Unknown Love


76.1K 2.3K 316


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Thirty Nine

1.3K 42 2


“You said that it came from no where right? You just said it?” He asked me.

I was confused, but I went along with him. “Yeah...”

“Are you 100% sure you don’t love me, yet?” He asked me.

I felt my cheeks flush a bright red as I mumbled, “More like 0%.”

“And by that you mean....”

I just rolled my eyes and smiled. “Logan Henderson, I love you.”

“FINALLY.” He exclaimed, then wrapped his arms around me. “(YFN), will you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend?”

“Ew, no.” I said.

He looked at me with an expression that read ‘do I look stupid?’ and I laughed. “Kidding! Of course I will be your girlfriend.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him again.

“This has been a very interesting night.” He said as we lied there, me wrapped in his arms, the hurricane still raging outside.

“I’ll say...” I agreed. My head was lying on his chest as I traced little shapes with my forefinger over his stomach.

The only light in the room came from the lamp in front of my house, given that the moon was covered with storm clouds. The blinds of the window were up so we could see out.

I couldn’t stop smiling. I could finally call him mine. All mine. This really has been an interesting night.

“Logan, what time is it?” I asked him suddenly.

Without looking at him, I felt his body shift to where he turned so he could see the clock on my iHome, which sat on my nightstand, illuminating the time in digital light blue letters into my room.

“About four.” He said.

I sat up quickly. “Four?! What time did I wake you up?!”

He sat up slower than me, and replied, “Like two thirty.”

“Oh my gosh...wow I’m so sorry.” I said. This guy works SO much...he needed as many hours of sleep he could get! And I’m sitting here keeping him up all night with my obnoxious sob stories...

Instead of the scolding I knew I deserved, he just smiled and told me, “I honestly don’t care. I have nowhere to be tomorrow and I just want to spend all my time with you.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that. He is just too cute. And sweet. And funny. And perfect.

And mine.

I saw my phone charging on the nightstand and decided to see if I’d gotten any texts from my mom or anybody important. I reached over Logan but, even stretching as far as my arms would let me, I couldn’t grab it.

Logan just sat there and stared at me.

“A little help?” I laughed.

He grabbed my phone and held it JUST out of my reach.

“Really, Logan?” I said. “You’re gonna be THAT guy?”

“You have to earn it.” He smiled.

I cocked an eyebrow. “I have to EARN my phone?”

He nodded, that grin still plastered on his face, accompanied by his dimples that deepened with every word he said.

I looked up at him, then smiled seductively. Slowly, I made my way closer to his face and softly pressed my lips against his, moving them slowly. My hand gently lied on his cheek, and I felt his arm relax. The second it did, I snatched my phone and sat back against the window with my legs lying overtop of Logan’s.

“Really, (YN)?” He said, mocking me. “You’re gonna be THAT girl?”

I winked at him then unlocked my phone to see I had one new message.

“I just wanted to check my texts.” I laughed. “Don’t hate on me.”

I clicked on the little iMessage icon to see who it was from.

My eyes widened in shock as I read it. I knew Logan could feel my body tense up and that something was off because he looked at me with confusion. The shock left my face and was replaced with my ultimate emotion at the time....I was dumbfounded. Beyond belief.

“Who’s it from?”

I looked back up at him, my eyebrows furrowed. “It’s from David.”

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We're gonna keep it short and simple.... Karma's a bitch.