobah beach was still full of trash oh well i'll use it for training for the next 10 months after i finish making breakfast All of them immediately got down and sat on the table i look at Dad and onii-chan i don't know why but they look tired and sleepy

Izuku: " Dad, Onii-chan why are you two look so tired and sleepy

Madara and Hashirama then glared at me

Both: " Next time you both do it put some seals I can't sleep last night because of your noise"

Me and Hime were a bit confused and immediately realised what they said me and Kaguya blushed in embarrassment 

Izuku: " was it really loud?" I asked embarrass 

Madara: " YES!!! next time put some seals on so that i can sleep"

Izuku: " Hai"  all of us then ate me and kaguya were still embarrassed

after a few mins we finished eating i immediately went to the bedroom and see Kaguya-hime reading 

Izuku: " Kaguya-hime do you want to train for the next 10 months"

Kaguya then puts her book down 

Kaguya: " Sure Izu-kun but Izu-kun where are we gonna train?"

Izuku: " remember the beach we passed by the one with full of trash there were gonna clean all of it without using our chakra and also improve our ability"

Kaguya: " Ok Izu-kun wait im gonna change first"

Izuku: " Ok i will wait outside"

after waiting for Kaguya we are finally ready to go to Dagobah Beach 

Izuku: " are you ready Hime?"

Kaguya: " i am ready Izu-kun"

Madara: " Where are you both going?"

Izuku: " To train in the beach we passed by the one with full of trash we are clean it all up without using chakra"

Madara: " Ok Bye and if anyone wnats to mess with you torture them"

I then smiled

Izuku: " Oh i will" i smiled maniacally but i was hit by Kaguya-hime in the head

Kaguya: " Izu-kun no torturing and if you torture someone u will sleep on the couch got it"

Izuku: "H-hai"

We immediately then head out and go to the beach and a few mins of walk we arrived a the beach full of trash

Izuku: " are you ready hime"

Kaguya: " Yes Izu-kun"

we then immediately start cleaning the beach but before we could start claning we heard an explosion nearby and immediately went there then i saw my past crying and see Katsuki and shoto being held by the sludge villain

Sludge Villain (SV)

SV: " AHHAHAHAHAHHAH once i take over the body of these two no one can stop me"

Death arms: " Fuck we have to wait my quirk is not suitable for this"

Kamui wood: " Mine too i will get burn"

Mt. Lady: " Same i can't enlarge here it's too small"

Backdraft was keeping the people back form the situation and i was very pissed that these heroes aren't doing anything i immediately ran towards the Sludge villain with chidori in my hand 

Death arms: " hey kid get back here"

Kamui woods: " Kid come back it's dangerous"

I ignored them and immediately went to the burning building 

SV: " you are very stupid now die"

Izuku: " You think you can attack me with that HAHAHAHHA" I then pierce his eyes with chidori letting Katsuki and shoto go both were shocked seeing Izuku then passed out. The sludge villain screamed in pain and passed out because of the pain the heroes then arrested the Sludge Villain and i was about to go back 

Death arms: " Kid what were you thinking goin there you would've got killed"

Kamui Woods: " and you know it's illegal to use quirk in public we have to get you to the police"

Both was about to touch me but i released my killing intent they were immediately on the ground scared 

Izuku: " don't touch me you fakes" i shun shined back to the beach 

Izuku: " now that's done let start now Kaguya-Hime"

Kaguya: " ok let's start Izu-kun"


Katsuki and shoto were in the ambulance sitting shock that Izuku was there and was shockd Izuku had a quirk the other then immediately went to them

Izumi: " are you guys ok? who was that guy that saved you?"

Shoka: " brother are you ok i thoguht i lost you i already lost my izu i don't want to lose my brother" said crying

Katsumi: " yeah who was he?"

Katsuki: " That was Izuku"

All of them except shoto were shocked hearing what katsuki said

Izumi: "A-a-are You sure kaachan?"

Katsuki: " yes i am sure go watch the news they might caught Izuku's face"

Shoka: " shoto is it true what bakuguo said"

Shoto: " Yes It's true he also has a quirk"

All of them were shock 

Izumi: " come one don't lie izuku don't have a quirk"

Katsuki: " yes he do izumi, shoto and i saw him use it when he saved us it was like a lightning quirk"

Izumi:' what if he got the quirk from him i need to tell dad' "let's tell my dad what happened today"

The gang then immediately went to izumi's home and saw Inko who ran and hugged Izumi and toshinori who was worried about her

Inko: " Are you ok izumi are you hurt?"

Izumi: " no mom im fine and so is the others but mom we need to talk and you too dad"

Inko: " waht is this all about Izumi?"

Izumi: " When Kaachan and sho-chan were taken hostage someone saved them and  and "

Inko: " Izumi and?"

Izumi: " they said the one who saved them was Izuku mom Izuku is alive he came back he also has a quirk and i am worried he might got it form him"

Toshinori and Inko were shock, happy and angry that Izuku was back both were angry because they think that All for one manipulated Izuku

Toshinori: " are you sure Izumi that they saw Izuku?"

Izumi: " Yes Kaachan said to watch the news they might caught his face"

Immediately then Inko and toshinori turned on the news and was shock that they saw Izuku running to the building

Inko: " Toshi toshi it really is him my baby boy he's back we have to call nezu and the others quick" Inko cried and was very happy that Izuku was back

Toshinori: " Ok Honey" Calls Nezu

Toshinori: " hello Nezu sir we found my son Izuku"

Nezu: " we are coming yagi"

Nezu then drops the call and called aizawa, mic, nemuri and recovery girl told them izuku has return they immediately went to the yagi's house and saw Todoroki family, Mitsuki, Masarou and recovery girl as well as gran torino and also the kids.

Nezu: " Now tell me where is Izuku?"

Izumi: " we don't know when he saved both kaachan and sho-chan he immedaitely disappeared"

Nezu: " Ok now that he has return we will find him and the one's who neglected and abused him don't go near him"

Inko: " Nezu sir why i am his mom he needs me"

Nezu who was angry and pissed

Nezu: " I said son't go near him it's an order your already on thin ice all of you"

Izumi: " and he also has a quirk and i think he got it from him" 

Gran torino who was pissed Izumi accusing Izuku of joining All for one nad gran torino looked at the footage of Izuku saving Katsuki and shoto 

Gran torino: " How dare you Accuse your brother of being with all for one"

Toshinori was trying to convince Gran torino that Izuku might got the quirk form him

Gran torino: " what if he was a late bloomer i never taught you would do this to your son toshinori i am disappointed in you or what if that Power isn't a quirk"

(A/N): people who knows the history knows that there were shinobi and chakra before quirks and a few only knew and others thought of it only as a myth

Nezu:" You mean"

Gran torino: " Yes no quirk can do what he did"

The others were confused except for chiyo, endeavour, and Aizawa

Toshinori: " what power are you talking about sir?"

Gran torino: " sit down kids i will tell you the history of the era of shinobi"

The end see ya on my next chap and i f you like the story you can follow me and see updates of this story and my other stories also and my class is gonna start now Ja ne

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