🐺 Goddess of Wolves 🐺

By zangetsu13

41K 1.8K 397

For over 3 millennium, Callisto Arcadia has laid dormant after a dreaded war and soon finds herself awaken in... More

Background Information
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

3.8K 170 62
By zangetsu13

Author's Note: I do not own any of the Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

An deer was peacefully grazing at some grass in the middle of the woods during the daytime.

Observing from the bushes afar were a lair of red glowing eyes that hungrily gazed at its prey. The herbivore failed to be aware that it was not alone and a predator is seeking it make it it's next meal.

The predator creature let out a low warble and moved a paw forward. Doing so made leaves break, and that small noise alone had the deer shooting its head up and looking side-to-side of its surrounding area. The predator crouches down, timing the right time to strike.

It was silent with only birds chirping, being it the only noise for miles. All seemed clear to the deer as perhaps it had been a critter to cause that noise it heard from earlier.

A loud roar sprung from the bushes. Remarkably, the deer sprung into action and jumps out of the way only its attacker delivered a deep wound at its right side of its leg. Adrenaline was what helped the deer make a run for it and get far away as possible.

The predator was none other than a black furred wolf that growls not in disappointment but satisfaction as the intention was not to easily kill her prey in an instant but rather get some practice of chasing a prey. The wolf pursued its prey through the woods.

The deer panted as it can hear its pursuer get closer. Yes, it was going fast as it can but the wounds did slow it down. It fail to notice that from its far left was the wolf bypassing it in a blurring speed. The deer kept making turn after turn, not knowing where it was running to. Once arriving at a huge opening at another section of the woods, the deer seemed like it had gotten away when swooping right into the front was the black wolf and opened its jaws.

It was the last thing the deer saw.

The black wolf ate in satisfaction. Gobbling down a piece of meat she teared off. Oh yes, that's the stuff. There was something appealing about eating raw meat in her wolf form that brought a smile with her belly getting filled. It wasn't just that. The sensation of running through the woods, turning direction from direction, the adrenaline, the wind hitting her face and brushing her fur. It brought joy to her wolf side that she too shared its joy.

She may have been locked away for thousands of years but to her it felt like a one day nap and then the next everything has changed. Yet her body could tell it has been ages since she ran like this. Hunting prey. After all, her body may have gotten rusty from hibernating and she hadn't eaten. What better way to regain her strength was by getting in touch with her wolf side.

Arriving at the area is Douglas who in his hand held a Mason jar with black ash in it. He spotted the black wolf feeding on a dead deer and observed in awe. "Seems like you had a great hunt."

The wolf ceased her meal and looks up with a calculating glance. Douglas raised both hands. "Easy, just came by the check out you. Seems like your body is responding well with shifting. It has been a while since I last saw a werewolf shift that doesn't involve the full moon like those Cursed Werewolves." He smiled.

If she could she would have shrugged and simply went back to consuming another piece of meat.

Douglas stood in silent. It was clear she has yet to trust him. Good. As expected, his ancestor's journals were right about Callisto. She was not one to trust so easily. "Well...I guess I better leave you to it. I'll be waiting for you not far. I'm certain you can find your way back once you're done eating." He turned around and waved. "Would have love to seen her beast form." That was a worthy and awestruck treat in of itself of witnessing the True Alpha's ascended transformation.

Callisto listened and minded her own business. After finishing up, Douglas was waiting by the side of his jeep when he hears footsteps. Surrounded the proximity of his vehicle is a black ash line. Emerging from the woods was a fully naked Callisto with her hair slightly unruly and around her mouth covered in fresh blood. Without her clothes, Callisto had an impressive body with lean muscles and a six-pack abs. She had quite an impressive bosom but most of all a well-endowed member between her legs that had been something Douglas was surprised. Then again he recalled from his ancestor Callisto courted with females and was open public about being intersex. Didn't bother him as it was a free world, even if it has people who are too stupid to accept intersectionality.

Douglas then blushed as he was staring and turned the other way. Callisto is unfazed as this is not the first time people have witnessed her in her bare skin and simply kept walking towards Douglas' direction when she came to a halt as a bluish barrier formed in front of her. "Mountain Ash." She muttered. "That's an old one."

Douglas shrugged. "You know the drill. Safety's first. You and I both know you don't trust me and clearly I'd be naïve to approach you casually, knowing you could rip out my throat.

Callisto smirked. "Glad to see not many people of this era have become fools. Quite disappointing from what I've seen with the world through watching that color picture box you called TV. It has been...educating."

Douglas snorts and pulled something from the back of his jeep. He then tosses the object to Callisto, who catches it. "Here's your clothes. You feeling your strength returned?"

Callisto nodded and went to done on a black sports bra and black boxer briefs. "Two weeks. I have fed, shifted, and practice my fighting skills. My body's muscle memory is doing well at shaving off the rust that grew from three millennium. I am at full strength at last."

Douglas smiles. "That's good to hear. You're gonna need it."

Callisto finished putting on navy blue shirt, cargo pants, and black combat boots. She fixes her hair into a ponytail and cracks her neck. These clothes were quite comfortable and matched her style. She then narrowed her eyes. "All you've told me so far are vampires now claim themselves as apex predators on the food chain, different werewolves who are bound to the full moon, and witches self-proclaiming themselves as the servants of Nature. You have been vague, as expected from Druids like you but now that I am at full power and gained enough knowledge of the modern world it is time you explain to me the full details. No half-truths or lies. Do you understand?"

Douglas nodded. "Fair enough." He then smirks as he goes to break the mountain ash line to Callisto can bypass, even though he knew with her level of power she can break through. "You enjoyed the Lord of the Rings?"

Callisto walked pass him to head towards shotgun and smiled without him seeing her lips curl. "I enjoyed reading the book version but the movie and its visual effects reminds me of home back when fairies, druids, and other creatures walked the Earth." She then sadden. "Now this planet is overrun by lesser wolves, vampires, and witches. It all feels so...out of place."

Douglas got the feeling. For Druids like him its like witches ran them out as guardians who maintain balance and order, leaving druids nearly nonexistent. "Can't argue with you there sister."

They drove back all the way to Douglas' residence and on the way both were having that important discussion. Callisto was reading through Douglas' bestiary and journals of the creatures Callisto was familiar with back in her time who all have been reduce as nothing more but fairytales or mythological creatures that humanity or even the three main supernatural view nothing more as bedtime stories. The bestiary included these three species that dominate the world.

Callisto found the war these new classification of vampires, Cursed werewolves, and witches to be petty. They were like children who fought over meaningless things. Yes, in her time it was the same but not to this extent. "So would you care to start me off to the top on what has happened?"

Douglas nodded. "Well its a long story so I'll summarize the best I can. After you sealed yourself away, Zeus flooded the world, which was before the Noah's Ark version. The flood wiped out a majority of life but nonetheless the supernatural creatures of your time have survived only at this point of present time they remain hidden among humanity. Dragons, fairies, Hellhounds, Kitsune, gorgons, Grootslang, and even your own class of werewolves remain hidden and do their best to stay out of the affairs of the three main supernatural today. Or Malivore's doing but that is another conversation for another time."

"I see. So these witches tapped into magic and call themselves as protectors of natural order?" She snorts with an unimpressed look. "Don't make me laugh. Based on these notes and from what you described with their feud they have with vampires and werewolves is an insult to a druid like you."

Douglas felt praise of how Callisto held druids with high regard. "Well times have changed. True there are some witches who use traditional magic and believe in order. Unfortunately the witches believe they are the direct link to Nature when in truth witches nowadays have been too dependent on their deceased. Spirits and Ancestors, dead witches who their presence is defying the natural order as the dead are not meant to remain on Earth." He narrows his eyes.

"A lot of what these witches don't know is they are breaking the Natural Order or evening mixing their bias beliefs on what they claim is right or wrong. The spirits and Ancestors have given ill-advise or manipulate witches to do their bidding in exchange for power. At this point witches only care what benefits them and power. Screwing anyone over so long they don't end up in harms way."

"So greed and self-preservation then." Callisto said. "Power does corrupt and it is never wise to take advise from the dead as they do become restless and rather vengeful. The Other Side created by the witch Qetsiyah is another crime against Nature. It shouldn't exist. Like the Ancestral Planes or that fake hell created by Arcadius. At least Hades was relieved of not having tainted souls arriving at his doorstep. Cerberus never seen the King of the Underworld so pleased, even if Arcadius' Hell is defying balance."

Douglas nodded. "Can't argue with that. Witches not only tied the dead to Earth but because of that lousy advise they get from their deceased, mixed with their traditions and beliefs, witches have come to the conclusion that anything that defies their traditions or beliefs is a disgrace to their ways and must be eradicated. Hence why creatures like Hybrids or Siphoners have it tough when in truth neither of those creatures defy the natural Order. They are Natural creatures that exist, but the witches don't see it that way."

Callisto wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Discrimination to a species that they believe opposes to their ways is not what a servant of Nature is suppose to behave. This is all wrong. Back in my days hybrids were allowed and delight to have around." She placed a hand to her forehead. "This is far worse than I'd imagined."

Douglas bitterly laughed. "If you think that's bad that ain't even the kicked hornet's nest. When human hit at its A.D. era, a dark witch called the Hollow is responsible for the existence of the Cursed werewolves. In fact it was your kind that she based her creations off from, only weaker and restrained. The Cursed werewolves are merely stronger humans in the daytime but under the full moon can they access their full strength and lethal weapon against vampires. They don't have the ability to siphon pain, smell chemo-signals, super hearing, carry the Spark that allows a beta to become an Alpha, cannot manipulate a person's memory, evolve, or anything what you can."

"That's...disappointing." Callisto deflates. "And you say that the vampires dominant the werewolves and treat them as lower class?"

"Yes. New Orleans was a prime example. Based on a friend of mine, New Orleans operates like a Social Class. Vampires on top, witches and humans in the middle, and werewolves at the bottom. It's quite tragic." He truly meant that. Even though the Cursed werewolves are not the original werewolves from the age of the gods, it still felt wrong of seeing the mistreatment of proud and strong creatures reduce by vampires and witches as ravenous beast that are lower than dirt, and slaves to the very thing that gives them strength, only on that occasion every month.

He notices Callisto is contemplating on deep thoughts. "Hearing about the wolves is personal for you isn't it?"

Callisto stared at her right as the vehicle continued driving pass three after three. "I don't play favoritism or act as the arrogant on which species is above the other. I treated everyone equally and the rest did so the same. It was all interchangeable." She looks up straight forward. "I truly have my work cut out for me don't I?" She turns to Douglas with a bitter smile.

"More or less, your highness."

Callisto scoffed and rolled her eyes. "No need for formalities, Douglas. I am no longer a queen as my rule ended three thousand years ago. My name is simply a constellation and the myths about me are greatly exaggerated. I can begin to think it is the doing of Artemis and Hera to tarnish my origin. "Besides, anyone who proclaims themselves as a king or queen is neither a true ruler."

They arrived outside Douglas' residence that happens to be a normal and well-size cottage that happen to be a few miles away from the nearest city of Atlanta. They exited from the jeep and make their way inside to continue their discussion.

In the interior, while the cottage appeared normal and nice, inside is a whole different matter. The interior was a combination of a typical living room, kitchen, diner, but with a small laboratory that had its shelves of ancient textbooks and lore, astronomy equipment, miniature chemical lab, and electrical equipment. All these devices are sophisticated technology that existed around Callisto's era.

Druids were known to adapt to alchemy, combining science with magic or using knowledge long forgotten that to people of the past would view the advance science or technology as magic. It was a refresher for the True Alpha.

Callisto was seated at the diner table while Douglas pulls up a textbook. "As you should know the Turok-Han have long been perished since the nest were eradicated after you successfully slaying the queen. But even then the age of vampires never ends now does it?" He opens the book and it showed a page with an engraving of an 'M' and shoes illustration of a human but with vampire teeth and blood vessels bulging around their eyes.

"The Mikaelsons around the early 1,000 A.D. were once ordinary humans until their mother, the matriarch of the Mikaelson tapped into dark magic and modified Qetsiyah's Immortality spell as a means of converting her children to be like Silas, except it did not turn out that way. Using the blood of the doppelgänger Tatia, drawing life from the sun, power from Nature's eternal objects the White Oak tree, she and her husband Mikael killed their children after feeding the blood that contained the spell she casted and through transition of drinking human blood, the Original Vampires born frim mystical means were born."

"How many Originals are there?" Callisto wanted to assess the threat and understand what she is walking into. She never took the Turok-Han lightly, and she won't with these new vampires, even if they are nothing like the primordial vampires.

"Currently there are six Originals. Mikael himself became one and his five children: Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, and Rebekah. If my sources are correct thanks to recent events in Virginia, the only current Mikaelsons awake are Niklaus and Rebekah. Formerly Elijah was present until he was incapacitated by his younger brother Niklaus or Klaus as he likes to go by many people that know of him."

"Yes, you mentioned about this Klaus. He wasn't just an Original Vampire. The first Original Hybrid if I recall you referencing. The Great Evil?" Callisto can't help at snort in amusement at such self-important and narcissistic behavior that she got from this Klaus person, and she has yet to meet  him. "I have faced greater evil than this so-called Hybrid claims himself to be."

Douglas gave a serious and stern look. "Maybe so but do not underestimate his strength. Klaus is ruthless and cruel as they come. He is over a 1,000 years old and has been an Original Vampire due to his own mother sealing his wolf side until as of now he recently broke his curse and is now a Hybrid again."

Callisto placed her finger at her lower  lips and hummed. "Good."

Douglas arched a brow. "Good?"

"Why of course. No one should have a part of them sealed away. And as you said Hybrids are not abnormalities of Nature. They are natural creatures like you and I. It is the witches who decreed hybrids are abominations because of their bias ways. Even if Klaus is bad as you say I should praise for becoming who he was meant to be and not be chained down like so wild animal. Where exactly did he break his curse? I assume the location where chaos has stirred."

"In a small town named Mystic Falls, Virginia. That's three states away from where we're at. It was the original home of the Mikaelsons around the New World when Mikael and Esther migrated to those grounds." Douglas explained. "However, I should let you know beforehand that while the Mikaelsons are the progenitor of their species, they are not entirely the cause of the trouble Mystic Falls has faced. In fact it is this very town is where chaos has commonly occurred that I assume you plan to travel."

Callisto is surprise. "When you mention the Originals I assume they were the cause. So trouble was already happening in this town?"

Douglas nodded grimly. "Yes. Apparently from another valuable source that knows his stuff, one of Silas' doppelgänger's Stefan Salvatore. A vampire over a 164 years old arrived back to his hometown and trying to get close to Silas' lover Amara's doppelgänger Elena Gilbert, the last remaining doppelgänger. Stefan's return resulted in the arrival of his older brother Damon who stirred up trouble and killed people. One event led to another such as the release of ancient vampire, Katherine who I should mention was formerly a doppelgänger until she became a vampire herself since I'll get into the importance of the doppelgängers are to Klaus and his curse later. But Mystic Falls has shared its fair of people dying and it's only been getting worse."

"I see." Callisto leaned back in her chair and placed both arms behind the back of her head with frustrated face. "Times like these that I wish my pack was alive or even my fellow chiefs. Do you know if they are alive for they have prolonging lifespans."

"Don't you mean immortal?"

Callisto flicked her hair back. "There is no such thing as a true immortal. Everything always dies. Even I despite being over three thousand years will one day die and not from natural means."

"Tell that to the vampires." Douglas said, resting his chin on his knuckle. "The vampires as I have said proclaim themselves as apex predators. That they are everyone's better. I'm certain if they met you they'll think twice on what a true apex predator looks like."

"Even so, please keep in mind that I may have been a former Queen of the Werebeast, there were creatures who even I would not dare to trifle."

Douglas smiled. "The way Cyrus talked about you in his journals was...amazing. You led every creature with your voice, charisma, and strength. Its what made you the one above all. You are the daughter of Lycaon, the first werewolf and ancestor of all werebeast descendants. You maintained the natural order as your word was law and everyone respected you."

Callisto sadly smiled. "Cyrus. My emissary. I'm touched he spoke fondly of me. I'm sorry for his demise. He was a worthy ally and friend. A true warrior in battle. I am certain you would have enjoyed meeting him if you could."

Douglas rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and in appreciate. "I'm sure I would have loved meeting my ancestor. My family spoke highly of him. The emissary of the True Alpha who ruled all werewolf packs and the tribes. Maybe I'm jumping the gun but maybe I could take up the mantle."

At that point Callisto lost her smile and was silent till she hummed. "Perhaps." Douglas can tell Callisto was not going to start seeing him as her new emissary. He anticipated that and simply viewed it as wishful thinking. "So Mystic Falls and likely New Orleans based on how the supernatural community operates are in need of restoration of balance. Mikaelsons are in Mystic Falls so best head over there and then New Orleans and their factions. Klaus and Rebekah are the only Originals I have to worry about?"

"That's right. Though I should warn you ahead of time that compared to them and the Salvatore brothers, best you be wary of the latter. Based on my sources, they may be against the Mikaelsons but believe me when I say those two are nothing but trouble. Well at least Damon Salvatore. Stefan Salvatore, despite his former reputation as a Ripper, he has turned over a new leaf and likely the vampire to cooperate. Though he is too passive and lenient that his way of handling his brother in my opinion I rather found sloppy and terrible. The Salvatores also seem to have a protective nature for the latest doppelgänger, given she is an exact copy of the vampire Katherine."

"The brothers, they love Katherine didn't they? Why not the three be together? It is not far off for a person to court more than one person."

Douglas chuckled. "Things have changed. No one has harems or rarely practice polygamy these days. And if they did it would be under the radar as people do judge."

Callisto frowns. "The modern era is very odd. Y'know you mention doppelgänger and it relates to the curse. What is that about?"

Douglas removed his glasses. "Long story short, the vampire Katherine turned herself into a vampire for you see the doppelgänger's blood is needed to break the curse as a doppelgänger's blood has mystical properties. Unfortunately, a shortsighted Klaus missed is he only needs the blood. There is no need for a sacrifice. He didn't need to kill Katherine but Klaus has been as I can describe as impatient, especially when he's been attempting at breaking his curse for over thousand year. Apparently Elena Gilbert's life was on the line and many of her friends and allies did all they can to prevent her death, resulting in people dying. She did die temporarily and was brought back. Now Klaus is off making more of his kind and though Klaus is dangerous, the young teenagers handling the situation only seem to make things worse."

Young souls. Always reckless, even if there are rare cases of intelligent ones. Callisto gave a bored look. "Like what?" Feeling a headache come in.

"Well there is a Bennett witch, descendant of Qetsiyah but she is young and tapping into force she does not understand and does suffer a sin of pride to understand what's for her own good. Perhaps you best bet is to form a bond with her. Give her a guiding hand as I too could help. It would be wise to have a Bennet witch, even a young one that that."

"I'll look into it."

Douglas cleans his glasses and puts them back on. "Well hope you do because a little warning, Mystic Falls has a council that have a negative view towards vampires and probably your best bet at getting inside information. Exploit them to your advantage. As it doesn't hurt to make allies."

"What is this council made up of?"

The founding families since 1860. There are five in total. The Fells, Forbes, Gilberts, Lockwoods, and Salvatores."

"Interesting? I would have thought the descendants of Qetsiyah would have been one of the founding families."

"Well the Bennet witches prefer to be neutral from what I've seen and don't want anything to do with vampire business." Douglas smiled.

That was proving to be valuable information. "And something else. I need to understand the strength and weaknesses of any potential enemies. The vampires."

"Right, well for one these vampires are not like the Turok-Han. Their strength is dependent on how old they are. The older the vampire the stronger they are. Even though I haven't seen you in action, my best estimation is you would likely surpass even the first Non-Original vampires that were sired by the Mikaelsons. In fact because of the power of a True Alpha, level of experience, training, and knowledge in battle, and gaining your evolved forms, I would dare say even an Original would not stand a chance. Given your werewolf bite from what I have studied among your kind is far more potent and deadlier than the Cursed werewolves' venom. Not sure it would kill an Original but your strength and skills would handle them. Though the entire family combined, you'd likely be overpowered so be careful if you confront Klaus and be certain that you confront him alone. One-on-one is an ideal approach."

Callisto nodded with a serious look. "I understand. At least that assures me that my opponents are not too difficult for me to handle."

"Mmm. Further more, vampires are fast, can heal, their blood having mystical properties can heal any wound no matter how severe so long as the victim does not die with vampire blood in their system for that is how a human turns into a vampire. They have enhanced hearing so if you plan to have conversations make sure you are doing it in an area of loud noises." He warned. "They can use telepathy, but its more of a tactile version than like Professor X or Jean Grey." He chuckles.

Douglas then notices Callisto cocking her head with furrowed brows. Likely did not know who the two fictional characters are. "Never mind. I'll get you hooked up on the comics. Some of the X-Men movies were not that great."

Callisto was just lost as she was still grasping pop culture. "Okay."

"Their emotions are heighten to a high degree than humans that it can be overwhelming, thus leading to a vampire having the ability of turning off their humanity. Causing them to behave like soulless beings with no regard for other people but themselves. Watch out for those kinds of vampires. And just to be clear even without their humanity off, vampires are capable of good and evil, so I would say not all vampires are bad, but the majority of bad eclipse the good. Much like humanity I'm afraid. Finally their best tool that honestly is how the vampire species manage to survive all these years is through compulsion."

"Ah, hypnotism."

"In a way. Vampires can control the thoughts, emotions, behavior of a person anyway they see fit. Even going far to implant or erase memories. Sort of like your kind when you use the memory manipulation ritual. Only thing is vampires have used this to their advantage and many abuse it to help feed on humans and then making them forget they were ever fed or encountered a vampire." Douglas shook his head in disappointment.

Callisto can't help that the method of manipulating a person's mind like that is vile. It disgusted her. She only used her ability to enter a person's mind to gain information or if push comes to shove, erase or implant new memories for the right reasons. "This could prove to be troublesome."

Douglas waved his hand in dismissal. "Don't worry. The compulsion is ineffective against the supernatural, witches, or druids like me. Not even an Original can compel you. It's not like telepathy."

"Good to hear. And weaknesses?"

"Vampires cannot stand the sunlight and unlike the Turok-Han, it won't give them a sunburn but outright kill them. However, thanks to the witches, vampires have found a way around this weakness. They use these special objects called Daylight rings that permit the vampires to walk under the sun. But that ain't their only weakness. These vampires, regardless of how powerful they are, they require consent to enter a building so long as the deed to that person's home is under their name and only that specific person can grant entry to any vampire for any other person who does not have ownership of a house could not permit a vampire to enter. I'll get you a place under your deed to act as your base of operation before arriving to Mystic Falls."

Callisto smiled. "I'm impressed, though I'm certain mountain ash would have been effective as well. Then again it would get annoying on having myself to break through the mountain ash every time whenever I return home. So I'd prefer a home under my name."

"You're right about the mountain ash as it works on the vampires as well. Vampires will die if you rip out their heart or stake them with a piece of wood. Ripping their heads off will do the trick, but snapping their necks only temporarily kills them so that is a good way for you to incapacitate one if they prove to be of annoyance and you want to shut one up, just break their neck." Douglas jokes lightly.

The True Alpha can't help at smile at that idea.

"Fire is good. Then again fire practically kills almost everything."

"Except for Hellhounds or Fire Kitsunes."

"True. Animal blood can sustain them but it weakens them. Leaving a vampire go long without feeding causes them to desiccate. Then there is special herb that is sort of like a vampire's version of wolfsbane. Vervain. It will burn them through physical contact and poison them if ingested or used as a version of tranquilizer. It also prevents people from being compelled if they consume vervain. I have heard some vampires consuming vervain with the return of the Mikaelsons. Finally, while you'd be able to handle any vampire coming towards your way, you always have your lethal weapon, even without it. Your bite."

Callisto nodded. "Thank you Douglas. You have given me so much."

Douglas nodded but wasn't finished. "One last thing. While these are basic weaknesses to kill a normal vampire, for an Original, they are practically unkillable. At least by conventional means since the magic that turned them into vampires is far potent than the magic in ordinary vampires. Snapping their neck, using vervain, staking, or werewolf venom them will only slow them down. Killing them is a whole different matter."

"Could my bite not kill them?" Callisto questioned curiously.

"I don't know. Not sure it could but one thing is for certain your venom would be extremely painful to an Original that will probably make them wish they'd be dead since the venom you have is meant to turn people into werewolves whereas Cursed werewolves cannot turn people through their bite. A bite meant to turn people into werewolves would have nasty effects on a vampire and rip them from the inside. I believe that is all I can say. Unless we had White Oak, the one way to kill an Original, all you can do is overpower one and incapacitate them."

Callisto stood from her chair and sighed. "I better prepare before I leave for Mystic Falls."

"Sure. Anything else you need I will aid you. Anything else planned for the day?"

"Well I only finished all the Tolkien's work, watched the movie adaptations, enjoyed the Percy Jackson books, even though they got things wrong more than right except for Zeus, Hera, and Artemis, with her brainwashed huntresses. Finished Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, read every educational book you have and continue to read more. That's all I have at my free time at the moment."


Callisto sat in her bedroom provided by Douglas. She was looking through this device called a laptop. Douglas showed her the basics of managing one and how to use the internet. She was busy watching an episode of Merlin. "Huh. This Morgana looks an awful lot like me. I wonder if everyone has a doppelgänger or perhaps in some chance this Katie person is a descendant of mine."

Questions for later. She was enjoying the show and felt nostalgic with watching people from medieval times like Merlin and Lord of the Rings or ancient Greek from Percy Jackson, except the movie version of it. Pure disaster as Douglas put it.

"To think the world changed this bad. Humans and supernatural once thrived together. Now they have now become two separate worlds that despise each other from fear and overrun by young supernatural being who know not what came before." She said to herself. Callisto did not imagine how this is what the future would turn out.

It felt so out of place as even though she has yet to explore the world, she would find nothing that would remind her of the Bronze Age.

Callisto closed her eyes and let out an exhausted huff. She looks out the window and sees the moon is up. Not a full moon, only a first quarter as the full moon has recently passed before she had been awaken.

Still...nothing like a good sprint won't help her get this frustration building inside of her out of her system. Callisto heads out from her bedroom. She notices Douglas was sitting on his couch reading. She does not bother turning to him but notifies him of her departure.

"I'm heading out. I jut wanted to inform you of my missing presence if you attempt at finding me."

Douglas looked away from his book and looked surprise. "You heading out for a run?"

"Of course. As much as your pop culture entertains me, I believe getting in tuned with the wilderness is more of my outlet." She informed. Callisto closes the door behind.

Douglas just stared at where Callisto exited. "Huh? Two weeks and I can't get a read on that lady."


Callisto ran through the woods, taking on her partial shift. She ran on fours like the wolf she is. Running during the night, now this is what she's talking about. Yes, she can always run during the day but a wolf is a better hunter at night as daytime is better at conserving energy.

The night is just when she can let it all out and be with one with her wolf side. Callisto comes to a stop. She sees the tree her hand leaned on and notices a boulder positioned next to it. "This will be rendezvous point." She notes. Callisto began undressing herself as she didn't want them shredding apart. Once folding her clothes neatly and placing them in a hiding spot near the boulder, Callisto got on her hands and feed and shifts into her wolf form.

She prances through the wood, picking up speed as she pants. To individuals she'd appear as a blur but from her vision the whole world was moving in slow motion. Callisto's eyes glowed bright.

This was perfect! She continued picking up speed, going fast than she's gone before and Callisto decided to go beyond. Focusing, Callisto let out a deep growl. Her muscles began expanding as she shifts once more. She began growing in size. Her forelegs' paws turning into digits like that of a person and claws elongate that she passed through an incoming tree and swung her right claw it, taking out a a good chunk of the bark. She ran over a branch and it snapped form her weight.

She had now taken on her bestial form, her ascended form. Callisto arrives at a rocky cliff that goes upward and runs up. Once she arrived at the edge of the cliff, Callisto came to a halt and in front of her was the entire city of Atlanta.

The bright lights illuminating the city around the darkness it was in. There were nearby trees as the forest did stretch far to Atlanta.

Back then she would see views of kingdoms whenever she went out on runs like these. Callisto observed through her wolf eyes and focused on her hearing once closing her eyes to drown everything else. In-depth that she began hearing voices and several heartbeats from within the city. Being ascended her hearing goes that. The same goes for smelling chemo-signals. With a huge city like Atlanta it produced so much chemo-signals.

All she hears were cars, trucks, and people chattering. Then she smelled a combination of happiness, stress, surprise, arousal, anger, sadness, etc. All of these were overwhelming for her senses as it was nothing like this back in the old days.

Callisto reopened her eyes and growls. So this is the world she must live in. This world where humans are oblivious to the supernatural and supernatural hiding in the shadows. One can say they wish to go back to simpler times but that would be living in an illusion.

Here in this new world, all her achievements, her titles, or allies mean nothing to the young generation before her.

Yes, she is the outsider of this world but in the end there is one thing that will never change. She was a wolf. A predator of the moon. A True Alpha. No one can take that from her. Not these cursed werewolves, the witches, vampires, or the Originals.

This world will once again know who is she and where she fits in the grand scheme of things. Be prepared for she has returned to bring order to the natural balance. Anyone who gets in her way will know her ferocity!

Digging deep in her gut, Callisto huffed in a good deal of air and let it out. A loud and powerful roar with power.

The residents of Atlanta hear her howl and some stop walking and wondered with dread as to what had that been just now. Humans were oblivious to what her howl meant but a wolf howl from her species contains power, allowing on the supernatural to feel it for in Atlanta had vampires and hearing the howl put the fear of god in them as they never experience this sensation of fear. Fear that something is going to come after them and if they don't move out of its way they will die.

The supernatural energy travels at a far distance that is manage to go far into the two nearby states, specifically in Virginia.


In Mystic Falls where the spirits are on the Other Side feel the roar and trembled.

Anna could not stop her legs from shaking. She never felt such power in her life. She wished she could find her mom and seek comfort in her arms to shield her from the danger that approaches.

The other dead vampires felt it too and shared the feeling as Anna. Part of them glad they were dead and not alive.

Residents of the Other Side like the Bennett bloodline were in awe and had this residue of hope that something about this power spelled good, but was not on their side or the bad side.

Esther, who has been secretly plotting to get out of here and finish what she started of ending the vampire bloodline wondered what this spelled for her. An obstacle to get in her way of killing her children or a potential ally for her to exploit.

Another witch, the creator of the dimension looked in curiosity as it has been ages since she heard a howl like that. "Interesting." She muttered with her lips curling upward.


Driving back to Mystic Falls was Klaus with Rebekah sitting in the front with him, Klaus pressed on the brakes and caused the truck to stop.

Klaus paused and feels his wolf feel this powerful tug from what he heard.

"Ow!" Rebekah winced as her forehead at the window for she did not wear a seatbelt. Now she sees why safety comes first. She glares at her brother. "Why'd you do that, Nik? Nik?" She furrows her brows as she sees her brother staring into deep space and his Hybrid eyes were out. Rebekah felt one edge. "Nik? What's wrong?"

"Did you hear that?" Klaus muttered.

"Hear what?" Because she hit her forehead, Rebekah fail to feel the power that pass through. Though she won't deny she felt something that inside she was feeling like a little girl cowering in a corner.

Klaus gritted his teeth and bared his fangs. This power, its like his wolf side knew that somewhere out there a new challenger that is approaching and dares defy him. It was instincts. No, he would not bow to this new rival! He was Klaus Mikaelson! The Great Evil and the Original Hybrid. He was a predator that is unrivaled!

No one can ever beat him!


Bonnie from her home snapped her eyes open and shot her upper body up. She pants heavily, placing a hand to her chest. "What the hell was that just now?" She then hears the spirits muttering all simultaneously. "What? What are you saying? I can't hear you?" She covers her ears as they were loud. It felt like...they were scared and hopeful? What could possibly worry the spirits so much as not even Klaus had this riled up.


Douglas who was making dinner hears the wolf howl. Being a druid they can feel a shift in the force, like the telluric currents from within the Earth. A werewolf howl has power, not rare and valuable as a Banshee's scream as many would seek out, but what makes this howl so unique is that it is from the only existing True Alpha from his planet and he can feel how it empowers him and yet keeps him on his toe.

"Seems like someone is taking the first step of asserting her presence into the world. Good." Douglas said with hope in his eyes. Looks like he made the right call after all. "My ancestor spoke highly of you. Now let me see what you're made of, True Alpha."


End of Chapter 2

Next up, Callisto arrives to Mystic Falls. I am figuring out how she and Katherine meet.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

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Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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