The Teacher

By sunflowers1964

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Fay moon was a senior in high school, she was very smart talented, and participated in some of the schools ac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38

Chapter 28

179 3 3
By sunflowers1964

This contains sexual language and sexual contact


I wake up, I get out of bed and go to my dresser and get out some clothes, I go to the bathroom and start to get ready, after I'm finsh I start to walk to the front door, as I'm outside I lock the door and walk to my car and drive to work. As I'm driving I can't help but think about fay, I wish that she didn't have to go but I'm also glad that I might get to spend the weekend with her again, I pull up in my parking spot and get out of the car and go to my class. As I walk in I sit on my chair waiting for the students to enter, kinda wishing it was already Thursday, I wonder what she's doing right know.

john: hey

me: oh hi

john: can we talk?

me: about?

john: you know what about.... come on we messed around all that time and you just throw it off just like that

me: stop, i just don't feel the same for you anymore

john: really not even a little

he says coming closer to me and putting both of his hands on the desk, making me look up at him

me: no, I'm sorry

john: fine

he says with a angry but sad look on his face and leaves and says nothing else, after he leaves, the students come into the room, I look at all of them and they just come in and sit and get out their computers

me: okay class, get to work

I sit down and just do my work, the whole class is doing there work there are no interpretations are no hours play, it's just quite ware all you can head is the keyboard, making me think about fay once again the way how she types

luck: miss snow

me: yes

luck: can I use the restroom

me: of course

As he goes to us the restroom, I look at him and j can't help but wonder if he gets a thing for fay, if he does well he's gonna be in for a tough one because she's lesbian and she's with me, I scoot in my chair and look at my desk and try to concentrate on my work, As I'm doing my work, the bell ring, everyone gets up and leaves, I sit there, and suddenly I hear a noise from my phone, I look up and see it's a text from fay.

*phone text*

fay: do you miss me already

me: are you sure you don't miss me

fay: have you been thinking about me

me: what

fay: so you have

me: are you asking me these questions to see how I'll react

fay: why aren't you answering them

me: you distracting me from my work

fay: 2nd hour is your free or planing hour

me: how did you know that

me: are you stalking me

fay: you wish

me: why would I wish that

fay: because I'll be the best you ever had

me: oh really

fay: really

me: okay, what you doing

fay: on the road, you?

me: sitting on my desk

fay: doing work

me: yes

fay: well I better let you go, I don't want to be the distraction 😏

me: now you listen to me🙄😉

fay: what you talking about I'm a good girl

me: yeah right

fay: I am

me: you weren't on Saturday night 😏

fay: you know you liked it though, are you wouldn't stop making noise

me: you were making more noise than me

fay: you know what

me: what

fay: how could I not though 🤤🥵

me: wait til you come back 😩🥴

fay: hopefully it goes by fast 😜

me: hopefully 😉

fay: I'll let you go know it's almost time for you to get dark to work

me: okay, I'll text you later

fay: okay

*text ends*

I put my phone aside and start to do my work as I'm doing my work I hear thd bell ring I wait for my student to get into the class.

*time skip*

It's the end of school just a couple of more minutes until the bell rings

me: okay class start putting your things away the bell about to ring

everyone start putting there stuff away are start talking to eachother or getting on there phones, after that and the bell rings, they all leave I get up and start gathering all my things so I can go home.

luck: miss snow

me: yes

luck: can I ask you a question

me: of course

luck: what grade do I have in this class?

me: let me see

I get on my computer and look up his name luck walls, I go on to his grades and sees that he has a A.

me: you got an A

luck: okay, thank you

me: your welcome

luck: bye

me: see ya

I smile then get up and gather all of my things, I go to my car then drive home, as soon as I go home, I put all my things down and go to the kitchen to grad me a bite to eat as I'm eating I watch TV. when I get done I go and get my clothes to take a shower, a couple minutes later I get out and just go on the couch and wrap myself with a blanket, and when I was sitting there I can't help but think that I didn't want to do anything today just relax. I sit there watching just go with it, as I'm watching it, I notice that my phone is moving around on the table , I go and pick it up and notice fay is calling me, so I answer it.

*phone call*

me: hey

fay: hi

me: what's wrong

fay: nothing, can we have phone sex

me: what

fay: if you don't want to it's fine

me: no it's fine but will you tell me what's wrong

fay: nothing

me: okay well do it but after you got to tell mee what's wrong


me: fay do we have a deal

fay: yes

me: okay get comfortable baby

fay: okay

me: you ready

fay: yes are you wearing underwear

me: what if I wasn't

fay: well if I was there I would tell you to open your legs

me: oh really

fay: yes and I'll stick my fingers inside of you

me: then I'll flip you over and get on top of you and start removing each part of my clothing very slowly, while your fingers are inside of me riding on you

fay: mmmmm

me: uhhhhhhhh

fay: while you riding me, I will pull down your clothes and watch them slip off your body

me: I will grad your neck and bring you up and start taking off your clothes

fay: I will pull you closer and start sucking on your breast

me: I would take off your pants and rud myself against you, are you wearing underwear

fay: no, I'll flip you over and grad you legs in between mine and start moving up and down slowly, then I'll pick up my speed as I watch you grad the blankets and moan out my name as I make you finish

me: Fuck!

fay: did you come

me: yes, you

fay: yes I did

me: know let's talk

fay: huh

me: I know I made you feel better, but what was wrong

fay: I was in the car with my mom before we got here, and she told me not to tell any of my family members

me: what

fay: yeah so I can't even be me, I'm just standing here, wishing I wasn't and wishing more that I'm was with you

me: I'm sorry, your mom shouldn't have done that

fay: it's okay, today is the last day then we get to go back

me: keep your head up, don't let your mom bring you down fay

fay: thanks marlow

me: no problem

fay: oh, I better go I think my cousin is coming

me: okay bye

fay: bye, i love you

*call end*

I sit there with the phone by my ear, just thinking did she just say she love me, I put my phone down and just look at it, when I look at it I debate If I should text her and ask or if I should just leave it. I turn on my phone and go to my contacts and go to her name.

*phone text*

me: hey, fay

me: can I ask you a question

me: fay please answer me

me: fay

fay: yeah

me: when you hang up the phone...

fay: yes

me: what you said

fay: uh yeah

me: did you mean to say that ?

fay: uh ummm

me: did you mean it?

fay: I umm, actually I need to go

fay: I'll talk to you later

me: fay, wait

*text end*

I sit there and think about what she said, I text her off and on but she didn't text back, I wish that she would though she doesn't have to be afraid or she can just tell me, I continue watching TV,  just go with it. the movie is over, I grad the remote see what's up next which was grown ups. as the movie was coming on I heard my phone go off.

*phone text*

me: fay

me: fay please answer me

me: just talk to me

me: please

fay: hi...

me: can we talk

fay: yeah

me: do you mean to say it?

fay: well yes and no

me: what do you mean?

fay: what I mean is I do care very much about you and I think I do love you but it just slipped out when we hang up

me: oh

fay: umm

me: what?

fay: how do you feel

me: umm

fay: it's okay if you don't fell the same

me: I do fay

fay: what

me: I do you make it feel different then any other relationship I had

fay: really

me: yes, but I don't know of because you only been with me

fay: doesn't mean nothing though, I know how I feel

me: I know but...

fay: but nothing I know how I feel though

me: okay, I know

me: how are you?

fay: good, how about you?

me: I'm good

fay: I can't wait to go back

me: me too

fay: oh 🤣😉

me: what I need your help with 3rd and 4th hour

fay: oh yeah, and I can't wait to come dark to my bed

me: oh sure

fay: what

me: that's all

fay: oh yeah I can't wait to see pepper

me: really

fay: oh yeah, and read my book

me: oh

fay: and you 🤣🙂

me: that's what I thought

fay: someone was getting jealous

me: what no

fay: try to play with me, I'll do it better

me: I can do one thing more better

fay: what's that

me: you know 😉😏

fay: wanna bet 🙄😏

me: I can

fay: sure

me: hey, it already late get some rest

fay: I know, we leave tomorrow

me: yeah, so I'll see you Thursday

fay: okay, goodnight

me: goodnight

*Text end*

I get up off the couch go to my room and grad go to my room and pull the sheets and start to lay down. The next morning I woke up and started to get ready and went to my kitchen and made me something to eat because I woke up early I made me a sandwich, after I was done eating, I got into my car and drive to work, I arrive a little bit late as I usually do. I walk into my classroom and sit down on my desk, as I'm sitting there the bell rings and my students come walking in, and everyone sits down, I wait a until I take attendance and before a minute til the bell rings fay walks though the door and smiles at me. I just look at her confused and say nothing.

me: okay, class get to work

I took at my desk and up at her, and I can't help but think why is she here, she's here early, is everything okay with her, what happen, I snap out of my thoughts and see her looking at me she smiles and turns back and gets to work. I look at my desk and try to focus on my work.

luck: can I use the restroom please

me: of course

he leaves and I get back to work, I look up at the whole class to see if they are working, when I look I stop at fay, she has black head phones on listening to music and I can't help but think what is she listening to. I see luck walking back into the room and walk to his sit when he does he looks at fay and she looks at him they share a smile at eachother and fay gets back to work. I look at fay then I get up and walk out the room real quick, I go to the printer to grad some papers and when I turn around I see fay.

fay: I didn't think you wanted me to just leave, but can I use the restroom

me: is that why you ry came in here

fay: yeah

me: okay

fay: thanks

me: no problem

she turns around and walks out and I can't help but to look at her, my eyes wonder down her body with all her curves and as I go up I notice her eyes are on me as she smirks and walks out. as she does that, I can't help but think that so.ething is different about her, but what?, I grad the papers and walk back into the classroom and sit down on my desk, put my print papers away and look back up and see fay walking in the class. she sits down and gets back to work I look down at my papers and after a couple of minutes the bell rings. Everyone gets up and leaves, I look up and see fay walking toward the door and the closes the door and then looks at me.

me: hi... why are you back so early?

fay: what you don't want me back

me: no I didn't me-

fay: I was kidding... and my mom had a work emergency and know we're back

me: oh... so did you get everything you need

fay: eh... but we got what we need form it

me: oh that's good... so do you still have a free weekend

fay: no

me: what?

fay: no, because I. gonna be spending it with this sexy women and don't tell anyone but she's also my teacher

me: oh really

fay: really

she smiles and comes closer to me, she pulls my chair and sits on my lap, she kisses me with a deep kiss then she whispers in my hear

fay: follow me to the couch

she get off of me and puts her hand out, I grad it, I can't help but think I know why she's acting different know, I think she horny, she takes me to the couch and turns me around and pulls me closer and then pushes me on the couch and gets on top of me.

me: is someone horny

fay: I know you are to

she says as she leaning down, she kiss me and then I feel her hand wondering she pulls up my dress and grads my underwear I feel her pull them and put them on her pants buttons then she grads my hands and puts my heads above my head and starts moving up and down, as she does this I bite her lip, and move my heads making her release them, when I do this she start rocking her body more faster, as she doing this she start kissing my neck, then she puts both of her hands under my shirt then slowly come up to my bra and slip her finger under, but before she can do anything, there was a knock on the door. she gets up and I get up and look down and take my underwear off of her button pants, she get off of me and I pull down my dress and fix my bra, and go to the door and open it.

john: hey.... oh hi fay your back

fay: oh hi... and yeah just got back today

john: oh cool.... you seem busy I'll talk to you later

me: okay, bye

john: bye

I shot the door and lock it and turn around went up to fay and pick her up and put her on the table and kissed her, she wraps her legs around me and I pull her closer, but before anything else can happen the bell rings. we break apart and she looks at me and smiles I look at her and smile but annoyed because everything keeps intruding us.

fay: it okay, well have this weekend

me: I know bu-

fay: when we have fun we can put it on airplane mode

me: yeah

fay: okay, go unlock the door

me: bossy

fay: you more then me... and plus I got to fix my clothes and get off the desk

me: you look good up there though

fay: hurry up, you'll see me more on top of stuff.... mostly you

me: I'm okay with that but you'll be under me

fay: yeah, okay

I smile at her and I go open the door, I open the door and turn around and see her sitting on the car by mine.

*time skip*

it's the end of 5th hour and fay gets ready to leave, she looks at me and smile then she says to me

fay: I'll text you

me: okay

she leaves and I get up and go to the printer to get more papers when I turn around I see john standing there.

john: hi

me: hi

john: you look hot

me: stop, I'm not doing this

he come up and puts me against the wall and I can feel him press against me

john: your horny

me: no

john: I can help you

me: I don't need your help

he looks at me and then starts kissing my neck

john: just let me help you

he picks up my dress and pulls my panties down the slide down to my ankles and then he unhook his pants and puts himself inside of me.

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