You Gave Me Forever

By carlafromcorrie

3.3K 81 0

He gave her forever, their forever... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 7

124 3 0
By carlafromcorrie

"What are you doing?"

She smirks to herself at how he climbed into bed with her, instantly pulling her into his body and humming in appreciation.

"It's almost time to get up"

"So I thought I would come in for some morning cuddles before I have to get the kids up"

"You should know I dont cuddle"

She curled her body into him anyway and he laughed into the back of her head, planting a soft kiss there.

"You should probably go"

"That would mean leaving you though"

She turned around in his arms and cupped his face in her hands, she immediately hooked a leg over his body and they just kissed, her fingertips raking through his hair as she deepens the kiss, smirking into his lips as she felt his fingers hook around her underwear and she moans softly into his lips before pulling away to catch her breath.

"We shouldn't"

"I'll be quick"

"You, Adrian, are never quick"

The feeling of his fingers brushing the inside of her thighs was making her tempted so she attached her lips to his, he worked on deepening the kiss whilst sliding her underwear down her legs.

"This feels highly wrong doing this with your youngest literally in the room next door"

She lets out a breath and he cups her cheek and they knock their foreheads together gently.

"We dont have to if it makes you feel uncomfortable"

"I think I will be the judge of that"

It wasnt long before her lips were on his again, she was pulling at some old joggers he decided to wear to bed and smirked down between their bodies and removed the remaining clothes they had on. Fletch shifted on top of her, appreciating how her hair was splayed out around her head.

"Get on with it"

She raises an eyebrow as she raised her hips towards him, he rolled his eyes and pushed into her knowing they didnt really have time for the relentless foreplay.

"I was just admiring how beautiful you look"

"Shut up"

She squeezes her legs around him and he smirks at her, she moans softly at him grinding his hips against her. They both knew this probably wouldnt last long.


"You seem to like saying my name a lot during sex"

"It's the effect you have on me"

He wasnt sure if it was a joke or not, but he smirked at her comment anyway. Watching her eyes half-shut in front of him confirmed that she was likely close, gently he snaked his hand down between her legs and she gasped slightly before putting her lips on his again, using her arms to pull him in closer to her body not that he could get any closer.


He was taken by surprise at her body trembling under his so he nuzzled into her neck and rocked against her before letting out a loan moan into the side of her neck, appreciating her fingernails gliding over the skin of his back as he let go and collapsed on top of her.


"Fletch, wake up!"

He was brought out of his sleep almost instantly, she rolled her eyes at his overly sleepy expression before smirking at both of their naked bodies pressed together.

"What's going on?"

"We need to go to work"

"Crap the kids"

He practically leaps out of bed and Jac laughs at him frantically dressing in his makeshift pyjamas before bolting out of the bedroom.


"You're back quick"

She rolls her eyes as she sat in bed watching the TV he had in there, he sits on the edge of the bed and smirks at her.

"What's got you looking like that?"

"Evie got the kids off to school for me which means you can escape from the confinements of my bedroom"

"Good because we are running very late for work and I need to go home and get a new pair of clothes"


She looked at him with a look of confusion as if it was obvious, she did not want to be the talk of the ward by turning up in yesterday's clothes, that was not happening.

"Because I'm not turning up to work in yesterday's clothes"

"Shame, you could have shared a shower with me"

"Dont tempt me, Fletcher"


Jac headed off home to change before darting frantically to the hospital for her shift grumpy because she didnt even have time for her morning coffee. When she got in Nicky was doing some pre-op tests for the day ahead and she sighed at the thought of being stuck in an operating theatre all day.

"This is for you"

"Um, thanks?"

Jac eyed up her mentee and Nicky bit her lip, she sensed something was up so she sighed and gestured for her to continue.

"It's from Fletch"


"The man was at your deathbed, cut him some slack. Post-it note on the side"

With that Nicky left and Jac smiled at the post-it note on the coffee telling her that she shouldn't rush out of his sight before he had a chance to give her a coffee that morning.


"Uh, what are you doing?"

He looks at her as she drags him into the store cupboard, she kisses him softly on the lips and hooks her arms around his neck.

"I've been on the phone to Jonny"

"I dont see what this has to do with me"

"It has everything to do with you"

She smirks slightly, one of her hands going to rest on his chest and he kisses her on the forehead.

"Do you want to know why it has everything to do with you, Adrian?"

"I'm sure you will tell me, Jacqueline"

She lets that slide because she was just so happy, it was a settling and safe feeling that she had brewing in her body.

"Jonny's coming back to Holby tomorrow so I thought we could tell the kids"

"What's changed your mind?"

"I'm happy and I know you're happy too and I want to share that with the kids as it went so well with the teenagers"

"Well, I'll be there"


"Why are we here?"

Emma asks her mother, Jac just chuckles slightly at her daughter's question before spamming the doorbell as it was kind of chilly outside.


"We're here to see Fletch and Theo, and Ella for that remember Theo and Ella don't you?"


She peers up at her mother before Fletch answers the door, he smiles at them both and lets them in.

"Hello you two"

"Try to sound less sarcastic there, leave that to me"

Jac pats his chest and he pulls a face whilst Emma snickers and slides her shoes off, Jac doing the same.

"What are we doing here?"

"Ella, Theo!"

"I'm going to make myself a coffee"

Jac excuses herself into the kitchen to quell her nerves whilst Fletch turns some TV on for the children before joining her in the kitchen and leaning on the counter beside her.

"We dont have to do this"

"I want to, it doesn't make it any less scary though. I just want it out in the open because then we can be open"

"What like...official?"

She smiles at him and he immediately brings her into his body and kisses her softly on the lips, she smiles at him and he kisses her once more.

"No way!"

It was the sound of Emma's voice that caused their head to snap around, and the way she was standing there with a smirking Ella and a smiling Theo, it confirmed it to them both that they were ok with all this.

"I guess our secret's out?"

Jac couldnt help but smirk and press her face into his chest, her arms wrapping around his body as she let out a content hum before looking at the kids who all seemed so happy.


After a chorus of questions, the kids eventually agreed to keep it quiet until tomorrow when they were planning to out themselves to the world that they were in a relationship. They seemed happy though so those nerves were dampened slightly.

"Do you think they're ok with it?"

"They'd say if they weren't"

He massages her head and she hums slightly enjoying resting against his body, her eyes focussed on the TV at some film that was on.

"Are you ok with this?"

"I think you know the answer to that one Jac"

"Yeah it was a stupid question, you have been pining after me for years"

He couldnt help but laugh at her comment and he couldnt deny it either, he genuinely wondered how it took them so long to get here.

"Are you staying tonight?"

"I can't, I dont have anything for myself or Emma and plus where would she sleep?"

"She could bunk in with Ella"

"It doesn't solve the problem of us needing stuff"

He kisses her on the head and she smiles up at him, the temptation to stay was there but in a way she wanted to spend some quality one on one time with Emma in case she was just being polite in front of them and had a problem with her new relationship.

"At least stay for dinner"

"Ok fine, just dinner though"


"You seem like a regular in the kitchen"

"Shut it you"

He points the spatula at her and she couldnt help but laugh and sit up on the counter to observe his cooking.

"What's for dinner?"

Their heads spun to the staircase where Evie was typing on her phone, Jac bit her lip until Evie smiled up at her and that simple gesture seemed to settle the nerves that were forming.



With that Evie was back up the stairs and Jac scoffed slightly before looking at Fletch who laughed and somehow knew all of her internal thoughts.

"You'll have that to deal with when Emma gets to that age"

He did have a point and she knew that but seeing Fletch in parent-mode gave her this endearing feeling that she didnt get with anyone else.


"I'll miss you"

"We're not joined at the hip Fletcher"

Her smirk was cute, he wouldnt say that to her face and Emma had already run off to the car. She leant forward and kissed him softly on the lips, she hated saying goodbye, especially to him.

"I wish we were though"

"Hmm, that would be unhealthy but I do need to go now so you need to remove your arm"

She gestures to his arm that was secured around her middle so he had easy access to kiss her. Reluctantly, he removes it.

"I'll see you tomorrow to butcher more hearts"

"How romantic of you"

His teasing would never get old, it was just something she had to get used to outside of work.


She offers him a little wave.


He whispers and watches her get into the car.

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