𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian...

By Miss-Izumi

93.4K 2.2K 207

What's a Black Bird without her Robin? Black Birds run in the family. Dick had Grace. Jason had Estella. Tim... More

Mature Audiences Only.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲
The Boy
Father and Son
Justice, Not Vengance
New Priorities
Mario Cart
Titans, Go
Broken Promises
Happy Birthday!
Nothing Personal
Rapid Fire Series (Self Promo)
Just Kids


1.3K 23 1
By Miss-Izumi

After losing her teammates, her family, she rebuilds her own family, but soon sacrifices everything she's built for Raven, and the world.


"We need to find her." Raven told Damian, hardly even able to speak.

"Who?" Damian asked, but he already knew the answer.

"Lorri, Damian." She rasped out, before her eyes closed.

Damian looked down, and clenched his fists.


He hadn't seen you since the war two years ago. He didn't want to find you. He was pretty sure you were dead. It was the most probable scenario. But the tiny, annoying voice in his head said you were alive. That you were a fighter. That you weren't going to die that easy.

You had broken down when Dick died, unable to control yourself, even though you were in the middle of a battle. Last minute, before one of those things could hit you, Damian grabbed you, jumping into the water. You stayed down there for a good three minutes, and then resurfaced, hiding underneath some rubble and debris.

He didn't know how long you both were there, but when the coast was clear, you simply stood, and walked off. You were broken, and he was too.

He dragged Dick's corpse all the way to The League of Assassins' head quarters, and after being welcomed back, he practically chunked Dick into the Lazarus pit. If he couldn't have you, he had to have Dick. Unfortunately, something went wrong. Dick was alive again, but something was different. He was an animal. In the end, he had to lock him up, like a psychopath.

When Raven was conscious again, and Damian had changed into his old costume, she ordered the drunk bum to cast another "locator spell" for Lorrietta Wayne.

Constantine took a while, but he did manage to find your location.

"She's in Singapore." He muttered, crossing his arms.

"Do you know what she's doing?" Damian asked, a little shocked.

"It's a locator spell, kid. It locates."

Damian grit his teeth, but said nothing.

Raven transported them all there. Right after, she collapsed.

"Welcome, Mr. Wayne." A woman said.

Damian looked up to see he was in some sort of building. He didn't have time to question how this woman knew his name.

"We weren't expecting you either, Mr. Kent." The woman bowed respectfully. She wore a full body black cat suit, and a black domino mask. "I am Carley. May I asked what you are here for, Mr. Wayne?"

"He's with me." Clark said, stepping forward. "We need to see Lorrietta."

Carley tilted her head. "My leader is not open to visitors."

"Please, I'm here on behalf of Lois Lane."

Carley sighed. "Very well. Follow me, please."

Carley began to walk away, leading them down a long white hallway. Damian threw Raven over his shoulder, before following her.

As the hallway opened up, he saw hundreds, maybe thousands of people, both men and women, wearing matching outfits, same as Carley. They were all training, throwing punches, some in one-on-one matches.

"These are all?..."

"Black Birds." Carley replied to Damian. "Lorrietta has taken us all in. Someone had to carry on the Batman's tradition, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Wayne?"

Damian stared down at them. "They're an army."

"Precisely." Carley smiled. "And they're killers, too. For an army without killers is no army at all."

She turned to Raven, staring at her for a moment, before a soft smile graced her features.

"My lady, forgive me for not recognizing you sooner. Lorrietta received your message. She is prepared to negotiate."

"What message?" Damian asked, turning to Raven.

"I'm sorry.." Raven whimpered. "She's stronger than me. She's our only hope."

Carley took Raven, picking her up bridal style, and carried her off.

"You are all welcome to join us."

The men hurried to follow behind, and they soon found themselves at a grand pair of double doors. Upon entering, they saw you, sitting at the end of a long table, your head in your hands.

"Lorrietta." Carley called.

You looked up. You costume hadn't changed much. You had ditched the sleeves, and your domino mask was on the table next to you.

"Raven has arrived."

"I can see that." You muttered, before standing. "Good Lord." You ran over to her, caressing her cheek. "She's in no state to make deals. Please, take her to the infirmary."

Carley nodded, before turning on her heel.

"Black Bird, I've come in Lois-"

"I'm sorry Clark, it's a no." You cut him off. "I'm part of a different plan, now."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"That's not any of your concern, is it?" You stated, before turning to Constantine. "Can I interest you in shelter? Drinks, perhaps?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

"Show them to the living quarters, please." You said to a Black Bird in the room. "And then leave me in peace."

The young man nodded, before walking past the men, leading them away. Damian stayed behind.

"So.." he began. "It's been a while."

"It has." You replied, moving to sit back in your chair at the end of the table. "Care to join me?"

Damian walked to the chair next to yours, and sat.

"You built all of this?" He asked.

"I took a page out of your book. You went back to the league, didn't you?" You didn't have anger or hurt in your voice. Just curiosity.

Damian nodded. "Yes."

You paused. "Did you use the Lazarus pit?"


You looked up quickly. "On who?" You asked, desperately.

"Dick." He replied, looking down.

"Did it work?" Your voice was hopeful, and it broke Damian's heart.

"No." He said. "He's broken. He's alive, but gone."

You looked down. "I see."

Damian looked to you. "Do you?"

"Don't doubt me, Damian." You smiled, laughter in your eyes.

"Never." He responded, placing his hand on yours.

You locked eyes for a moment, before Damian quickly pulled his hand away, looking down.

You ran your tongue over your dry lips, trying to make conversation.

"It's best you leave." You muttered.

"Why?" Damian asked, hurt in his voice.

"Because I and Raven are here to do business."

"I'm not leaving you." Damian stood, slamming his hands on the table.

"Damian, don't be difficult."

"I'm not leaving." He spat, and you looked up to him.

"I know." You whispered, before looking down.

Damian's expression softened, his hard exterior easily breaking.

He walked to your chair, and cupped your face. You saw his mask was now off, and his emerald eyes were shining. Your lip began to quiver, and Damian smiled warmly.

"It's okay, beloved." He whispered, before pulling you in as you sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's quite alright."

Your sobs only worsened.

"How am I supposed to tell them all that our world will end in a week?" You cried, grabbing the back of Damian's shirt. "All our work will be for nothing!"

"You don't." He whispered to you. He got on his knees, and held your face.

"I must look awful, now." You laughed, wiping your eyes as you bent your head to look down at him. "All swollen and teary eyed."

"Never." Damian leaned forward, his nose touching yours.

You choked back another sob, before hiccuping. Damian hesitated no longer, pressing his lips against yours. You gasped, before grabbing the back of his head, and pulling him into you.

Damian groaned, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto the floor, and you landed on top of him.

"Shit..." he whispered as you pulled back, panting on top of him.

"My room's down the hall."



You lay next to him, the sheets covering you both. You've missed his eyes, his face, his love. You've missed it all. It's why you're not willing to let go.

You gently reached out, caressing his cheek. Damian shifted, his hand coming up to grab yours. He pressed a kiss to your palm, before finally opening his eyes.

"Beloved." He greeted, voice raspy from sleeping.

You smiled. You looked angelic, the moonlight illuminating your bare body, your skin practically glowing, your eyes staring dead into his. You inched forward, the sheets shuffling as you did so. You pressed your forehead against his, sighing deeply, allowing your eyes to close.

But Damian's mind could not rest now.

"What deal are you and Raven going to make?" He asked, whispering.

You didn't respond.

"Lorri, I cannot rest until I know you are safe."

"Damian, please. Just let me lay with you."

His mind is brought back to the time his father was missing. When he was injured, and you had been laying in bed with him, resting. He could remember his anxiousness, and his constant begging for you to get up until you finally did so unwillingly. And that led to your capture.

Guilt swelled in his heart, and he nodded, closing his eyes once more, allowing you to rest.

What Damian didn't remember, is that both you and Talon had once told him to never doubt his instincts. And every instinct he had, every bone in his body, was screaming to make you tell him what you and Raven were going to negotiate.

But he ignored it.


When he awoke, you weren't there. He practically threw on his costume and ran out your bedroom door. He burst down the double doors, and what he saw shocked him.

Raven was drawing many symbols on the floor of the grand room. The long table had been shoved aside, and everyone was watching intently. In the middle of the circle Raven had created, was you.

"What the hell is happening?!" Damian yelled, only for Constantine to turn around and trap him in some sort of magical barrier.

"Sorry, Boy Wonder. This isn't your decision." Constantine said, before turning back to the circle.

"Raven!" Damian screamed, pounding on the barrier.

Raven gave him a look of sympathy, before turning back to you. She took your hands, and turned to Constantine.

"If something goes wrong, kill us both. Our bodies have to be more than dead. They spell has to be ugly."

Constantine raised his hand and summoned a knife.

"The last accursed Dagger of Ostova."

"That'll work." With that, Raven turned back to you, and began to chant.

Damian slammed his fists onto the barrier, screaming your name as you began to float in midair with Raven. He was horrified as he saw a dark entity exited out of Raven's jewel, which he recognized as Trigon, and screamed when it slipped into you.

Both you and Raven hit the ground hard, Raven groaning and you unconscious. Constantine dropped the barrier, and Damian ran to you, cradling your head. Your outfit had changed, and now looked like Raven's, minus the cape and tights, and was a deep red color with black accents. Speaking of Raven, Damian turned to her.

"What did you do to her?!" He screamed, clutching your body to his.

"She transferred Trigon into Lorrietta." Constantine stepped forward. "Lorri and Trigon are talking as we speak."

"Talking about WHAT?!" Damian turned to the drunk bum.

"We don't know just yet." Constantine growled as Clark helped Raven up. "We just have to trust in Lorri's negotiating skills."

Damian looked back down to your sleeping form.

"I should have killed you all when I had the chance." He glared at Raven, before picking you up and exiting the room.

"Trigon." You greeted

"Ah. Lorrietta Wayne."

"I must say, you look a bit different than I remember." You motioned to the demons red skin and horns.

"Is this better?" He morphed back into the god-like being you remembered, with long black hair and dark eyes.

"Or this?" This time, he morphed into Garfield.

"Or perhaps this?" Now, he was Damian at age ten.

"Tell me, why shouldn't I kill you right here and now?" The demon asked, quirking a brow.

He was good. Looked exactly like Damian. Had the black turtleneck and the same voice. The same emerald green eyes.

"Because you'd be trapped in my corpse, and decay away with it." You shrugged. "It's such a shame that I'm organic, don't you agree?"

The boy clenched his fists.

"What do you want?"

"Your power." You replied. "And Raven's. I want to destroy Darkseid, conquer of worlds. He seems to be a New God."

The child grit it's teeth.

"It's so ironic, don't you think?" You asked, pacing in a circle around the demon. "That this Darkseid is taking Earth so easily, has killed so many heros, while you lost to a group of children."

"SILENCE." The demon grew in hight, a new set of eyes sprouting on his forehead, before it regained composure and retook the form of young Damian Wayne.

"This angers you?" You asked innocently.

The demon remained silent.

"I would like to offer you a deal." You smiled, bending down and leaning your head on the child's shoulder from behind. "Give me the power I desire. I've had two years to read about the rituals. I know you need a bride to reach your full potential. Then, I will defeat Darkseid, and save Earth."

"And then?"

"And then..." you snaked your arms around the child, whispering into his ear. "I will give you a reward, based upon my judgment, to praise you for all you have accomplished." Seduction was poured into your tone, and the demon thought it over for a moment.

"Very well then." He pulled out of your hold. "I agree to this offer."

He held out his small hand, and you took it in your own, shaking it.

"It's a deal, then."

"My magic is gone." Raven whispered as she stood outside your bedroom door. Damian looked up. "It worked."

"What worked?" Damian asked.

Your door swung open, and you stepped into the hallway.

"Clark." You turned to the previous Superman. "Tell Lane she has 12 hours to gather all the men and women left on Earth and meet us at Titan's Tower in Jump City."

You turned to Damian. "Send word to the League of Assassins. Prepare them and bring them to the Tower. If we are to fight, it will be on our own turf, and we need all the help we can get."

You then looked to Constantine. He quirked a brow.

"Give Darkseid a ring. It'd be a shame if he missed our little tea party."

You looked to Black Bird down the hall, who's jaw had dropped.

"Prepare the Birds." You ordered. "It's time to end this war."


You looked behind you. Thousands upon thousands of people had gathered. Some Black Birds. Some assassins. Some previous criminals. Some heros. Some familiar. Some new.

You turned back to the demolished Jump City as Damian stepped up to meet you. He was in his traditional clothing from the League of Assassins.

"Lorri, I-"

"Don't." You cut him off.

Damian remembered what Raven had said to him.

"If she hurts you, she doesn't mean it. She's bound and betrothed to Trigon until the deal is completed. She loves you, Damian."

Damian looked back out to the city. Constantine joined you both on the front lines.

"She's fighting for you."

"Word?" You asked.

"He's on his way." Constantine replied. "And he isn't happy about this little resistance."

You smirked. "Good."

You turned back to the people behind you, before levitating so they all could see you.

"Brothers and sisters," you began. "Friends and family, fellow protectors of Earth. Today is the day we take back our planet! It is time we take a stand, united as one, and destroy Darkseid once and for all. For those we have lost, for those who have tried and failed, we must prevail. We must win."

You raised your fist into the air.

"Long live Earth!"

"Long live Earth! Long live Earth! Long live Earth! Long live Earth! Long live Earth! Long live Earth!" The crowd cheered, punching their fists into the air as you floated back down.

Clark looked to you. "That was one hell of a speech."

"Thank you." You nodded to him, before turning back to the city.

Above it, portals opened, revealing thousands and thousands of Paradooms. They all hit the ground about 40 yards away from you. It was the first time you had seen them stand still. Darkseid flew down, joined by Batman.

"Darkseid." You yelled. "You stand accused of killing thousands of innocent people, destroying our world, and killing our planet. How do you plead?"

"I don't have time for this." Darkseid said to Batman. "Handle this."

You scoffed. "Guilty it is."

You began to walk forward.


The warriors behind you began to follow. Damian unsheathed his sword. Constantine began chanting a spell. Lois cocked her gun. You began to run forward.


You leaped up, before slamming your fist into the Earth, sending the first wave of  Paradooms flying. You army behind you yelled, attacking the enemy left and right. You helped the army at first, but soon caught eyes with Damian.

"Go." He said, holding his katana. "You're the only one who can stop Darkseid."

You panted, nodding. "What about Daddy Bat?"

Damian smirked. "He's mine."

You looked up, spotting Darkseid, before flying up to him. Your body crashed into his, and he glared. He fired his laser vision at you, only for you to create a barrier and deflect it, right back into his own eyes.

"Don't worry." You said, dropping the shield. "I'll kill you quickly."

Darkseid yelled as he crashed back into you, and it sent you flying back into the Tower. The glass shattered around you as you slid along what was once the common room floor.

Darkseid came at you, but you caught his fist just in time, and shoved him out of the Tower. You finally summoned your magic, and threw a circular plate of darkness at him, which easily sliced off his arm.

He yelled in pain, grabbing his wound, before looking to you. He was pissed. He slammed you into the beach of Titan Island, and began to hit you mercilessly. When he stopped to look down at you, you threw an orb of darkness at him, which threw him off you. You stood in the creator you had been shoved into.

"Now, I hate to steal Thanos' line, but.." You wiped just below your nose with your middle finger, before showing it to Darkseid. "All that for a drop of blood?"

Darkseid ran forward to attack you again, but with a single slashing motion of your arm, he stopped.

You had beheaded him.

The head hit the ground along with the body, and you scoffed.


You turned back to the battle, and slowly drifted up, chanting, before yelling, "Azarath-Metrion-Zinthos!" Daggers shot out from your body, hitting each and every one of the Paradooms, killing them quickly.

You slowly drifted back down.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Constantine asked, shoving a Paradoom's corpse off him.

You rolled your eyes. "You're welcome."

You looked out to see assassins helping Black Birds to their feet. Criminals helping injured heros.

Raven ran up to you, throwing her arms around your neck.

"You did it!" She cried. "You saved the world. It's over." She pulled back, a genuine smile on her face, only for it to drop when she met her eyes.

"Not yet, it's not."

"Lorri..." She began. "You didn't."

You pushed her hands off you. "He wouldn't have agreed otherwise."

Damian ran up just in time to see you give him a look of sympathy, before you began to gag and cough violently. Damian rushed to your crouched over form, and you vomited darkness.

"Ugh..." you groaned, wiping your bottom lip. "Felt like regaining my virginity."

"Now." A voice said. Damian looked up to see the one and only Trigon. "Our agreement."

He held out his red hand. "Come."

"Lorri, please." Damian whimpered, and you looked to him.

Your eyes said one thing. "I've got this."

You looked at Trigon, raising an eyebrow. "That's not what we agreed on."

Trigon looked at you, confused. "Pardon?"

"I said I would reward you based on what you have accomplished." You slowly began to levitate so you could look him in the eyes. "You have killed innocent people. You have destroyed worlds. You have tortured your own daughter."

"But I have saved your puny planet!" Trigon argued.

"Once again, hate to steal someone's famous line, but one good deed is not enough to redeem a man from a lifetime of wickedness... though, it is enough to condemn him."


"Trigon," you began. "Per our agreement, I here by banish you to the hell you crawled out of for all of eternity."

"No." A large hole opened up behind Trigon, and chains flew out of it, wrapping around him. "No!" Trigon strained against the chains, eventually resorting to digging his nails into the dirt.

"I'm keeping the kids." You smirked.

"Lorrietta!" Trigon yelled, taking the form of Gar. "Help me! Please!"

When he reached the edge of the hole, he grabbed onto it with one hand. He took the form of young Damian.

"Please, beloved!" The boy cried.

You stepped forward. "I'm not into pedophilia."

With that, Trigon lost his grip, and fell into the hole. It shut almost immediately, before you collapsed.

"Beloved!" Damian yelled, running over to you.

"She's exhausted." Raven said. "She needs to rest."


When you awoke, you could hear the crashing of waves and feel the sunlight on your skin. You slowly opened your eyes, looking out to the oh-so familiar city.

"You did it." You looked up, to see Damian. You laid in his lap. "You saved us."

You looked back to the ocean. "No. Not all of us. It wasn't enough."

Damian looked at you, before back out to the sea.

"I can't bring them back." You whispered. "Not with Trigon gone. There's just too many people dead."

Damian wanted to say something, but could think of nothing.

"I saw assassins helping Birds. Criminals helping heros." You mused lightly. "War united the people. We are one again."

Damian sighed. "I fear not for much longer."

You looked up to him, and he looked down to you, sympathy in his heartbroken gaze, before turning to Flash, just as he ran off into the distance.

"He's going to reset the world." You gasped.


You looked to him. "Maybe it will be better next time."

Damian nodded. You leaned in.

"I love you, Damian al Ghul Wayne."

He nodded, tears forming in his eyes, before kissing you.

Maybe next time would be different.

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