Glitch me (Glitchtrap x GN re...

By mushroomzy

68.1K 2.8K 3.9K

[ON HOLD] ✷ You're a famous streamer, your fans had been begging you to play the new FNAF Help Wanted so you... More

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ƈɦǟքȶɛʀ ʄɨʄȶɛɛռ

1.8K 84 95
By mushroomzy

TW: strong language. slightly graphic scene at the last POV (author's POV), skip if you want.


(Your POV)

Getting home, after running as fast as I could through the city, I slam the front door and slide myself down to the floor, leaning my back on the door. I was destroyed. I never thought Nathaniel would do something like that to me. Warm tears run down my cheeks. I couldn't hold it anymore, it was too much. After some time, I feel someone trying to opening the door. Whoever it was, they failed because of me leaning against the door.

- _______? - the familiar voice says.

- Go away! - I shout.

- _______, I live here. - Will says, almost facepalming.

- Fuck... - I curse. He was right. I let him live with me, I can't make him go away.

I get up and let him open the door. He enters the house and closes the front door, soon turning to me. His expression softens when he sees my red puffy eyes and running nose. He quickly grabs me and hugs me, placing a hand on the back of my head and wrapping the other around my waist, keeping me as close as he could.

- You can cry. I'm not going to judge you. - he says.

I relax in his grip and let it all out. I got Mark's suit wet with my tears. Will suddenly started slowly swinging side to side in a very comforting way. He has leaned his head on top of mine. I could hear his heartbeat, it was fast. How odd. This was better than I thought. Being in his arms... It was something else. I should stop pretending to hate him. All he did was treat me well. It's not fair to him. I, then, wrap my arms around him as well. His heartbeat speeds up, making me giggle against his shoulder.

- Don't laugh. - he mumbles. Unfortunately for him, it only made me laugh even more. - What did I just say, _______?

I could only laugh more. He lightly hits my head with his, laughing as well. Soon, my laugh ceases and tears begin to fall again.

- Do you want to talk about it? - he asks. I nod.

He starts walking backwards, towards the sofa, never letting me go. He sat on the couch and sat me next to him, keeping his hand on the back of my head, holding it on his chest.

- Go ahead. - he says, patting my back. I sigh.

- I never thought Nathaniel would do something like that to me... - I say. - He never was that kind of guy... He was loving, caring, sweet, kind... Everything I've ever wanted...

- So what could have happened? - Will asks, trying to hide his anger since I was having a sensitive moment.

- I think I know... - I start. - He used to go out quite a lot with his friends, and they would always drink...

Will stays quiet, just hearing and comforting me. I knew he wasn't happy, but he was hiding it so I wouldn't feel worse. It was very sweet of him.

- He would usually come to my house when he drank... But there were some times he didn't... And those times always made me so worried. - I cry out, holding Will's suit as hard as I could. - I just... Never thought he would do something so... Irresponsible...

I cry a bit more on Will's should, but soon he speaks. His voice a quiet and low whisper..

- How was it? I mean, being with him. - he asks.

- Honestly... It was really good... - I sigh. - We used to have so much fun together... He would come see me everyday... Shower me with affection and... "Love".

Will seemed to notice how I said the word "love". I had a humongous grudge of that word. A word that caused me so much trouble and pain.

- Do you think you could be happy like that with someone else? - he suddenly asks.

- I don't know... I honestly don't want hear that word ever again. - I say with disgust.

He stays silent, only comforting me. A question pops into his head. He didn't want to bother but he was very curious.

- What about Alice? She was the one who brought him. - he says.

- Yeah... Alice was the one who introduced us... They were good friends and she wanted me to get to know him... After that it was mostly the three of us... That is... Until Nathaniel and I start dating. - I say, smiling nostalgically while tears ran down my cheeks.

Will pulls away and looks at me in the eyes. Even though I was embarrassed for crying so much in front of him, I refused to look away. His eyes were mesmerizing and I got hypnotized. Soon, I feel something brushing on my cheeks. It was his thumb, softly whipping a tear. He looks at his finger, wet with the salty tear, like it was something sacred. He takes his finger to his mouth, sliding his tongue over the tear. His eyes sparkled with something else now. My face gets red. The way he was looking at me. Like I was a small and defenceless prey that was on the palm of the predator's hand. His eyes were fierce but his gaze was soft, something I would never imagine was possible. Too flustered, I cover my face with one hand while punching his chest with the other. All he does is laugh.

- Are you embarrassed? - he says, teasing me.

- I'm not! - I assure him with a shaky voice.

- Then let me see your face. - he says, chuckling.

- Why?! - I ask.

- Come on, let me see it. - he says, grabbing my hand and trying to pull it away from my face.

- No! - I refuse. I kept trying and trying to cover my red pepper face but he soon managed to get a complete hold of my hand, removing it from my face.

He laughs warmly. His hair was messy and the suit was all wet with my tears. His smile was bright and the way his eyes looked when he was happy made me melt. This feeling. It was familiar. But I refused to accept what it was. It couldn't be. It was too early. I barely know him. He is not even a person... But he was definitely messing up with me. I kept staring at him, even though he had already stopped laughing. He was looking back at me, now serious. He was analysing me, concentrating on me. He wanted to remember every little detail of me. The color and texture of my skin, the color and shape of my eyes, the shape of my nose and lips... Everything. He also wanted to discover things about me that he could only imagine. He was obsessed. The problem was... Being obsessed... Is something good... Or bad...? Well... I would soon find out.


(Alice's POV)

After ________ and that friend leaving, I stay at the cafe. I sigh and sit at one of the tables. Soon, a small hand with a cup of coffee is placed in front of me.

- Are you okay? - the beautiful girl asks, worried.

She was beautiful... Her dark brown hair... Her blue ocean eyes... She was like like a dream. I felt like I was in heaven, seeing God's favorite angel, the most beautiful one.

- Uh yes... - I say, almost stuttering. She sighs in relief and sits in front of me.

- I'm glad... Uhm... Here your coffee! - she says embarrassed, laughing nervously.

- Thank you... - I take a sip.

- What is your name again? - she asks.

- I'm Alice. - I smile.

- I'm Emma, nice to meet you. - she says resting her head on her hand, looking at me and smiling.

- Nice to meet you as well. - I say.

Soon, a uncomfortable silence comes. All I did was drink my coffee, while she looked at me, almost without blinking.

- You're beautiful... - she mumbles quietly, making me gag on my coffee. Realizing she said it out loud, she covers her face. - I'm so sorry!

- No need to apologize... And thank you. - I giggle. She sighs in relief. - You're beautiful as well.

She smiles and blushes. She was breathtaking. The way her hair sat on her shoulders... Her feminine and delicate features were delightful. Who would imagine she would be thinking the exact same of me.

- Can I... - she starts.

- Yes? - I ask.

- Can I touch your arm? - she says, soon realizing how weird it sounded. Her eyes open wide and she covers her mouth. - Sorry! I didn't mean to make it weird! It's just that your skin looks so soft... And I wanted to feel it...

Seeing how embarrassed she was because of something so small, I could help but laugh. It wasn't the first time someone asked me if they could touch my skin. I wouldn't say I'm used but it wasn't as weird as people might think.

- You can touch it. - I smile and I extend my arm to her.

She smiles back and softly touched my arms. Her eyes and mouth open wide and she gasps.

- It's so soft! - she says, still touching my arm. - It feels like I'm touching a baby's skin!

- Yeah... Many people already told me that. - I laugh.

We continue talking and laughing. She got obsessed with my skin and ended up making thousands of questions about my skin care. She was very cute. I think I got a new goal: make her mine.


(Author's POV)

On the other side of the town, in an empty restaurant, the air started glitching. Another portal was opening. The employees that were getting ready to close the restaurant freeze. A large, metallic creature is thrown out of the portal. The sound of the metal falling to the ground makes a loud noise. When the things gets up, it was way bigger and way taller than and human being. It had long claws and sharp teeth. It was like an old metallic teddy bear that has been eroding for the last few years. It had a purple hat and a purple tie. It's red eyes stared inside the poor employees souls. That thing was a true nightmare. The monster starts moving, walking closer to them. Unfortunately, the defenceless humans couldn't move, completely frozen by fear. The bear doesn't wastes the opportunity and soon attacks, cutting both fragile employees in half with it's barbarian claws. Blood covered the white tiles from the floor, and the claws dripped red. Satisfied with the carnage it caused, the bear leaved the restaurant, breaking it's glass doors, and walking freely through the city, causing only more chaos and panic. Poor police, would have so much paperwork from now on.


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