Reckless Abandon // Muke Sequ...

By suburbanmuke

50.9K 3.9K 1K

We left a scar, size extra large In which everything is so much more difficult and Luke realises life is pret... More

I Don't Care If You're Contgious
Collar Full
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Born to Die
Drop The Game
Stockholm Syndrome
Ghost on the Dance Floor
Leave Out All The Rest
The Birds pt1
Second Chances
Kissing in Cars
Jet Pack Blues
Can't Help Falling in Love
A few things
This is a thing

Still Into You

1.5K 137 72
By suburbanmuke

I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you

Luke and Michael chose to just watch dumb films all day rather than actually do anything, neither being particularly enthused by the idea of making the effort to get dressed and go outside, so instead they had chosen to keep themselves indoors, the only noise coming from the TV.

They didn't have a Netflix subscription anymore, apparently that wasn't as important as eating, according to Michael at least, so they were watching anything stupid they could find online, laptop resting on both their legs while Michael rested his head on Luke's shoulder softly.

The only difficult thing about the whole situation was that Dan kept texting Luke. Constantly. Luke wasn't going to complain about it, because it was nice to talk to someone different, who wasn't Michael.

But the way Michael's expression got continuously more annoyed as Luke texted more than paying attention to anything else. I mean yes it was a Pokemon film, but it was still pretty goddamn good.

When Luke's phone vibrated again, Michael finally snapped, pausing the film and turning to Luke,"Who the hell are you even t-texting!" he barked loudly, obviously frustrated as he hit the sides of the chair with clenched fists.

Luke looked up, raising an eyebrow at Michael's angry display, but deciding to brush it off,"Just this guy from work, I think we're going on a date tomorrow, he's kinda illiterate though," Luke chuckled, finishing the text and sending it to Dan whilst speaking, most of it consisting of him correcting spelling and grammar.

"A d-date?" Michael stuttered softly, looking over at Luke like he'd been betrayed or something. Luke didn't understand Michael sometimes.

"Um, yeah a date, do you have a problem with that?" Luke asked, dropping his phone down onto the sofa and crossing his arms across his chest, looking over at Michael expectantly.

Michael looked down at his hands, speaking so quietly Luke had to lean forwards to hear him,"I j-just thought that we were l-like a thing, m-maybe," he whispered, making Luke's eyes go wide in shock, because he never thought he had been giving that impression.

"Oh," Luke replied simply. He wasn't sure what to say in a situation like this.

Michael shook his head,"I'm s-sorry, I should've asked or s-something, j-just you were g-giving that sort of impression and I j-just assumed, I'm stupid, oh g-god," Michael rambled, his face going increasingly red with embarrassment.

Luke sighed, pulling Michael into a tight hug in hopes it would calm him down,"No, it's fine Michael, it's my fault for giving you that impression, I didn't think you saw me in that way anymore, I'm sorry too," Luke replied gently, whilst Michael pulled away.

"D-do you have to g-go on that d-date t-tomorrow though? I'd prefer if you didn't," Michael muttered shyly, his glance replacing back to his hands once again.

Luke sighed,"I think it'd be good for both you and me Michael," Luke murmured awkwardly, picking at the lose thread at his jeans as a distraction to the distressed look in Michael's eyes.

"B-But, Lukey, please?" Michael whimpered too softly, and Luke realised Michael had never moved on. Well he needed to, because then Luke could finally let go as well.

Luke sighed,"Michael, no, I want to live my life still, and you need to move on," Luke snapped, rolling his eyes as if to mock Michael for having any feelings towards him. He wasn't sure why he was doing this, but maybe Michael realising he's an asshole will force him to stop pining over Luke.

Michael let out a huff of breath, snapping close his laptop,"Fine, whatever L-Luke, have fun with your stupid d-date," he snarled, storming off into the bedroom and slamming the door so hard the walls all around shook.

Michael didn't come back out for the rest of the day and that night, after getting home from work, Luke slept on the couch because just friends don't share beds or every second away from the other missing them.

Well this was rollercoaster of emotions idek

I'm buying a cactus today and Imma call it Cliffocactus lmao l8r sk8rs

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