
By Variancce

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"A long, long time ago, the world was not split in two. Naturals and Unnaturals did not exist. Some people we... More



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By Variancce

I knew that my cover was blown. They may not know who I am, but most of the soldiers now will be looking for me. I went back to the original function room and grabbed the vial from my clothes.
Then I went back into the hallway, to get spotted by a group of soldiers. I cursed out loud.

They pulled out guns and started running. I inhaled and started sprinting down the hall. I ran past Salazar who looked at the mob and immediately ducked into a room. I probably would have done that too.

I kept running until I ended up in some sort of office. I frantically looked around for an escape. The window? No. How would I get back in then? Hide under the desk? Stupid idea.

I eyed a vent above the bookcase by the door. More or less my size. I hurriedly clambered up the bookcase and forced myself into the vent, just as the soldiers caught up.

"Where did that brat go?”

“Its stupid snake broke my leg!”

"God, the boss is going to kill us!”

"Get it together! Let’s split up and look. There’s no way they got far.”

The voices of the soldiers faded as I crawled through the vents. I should have done this earlier, it was so easy! I could see exactly where I was going, and I could hear where the main room was. I could even get outside from in here.
There were a few mice in the vents.

They were quite pleasant, though! They greeted me politely and wished me a good evening. Was it evening? It was sort of hard to tell considering the sky had been pitch black for well over a day now.

Maybe it was the gods cursing us with darkness because of our wars.

Maybe they were doing this themselves, all for the ‘greater good'. Or something like that.

I didn’t really know much about the gods. All I knew is that they’re far too powerful for the average mind to handle.

I remembered someone visiting our school once. They told us a story of a human who tried to perform a ritual to gain the gods' favor. It half-worked, but they went insane from the sheer power contained in their mind. They were deemed an Unnatural and killed not long after.

After a good while of crawling through the dust covered vents, I found myself exiting in a hallway just beside the kitchen.

As quickly as I could, I fixed my uniform, brushing off the dust, and entered the kitchen. Most of the staff were gone; there was just a few low-status waiters there. I assumed everyone else had gone looking for me.

I picked up a jug of white wine and moved it to the edge of the counter. When the waiters left to serve, I pulled the vial out of my sleeve and dumped its contents into the wine. It turned the usual whitish colour into a concerningly deep red colour. I guess I would just have to say it’s red wine.

I carried it out to the main hall and held my head down to avoid being spotted.
I went around every table to waste time. I didn’t actually pour anything. Just pretended. Where was that snake?

The anaconda finally showed up just as I finished rounding the last table. I was alerted to her by a lot of high-pitched screaming. Never would I have expected that from a room of male soldiers.

As everyone screamed and ran in circles to avoid the snake, I refilled the wine glasses of every person at the Regal's table. None of them were panicked.
The Regal eyed me suspiciously, but I just smiled softly and asked if he needed anything else.

I felt my heartbeat increasing as the anaconda approached me and the men drank their wine.

Kirex and Nevera appeared through a window with a mob of out of breath guards chasing them. They looked like they were having the time of their life.

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