troublemaker ° sukhoon

De -kingsflower

20.9K 1K 596

where Hyunsuk is a flirty boy with a mischievous grin and Jihoon just wants to figure him out. treasure | Jih... Mais

four (M)
five (M)
fifteen (M)


1K 61 55
De -kingsflower

Unedited, another long chapter. enjoy <3


"You what?!"

"Jaehyuk chill, I'm trying to get help."

"Jihoon you are about to lose your scholarship, how do you want me to help you?"

"Send this letter to my dad, give it to his secretary, I know you have a meeting with him later."

"Jihoon are you insane?"

"Maybe, but I need this to be done."

"Your father is going to be angry with you."

"He won't trust me," Jihoon smiled, Jaehyuk took the letter.

"I can't believe you are confessing that you paid for it all," Jaehyuk sighed.

"Someone told me, I would feel better if I got it off my chest," Jihoon said.

Jaehyuk nodded, "alright, are we still studying later?"

Jihoon nodded, "yeah, not Saturday though, I'm helping Yoshi with the exhibit."

Jaehyuk nodded, "good, Asahi has a performance and I wanted to go see him."

Jihoon shoved the male playfully, "getting friendly now are we?"

Jaehyuk blushed, "friendly, as in just friends, yes of course."

Jihoon laughed, "yeah okay sure."

Jaehyuk nodded, "okay, I'll see you later then."

Jihoon nodded and left Jaehyuk to get to his class. Jihoon sat in his class doing his best to focus and honestly he felt better already. Knowing he would have one less responsibility and would be able to focus on Hyunsuk. No, Not him, Homework.

To be fair Jihoon has been neglecting most of his work just to be with Hyunsuk. Realizing his sudden potential feelings for the boy is setting him back. Taking a deep breath putting away his things as his class ended.

He thought he would go into the bathroom before he would go to the cafe to do a short homework assignment.

But as he walked in he saw Hyunsuk looking in the mirror, he smiled at the sight of him.

Jihoon ducked low and quietly snuck up on the male, "BOO!"

"YA! Jihoon I'm going to beat your ass!"

Jihoon chuckled loving the surprised look on the male's face, "did you say you're going to eat my ass?"

Hyunsuk punched the male in the arm, "beat, I know you heard what I said."

Jihoon shrugged playfully, unknowingly he became more serious, "hey suk?"

Hyunsuk took a breath and looked at the male, "yes Hoon?"

Jihoon got nervous as he swayed on his feet, "uh, how do you feel about bathroom stalls?"

Hyunsuk tilted his head, "um."

Jihoon took his hand and pushed him into a small stall, locking the door he shoved the male against the wall.

Hyunsuk laughed, "are you okay?"

Jihoon nodded, "I wanted to ask you something."

Hyunsuk raised his eyebrow, "and it was necessary to push me into a bathroom stall because?"

Jihoon sighed and fell back to rest on the opposite wall across from Hyunsuk, "I don't know, don't want people to see me like this."

Hyunsuk sighed, "you gave the letter to your dad?"

Jihoon nodded, "yeah, but that's not what-"

Hyunsuk pulled Jihoon to him and hugged him. Jihoon wrapped his arms around the male, smiling as he smelled the faint scent of cologne. Jihoon sighed, it's not what he was freaking out about but the male in his arms made him feel warm. That's when he felt the confidence to say it.



"Do you want to do to the art exhibit with me this Saturday?"

Hyunsuk pulled away with a smile, "like a date?"

Jihoon tilted his head stuffing his hands in his pockets, "did you want it to be a date?"

Hyunsuk thought about it, "I don't mind a date."

Jihoon smiled, "it's a date then."

Hyunsuk hid his smile, "alright cool, see you then."

Jihoon smiled, "uh yeah."

Hyunsuk turned to leave the stall running into the door and fumbling with the lock which made Jihoon laugh. The door opened and Hyunsuk turned to wave before he bolted out.

Jihoon let out a sigh, I did it.

Jihoon left the restroom and went to the cafe, Junkyu and Yedam were already there. Jihoon sat down pulling out his laptop and notebook.

"Did Jaehyuk tell you he was going to be late," Yedam asked.

Jihoon looked up and nodded, "yeah he's discussing potential internships with my dad."

Junkyu laughed, "when was the last time you actually went to see your dad."

Jihoon shifted in his seat, "that, I, huh, I guess I haven't seen him in a while."

"Are you guys still awkward since you came out," Yedam asked.

Jihoon nodded a bit, "Yeah, a bit, who knows maybe I'll see him soon."

Jihoon thought back on his letter, there wasn't a way that his father wouldn't call him. If he was his dad he would have called him, obviously, his parents were like his life but things got in the way. His mom got sick and his father let him live on campus so he wouldn't come home. After he came out his father kind of avoided him, in a way other than him loving his parents dearly it was also an apology or compensation for what he put them through.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Yedam, "sorry we shouldn't have brought it up."

Jihoon shrugged looking at the solemn look on Junkyu's face, "no worries, time fixes everything and hopefully my efforts won't be overlooked either."

Junkyu nodded, "Me and my big mouth."

"Oh guys by the way we aren't studying this Saturday, Jaehyuk and I are busy," Jihoon said.

Yedam worked his eyebrow, "what do you have going on?"

Jihoon blinked, "oh, I'm helping Yoshi with his exhibit."

Yedam nodded, Junkyu cut in, "and Jaehyuk?"

"He's going to Asahi's performance," Jihoon said, looking back at his notebook.

Yedam looked at Junkyu, "maybe we should make our own plans."

Junkyu scoffed, "what makes you think I didn't already?"

Yedam pouted leaning back in his chair, "what do you have going on?"

Junkyu smirked, "a date maybe."

Jihoon looked up, "you are going on a date with Mashiho?"

Junkyu nodded, "yeah he asked me this morning."

Yedam clapped, "I'm so happy for you, maybe I should go for Doyoung already."

Jihoon snorted, "you make the first move? Yeah right."

Yedam sighed, "yeah you are right."

Junkyu laughed, "don't give up Dammie, you got this. Fighting!"

Yedam just smiled, Jihoon smiled as well at his friends going back to finish his work. Jaehyuk finally showed up when Jihoon was nearly halfway done giving Jihoon a thumbs up which made the male smile.

Jihoon focused on his work and some assignments he had missed before he had closed his laptop and stretched his back.

"I'm done for tonight guys," Jihoon said.

Jaehyuk nodded, "okay well I'm going to stay back."

Yedam and Junkyu agreed and stayed behind with Jaehyuk. Jihoon nodded and packed up his things. Soon Jihoon arrived at his dorm, he threw most of his stuff down but placed his laptop and notebook at his desk.

Jihoon stretched and decided to put on sweatpants and a hoodie wanting to be comfortable.

His phone beeped and he checked to see a message.

Hyunsuk: can I come over later?

Jihoon: yeah sure but, make it late cause I still have things to do.

Hyunsuk: roger that.

Jihoon smiled and with that, he received a call, his father's caller ID popped up on his screen. He took a deep breath before answering.

"Hey, dad."

"Come to my office."

Just like that, his father hangs up. Jihoon took a deep breath before grabbing his important things. The male made his way to his father's office and his heart was racing.

Ugh, what if he yells at me. He has no reason to yell, I'm keeping my mom alive.

Jihoon bowed to the secretary before going into the office. There was his dad serving two cups of what seemed to be makgeolli.

"Drink with me."

Jihoon sat down on the other couch without a word, he picked up the cup and took a sip of the refreshing somewhat fizzy liquid that greeted his tastebuds. Placing the cup on the table he looked up at his dad.

"I always wanted to drink with you like this, but I let the past blind me. Yoshi's art helped me understand the way I must have made you feel."

Jihoon tightened his fists already wanting to cry, Yoshi definitely has drawn his story out. That missing connection between father and son.

"You don't owe me anything, you don't owe your mother anything."

Jihoon nodded, waiting for what he wanted to hear.


Jihoon met his eyes, "yeah?"

"Love who you want, I realized I couldn't be prouder to have a son like you. Also thank you, your mom will know what you've done for her and be thankful. I love you, my son."

That was it. Jihoon lost it, he just started crying letting the tears fall down his face. On his bunched-up sweatpants from his balled-up hands.

Jihoon couldn't manage to say it back, wiping his tears, he quickly finished his drink.

"I shouldn't keep you here any later, you'll get locked out," his father said.

Jihoon got it wiping his face, nearly forgetting that his building had a curfew. Both of the males stood up, the older pulled his son in for a hug.

"Just focus on studying okay?"

Jihoon nodded on his father's shoulder, "I love you, dad."

His father chuckled and patted his back, "I love you too."

Jihoon smiled, before letting go and bidding his farewells. Jihoon let his tears dry to his face with the cool air, he felt relieved.

He made his way to his dorm seeing Hyunsuk waiting against the wall.

"Did you wait long?"

Hyunsuk looked at him and shrugged, "I texted you."

Jihoon felt around for the phone smiling sheepishly, "I left it in my room."

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, Jihoon opened the door letting the male inside. He realized the male was in pretty comfortable clothes as well.

"Entrance Fee."

Hyunsuk turned to the boy who closed the door, "since when."

Jihoon shrugged tapping on his cheek, Hyunsuk trudged over reaching up to kiss the male on the cheek. At that moment Jihoon turned his head.

Hyunsuk glared at him, "hey you tricked me."

Jihoon smiled pulling the male on top of him on his bed. Hyunsuk noticed the tear marks reaching up to wipe his face.

"Are you okay Hoon?"

"Never been better."

Hyunsuk smiled at the response, just looking over the male's face. Hyunsuk delicately traced his fingers over the male's face.

Jihoon just closed his eyes feeling the male's delicate fingers ghost over his eyes, nose, cheekbones, jawline, and then lips. Hyunsuk looked at the male's lips, his eyes lingering on them.

Jihoon fluttered his eyes open his hand reaching up the caress the male's cheek, Hyunsuk leaned into his warm palm.

Jihoon had so much to say but instead, he met the male's lips, eyes closed feeling the electricity swim through his body. Hyunsuk felt it too, giving a soft smile in the middle of their kiss.

Softly, they kissed, no feeling like this has occurred to either of them. Normally they were rather needy but it's almost like they were taking the time to get to know each other.

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