Helluva Whore

By jackwolf42069

143 3 0

I'm Archer. While my brother Jack, was making a name for himself in Pentagram City. I was over in Imp City ma... More

The Client
Stolas and Archer
Archer starts his job
Archer's job
The Luncheon and Dinner
Blitzø visits Archer
Archer, Moxxie and Millie
The threesome
Archer arrived home
Archer works at Stolas' again
Going to the Hazbin Hotel/Coming Back
Archer's Dinner

Archer and Stolas

6 0 0
By jackwolf42069

"Let's get a little dirty before we get clean, shall we?" He moved over to make a little more room for me. He spoke in a seductive tone. "After all I am in the mood for a big, fat red cock~"

He bit his bottom part of his beak and fluffed up for a second.

"I love it when you fluff up like that, it's so cute." I smirked. My cock was throbbing hard and leaky

"Oh hush now Archie. Daddy's thirsty~" Stolas moved some bubbles out of the way and began sucking my fat, big and red knotted hellhound cock. 

I used my feet to rub Stolas' cock as he sucked mine, eventually we both came, there was a almost sweet smell in the air, both of our cum was warm very sticky though.

We properly washed off before getting out and drying off. I was watching his ass and cock and balls the whole time, he just had a really hot body.

Stolas put on a robe and laid on his bed. I just put my clothes back on, I was just about to walk out the bedroom door when he said "Archieee. You haven't finished your job yet."

I turned around to face him. "Oh yeah and what's that?" I asked, walking back over to him.

"You haven't given me my kisses." He smirked, I leaned over him and kissed him on the cheek and the beak/mouth.

He fluffed up a little bit. "There ya go, feeling much better Prince?" I stood back up straight.

"Indeed it is, thank you Archer." He nodded and laid down like he was gonna have a nap.

"Working me got ya that tired did it?" I chuckled and went off to do some more cleaning work, I washed some of Prince Stolas' cloaks and robes and stuff.

I went to Princess Octavia's room to see if she had any washing that needed to be done. I knocked on the door "Hello Princess Octavia, it's me Archer. The Hellhound butler, maid thing."

"Come in." She said as I opened the door, she was sitting at her desk, reading about someone or something.

"I'm just collecting dirty clothes for washing. Ya know doing my job." I went over to her dirty clothes hamper and picked it up.

"Archer I have to ask you something." Octavia said, it sounded like it was something serious.

"Yeah go ahead." I sat down on her bed to listen to whatever she had to say.

"Do you think my mum and dad will get divorced?" She said with some amount of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah I do, I mean it'll be sad but don't forget you'll always have him, Loona, Me and Blitz and all your other friends." I patted her on the back.

"If you need me I will be probably be washing dishes or something like that after I put your dad's washing out to dry and yours onto wash. Also don't disturb him, he's having a nap."

I walked back to the laundry and got out Stolas' cloaks and whatever else of his I washed and then I took it out to dry after putting Octavia's washing on

After I had finished I went to check if Stolas was still napping, it was good that he was because he definitely needed it.

I went off to wash some dishes, while I was washing dishes, Octavia came to talk to me again.

"Hello Princess." I said while I washed a rather big serving dish that had something stuck to it because whoever put it up to be washed hadn't put water in it.

"Hello again Archer. Can you make me a cup of tea?" She sat down at the kitchen table and I made her a cup of tea.

After making her a cup of tea, I went back to washing the dishes.

"Thanks for talking to me before Archer." She took a sip of her tea. "I've been thinking about what you said. you know about my mum and dad. Yeah it'll be sad for both me and dad but its properly for his own good that they do." She seemed kinda bummed but she knew it was true 

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