The Luncheon and Dinner

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"So how is everyone enjoying lunch so far?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"It's delectable, Thank you Archer." Stolas smiled at me. I was happy that Stolas liked my cooking.

I smiled back at him. "Thanks Prince Stolas."

"It's actually alright." Octavia mumbled, I saw a slight smile on her face

"Thanks Princess Octavia." I smiled at her as well, it seemed they enjoyed my cooking.

I was just waiting for what Stella would say, I looked over at her and she looked right back at me, it felt like she was staring right into my 'Soul' or was staring daggers a more accurate description, I wasn't sure.

All I got in return as a response was "Ehh"

"Fuck you too princess Stella" I thought to myself. As I looked back at Stolas, unable to take my eyes off him. I think Stella was getting a little Jealous but I wasn't sure.

Once everyone had finished, I did the dishes, I also dried and put them away.

"Prince Stolas, would you like to go and do some gardening?" I took a swig from a flask of vodka.

"Indeed I do. I haven't done any gardening lately" We went out the garden and planted some flowers and vegetables.

The garden was massive and it the soil was very healthy, lots of garden oriments they looked very expensive as well, the fruit trees were massive and so was the fruit, the vegetable plants were also were pretty big as well.

"Wow Prince Stolas, you must spend a helluva long time gardening. I suppose that's probably one of the only times you can get away from Princess Stella" I laughed and Stolas and I picked some fruit and vegetables.

He gave me some to take home as well, I guess it was to thank me for helping him? I wasn't exactly sure

Before we knew it, it was getting close to dinner time and I knew that we were too late back inside for me to start cooking, Stella would probably rip me a new one.

I cooked them a very large dinner almost feast size, we all ate a lot, at least me and Stolas did. We were very hungry from all the gardening.

"Was a big day today, wasn't it Prince Stolas?" I was listening to music while I ate

"Indeed it was. I personally quite enjoyed it." He said with a smile, looking at me, I looked back at him and smiled.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't undressing him with my eyes. I couldn't help it, he's just so handsome.

I was also drinking my flask of vodka with dinner as well. It'd been a long while since I'd had a real good meal like this.

I hopefully can also have a dinner thing with Millie and Moxxie tomorrow night. As I have the day off tomorrow.

Enough about Moxxie and Millie, back to Stolas.

"Oh Princess Octavia, Did you listen to that band I recommend to you?"

"Yeah I think I did." She replied.

"I'm happy that everyone's happy." I said, paying no mind to Stella.

"So is everyone ready for dessert?" I asked them, I had made a really good chocolate cake with vanilla icing. It was very tempting to write something on the cake with icing but I didn't end up doing it.

Of course I gave Stolas the biggest piece of cake and Stella the smallest but I gave a decent sized slice to Octavia.

"This is probably the best cake I've ever had, thank you Archer." Octavia said, with a slight smile

"I agree with Via, this is amazing!" He said with glee as he took another bite.

I took a bite of it. It was moist and beautiful and tasted really really good. Very enjoyable

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